Beautiful, isn't she?
Drack smirked and shrugged. He'd been trained by Mandalorian commandoes and his time in the One Sith's arena had given him more than enough brawling experience.
"You're on."
The pair met in the training room, a mostly pale white paneled room with a glowing datapad on both ends of the room meant to set various combat simulations and training missions. Drack's hands were wrapped and he wore tighter fitting athletic clothes meant for sparing. His finger hovered over various arenas. He settled on a simple, primitive one.
"This work for you?"
[member="Ava Cartwright"]
"You're on."
The pair met in the training room, a mostly pale white paneled room with a glowing datapad on both ends of the room meant to set various combat simulations and training missions. Drack's hands were wrapped and he wore tighter fitting athletic clothes meant for sparing. His finger hovered over various arenas. He settled on a simple, primitive one.
"This work for you?"
[member="Ava Cartwright"]