Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Poke in the Eyeball (ATTN: The Ancient Eye - OPEN)

So that was the scene then. Coren Starchaser kicking back with a cup of stimcaf and a datapad, reading the days events in the Alliance. Sure, he was stepping back from the GADF and into the New Jedi Order full time, but he wanted, and required himself, to stay in the loop with his government. Always the patriot, right? Still, he could evesdrop on the going ons on the bridge. When the voice came over, he thought he sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it. Unless it was to a dead man. Wasn’t sure. He heard the words Sith and Sullust very clearly and almost choked on his stimcaf. “Well…” He looked up again, and shook his head. Were there? Well, yes, in cages.

Then the next one came in and Coren put his datapad down, stepping up and walking over towards where Jorus was. Terrorist activity? Well, looked like the Underground was already at work? Coren would be proud if that was true, and a grin crept onto his face as Jorus looked back at him. Another good sign.

The door opening though, that was unexpected. And the… man that stepped onto the bridge? Coren let out a laugh when Jorus spoke. “And official consulting hours are every other week at 1500 Sullust Standard, for starship upgrades.” He shook his head. What was it with people?

With Jorus returning a quip to the Ancient Eye command, Coren shook his head and finished his stimcaf. “So, that means I need to get to my station, huh?” Now if only the Jedi Remnant, or others from the New Jedi Order had shown up to stowaway on this vessel, then he'd be ready for more of a fight.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Miko Spar"]
Several Light Years Away
RNS Indomitable, MC140/C Sycthe-class Cruiser

The RNS Indomitable sat in the blackness of the space between stars, deep space as it was commonly referred to by spacefarers for millennia. It listed lazily in the murky void, the dim pin-pricks of stars its only illumination far beyond sensor range of anything. General Hogrum Dukat sat in the command chair of the vessel waiting for his scouts to be sent in system and report back to him what they found. All he was certain of was that the Gossamer had entered the system with intent to contact the Ancient Eye, which for all reports was some form of Dark Side cult.


They called Dark Side cults Sith regardless of how they self-identified. And his commanders had encouraged the Resistance into a state of total war with the Sith. This Ancient Eye was little more than a small group which could rise up into an enemy that supported the Sith Empire. His mind was akin to what he believed the Outer Rim Coalition to believe. Snuff them out now.


Laira adjusted herself in the cockpit of her X-90, watching all the lights go green and all her squadmates pull up and out alongside her. She was surprisingly leading the Recon Force this time, with each flight containing a single Externally Mounted Sensor Pod and High Yield Long Range Sensor mounts on one of their X-Wings.

The redhead huffed a little, she had gotten used to her comfy and spacious freighter and now had spent more time in the cockpit of an X-wing that she had in her entire life since joining the Resistance. This one, she named Outcast in honor of her former squadmates who she had lost on Thyferra had become like a second home to her, ferrying her all over the galaxy now a days while her freighter sat in a hangar aboard the Solemn Purpose. She missed it, like the princess missed her home and her friends like Dimeria, Nathan, Colt. But Dimeria was off living her own life for the first time and Nathan and Colt were most likely dead ashes on the surface of Thyferra.

Refocusing, she gripped the control stick and brought the squadron about to face their target. "Alright, lets get a look around Recon Force. The other squadrons will want full SitRep and locations for enemy forces. Support Gossamer as needed. Jump on my mark. Mark." Her ship made the jump to hyperspace followed by eleven others in a small cluster. Behind them the rest of the task force was mobilizing with its Fighter complements already preparing to move out independently of their home craft.

One of the things that made the X-90 great, was that it was sneaky, in real space and in Hyperspace. Its signature was very difficult to detect and its reversion capabilities just as quiet as it operates in real space.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Synthia Fellstarr"]
@Ancient Eye
Aboard the Gossamer: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Miko Spar"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Tristram Senan"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"]
The Other Guys: [member="Mythos"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="The Matador"] | @Ra’a’mah | [member="Kainan Wolfe"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Kiso"]

Objective: What a mess.

Another one sat in one of the chairs of the bridge.

Itash of House Mecetti- yeah, that Mecetti, he was still getting weird squints from the Starchaser fellow every few moments. Part of him figured that they'd be having a conversation soon. Probably after they got through this mess. The Underground had tapped Didact Defense Solutions a few days ago to assist with this trip- some extra muscle that could control itself and wouldn't fly off the handle at the smallest.

Fine by Tash, but this... one fleet after another? It was making his hair rise just a little bit.

