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A New Dawn For Corellia [Corellian Confederation Rebellion of Corellia vs New Republic ]

Jaius Sovv

"As a matter of policy, the New Republic does not," Vice Chancellor Sovv explained, nodding in understanding at the confusion, "But there are still a few agents who maintain a more personal interest, and they pass their findings along to me. We've lost so much in the past five years, I feel a certain sense of duty to piece as much of it back together as I am able."

[member="Lisza Starseeker"] did not know how far the sullustan's information network ran. Ever since his time as Grand Moff Fortan's guest and prisoner, Jaius had taken a keen interest with chess. Now he was looking at the whole board. Even a few state secrets, such as the rebel base in the nearby Kiris Asteroid Cluster that her government tolerated was known to him. The Aliiance-in-Exile had lost many good pilots liberating Corellia from Sith oversight, and Corellians always paid their debts sooner or later. Yet even without the his unique insight, her assessment of the situation was more or less correct. Save for her own Green Jedi, Tython Command had been the last bastion of light in the deep core. Their loss was a cruel blow.

"On the contrary, Corellia is now my sole priority," he answered Lisza's question, no doubt drawing a look of surprise, "I'm afraid you'll have to wait for an official representative to discuss terms. As of one hour ago I transmitted my resignation to Chancellor Fati. Captain?"

"I formally request political asylum on behalf of myself and my crew," Lockwood recited the words as if he had been practicing them all morning.

"Kuat was a catastrophe," Sovv offered by way of explanation, "Not just the needless loss of life, it also challenged the Republic's capacity to protect its borders. The SIS is all but gutted, countless operations blown with the mass release of classified intelligence. So far the public doesn't know the true extent of the damage, but morale is fractured. I anticipate military support for the Senate will collapse in a matter of weeks."

Jaius paused to dab the beading sweat from his brow with an embroidered handkerchief. So many words at once was enough to take a physical toll on him these days. He took another moment to catch his breath.

"I am sure many will say I am abandoning the people I swore an oath to serve in their hour of need. But after much consideration, I fail to see how going down with the ship will serve anyone. Now is the time we must save what we can, and Corellia is our last best hope for the future. Alderaan has been through too much, we can ask no more of Queen Organa. You and I may have our differences of opinion on Imperial containment, but we both agree that a strong Confederation is good for the Core. We are here to offer our services, such as they are, to help keep it that way during this crisis."
Her eyes widened in shock as the words fell from the captain's mouth and onto her ears. Political Asylum? She shook the shock from her face and blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't in some sort of strange vision.

"I don't have the authority to accept your asylum," she started, "But I do have the power to protect you until we get you to someone who can. Both of you, come with me. We'll talk more on the way." She started for the door, expecting them to follow. When she passed by the captain she stopped and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you for bringing your crew here safely Captain. We need more like you in this Galaxy." She placed a hand on his shoulder and continued, trusting that the others were following. Her heels clicked on the floor as they headed to the hangar and shuttle that would take them to the surface. On the way she was notified of a New Republic senator who was trying to reach Corellian Parliament. She didn't recognize the name, indicating he was newly inducted, or from one of the smaller systems which in either case she felt bad that she didn't recognize it.

"Parliament will want to hear whatever you have to say Sovv, especially any experience you have with this Graf. We know he was First Order Navy and we have battle records, but other than that...We know next to nothing about the CIC. They've got a thick durasteel curtain around their controlled sectors...Intelligence is apparently finding it hard to get in."

[member="Jaius Sovv"]

Jaius Sovv

"By all means lead the way," Sovv gestured, programming his hoverchair to follow Starseeker's route automatically.

Lockwood fell in at the sullustan's side, still taking his duty as bodyguard to the now ex-Vice Chancellor most seriously. Most of Executive Two's crew were ex-GA, so a political crisis of this scope and nature was not a new experience for them. Jaius could not help but wonder if life in the Core would ever be the same again, it seemed the moment one threat subsided another loomed to take its place. The Imperial Confederation was simply the latest in a long line of violent opportunism that years of near sociopolitical anarchy had cultivated.

"Thank you ma'am," Lockwood embraced her compliment with typical military humility, "It was a difficult decision for the crew. Some of our families may think us deserters, but we want to help keep the Core safe any way we can."

