Location: Aboard the Bridge of the Paladin
Allies: [member="Mythos"] and his motley crew of Low-sec misfits.
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], and the other High-sec carebears.
Two Days Prior to the Events of the Skirmish
There was the gentle beeping of a notification flaring somewhere within the bridge, the faint noise providing notice that there had been a communication which had managed to reach them. The Arue'tii walked the length of the bridge, watching as assorted deck officers attempting to locate the faint noise, but, all aboard were having a surprising amount of difficulty in locating it. It appeared almost as if though it was not emanating from the many consoles which made up the bridge, but rather that it had simply been stashed somewhere aboard the warship. An ensign approached him, his demeanor somewhat abashed as he pointed to the gentle red light coming off of the Sith's own wrist communicator. The Arue'tii nodded to the ensign, thankful that the issue had been located, but confused nonetheless at the circumstances...
Who was calling him?
A short message was played out for his benefit from the communications device, and he immediately recognized the visage of Mythos, the Sith Lord who he had met whilst the pair had still been under the regime of the One Sith. He had not given the man much thought since the fragmentation of that particular organization, and had simply assumed that he was either deceased, or that he had joined with many others in the grand diaspora, and simply joined up with another fledgling group of dark siders. Now, he was given his answer, or, at least a portion of it. The message regaled the appeal of visiting the system of Nibelungen.
Fascinating. He briefly considered visiting himself to see whether or not the request held any truth to it, but the Sith; even those he had met in the past and fought alongside, were a wily gang, and to implicitly trust them not to stab one in the back was inviting calamity. No, he would not visit personally, but he would neither allow the invitation to go completely unheeded.
"Captain. Direct the Imperator to the Nibelungen system. I do not want any interaction with the planetary body. They are there simply to observe." The order was relayed, and the Rancor class frigate was dispatched from its idle rest to scout out the system.
Fifteen Minutes Prior to Present Time
The Arue'tii sat within his chambers, listening intently to the gentle whirr of the engines. When he had first come aboard the starship so many years ago, he had detested the constant buzz, but gradually he had come to accept it in the same way as one accepts rainfall, or the rush of a nearby creek. Certainly, it held a less natural condition to it, but it was a constant noise nonetheless, and it provided a steady backdrop of audible sound that assisted him greatly in his meditations. Even in his relatively introspective state, he was capable of scenting the approaching officer before they had ever reached his quarters, taking notice of their blood, and the way that it steadily rumbled throughout their heart, the quickened pulsation of crimson liquid indicative of a stressful scenario.
"Sir, your presence is requested on the bridge." The officer didn't deign it necessary to knock nor enter the quarters, trusting that the Arue'tii had managed to hear his command, and promptly abandoned the place. In truth, it would have come as a shock if he hadn't managed to hear the officer, and they were well aware that he was capable of knowing of their presence at all times, even if they didn't necessarily understand the logistics behind his innate olfactory tracking.
Abelain donned his belt and subsequent sheathes, and the red cloak which made up the entirety of his attire, and promptly withdrew to the bridge.
"Report." He grumbled, not quite irritated, but certainly not satisfied at being interrupted either. Regardless, if it was important enough news, he would rather face a brief bout of frustration than suddenly be assailed with negative news.
"The Imperator has received indications of a battle taking place over Nibelungen. They are requesting orders."
"Ensure that they remain where they are until further notice. Have them send their exact coordinates for a rendezvous."
"We're going to Nibelungen then, sir?"
He paused to consider his answer, reviewing the information once more in his mind so as to guarantee that it was logical. "We are. The system is under the authority of a Sith who was once of the One Sith."
The Captain clenched his teeth at the news, and Abelain briefly considered that he looked vaguely like an angered Nexu. "A traitor or a coward."
"It is possible, but it could be that he is simply attempting to regather us together, or that he is misguided. He invited the Knights and Lords of the old government."
"Hmmph. Very well. I shall make preparations at once.
"I'm glad to hear it, Captain. It is quite possible we will be making a ground excursion. Ready the regiments, and the Hammer in particular.
"As you command."
Present Time
The Paladin exited hyperspace with a brief shudder of kinetic force, shaking all aboard for a fraction of a second before stabilizing to its usual stillness. An instant passed, and a pair of Rancor class Frigates appeared at its flanks, as if though they were escorting the mighty warship. Blatantly displayed upon the sides of each of the vessels were the emblems and signs of the One Sith, a government that had since dispersed from the galaxy, but with whom the trio of vessels still owed allegiance.
Upon the bridge of the heavy assault cruiser, Abelain Narv'uk observed the many ships fluttering around just outside of the orbit of Nibelungen. They had warped quite far from the world, attempting to maintain a fair distance from whatever conflict had managed to embroil it, but close enough that they could begin to analyze the situation. The Sith observed the large ship, the one that had only moments prior sent out a message applying for assistance from any allied forces nearby. The fact that it was in conflict with the armies under Mythos was evidence enough that they were enemies of the One Sith.
He gazed further upon the many smaller vessels scattered to and fro, the corvettes, the fighters, the freighters, and off in the distance what appeared to be a Star Destroyer. Admittedly, it was somewhat difficult discerning who was on whose side without the respective transponder codes meant to identify each ship's allegiance, but it seemed evident that those firing upon the large carrier were acting on behalf of his allies, and those freighters gallivanting about were acting on behalf of his enemies.
"That ship there, what is it called?"
"It is identifying as the Gossamer, sir."
"Ah. Keep the frigates near us, and direct our long-range turbolasers on it. Hold fire for now, but be ready."
"Shall we launch fighters as well, sir?"
The Arue'tii chuckled briefly, spinning about to face the much smaller human. "You read my mind, Captain. Keep them tight to our formation, though."
"Open a channel to Nibelungen."
The slightest crackle of static and a thumbs up indicated that the channel had been opened.
"Greetings. I am Abelain Narv'uk, Knight of the One Sith. We have heard your plea for assistance, and come to offer it." He paused before continuing, "And, do inform Mythos of our presence."