There was something honest and fair about a battle on the ground. Space? That vacuum was all around them, took only a single hit piercing shields and hull to suck all of them out into the cold.

Not a pleasant way to go.

One of the crew-members widened their eyes. "Cap', they are starting to target us."


Aboard the Red Libation, near the Gossamer...

Ships started showing up on the scanners. Lots of ships. Usually, this would be where Smallgrin turned his boat around and jumped away. Greed kept him from jumping out. All those ships? Had to be protecting something good. Let the Resistance do the heavy lifting and he’d be there to sweep in and get the good stuff.

The modified Gallofree transport maxed out deflector shield strength to the fore and waited.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Synthia Fellstarr

Location: In Starfighter Formation with [member="Laira Darkhold"]
Objective: Support Recon Force and Gossamer
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: Ancient Eye

"This is new." Synthia joked to her BB-K8 droid Screech who was docked in the droid dock port of her X-90 X-wing. Screech swerved on its lower ball and beeped back. "Yah, it's gonna get some getting used to, usually its our dear Black Leader who is barking at it's the Lieutenant Darkhold." Synthia pushed on her starfighter controls and flew her x-wing into formation behind Lieutenan Laira Dakrhold's Recon Force. The Resistance had been conducting their hit and run operations against the Sith. This time around it was another variety of Sith. Synthia had been a Commando TIE pilot for the Sith Empire most of her life, until she defected. It didn't matter where or how the Sith manifested. She would burn them away with the fire's of rebellion.

Synthia flexed her fingers over the control buttons on her command stick. Her eyes narrowed and she watched the formation ahead of her listening to commands and pre-hyperspace jump check-ins. "Prep the hyperspace Screech." Synthia called to her droid while reaching to input the hyperspace codes relayed by the Gosssamer. "Get ready to punch it when you hear her mark." Screech whistled in reply as it continued its mechanical task.

Laira's voice echoed in crackled comms feed to all flights, "Jump on my mark...Mark."

Synthia jerked her command stick forward, Screech engaged the hyperdrive, and all manner of starlight narrowed into flying daggers along with space bending into a singularity of blinding fluorescent void. The entire Force Recon slid into sublight space and vanished.


Ever Dawnracer

"The Gossamer. Can someone get me-"

"Only known name associated with it is one Jorus Merrill, Captain. Isn't he a good guy?"

"Good is subjective," the captain said. "Hail them and inform them of our presence. It seems this world has been attacked or some such. Let them know we've come to help and have a Ranger contingent on board."

"Yes, sir."

Meanwhile, back in the ready room, Ever looked up when she heard Mereel talk about betting. She looked over at him and shook her head. Betting never went well, but leave it to the Mandalorian to suggest gambling on their mission. She highly doubted that this was as simple as some ship just lancing through their space or something. Undoubtedly the ship was heading somewhere important. At best they were going to be boots down for information.

"Not worth the bet. They wouldn't have sent us if they didn't plan on there being boots on the ground."

She finished tying her gloves up and strapped on her stave as she stood.

"Let's go take a look, shall we?"

She clapped the Mando on the shoulder before heading past him. Being a diplomatic ship, it had a lot of nice viewport. She aimed for one so she could at least get an eye on what was going on. An update would probably come soon from the Captain, but she liked to use her eyes.

[member="Kyle Raymus"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="The Matador"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Seras Rose"] [member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Miko Spar"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Ra'a'mah"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Tristram Senan"] [member="Whisper"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Gauntlet"] [member="Mereel Vaun"]​
At the press of a button, her formerly simple working and quiet department became a hive of activity. Sometimes the life of a paperpusher got old, but that was what Ra was here. A sifter of information, separating facts from what was false. As much in tune with what was going on in the galaxy as she could be with her resources. Picking up this new threat, she relayed what information she had to those in space.

She was a ground person within SR and AE and where she was needed to be. Her strengths were not naval in nature and not even with the great movement of armies, but with information. Hiding in the shadows, out of the limelight or any sort of focus. Her days of playing an important role and figurehead were past, for now...when the time came, she would step out of the shadows and shroud she hid in. Not yet though. Too many things were still in motion and not settled enough to her liking.

Following the suggestion of Wolfe, she mobilized what forces she had and readied them for further orders. Without an immediate ground threat, they could only stand at the ready and be prepared.

