Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"And my... 'partner'... whom I ju'th't met a moment ago when he tried to kill me?I'th behind you." the boy spoke about his partners whereabouts and Kalyn's eyes went wide. She spun around and held her lightsaber out in front of her. The man was ready to attack, if it hadn't been for the boy something worse would've happened. From his attire she could tell this guy was bad news. An assassin or mercenary she'd guess. "Who're you?!" She asked the man, still in a defensive stance.

| [member="Harry Trichosia"] | [member="Kaz Kūhiō"] |
[member="Kalyn Tyree"] turns her back on Harry. Harry, still armed with his bowcaster, wonders if this is it. Is this when he becomes an assassin? He couldn't even say assassin, let alone kill people. I mean, maybe, in self defense, but, in cold blood? No, it's time to make a choice about what kind of man he's going to be... after he grows up, that is.

"He'th probably hiding. Look, can we ju'th't get out of here? I can't go home--it'th not th'afe--but I don't want to th'tay here and get killed, either."

[member="Kaz Kūhiō"]
"You won't get killed, you're just a kid, you're under my protection now. But I need to find the other man." She looks around and sees he isn't here, at least not that she could see. She gave the area a suspicious look before turning back to the young one. "What can you tell me about the other man?" She asked politely.

| [member="Harry Trichosia"] | @Kaz Kūhiō

"You won't get killed, you're just a kid, you're under my protection now. But I need to find the other man." She looks around and sees he isn't here, at least not that she could see. She gave the area a suspicious look before turning back to the young one. "What can you tell me about the other man?" She asked politely.

| [member="Harry Trichosia"] | [member="Kaz Kūhiō"] |
[member="Kalyn Tyree"] asks where the other guy is.

"Ju'th't a k--look, how many a'th'a'th'in'th [assassins] have you met in your lifetime? I've ju'th't met the one, but that wa'th enough. I don't know where he i'th, or who, but I know I don't want to be here. He can hide him'th'elf in here--do you really think--" Harry looks worried as he scans the room. "We th'ould be leaving now."
the young boy looked around as if something was worrying him, scanning the area. "We th'ould be leaving now." He says. Kalyn gets back into the defensive, "Why? What's wrong?" She asks wanting to know what was happening and more specifically where that assassin was. She didn't like not knowing where he was.

[member="Harry Trichosia"]
Harry rolls his eyes. "Gee, I wonder. I ju'th't told you."

Harry remembers watching holodramas about the Jedi rushing in and saving people and killing bad guys. But, here he is, a damsel in distress, and the Jedi is just standing around. Would Duke Starkiller just stand around? Or Jan Yolo and his trusty pal Chowborka? Harry is starting to regret running away. He wants his freedom, to be a smuggler--err, a legitimate business man like Jan Yolo. But, first, he has to get away from the creepy assassin who showed up on his ship and threatened to kill him for no reason. And, now, a Jedi bounty hunter. Who knew that was a thing?

"Are you ju'th't gonna th'tand around until he reveal'th him'th'elf and put'th a knife through my eye'th'ocket? I mu'th't've mi'th'ed that part of the Jedi Code: No emo'th'un, only pea'th, U'th kid'th a'th human th'ield'th [use kids as human shields] while you hunt bad guy'th."
Kalyn side glanced at the kid with a raised eyebrow and an exasperated look as the boy started telling her off. After one final glance over the room and not finding any sign of the assassin she hooked her saber back onto her belt, "..Children." She muttered, sighing. "C'mon, I'll take you back to my ship and we can leave the assassin here." She said, grabbing the boys wrist and leading him to the entrance to her own ship. "And I wouldn't have let him harm you, Jedi protect those in need."

| [member="Harry Trichosia"] |
Harry follows the Jedi back to her ship, glancing behind himself as he goes, each step more paranoid than the last. As they get into the narrow hallway connecting the two ships, he's shaking. Assassins, he thinks to himself, how did I get mixed up with assassins?

"And I wouldn't have let him harm you, Jedi protect those in need," says [member="Kalyn Tyree"] as she leads Harry.

Yeah, until they don't, thinks Harry, rolling his eyes.

Harry waits until they're on the other side of the hatch to ask, "So, where are we going? I take it by your clothes you don't want to hang around in Mando space forever."
Kalyn could feel with the Force that the boy was not 100% comfortable here, he was scared, she assumed because of the assassin. Once they reached the hatch to her own ship the boy spoke once again, "So, where are we going?I take it by your clothes you don't want to hang around in Mando space forever." Kalyn looked towards the boy as she entered the code to unlock the shaft, "No, as a matter of fact I don't want to stay out here." She repleid before the door parted and opened, allowing for entrance. She stepped inside, the door shutting once her and the boy had entered. "And as for your question as to where we are going, that is entirely up to you, where do you want to go. You mentioned you didn't want to go back home, and I'm not going to force you to." She answered.

[member="Harry Trichosia"]

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