Moira Skaldi
Paperclip Maximiser
@[member="Anya Venari"]
Moira noted that the Princess was irritable, but obviously did not care at all and the glare did not faze her. The opinion of most people did not matter to her. "I shall naturally not stand in the way your desire for righteous heroism and heavy risks." she said very deadpan in a dull monotone. Assuredly she would be proven right quite soon. It was no surprise to her that Kerrigan liked the elf so much...beyond the obvious reasons of course.
As the Gunship took off and the pilot accelerated the engines to full speed she noticed HK taking the leap up into the shuttle, escaping just in time as the segment crashed down into the fathomless pit. While the ground trembled and quaked, what was left of the city sinking into the abyss, their craft sped north towards the epicentre, past open fissures and craters so wide it looked like baradium bombs had been thrown onto them from orbit and detonated. The entire planet was a wasteland, even more so than before their coming, like a warzone. As they came closer the tremors intensified, gaining in strength and viciousness, new fissures were violently ripped open, exposing rocks and rivers of hot lava that were beginning to wash across the land. Soon Zonyu would be a death world, a new Tartaros.
Moira noted that the Princess was irritable, but obviously did not care at all and the glare did not faze her. The opinion of most people did not matter to her. "I shall naturally not stand in the way your desire for righteous heroism and heavy risks." she said very deadpan in a dull monotone. Assuredly she would be proven right quite soon. It was no surprise to her that Kerrigan liked the elf so much...beyond the obvious reasons of course.
As the Gunship took off and the pilot accelerated the engines to full speed she noticed HK taking the leap up into the shuttle, escaping just in time as the segment crashed down into the fathomless pit. While the ground trembled and quaked, what was left of the city sinking into the abyss, their craft sped north towards the epicentre, past open fissures and craters so wide it looked like baradium bombs had been thrown onto them from orbit and detonated. The entire planet was a wasteland, even more so than before their coming, like a warzone. As they came closer the tremors intensified, gaining in strength and viciousness, new fissures were violently ripped open, exposing rocks and rivers of hot lava that were beginning to wash across the land. Soon Zonyu would be a death world, a new Tartaros.