A communication from The Matador indicated there would be ground battle and Ra was ready.
Location: Aboard the Gossamer, stowaway
Allies: This drunk lot ; [member="Itash Mecetti"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Miko Spar"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
Enemies: The drunk with power lot ; [member="Mythos"] @Matador [member="Seras Rose"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Solan Charr"]
Unknown: The sober lot ; [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Synthia Fellstarr"] [member="Smallgrin Ben"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Ra'a'mah"]

The more than slightly drunken rabble that Tristram had sort of created was getting a little noisy in the hold by this point. He enjoyed it personally but being the closest one in the group to sober he was the one who noticed the change in the crew that was actually working. Their steps became more hurried and purposeful. The atmosphere outside of the liquor bubble was going more tense. He even saw one young man running around looking like a headless porg. Seemed the action was about to start. Good.

Tristram stole the bottle from whoever had it. He didn't pay any attention to who. A quick downing until the very last drop was gone and then the bottle was thrown down onto the floor. The glassy crash got the senseless mob's attention in a hurry. As a hush fell upon the previously rowdy lot, Tristram said, " Looks like the show is about to begin friends! Why don't we get ready to give them Sithies the greeting they deserve eh?" A quick roar of excitement was followed by people stumbling to their feet. Hopefully they would have time to sober up some before things got too hot and heavy with the enemy. He just watched them all with a slight bit of pride in his new drunken friends before he nodded to himself. It was time for him to get prepped as well.

Swaggering around the hallways, Tristram was looking for a medical kit of some kind. A bacta needle to the back of the neck would help clear his head and maybe prevent a hangover. It never did prevent one but maybe this time luck would be with him. As he went about his swaying way, he focused on pulling the force into himself. Battle was always quick and messy. If he didn't do this now he might not have the reserve ready when he needed it. It was kind of hard to build up your strength after all while bolts and blades made of plasma. Plus he might get lucky and be able to launch an unsuspecting Sithy like a mortar of screams and regret as soon as they were dropped off. A smile touched his lips as he imagined just that. It really brought a joyful tear to the eye.
[member="Whisper"] | [member="Gauntlet"]

Evoros rarely slept much. She stayed busy with a fervor, for starters. Most had a line drawn of that's enough for now, of I can finish this tomorrow, but Evoros had left that limit behind somewhere along the line. She stopped working not when she was done, but when the job was done. If the little things like sleep had to make room, so be it.

Then there was the caf problem. That surely didn't help.

Regardless, an advantage of perpetual sleeplessness was that it was never a bad time. There was a tiredness to her face when she reached the cockpit, but if you didn't look closely she was exactly the same Evoros she was on any other mission. Caf in hand, she leant against the entrance with bemusement in her eyes.

"I'm sure we're all extremely concerned for your health, darling," the agent remarked drily, glancing over to Whisper before her gaze ticked back to the pilot, "but I want to hear more about this Sith hunt before anyone starts throwing a fit."

For a moment she looked as though she might yawn, and then without missing a beat she downed more caf.

Angramar Capital City

-7th Infantry Division
-Centipede Walker Battalion
-Artillery Regiment 258th
-Nubian Strike force team
- Anubian Scout Regiment 1st
- 12th Armor Brigade
- 1st Armor Brigade
- 88th One Sith Infantry Divison (Lightbreakers)
- The first and seventh Neo-Blade Squadrons (6 fighter Squadrons, Atmospherical)
- Anti Air Regiment 454th


[member="Cadan Tazi"] never picked up the communicator anymore but the resources and connections he had gained with his old comrade in ill work still were active however Mythos himself never used them, not unless he had to or would see benefit in doing it. An old commuicator in his robe with three different contacts, one being Cadan, One being the Jackals and the last being [member="Gorba the Hutt"]. Being here in wild space it was generally considered close to Hutt territory and one thing Hutts always liked was credits and slaves. the Ancient Eye sported thousands of slaves, they made up the back bone of the work force and the vast majority of them worked with the will of the gods, they would never rebel... the rest however... would fetch a pretty price.

"Gorbba... this is Cadan's old friend, tell me, do you still have hired guns? ships? perhaps soldiers in need of a paycheck? I happen to have a plethora of slaves and resources and no one to trade with at this time... Pity i know... perhaps you can help me? Lawbringers come on to my home I don't want them here, name your price"

Mythos stood out like a sore thumb in this sea of technologically superior soldiers and operational equipment where as he was garbed in armor that looked thousands of years old and a skull in his shoulder. New weapons had just been approved, the new factory of thermal detonators made sure that every soldier carried with him at least two and of course... the Cathedral ships in the sky, the Angramars, the God fleet that would ensure their saftey from orbital bombardment and aerial strikes. Defcon nine had been activated, every regiment, company and trooper in Angramar was activated and set up in preparations. Here they were doing checks, water was good, food was good, ammo was set, sensitive equipment was a go, night vision and thermal vision was good, logistics and encryption systems were a go, neo-blades were in the sky and the God-King was inspecting his generals.