Their trip to the station hangars was a mostly uneventful one, save only for the delivery of news that an official Republic representative had finally arrived. Senator [member="Lux Berooken"], Jaius recognized the name but confessed he didn't know much of the man either save that he was a junior senator who represented Sarapin. No doubt he was a good man, that was what pained Sovv the most. The New Republic was dedicated to the same dream, but they were trapped in fear of their predecessor's shadow. Too afraid of their own executive body, too willing to concede.

"Tanomas a dangerous man, and not to be underestimated," Jaius paused to consider while they boarded a Corellian Defense Force shuttle, "He's a true a point. Graf has a kind of personal code, but he's also a ruthless pragmatist who is in love with his own ego and harbors a fundamental disrespect for non-Imperial ideology."

He shrugged his shoulders at the former senator's reaction to his comprehensive answer, "Mind you, I've never met the man. But the SIS helped extract him from First Order space after his first falling out with Natas-with the Grand Moff. I could perhaps obtain a copy of his Alliance dossier if given some time to track it down."

Cycling engines drowned out their conversation until the shuttle's hatch was shut and sealed.

"Your parliament and I have much to discuss," Jaius fixed [member="Lisza Starseeker"] with a sympathetic smile, "I know the instinct to protect our own first is strong, but I happen to be old friends with Duro's Chief Representative Officer. If Corellia reached out, the High House would listen. Diplomacy can at times be as much a weakness, but there will always be strength in numbers."
Corellia Orbit
405th Fighter Squadron
​Attached to CDF Dregan's Pike

"S-foils into attack position. Hold for now, but stay alert, Wildcats. Don't know how this is going down yet," Ava conveyed to her squadron while on a vector to intercept the unknown fleet.

The first impression made it a tenuous situation for the Corellian Defense Fleet stationed above Corellia. The arrival of the other fleet was confusing at best. Immediately they started using their long range weapons, but thankfully they were too far out to cause any damage. Then, just as suddenly the firing stopped and the ships dispersed out of their battle formation. Goldie knew Admiral [member="Dracken Pryce"] had tried to hail the fleet earlier without a definitive answer... Now it would be her turn.

Ava opened a channel directed at [member="Grand Admiral Cypher Raige"] and his ships.

"This is Commander Cartwright of the Corellian Defense Force to the Unknown Fleet before us. You have entered Corellia air space, and in a rather bold way I must add. Immediately power down your weapons and state your purpose here, or your actions will be considered hostile and dealt with accordingly. You have ten seconds to comply, over."

Goldilock's R9 unit started the clock ticking down on the flight console's data screen in her X-wing. Like I can't count or something... Gah?! Time would only tell if this would turn into just a case of diplomacy or aggressive negotiations. She knew that Dracken was probably standing on the bridge of the Resurgent-class Battlecruiser balling his fists right about now...
"Commander Cartwright this is Prime Minister Valcho of the United Galactic Federation. We are here because you declared independence from the New Republic. By doing this you have opened the door for a CIC invasion. My fleet is at your highest ranking officers disposal. I am truly sorry if our attempt to show support was seen as hostile. I also require to talk to Senator [member="Lisza Starseeker"] to discuss a matter of uttermost importance. Valcho Out." said the Prime Minister to Commander Cartwright.

[member="Ava Cartwright"]
"Senator were being hailed on the holo by the Chancellors office they would like to speak with you, and from what I can tell it's not good news"

"Great just what I need" Lux said sarcastically before getting up from his seat and being walked to what he hoped was a secure room but these days no conversations ever stayed secret for long. He pressed the button on the base of the machince and there was a flash of light, but no image came after it. He pressed the button again but nothing happend "Does anything on this planet work the way that it's supposed to" he was angry and tired, he hadn't been home in weeks. Frustrated with the whole mission he was on he kicked the holo terminal and suddenly there was a flash and an image of the Chancellors secretary came to life in front of him.

"Senator Berooken we have some infromation that you may find important, a few hours ago the Chancellor was infromed that by the Vice Chancellor that he would be stepping down and leaving the government. We think that he is seeking asylum on Corellia"

Lux was shocked to say the least he had never actually met the man but he couldn't imagine that someone could just walk away from a post that important."

"So your telling me that [member="Jaius Sovv"] just quite and now he seeking asylum on the planet that I'm trying to negotiate with, do you have any idea how much harder this makes things."

