Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Party of Crowns (PM for Invite)

[member="Lucien Cordel"]

"Curious, and here i was thinking that Serenno was run by the mandalorians and who ever they put in charge was the one who was truly the 'leader''. Cant say im surprised, ive met many from there and some of those that are above the others are those of the past like Dooku... then there are those of the current ilk. Its a shame to see so many from there against eachother..." He kept his voice low so as that Lucien was the only one that heard. Only down did he raise his voice though. "I must say though, that you should get to know our hostess a bit better. Shes a very inviting conversationalist. Do take the woman a flower for me though, im sure there is one some where around here."
Nimue only nodded to [member="Sempra the Hutt"] as he explained any and all liftstyles of interest when it came to the Hutts; or at least when it came to him. Thoough she was soon supsirsed to see everyone else already out, about, and speaking among one another. Even Solan Charr seemed to be taken with the man who'd only recently entered and addressed himself as [member="Lucien Cordel"] . The nae was familiar to Nimue though. She knew him from the Fringe terrtories, back when she still had dealings with them. These days their power had dwindled into a quiet memory that only so few remembered. But now everyone was speaking among each other, from the two lords of Serenne, [member="Cecily de Demici"] and @Azriel Zadmius , to a few of the others. She gave a stumped look as Sempra went off and ate while she now felt as though the party for herself, and of course the nobles, soon turned into a social gathering with everyone but her left out of the picture. She slumped back in her chair and only waited calmly for someone to eventually address her; be they new or old. She only gestured for some wine, which was brought to her in a cup, before sipping it down.
"Ah, how unfortunate," Cecily said dismissively as one of her handmaidens tugged at her arm, "I'm afraid I must be going." She curtsied to the Count and strode off to find her place next to the... Hutt. Few people knew how Serenno nobility and governance actually worked. There were Six Great Houses and from among them a single Regent was chosen. Her family, the Demici were the last family to hold the Regency before being deposed for a Mandolorian successor. The Great Houses and the Lesser Houses rarely interacted with each other unless it benefited the Greaters. Zadimus was neither anymore as far as she was concerned.

She fought the urge to wrinkle her nose as she smiled at [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. "Hello," she said gingerly.
The large creature tilted its head and cast its reptilian eyes at [member="Cecily de Demici"].

One of the servants surrounding him, a pale looking albino male stretched and whispered who the lady was.
Sempra pondered but found his insight on this womans sphere of influence lacking. He blinked and tasted the air, as if her scent would spread into his maw, revealing her secrets.

As he spoke the hutt's deep resonating voice would overwhelm any not prepared or familiar with the hutt species. The sound caused deep waves breeding into small ripples spreading, first through the ear, and via thethroat to the heart.

"Greetings lady Demici, I trust you have the time and patience to present yourself, in more depth to me? Regretfully I lack knowledge about your part of the galaxy." he inquiried and had his cup of wine refilled by eager servants.
" Oh it is but both claim to be the 'rightful' leader ... theyre both in exile though so the titles an empty one" He whispered back to [member="Solan Charr"]. Their conversation was very school yard but lucien enjoyed gossiping every now and then it added a certain flavour to life. Then talked moved to the hostess [member="Nimue Stormson"] and her conversational skill "Past experience have you?" Lucien chuckled with a raised brow, was there no one Solan Charr had not spoken with "But I will talk with her she may be able to assist me, I'll give her your regards" and with that he sank back into the crowd to approach the imperial throne a second time, coming before the empress with a gracefully flamboyant bow. It was far easier to peacock when one wasn't dragging an old women behind "Your Majesty Might I trouble you for a conversation?"
[member="Lucien Cordel"]