"Jedi. Come down and Play. Seras, take the angramar"

The sound of pneumatic and hydraulic pressure was deafening, here the new walkers would be tested out and engaged in combat if the Ancient Eye forces were engaged in ground warfare. Mythos would let Kainan handle the sky with the ancient eye but he worried more about ground tactics and infantry battles as well as handling the armor and artillery from the front as he always did. Mythos was armored with his rudis, lightsaber, blaster pistol and of course... Several thermal detonators... one could never be too sure these days.

Intead of heading down to where the main battle tanks were Mythos headed to the coven of the priests as smoke and the stench of fear and blood permeated the air like a sickness and fog so dense and heavy that breathing became succulent. The last of the Jedi of the order halls were kept in cages for such an event, kept on the brink of life for ritual sacrifice to the gods of Ankhypt before war was unleashed. As he walked to the coven Anubians flanked him on both sides, he unsheathed his rudis from the terentatek leather sheath. He could see a young man, almost as old as himself before he came to Atrisia on his knees, beaten and bloody. He quivered in pain, the blood struck the sand as nutrients to make the grass grow.

That is when the chanting began but it was not in ancient sith but in the Maleibus dialect of the depths of Leggo. It was a guttural language filled with barks and a low hum of the throat, it was dark and hateful even when spoken in mundane words. The smoke of charred flesh either from beasts or from the breath of Thyphojem in his ceaseless hunt engulfed the coven ground and from the two shoulders of Mythos four heads appeared. In his left the head of Groom, his Tuk'ata, a beast of four hundred pounds of animalistic fecorcity and fury that yearned only for the will of his master. To his right three heads belonging to Thyphojem, twice in size as his older, non sith spawn partner groom and he snarled the smell of sulfur.

Mythos glanced down at his ritualistic sacrifice, the young man feebly looking upward, the one good, non swollen blue eye stared back at him without fear and with a sense of purpose.

"You won't win. Monster." He said, blood pouring from his lips as he spoke word by word, his injuries clear in the sound of his voice.

Mythos smiled, not of gloating or self absurdness but of understanding and respect. He respected this young man for his fearlessness in the face of certain death so he decided to give him a parting gift before he died. Hope.

"Perhaps I won't. An army flies over Angramar today to avenge your fallen comrades and yourself" He said, his voice brooking no hostility but a respect between warriors the likes only found in Atrisia. The young man looked at him in a mixture of confusion and understanding but also a measure of peace washed over him. Mythos nodded and brushed the hair of his face, the blood off his eyes and the tears from his eyes.

He let him have a moment before he ended his life, the boy had shown courage and martial prowess in combat, as a warrior he earned the honor of a clean swift death. The chanting became louder and louder as Mythos raised his sith blade over his head prepared to strike.

"A soldiers death?" he asked, tensing the muscles in his arms to angle his blade correctly. If he assumed correct a single thrust would see the deed done. The boy nodded and Mythos nodded in return. He brought down the blade in a perfect thrust down his spine, severing his life from his body as well as his head but he did not let go, the ritual was not over. Using his grimoure of power, the Ankhyptian magic plus his own knowledge of power in the arts Mythos focused on the essence of the boy leading it straight back to him. With the aid of the book of power, his own strength and the nexus of the darkside of the force his own skull provided Mythos was able to force walk the spirit of the boy into the grimoure then into his own essence.​
The chanting stopped...

"The gods have their offering, now we take ours..."

@Evoros @Ra'a'mah @Tristram Senan [member="Synthia Fellstarr"] [member="Itash Mecetti"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Miko Spar"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]​


Man in the Mirror
Patching Holes...

The sensors lit up like a Life Day tree.

"Multiple fleets in the system. What the hell is going on?" Gauntlet announced the readings loud enough for a nearby [member="Whisper"] and [member="Evoros"] in the cockpit to hear. Meanwhile, the two stooges in the back were still getting things ready. With the engines back online the ship was ready to move, but the hyperdrive was still down and the shields were weak.

Getting involved too soon would be considered suicide.

"Hey, kid." Yeah he was talking to their grumpy teenager. "Think you can work some magic and help us out? I want to get a closer look without being seen."

Gauntlet reached to grab the caf from Evoros' hands. Taking the cup from her and downing whatever remained. Mostly the gunk, as it appears their hungover maverick was addicted to the damn stuff. "Make more for me, will you?" Not exactly the kind of man to be polite.