"Sorry Senator but we wanted to make sure that you hade all the infromation on the situation before you began any talks."

He nodded and ended the transmission turning to one of his aids "I need you to draft a fromal letter from to [member="Lisza Starseeker"] and [member="Jaius Sovv"] tell them that it's not to late to save the situation and improve realtions bewteen our groups but in order for that to happen they need to come to the table and speak to the New Republic and stress that there could be a number of personal incentives for them if things go according go well"
She nodded in understanding as the old man spoke. With the fracturing of the First Order many elements of their regime would no doubt slowly break out onto the Galactic Stage. Graf was the first, but she had no doubt that he wouldn't be the last and while peace was Corellia's ultimate goal there were a large group of Corellian leaders that wished to see the Core stabilized, though what form that would take and where Corellia herself stood was a discussion for another time.

For now they needed to secure their boarders and Sovv was right, Duro would be a prime ally.

"We would appreciate any help you could offer in that. Duro hasn't considered itself a part of the Corellian Sector in many centuries but with the New Republic in the state that it is I feel with your help they could be convinced to join us."

The shuttle lifted off from the hangar and traveled to the surface. The shuttle landed near the Government District at a spaceport where the group was quickly and quietly whisked away to the Corellian Council. Once there both Sovv and Starseeker were informed that [member="Lux Berooken"] and [member="Grand Admiral Cypher Raige"] wished audiences and would be arriving shortly. Thankfully as of yet there had been no aggressive strike from the New Republic.

[member="Jaius Sovv"]
"Wildcat Squadron...Stand down for now. We've got a different mission for you. We're going to have you escort the Coalition Fleet to Centerpoint Shipyards. Their vessels are scheduled for refit and repair." He paused for a few second before turning off his admiralty voice and letting the real Pryce out. "I know this is a pretty tense time right now, lets just get these guys into the docks and get home. I'm buying now." He looked out of the viewport on the bridge of his Resurgent, still something he wasn't used to saying let alone thinking.

"Admiral Raige, stay your troop transports. One of our squadrons will escort your transport to the ground. We'll radio ahead for you." He wasn't quite sure who this man was, but he vaguely remembered him at the battle of Kuat. He had been quick to fire then too if he recalled correctly.

A pair of Bothan Cruisers floated into formation with the Outer Rim Coalition fleet and hailed the lead ship to follow.

[member="Grand Admiral Cypher Raige"] [member="Ava Cartwright"] [member="Khar Garak"]

Jaius Sovv

New Coronet was certainly a sight to behold.

Jaius had not set foot on Corellian soil since its days as a member world of the Alliance. His obligations as Vice Chancellor had kept him for the most part confined to Republic City on Carida. It was easy to lose perspective, trapped inside on a high gravity world that could have easily exacerbated his ill health if he exposed himself to its atmosphere unshielded. Corellia had its own quirks of nature, after all the New Republic's capital world didn't require Helljumpers to safeguard their population from being overrun by netherworld monstrosities. But here in the Government District, it still felt something like the Core of old during an era of peace. He had almost forgotten that feeling.

"It gives me no pleasure to see our noble work undone," he fixed [member="Lisza Starseeker"] with a sorrowful gaze, "It gives me even less to take an active role in its undoing, but the people of Duro deserve the same choice as Corellia."

He paused short of the steps leading up to the Capitol Tower where the Corellian Council often convened, waiting for Lisza to notice his absence before adjusting his hoverchair to face her as she turned.

"Would you like me to abstain from your meeting with the senator?" Jaius asked her, "I am something of puzzle, after all. No longer with the Republic, but not quite Corellian. My presence could...complicate matters."
Flagship: UGFS Freedom
Allies: United Galactic Federation, Corellian Confederation

" Admiral Treviex you have the bridge. If Admiral Pryce orders you to do anything do it." Said Valcho to the somewhat displaced Admiral. He signalled for his Clone Bodyguards to escort him to the hangar bay. Wait. Did Pryce call him [member="Cypher Rage"]. The mad man who was a Major in the Confederacy of Independent Systems. His injury is bad. He did not work for the trigger happy empire that is the CIS. " Commander, send a signal to Minister Greodu and let him know that I am fine and he needs to do his job." ordered Valcho. His Minister of War was deeply concerned for his safety but it'll pass. Now he would talk to the Confederation's Parliment and go on with his job as the Prime Minister of the United Galactic Federation.
Corellia Orbit
405th Fighter Squadron
​Attached to CDF Dregan's Pike
[member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Khar Garak"]

"Did you hear that 'cats... The Admiral said he's buying," Ava quipped over the ship to ship channel with her squadron, which got a series of whoops and hollers, then she clicked back over to the CDF tactical channel. Even Squeak tootled his approval.