Solan smiled to the man and tipped his head in goodbye. His hands sliding behind him now and turning his head to look among the others until he saw that the man from serenno was now conversation less. That was not something he could abide seeing so he reached up and through his hair before starting over to the man. [member="Azriel Zadimus"] was his name if he remembered right though it wasn't the easiest thing to remember seeing as he had only heard the name when the man had entered the ballroom. "Greetings, Zadimus no?"
Finally someone remembered that this was her party. Nimue perked from her sipping to see Lord [member="Lucien Cordel"] wishing to speak with her. She glanced over to Solan, clealry the two of them having finished their conversation, before nodding. She made sure the guards would have everyone away from the throne if this turned into a private and confidential conversation. After that she gestured for him to approched her throne, asking "And what can the Empress of Effekt do for a former Lord of the Fringe?"
"A great Many things your Majesty" Lucien took a few measured steps forward closing the gap between himself and [member="Nimue Stormson"]"But I will ask only for one thing ... now is not the time though" First one had to scratch the empresses back as it were "For now Let's just talk ... How is the Primeval treating you ?" he inclined his head poised for any subtle signs of dissatisfaction "As well as the fringe did I should hope?" Such trivial topics were but building blocks but they were necessary for the bigger fish lucien wanted to catch"
Azriels mood took a sharp turn when [member="Cecily de Demici"] dismissed him and he remembered why he hated the politics of Serenno and why he so avidly tried to stay away from it. He wanted to eat someone, well not really eat someone rather than drain them dry of any and all energy and leave them an empty husk, a practice rarely if ever he did though he had begun to develop an appreciation of it in recent months. He finished his water and walked away from the throne to allow [member="Lucien Cordel"] to get to the throne better as he headed towards the tables with food displayed magnificently.
He stopped however as he was approached by [member="Solan Charr"], a man he wasn't familiar with since he had arrived after him and hadn't caught his name from the announcer. He was smaller to be sure than Azriel but he knew that to never hold someones height against them since it was one of the few things about oneself one could never control. "I am he and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance... mister?" He then replied to Solan's query with his own but he kept a respectful and well mannered tone, as respect and manners didn't cost a thing after all and to earn respect one must always give it as well.

[member="Nimue Stormson"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Lord Tarantula"]
Her curiosity perked in her eyebrow when he said he would ask one thing of her. She was curious to know but it seemed he wanted to wait on it. If he only said the word they would be able to talk where no one would hear them. But, for the time being, it seemed he was far more curious about the Primeval. With a little shrug she said "I do what I can, and they give me the needed resources and protection. Simple as that, really. We both tend to keep to our own affairs until they become relevent to each other. Otherwise it feels like being back with the Fringe. The only difference is that we have a new creed and order to stand by. Not that I'm fully into it."
[member="Lucien Cordel"]
[member="Azriel Zadimus"]

He smiled and ran his hands to rest once more and for good until he need use them behind his back. Clasping them and keeping them held there for a few moments before grinning once more. "Solan Charr, a pleasure to mee someone from Serenno. The last one that i had met was a man by the name of Count Morcus if i remember right. He was a man running with the CIS before it changed twice. A slight humor behind that, a count from Serenno with a Confederacy." He spoke idly, trying to get a hold on this man's basic mannerism and how he reacted to the words, what he thought, and how much this man knew about others from his homeworld.
"No, seems like a lot of hockom to me all this talk of gods" He smiled "What of the high council do you hear what happened to them?" He rather hoped nothing untoward had happened he wanted the pleasure of hurting them all to himself. He seemed to be boring the empress that was a shame he therefore decided to cut to the chase "In all honesty curiosity about the Primeval is only part of the reason I am speaking to you, I am led to believe you are skilled in sith alchemy I was wondering if you would be willing to assist me in ensuring my good friend the empress of skye makes good decisions in my absence"

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
Azriel understood that [member="Solan Charr"] was referencing count Dooku when he spoke of the previous Serennoan count involved with the Confederacy. He had read up on everything that had happened during his stasis or rather the major events that had happened but he only got to around ten years after the battle of Yavin and skimmed through the Yuuzhan vong invasion. Recent events he wasn't up to speed on and he didn't mind showing it, after all he hated people who acted like they knew something they didn't. "Well Serenno counts do have a knack for gathering followers to their causes it seems as was the case with the first count with CIS." He replied in a well-mannered manner and took a small whine glass from a passing waiter.

[member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Nimue Stormson"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Cecily de Demici"] [member="Lord Tarantula"]
When [member="Lucien Cordel"] mentioned gods Nimue had a thing or two she could have comented on. She chose, however, to keep it to herself. Best not to bring it up since it would be a whole other can of worms for her to go into. It was suffice to say that she'd met the closet thing to a god either she or anyone else would ever know. But then her curiosity perked when he mentioned the fact he was hear for something else. She gave a curious eye before leaning in as he spoke about her talents in alchemy and how it was related to the empress of skye. Nimue wasn't sure if she'd had the pleasure to meet her or not but either way she was curious as to why this pertained to her.
"I'll admit my skills are a bit limited, but perhaps I can help. But what does the alchemy have to do with making sure she makes good decisions?"
He had arrived late on purpose. Showing up in time for the announcer to list out all of your titles, deeds, and holdings wasn't the most desirable thing in the galaxy. Rather, showing up out of the blue without a proper introduction or anything was completely mesmerizing and mystic to all who attended - just the kind of effect he wanted on these dear people.