The merc moved over, tossing aside the pilot's corpse and commandeering the ship. Leaving the co-pilot's chair open for Whisper to do her work.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Laira Darkhold"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Tristram Senan"] | @Ra'a'mah | [member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Synthia Fellstarr"] | [member="Smallgrin Ben"] | [member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Miko Spar"] | [member="Kainan Wolfe"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="Kyle Raymus"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
Mythos said:

[member="Cadan Tazi"] never picked up the communicator anymore but the resources and connections he had gained with his old comrade in ill work still were active however Mythos himself never used them, not unless he had to or would see benefit in doing it. An old commuicator in his robe with three different contacts, one being Cadan, One being the Jackals and the last being [member="Gorba the Hutt"]. Being here in wild space it was generally considered close to Hutt territory and one thing Hutts always liked was credits and slaves. the Ancient Eye sported thousands of slaves, they made up the back bone of the work force and the vast majority of them worked with the will of the gods, they would never rebel... the rest however... would fetch a pretty price.

"Gorbba... this is Cadan's old friend, tell me,= do you still have hired guns? ships? perhaps soldiers in need of a paycheck? I happen to have a plethora of slaves and resources and no one to trade with at this time... Pity i know... perhaps you can help me? Lawbringers come on to my home I don't want them here, name your price"


"Hello? Ish thish thing on? Shorry," the hologram flickered into existence, displaying a Klatooinian in a breastplate with a red bandana. He lisped horribly, probably on account of his massive underbite and chubby cheeks. "Ah, yesh, there we go. Yesh, shorry, the Great One is occupied at the moment. I am his majordomo, Brutush."

Sounds of giggling came from somewhere offscreen. Brutus' beady eyes flicked away momentarily.

"Uhm. Right. Shipsh and Sholdiersh. Thish we can do. We can shend two, maybe three thoushand of our finesht. But I am afraid the short notice will drive up the price. For sho many we need, mmm, two million creditsh. Half now, half when the job ish complete. Alsho, we need a shipment of your finesht slaves. Jusht pack them all into the cargo cruiser we will be shending. Ash many ash can fit. Do we have a deal?"

Seras could feel the tension mounting in the air, the wind deemed the battle just now at hand. A slim smile drew across her lips as she tapped the heavy blaster pistol on the left side of her waist and its extra gas packs. All was in place on her person and Seras was ready. She had been through Atrisia and she had been through the invasion of Nibelungen. So too would she pass through this and only something stronger would remain. She allowed herself to relax for a moment, to feel this singular moment of tension that ran through the force. Anticipation, fear, determination, anger all of those emotions from the soldiers mixed into the force an chord that beated like a pulse. Greater users of the force could manipulate that chord perhaps, but that was far beyond Seras's ability. But she could feel it and for now, that was enough. "So it has been said, so it shall be done. We shall greet them with force and war." The young woman said with calm determination as a fire brewed in her right eye.

Seeing a shuttle preparing to take off nearby, Seras waved it down and commandeered it and would arrive aboard the Pyramid ship, the Angramar. Primarily a ship made for large scale invasions, its toughness and fighter complement would make it a good anvil in space against their enemies. From there they could block direct bombardment of their planetary cannons, while also loosing fighters to deal with any transports. Though with most of its weapons geared on the bottom of the ship for orbital attacks on planets, it would suffer without any support if its shields and hull started taking enough hits. Seras knew all of this and started formulating a plan in her mind. She had recently gone through a training session with Kainan Wolfe, she knew he was no fool of a man. If she created an opening Seras had no doubt that he would use the chance without her needing to inform him of the plan. With that thought in mind Seras headed straight for the helm of the ship, running into [member=Skorvek] along the way. A Anubian force user of some power, Seras knew his abilities would come as a great boon if they were to be boarded, or board themselves. "Archlord Skorvek, come with me to the bridge. We prepare for battle as you surely know and this is one that I shall lead." Seras said with a fire in her eye. She was tall for a human standing at six foot two, but the Anubian towered well over her height at over eight feet. But neither that nor his skills that she had heard of worried her. She was completely focused on the task at hand and had no time to waste on pleasantries. There was battles to be won after all.