"Roger that, Pike Actual. We'll see you on the other side," the Commander replied.

And with that said, Goldilocks snap rolled her snubfighter and veered away from the UGF fleet, setting a new course for the ORC vessels lumbering their way through Corellian space towards the Centerpoint Shipyards. The other eleven orange and black X-wings followed suit, then Wildcat Squadron formed up in an escort pattern along side the ships from the Coalition.

"Coalition Fleet, this is Wildcat Leader... We've got you covered to your destination. Welcome to Corellia."
LOCATION: Entering Corellian system
ABOARD: ORCS Aquila Transcendence
MISSION: Bringing the old girl home for refit and repairs
PARTNER: [member="Dracken Pryce"] [member="Ava Cartwright"]​

As the two Corellian cruisers came into formation around the lumbering super carrier they adjusted heading and acknowledged the hails.

"This is the Aquila Transcendence, thank you wildcat leader for that warm welcome. Confirmed we will make best speed to Centerpoint station. Lead on, we will follow."

Admiral Garak looked over to his first office again. As they were lead through the system to their final destination. He could see the look of consternation on his officers face.

"This ship was built here Gwe'kio, by a government that's light was snuffed out far to early. I know you would rather it be Coalition hands the complete the refit but was have few ship yards capable of handing a ship this size. No we need Corellia, under Republic control or free they have the means and motive to bring the Aquila back to her former glory, not this lumbering beast she has been reduced to. They need us too, without the republic to buy their ships they need business from outside sources, and we fit that bill to be sure. Who knows how long the lizards will be able to keep the Sharukans occupied, it may be months, or even weeks. I for one want to have every ship and vessel ready to greet them on their return. So to center point we go..."

Selinica Miriya Cailis

Location: Temple de Uhl Verta Chielo, Sahsahlah Mountains, Corellia​
Task: Observance​
With: TBD/No-one​
Home was a funny thing. Ask anyone what home was to them, you'll get a different answer - to some, it's a notion of the heart, or perhaps wherever the goverment or militia sends them. Some had more than one place that earned such a name, and others eschewed the concept in its entirety. For Sel, it was a bit of everything, but in more than one way, Corellia was as much the definition of home as it could get, pains of the past long faded. Finding it broken by the Netherworld's abuses wrenched something in her own heart she had thought was dead, the passing of her parents - more her father than her mother - from that disaster causing a heady mix of release and sorrow. Since, though not firmly tethered, she spent more time planetside, honouring the memory of those who tethered her to this place in her formative years, and giving all she could to the cause of the people from her family's own estate and the knit of her personal fortune and to-that-point untouched inheritance.

And that of the Jedi, even with both her connections within and without to the Green Jedi absent - one with 'personal matters' for the explanation, and the other even less - the seed had been planted. Though not one to sink days into courting the darkness, the 'sanctity' of the utmost light was hard to accept as ruling doctrine in her life. She was still, in a word, flirting. But she was here, and for her own philosophical bent, it meshed fine considering the off-kilter ways of Corellian Jedi since time immemorial... plus the younger lightlings tended to profess a fascination with the way she bent light, or any other manner in which she unfolded illusion for those wide eyes. It tugged at something deeper. The other tug, deeper still, was what pulled her to the temple this day, outside of her usual schedule.

Sometimes you could feel a political shift in the local strands of the universe. Change of any variety had impact, and some impacts vibrated those cords - the holistic connectivity of the Force - much more than others. This was a shift that had consequence, good in the minds of many to be certain. It thrummed with the Corellian heart: strong, independent, decisive. For all the involvement that Jedi were not to have in the political, as per tradition, it affected the temple no less and discussions buzzed amongst the temple residents over where things would go from here, what of their connections and agreements would remain intact and how. Most, they knew, depended on the Academy Network, and suffered nothing from things. Others, within the fracturing Republic, could be at risk.