The Lord's star yacht docked swiftly and smoothly in conjunction with the Effekt Port Authority giving them clearance and ensuring nothing of mass destruction was being held in the Guile. Save for his armed bodyguard detachment and his own personal lightsaber, Lord Dellian was quite under-armed to be partaking in such a gala. Walter typically boasted a plethora of droid servants, security forces, and various other means of protection and service that was astounding to even the richest syndicate mogul or businessman.

"Right this way, my lord." One of the royal guards spoke, leading Walter throughout the marvelous building before depositing he and his pair of guards at the doors. "The Empress and her guests are in here, sir. Enjoy your stay."

"My thanks, Captain."

And with that, he entered.

[member="Nimue Stormson"], [member="Azriel Zadimus"], [member="Lucien Cordel"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Sempra the Hutt"], [member="Cecily de Demici"]
[member="Azriel Zadimus"]

"Agreed, your people do find themselves in rather influntial places throughout the galaxy. It is good to see so many here tonight as i have seen between yourself and the Senator." He ran a hand behind his back as he looked over the others in the room. "How many of the other guests do you know Zadimus? If you don't mind the inquiry that is. I am simply curious as to how many mutual friends the two of us retain and how many more we can come to know." His eyes glanced to the man and studied him more closely this time, attempting to cut into the man and make sure he judged him right though he smiled none the less. A slight smile, one meant to calm the nerves of the subject that it was used on.
Azriel nodded and looked around. "Well unfortunately I have only recently become acquainted with [member="Lord Tarantula"] and now yourself. I have yet to integrate myself as well as the other guests here in galactic high society." He then said a slight chuckle after wards as if he was laughing a little at himself for his statement. [member="Solan Charr"] didn't seem like some of the other guests at least he wasn't stuck up and he also seemed to have good humor, something he sometimes found lacking in the nobles of the past.
Lucien shrugged, he didn't know sith alchemy he was working on assumption "I assume there is something you can brew that will make her susceptible to suggestion or comatose her ... I suppose killing her would be workable ... " Lucien felt himself rambling so he stopped and drank. Drinking was good "Basically anything that would weaken her mental resistance or kill her without me or my supporters being blamed will be appropriate is either of those things doable or have I made a fool of myself" He asked before casting a discrete look a the door as someone new arrived. He would receive his answer then move on he had already taken up too much of [member="Nimue Stormson"] 's time.
Hearing his reasons for why he wished this Nimue seemed to consider the proposal by [member="Lucien Cordel"] . She scratched her chin for a moment before saying "Allow me to speak with those within the Primeval. There may be someone who can help with your little endavor." After suggesting this Nimue felt another powerful force presence enter into the hall. Her gaze went up, only to see the arrival of the man known as [member="Walter Dellian"] . Another powerful Sith Lord form what she could sense, and with his own little group of gaurds with him. An impresssive enterance to say the least. As she watched him enter she awaited his annoucent and advacement towards her throne while saying to Lord Cordel "Thank you, my lord, for your time."
(For Cordel: I might have an actual idea. PM me if you're interested.)​
The Lord of Elrood required no formal introductions. Between the flowing cape clasped to his collarbone and the lightsaber upon his hip, any onlooker would've had to be blind to not notice him and who he was. Walter Dellian was no major corporate bigshot just yet but his family had proudly served the galactic market for several decades even before his birth.

It was his turn now and making friends in high places was one of the tricks to becoming successful. His hawk-like eyes scanned the room in only a second before recognizing that symbol of power atop a woman's head and that magnificent throne she sat upon. Dellian raised a hand to his entourage of following MagnaGuards, to which they dispersed about the room's outskirts while Walter made his way to the Empress.

"It is my deepest pleasure to make your acquaintance, Empress." Walter gave a curt, sincere bow before rising to his full height. "I am Lord Walter Dellian of Elrood, CEO of Dellian Holdings, and Executive Board member of the Techno Union. I trust you know at least one of those organizations."

[member="Nimue Stormson"]

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