Moving on into the bridge, the pyramid ship was a buzz with activity through the halls and the bridge itself was certainly no exception. Made for war there was no wasted space, the crew having just enough room to move around for all of their tasks. As helmsmen managed the ships course and began taking it into space the communications officers talked heatedly with the marines who would keep the ship defended. Patrols were planned and organized with all hands on deck while the fighter pilots were put on standby in their ships, a mix of TIE/Reapers and slower but more heavily armed JV-9 Escort Shuttles that would be used for going after any transports that made for the surface. The lumbering Pyramid ships would begin breaking atmosphere. In these few moments, Seras scanned her eyes over the bridge and spotted someone who looked out of place. [member="Nassier Zirfae"] a young looking Caprine, though Seras knew little to nothing of the species she could tell she was not a member of the crew. She looked on as though a spectator, examining and judging what she saw. Though what the woman thought of the Ancients Eyes soldiers going about their work with reasonable efficiency was unknown to her, Seras did want to know what exactly she was doing on the bridge. But first she had to get control of the situation and that is exactly what Seras Rose would do. "Commander, i will be leading this operation, give me a SITREP." The young woman said with a unmistakable hint of command amongst her calm, focused voice. The commander seemed to have been alerted beforehand of the change given how he smoothly gave her the report of the two Pyramid ships and their fighter complements. "Very good. Move forward on either side for now and begin closing the distance. Keep tight co-ordination with the Grount to Orbit Cannons when they begin firing, they will be our key to victory." Seras said, going over a few plans as the ships began to lumber into place. She also asked about the other person on the bridge and learned that she was an envoy acting as a observer. Military observers from other nations who were interested in alliances or agreements were by no means uncommon, though this one had gotten a ticket to ride on a warship into battle with the people she chose to observe. Choosing to greet her before things got completely crazy, Seras Rose would walk over to the Caprine. "Greetings Nassier Zirfae, i am Seras Rose. I am told you are an observer here, how far goes your reins here? Will you wait here and watch, or join us should the time come to it in battle." Ever straight to the point, Seras asked what she desired to know flat out, her single eye keenly observing the other woman's reaction to her pointed question. Had it been any other place and time Seras might have been more tactful, but they had pressing matters of battle to busy themselves with, not pointless frivolities.


Meanwhile on the ground, the Orbital Defense Cannons which had been simply aiming up into space began moving. As the Pyramid ships began to break atmosphere, the cannons would roll in their cradles and begin picking up firing solutions on the S.S. Gossamer. If anyone was looking on sensors, figuring out what was going on given the ships excellent sensor suit would not exactly be hard. Yet no hail came from The Ancient Eye and they did not respond to hails, not at least Seras Rose's two Pyramid ships which sluggishly moved through space at the speed of a three legged Bantha. There were a total of two functioning Orbital Defense Cannons capable of directing fire upon the Gossamer. Upon locking into place along already plotted firing lines after having been studying the ships course and bearing, the two cannons would open fire simultaneously, aiming to smash into the same area of shielding and do serious damage. In the next instant the call would come in to Seras from the ground, they were 'hot' and the battle was on. "Begin fielding fighters, clear the way for our heavy attack shuttles to follow after them and deal with any enemy transports. Brace for impact and prepare to shield the Orbital Cannons with the Angramar if need be." Seras said as sensors lit up red and the crew went about their task of War. Looking back to Skorvek, she would peer at him for a moment before speaking. "If we are boarded, how much experience do you have against the likes of Jedi Knights and Masters? My instincts tell me we might have a good deal of that kind of company coming along before we know it." It was only a guess, but Jedi were never ones to go down silently and without a fight, misguided as they were. She would do many things but underestimate that fact was not one of them.

Two Angramar Pyramid Ships[1500 KM Length Total] (100/100), (100/100)

Eight Tie/Reaper Squadrons (96/96)

Twenty JV-9 Escort Shuttles[Flying in squadrons of 5] (20/20)

Orbital Defense Cannons, Turbolaser Based (2)

[member=Mythos] / [member="Tristram Senan"] / [member="Itash Mecetti"] / [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Aboard the Gossamer: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Miko Spar"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tristram Senan"] [member="Itash Mecetti"]
Allies and Potential Allies on Other Ships: [member="Smallgrin Ben"] [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Gauntlet"] [member="Whisper"]
The Other Guys: [member="Mythos"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Matador"] @Ra’a’mah [member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Seras Rose"] [member="Kiso"]

Bizznip trembled visibly. “Is big gun activity on planetrock. Is.”

Get moving, the Force urged. This isn't where you need to be. “Djembara, angle shields to compensate for those surface guns. Stay evergreen.” Jorus’ chair included helm control - the bridge of a Lotekk DST wasn't exactly awash in grandeur. He adjusted the Gossamer’s angle, and the ship responded. Gigantic turbolaser blasts crashed into the shields at extreme range. The durable capital transport soared for a higher orbit, out of reach of surface emplacements.