Another tug, this one at her sleeve, drew her narrowed eyes away from the sky - the younglings had found her. Little Itari begged a story at the behest of her peers, from all of whom Sel gathered a feeling of anxiety. They felt it too. She pursed her lips, thinking a moment, then took Itari's small hand in her own.

"I think I know just the tale," she assured with a cordial smile, dimming the light in her wake as the girl lead her to a cozy corner where they were gathered, "Just the thing."
She turned to look at the now ex-Vice Chancellor of the New Republic and gave him a flash of a smirk before she shrugged.

"I think that complexity is exactly what we need to communicate with Lux, that this isn't just as straightforward as the New Republic seems to believe. They think we're an enigma, a bump in their road. You being there alongside us, even under asylum, will drive home the fact that we are unshakable in our conviction." She understood his position. The second galactic power to fall with his name attached, more people left behind to pick up the pieces. She understood not wanting to be a part of something like this, but the Core had been a tumultuous place ever since the Republic fell almost twenty years ago and Corellia had seen some of the worst of it.

She folded her arms across her chest and gave the most reassuring smile she could muster, not that Sovv would be swayed by her display.

"He's probably waiting for us now. Let us meet him."

[member="Jaius Sovv"] [member="Grand Admiral Cypher Raige"] [member="Lux Berooken"]
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
About forty percent of Jerec's job was bound up in writing and answering holonet messages with other players at Corporate.

JA: As guessed, looks like a full-blown independence movement.
QZ: Can you leverage corellian connection?
JA: What mine?
QZ: Yes
JA: Grew up here pre-breaking, most contacts cold but will see what I can do
QZ: Understood. Can you be at Coronet City docks in 5hrs to shepherd pkg delivery?
JA: No problem. What package
QZ: APG, yours and mine.
JA: Can I at least know how big, make arrangements?
QZ: 20x20x60m secure shipping container. Arrange for transport insystem.
JA: Client?
QZ: APG, yours and mine. Recog 'Silverthorn' - handoff site TBD.
JA: You serious? We can't even know who the client is?
QZ: Sensitive situation. No surprise right?
JA: We taking sides?
QZ: Actually do know that. Corporate is working with Corellian interests.
JA: 'Corellian interests' could mean an awful lot
QZ: Lol ya

Keiran Berus

[member="Selinica Miriya Cailis"]

He walked.

The temple he walked through was home. He had spent time in the temple, teaching the next generations the skills he had gained throughout his life. He enjoyed teaching what he could, the skills that had kept him alive more than once. He was too old to be of any other use to the Jedi, teaching was at least something he could do. It made him feel less useless, made him feel like he was helping keep the Corellian Jedi kicking.

The temple was somewhere he could relax, somewhere he could think about things.

Except he couldn't, not on this day. With the New Republic fractured, the Corellian Government was striking out and demanding Corellian Independance. The discussion was loud throughout the temple, everyone with their own opinion. While the worries of the temple occupants were loud, there was one voice louder. The voice of unity, the Green Jedi unified behind Corellia and her people. The Green Jedi would always side with Corellia.

The Green Jedi was weak, though.

The Green Jedi leadership was non-existant, they were just keeping themsleves afloat. They had no-one they could turn to for advice and guidance. He was hoping that the Corellian Government would pay some more attention to The Jedi once they were through the independance transition period. The Government may be able to help them rebuild until such a time that they could stand alone once again, ready to help Corellia with whatever it needed.

He walked into a small room, looking at the younglings that had filled it. There was a woman in the corner, telling them a story. He stood in the corner, armed crossed, blending in with the shadows. The children that filled the room were all young, full of life and talent that they would someday be able to show off to the galaxy. The woman telling the story was someone that he didn't recognise, but she looked happy to be telling the story. She looked happy to be caring for the children.

He smiled, and waited.
Lux was aware how unprecedented this meeting was sitting down with two people that were on the opposite side of negotiations that would could have dire implications on the future of the New Republic and by extension his own future, but as they say some things have to be done for the greater good. In his heart he honestly believed that Corellia would be better off in the NR than outside so in a way he was trying convince them to do something that was in there best interest which was always easier.

