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A New Mandalore

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Well, the problem with the 'false' Mandalore- is that there can only exist one Mandalore. So what you could do instead, is create a group of dissented Mandalorians that maybe have an insurrection on a Mandalorian controlled planet. But to be Mandalore, you have to claim the title by taking the title after the current Mandalore dies, or defeating the current Mandalore in combat. No true Mandalorian at the current moment would step away from [member="Azrael"] because another Mandalorian claimed to be the new Mandalore, they'd have to take it.

It's a rite of passage.

But if, you want to create something like the, then that'd be different.
[member="Jerrick Shado"]

Good luck besting him in single honorable combat. Azrael is no pushover.

If you were a smart Merc though you'd stay loyal. I'm sure I'll see some pay raises' and get to keep fighting for the side I like when combat breaks out.
Anija Ordo said:
You must be a Mandalorian character to be Mand'alor, and if I understand correctly, non-mandos have zero say in who the Mandalorian leader is.
I'm just.. I'm just gonna say it..

One of the major things about Mandos is that basically anyone can become one. With the whole it's about the pillars, not bloodlines etc.. So uh.. Not seeing this limiting anyone..

Which is awesome! Because story! Do I think it will succeed? I dunno about that, but it could be fun to write!
Chiasa Kritivaas said:
I'm just.. I'm just gonna say it..

One of the major things about Mandos is that basically anyone can become one. With the whole it's about the pillars, not bloodlines etc.. So uh.. Not seeing this limiting anyone..

Which is awesome! Because story! Do I think it will succeed? I dunno about that, but it could be fun to write!
Yes.... but. From what I know of primeval they don't want to become Mandalorians. Their whole purpose is to purge the galaxy. IC this would seem an attempt to create a rival....or even a puppet ruler on their part. Though.... I could be reading it wrong. Who knows.
With my recent additions in Primeval territory (Bastion and Dubrillon) I would be very interested in helping a Mandalorian to the position of Mand'alor. Of course I write as [member="Vilox Pazela"] as well so I'd be involved regardless.
The only reason why I even said anything is because I've been places where the Mand'alor was chosen by the board admins. The mando faction membership didn't get to choose. I feel that such a thing should be left to the Mandalorian membership. Not the site admins and not another faction to determine.

That being said, while from an ic standpoint this could get tense, it could be interesting.
I would say it's totally in the bounds of technology, in star wars, to be capable of fabricating an entire story from nothing and presenting it in a realistic and believable format...Say, the transition of power from one leader to another.

I mean, they can practically do that with real world tech now, computer generated, so... I don't see why a star wars faction couldn't. And... It would be a great story. ;)
The only problem with creating another faction of the Mandalorians is that death watch faught other mandilorian a because they weren't starying to the true Mandilorian way. To creat a new Faction Gould have to find a problem that other Mandilorian could fall behind. That can't be easy as the current faction in charge has and probably keep the most members unless the new manda'lor losses lots of planets or doesn't stay true to the Mandilorian code of honor. Then another Goverment can step up to possible replace the old one. That just a theory though.
Love the idea.


Oh by they way, I need to talk to you mandos. You know. About me joining? *As Xander who has no affiliation with the Primeval at all.*

So if anyone would like to help me with that.... that would be great.
[member="Anija Ordo"], No I get what you mean.

Mandos are very loyal and will only trust themselves. So anything else that comes up saying they are Mandalorian as well is kind of like you being a big kid and having a party that a select number like, and then all of a sudden someone decides to make their own party and go against your own and contest with you.

It's kind of a bozo-no-no cus the Mandos will come down on you so hard like I do with my hammer on my foes.

Now really, its all about the story, so in essence,

Primeval is trying to start shit with the Mandos by
  1. Taking over two planets
  2. Make their own "Deathwatch/Dark Mandos" subfaction
  3. Make you guys mad.
At least, that's what I take of it.

The whole idea is to get everyone to side with either the Mandos, or the Primeval in essence.
[member="Xander Carrick"] I get that. Just reminds me of similar things that happened other places where the mandos were taken over by another faction. The Mand'alor was then decided by site staff because said faction wouldn't let the mandos sort it icly. I just don't want to see that happen again.
[member="Anija Ordo"], Then we can restrict that.

As you said, it all depends on IC motive. So I am guessing that they can restrict it by coming up with some kind of resolution.

And realistically, Even if the Mandos were taken over by the primeval, there would still be the loyalists or those left behind who won't go under the rule of the Primeval.
  • You don't just walk in and become a Mandalorian, there's a rite of passage.
  • Mandalorians as of right now are more or less universally loyal to [member="Azrael"] because of his leadership and eligibility. (totes gonna take credit for it)
  • Mandalorians would be suspicious of someone relatively unproven or new becoming or challenging for Mandalore out of the blue.
  • Preliat would probably challenge them if they somehow manage to beat Azrael, who has defeated a great number of foes in singular combat.

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