Still, a tiny light blinked yellow: equalized shields had fallen to just under 80%. Not a healthy condition, not with patrol fleets nearby. And that light cruiser and corvette he'd been scanning would keep pace easily if they wanted to.

“Djembara, shunt full capital weapons power to shields and even things out. Adurak, give me internal comms and Smallgrin’s boat. On? Good. Folks, this is Merrill. We’ve been fired on. Anyone that shoots us, shoot them back. I like our odds if we think it through. Do what you do best.”

The Gossamer had a good few combat freighters and starfighters aboard, a standard Outer Rim mix. More to the point, it had a lot of stir-crazy spacers interested in shooting things in creative ways. And there was always more where that came from.

“Adurak, let’s have a full subspace band. I want every comlink for thirty parsecs to pick this up.” At the Arcona veteran’s nod, Jorus cleared his throat. “This is Captain Jorus Merrill of the civilian ship S.S. Gossamer, requesting aid on all channels. We’ve been attacked by the forces that conquered the Nibelungen system, organizations called the Ancient Eye and-” He glanced at the telesponder data. “-the Shrouded Republic. I’m seeing a Star Destroyer, a handful of cruisers, and some escorts - nothing huge, but more than we can handle solo. I’ve got ten thousand souls aboard and I’d be pretty gorram grateful for a helping hand.” He made a ‘cut’ gesture across his neck.

“Sent and repeating, sir.”

A hundred light-years wasn't much, but local subspace transceivers would bounce the signal around until it got heard. By whom was anyone's guess.
Several Light Years Away
RNS Indomitable, MC140/C Sycthe-class Cruiser

General Hogrum Dukat heard the message. "Initiate Jump. We are going in blind." His gruff voice echoed across the otherwise silent bridge of the cruiser.

Seconds later the ship and its task force disappeared from deep space into the swirling vortex of hyperspace.


Laira and Recon Force dropped from hyperspace just inside the system, drifting on velocity alone as they took passive sensor scans of the system. "Alright Bee Seven. Comm laser Flights Two and Three to drop their sensor pods at triangulation coordinates. Let's give everything a once over before we break stealth." Unless the enemy fleet had any dedicated sensor boats it was unlikely they would notice the running quiet StealthX's now lurking at the edges of their system, deploying sensor pods.

She angled her X-Wing off to view the Gossamer off to her port side, taking fire from the planet. Already? Was it that the ORC was just too aggressive? Unlikely she mused to herself, coming around to angle her ship to cut across the rear of the enemy formation keeping it running quiet with her flight.


"Reversion in five. Four. Three. Two. Mark." The RNS Indomitable and its escorts dumped from hyperspace well behind the Gossamer and outside its weapon range, almost immediately beginning active sensor sweeps and moving across in formation with the large Mon Cal Heavy Cruiser shielding its smaller escorts from the fore while they covered its rear. The lumbering form of an older Mandalorian vessel parked in the middle of the battle group.

"Target a ship, full power to the long guns. Fire when target acquired." The General squeezed his false arm, gripping the metallic limb tightly. Combat always reminded him of how he had lost the limb on Coruscant, dark memories echoing in his mind pushed back by decades of warfare.

Task Force Unrelenting Spirit
RNS Indomitable, MC140/C Scythe-type Cruiser
RNS Dominion of Power, ACS Mircin
RNS Herald, EF91 Nebulon-D Carrier Frigate
RNS Lightbringer, CR112 Corvette
RNS Hellsword, CR112 Corvette
P1 Hammerhead Corvette
P2 Hammerhead Corvette
P3 Hammerhead Corvette

Indomitable Cycles Full Power to Weapons
Indomitable Targets Admonitor-class with Long and Extreme Range Weaponry
Allies: Friends
Enemies: Foes

So, that was happening now. Their ship was being fired upon. So great. Coren shook his head. This was going to be one of those days. Looking to his teacher/friend, Starchaser nodded. His sarcasm was out the window as the Force was alight with danger and threat. He felt the ship move with the gravity of the planet tugging at Coren, mostly through the Force. He knew it was serious, well, mostly serious. Still, he looked at Jorus.