He had two briefs with him that he'd had his staff write up earlier they weren't much in fact they weren't filled with a lot of information just brief summaries on strategic the interest of the NR and how they lined up with those of Corellia the vanilla folders in his hand were just the opening to how he would start the negotiations, he planned to rely on his personal charm and charisma to persuade [member="Lisza Starseeker"] and [member="Jaius Sovv"] of seeing his way on the future relationship between the two governments.

Jaius Sovv

Corellia had been through much in the past decade, but you wouldn't know it from within the heart of the government district. Local craftsmanship was second to none, and the grandeur of the Corellian Council was much as it was in the days of Old Coronet. Their meeting with [member="Lux Berooken"] had been scheduled in Lisza's private chambers, once offices reserved for the Senator and now in limbo as Jaius gathered her political position within a new independent Corellia was for now uncertain. Starseeker knew these halls well, and so the sullustan felt content to admire the scenery as she led him to their destination.

Senator Berooken was waiting outside Lisza's offices when they arrived, and he was politely invited inside by [member="Lisza Starseeker"] as initial pleasantries were exchanged.

"Before we begin," Jaius interjected as soon as each of them had settled in, "I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the senator for consenting to my presence during this discussion. If I had known who had been selected as representative I would have informed you of my travel plans, but when I made the decision to step down I surrendered all access to secure political channels."

Sovv imagined Berooken might feel he was caught in some kind of trap. It had not been the ex-Vice Chancellor's intention to deceive, although the two of them disagreed on the Republic's future prospects there were limits to how far Jaius was willing to go to achieve his own ends. Corellia's fate was in the hands of its people, for all intents and purposes he was here as an interested third party. In that spirit, he would allow Lisza to take the lead for now. He imagined both she and Lux had much to say to one another.

Selinica Miriya Cailis

Location: Temple de Uhl Verta Chielo, Sahsahlah Mountains, Corellia​
Task: Observance​
With: [member="Keiran Berus"]​
Her tales were dredged up from times long before her, times alongside her, and intersecting with her days. Some were history or reality with a tweak to the truth, others fiction or legends gathered from years traversing the galaxy, but this variety of woven words, seeming to matter not as to genre, could gather the attentions of the very young to a chiseled point. When possible, when necessary, the tale was relevant to the moment, or used to convey a lesson. This art helped breed understanding, and send the younglings out on life better adjusted to manage themselves, and connect with the worlds before them. It fostered critical thinking. After ten minutes with their minds under her gentle influence - what illusion was - the play of images and words dissipated into nothing, and the questions hummed for those who hadn't been put entirely to sleep. After a further five minutes of fielding queries, Sel thanked them for their patience, and smiled through being called 'Master Sel' in their thanks, despite her discomfort with the moniker since their very first meeting.

Knowing there would always be another along in short order to tend to them, her soft blues turned to the older observer who'd joined them partway in. Though age could say little as to expertise - some masters were very young, and some padawans rather on in years - the feel of his presence dictated to her a much more well-worn experience. When he remained after a moment, attention still trained more on her than anything else while she made for the egress, she got the hint, and paused on her way out.

"Fond of tales, Master Jedi, or is it my brain you want to pick?"

It was either or, in most cases. Philosophical discourse or debate with the knights and masters of the temple could be a treat. You really learned their pulse, that way. Tipping her head to indicate he should follow, Sel slipped out of the room and into the corridor.
Talk about enemy territory standing in the private chambers of [member="Lisza Starseeker"] was a good sign that maybe he wasn't going to have to press as much as he orginally had thought. Listeing intently to the words spoken by [member="Jaius Sovv"], it wasn't really an option for the man to be involved in the talks seeing as though he had made himself a pressing issue that would have to be resolved at some point, but that was for later right now he offered the former Vice Chancllor a warm smile he didn't need things to be more tense.

"It is no problem at all Jaius I am just happy to see that you are alive and well though I do wish that we were meeting under less troubling times" sliding the folders that he had brought with him on the table "I know that you are just as invsted in the future of Corellia as I am and it is my firm belief that the three of us can solve this situation in a way that all sides can say works for them. As a former Vice Chancellor you know the strategic importance of Corellia to the New Republic and I hope that you understand that while there have have been...setbacks we all need to stand toegther against our common foes. The New Republic isn't finished yet despite what you may have heard on the holo net and we would like Corellia to be part of our future." turning away from the two of them and he paced back and fourth "I am aware that the democratic vote by the government complicates things but I do hope that we can find a way forward together.

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