“You got this, Gypsy? I’m gonna go hop in a fighter and blow something up.” He smirked as he grabbed the helmet for his fighter. Yeah, he kept it around him at all times, and with this kind of fighter, the Rassilon, he didn’t need the full flight suit. Taking one last look out the viewport, he nodded.
Stepping off the bridge, Coren looked around, he was in a hurry, but they needed all hands on deck. He made a quick run down the hall and slide down the steps to the hangar floor. He closed his eyes and tapped on that part of his brain that was the implant connecting him to the iBorg system in the Rassilon. The ship started warming itself up. And that was when he felt the Force tug him.

That kid.

Smirking to himself, Coren nodded. When the Force said jump, he wasn’t going to question it. Grabbing one of the flight helmets, he made his way over to the man who may be drunk, but it didn’t matter. He was looking at one of the E-Wings on the deck. “Kid, you ever fly one of these?” He laughed and used the Force to fold a ladder from the deck over to the fighter, a light pop. “Wanna?” Tossing the helmet, Coren followed and hurried up the latter to get on the nose of the ship.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Miko Spar"]
Enemies: the AE
Allies: Everyone else.

She had several thoughts about what to do how to do it and what it would take for her to relax enough to do what was needed. On the ship with several friends and neighbors as they crept their way about the galaxy looking for something to do. Something to do usually found its way into their laps with little or no effort. Then it became the decision of how to react.

Right now Rekha was reacting to the images of three pretty ships. Well two were pretty one just looked awkward as feth. She tilted her head trying to get a bead on why it was designed this way. She didn't think she wanted to fly the B-Wing. Though the weapons were top of the line for her. But a lingering thought why is it called a B-wing? it wasn't small, or painted yellow and black. It was more like...Feth if she knew. But no...not that one.

But now A wing interceptor sexy great view, weapons ok, she could see herself behind the controls. Closing her eyes she tried to imagine it yeah .. nice..yeah...hmm great potential. She smiled and flipped over the last one.

She almost wet her pants right there, "Now that is sexy, stealth huh no wonder it's sexy. " Looking through the weaknesses though she got a chill sometimes there wasn't time to think let alone wait for power that's why its a weakness. "oh baby maybe next time...but for now" She flipped back to the Interceptor. "Ok cupcake I'm coming to get you." It had its weaknesses to but it had speed and and some limited stealth.

About the time she finally made up her mind and started to the flight deck the ship, the Gossamer, was under fire.

"TIME TO EARN MY KEEP!!" Rekha sprinted off towards the flight deck.

Singing loud as she moved,

"Look out baby here I come, bringing you a big fat gun...oooo, so get ready ooo get ready, cause here I come!!!"
Salij-Nekt held his pole-axe in both hands. He had still healing scars from the raid on that village on Garadel. He had bled, had met a real match that day. Since then, instead of taking time to heal, the Anubian had been practicing. It's wounds unbandaged, open to infection, perhaps a bad idea. But Salij saw it as an opportunity to strengthen his will, his physical strength. So when the alert came to mobilize, Salij believed he was very well ready as he moved out to where @Ra'a'mah was mobilizing forces. He approached the woman with questions.

"What comes to fight?" he asked down to her. He had his armor on over his wounds, except for the hole where the lance had speared him through his lower right side, and the healing wound across the side of his face. The armor had not been repaired since then.
Allies: Friends
Enemies: Foes

Miko caught the helmet with little to no issue, the biocircuitry in his hands doing far more than just enhancing reaction time. According to the surgeon, he had taken to the implants like a fish to water, and the reaction time translated to a general increase in movement speed. A fact he had spent some time learning to sort out so others weren't taken aback by sharp, quick movements from him. He had just been gazing longingly at the fighter, thinking the booze and his eccentricity probably had ruin a chance at a good introduction. Watching Coren climb into the X-Wing, Miko did the same, swiftly dropping the helmet over his head and leaving the straps dangle, but lacking any knowledge of the Force to drop the ladder. From a cradle up top near the cockpit came a series of beeps and whirs, and the crew ladder dropped easily, followed by a scolding chirp and the opening hiss of the fighters' cockpit. The head of a BB unit whirled into view and the chirping sounded again, and so Miko swiftly climbed the ladder, settling into the pilot chair and clipping the strap shut.

Cockpit still open, he turned to look at Coren, a grin a mile wide on his face and pointed to the red button first.

"That is for bombs.."

Then the red trigger on the fore part of the control yoke..

"That is for guns, right?"

Each time, a finger dangerously close to the indicated weapon selector, and he froze waiting for a response with his finger curled around the yoke, maybe an inch from the cannon trigger. He wasn't sure why, but he liked this other guy from the bridge. More like himself in a vague way.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

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