Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Poke in the Eyeball (ATTN: The Ancient Eye - OPEN)

Ever Dawnracer

"Holy spacemongers," Ever said as she looked out the viewport. "That is a big ship."

She'd seen a few large ships. The new flagship was rather gargantuan and made her feel like an insignificant piece if space dust. This ship was right up there with that one, but it wasn't even really that which had caught her attention. No, it was all the warships out near the planet and it's moons, which were now moving forward towards the ship they had followed into the system.

Same as the blasts of energy being fired from the planet.

"All hands to battle stations!" came the call through the ships comms.

She turned and ran past Mereel to race towards the bridge. She might not be a Navy officer, but as the leader of the Ranger group on the ship, she had a right to know what in blazes was going on. As she entered, she was just in time to here the Captain mention sending a message to Fleet Admiral Tylane regarding the situation at hand. She looked out the viewport and saw an absolute mess.


"Little busy, Major. They just opened fire on a civilian vessel. I've relayed to command for further instructions, but you should prepare for boots down and a gauntlet run."

"We are ready."

"Good. Helm, take us behind the beast of a ship while we await orders. Don't want those blasts to hit us. Hide in her wake."

"Aye, Captain. Moving to draft position."

[member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Kainan Wolfe"] @Everyone Else
Whatever possessed her uncle to send Nassier as an envoy, she hadn't a clue. She was no great commander. Why, just being on such a ship, in general, was an excitement. She could scarcely contain herself, nearly adhering to every little urge to explore. Alas, she knew her mission. Unless she saw fit to aid these people, she need only observe. No part of her mission left room for exploration, as tempting as it might be. And what a sight all of this was to behold. It was a curious thing, watching them scramble in their preparations, not one person remaining in one place for more than a few seconds.

Well, save for Nassier.

There wasn't much for her to do, as it was. This was not her transport, not her people. She had no understanding of what was going on nor any place in telling them to do otherwise. So she was content to simply try and stay out of the way until she was addressed. When she was addressed, she was slow to respond, taking the woman's question into consideration with a bit of a hum. "Well met, Seras Rose," she replied with a warped curtsey of sorts. Should she have been here on her own, formalities would've been incredibly loose, if not dropped entirely. But she was here in her uncle's stead. The Caprine could observe no formality any more than another as his representative.

"We have been instructed we may act as we deem fit," she explained, nodding to herself as she did so. "What is your situation?"

[member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Tristram Senan"] | [member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Skorvek"]
Allies: His pals, [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] apparently this lost kid [member="Miko Spar"]
Enemies: Whoever was shooting at him, low-sec scrubs probably

Good, at least he was coordinated enough to catch. Maybe he’d be fit to fly. Only time would tell, right? Coren laughed to himself as he placed his own helmet on the nose of the E-Wing. At least the kid was moving. Right. That was step one, he was a person. And he seemed to understand… things. But what was with him wandering around before? He wasn’t sure. A wave of the hand and the kid’s ladder was moved and well Coren was still watching the guy. “Strap on that helmet, pilot. SO, yeah. E-Wing.” He nodded.

Not as well-known as the X-Wing, but just as nice. Better, if you asked Coren. But personal preference, right?

A deep breath, and a reach to the Force, he’d fold this fighter right off the deck and into the vacuum if he had to. “Missiles, but…” He nodded, a bit shaken, more ready but still.

“And yeah, guns. You’re gonna get anything that doesn’t show up green or yellow on this screen.” He pointed to screen right below the cockpit. “If its red, you fire lasers until its gone, y’know?” He wasn’t sure what this guy knew for flight training, but he was going to break it down. Far. Looking away for a second, he heard an A-Wing’s whine as it prepped and saw Rekha.

“Yo, Rek, see you out there.” He laughed as he shook his head. Was he taking it seriously? Hell no. These folk had no right to be shooting at a transport ship.

“Right, ok, so we’re gonna get you ready for launch.” Coren started hitting a few switches, reverse but still, the E-Wing was coming on line. Pointing again. “Pedals for the rudder, and yaw, slider for throttle, stick for pitch and roll. Shields. Countermeasures. Yeah? Yeah.” He looked over his shoulder, and pointed to a man in a green jacket. “He’s gonna get you out into space. I’ll be right behind you, in that.” He pointed to his Rassilon, this one a dark gold color.

Alliance special, baby.

“We good?”

If he was, Coren would be hopping over to his fighter and following the new kid out.
Allies: Republic Remnant, Eyeball Pokers

As Ever ran past him, Mereel walked over to the viewport she had just looked through. He saw a large vessel that he thought resembled two cans attached at the midpoint by a large bolo-ball.

He let out a whistle. "I'm glad no one else made any bets. I think she might look a bit better than osik.."

He was scanning the strange ship with the Mark One Eyeball when the Amathia-Class Corvette's intercomm brought him back to reality. "All hands to battle stations!"



He looked behind him but Ever had already walked off somewhere, he guessed she had went to the bridge. He wished he had brought the Iviin'yc with him now. His corvette wasn't a warship, but it was his and he knew what to do on it in this situation.

He plopped on his helmet and did what any good freelance operative in his situation would do. He searched around until he found Ever on the bridge and reported in with a sloppy salute.

"Awaiting your orders."

[member="Ever Dawnracer"]
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | Apparently his own cynical version of Mr. Miyagi ([member="Coren Starchaser"])
Enemies: Mild need to urinate and whoever the frek shot at his new squatters den

A keener eye than expected watched the mini-demo, seeing the similarities to craft he had flown before in his short life. If anything, he was a prodigy at flying, and always had been. Short and sweet though it may be, Coren had given him what he needed to know. Standard pre-flight checks began commencing, the deck hand nodding in satisfaction as the cockpit hissed closed. Giving Coren a thumbs-up as the engines hummed to life, Miko grinned a mile wide. He was going to go flying, in space, in a starfighter, to blow up enemies of whoever he was with. No one back on the docks would EVER believe this. Not for a minute.

Suddenly, the deckhand windmilled his arm and ducked, and with a lurch and a skip, Miko gunned the throttle. The initial few moments were terrible and novice, but within moments it would be as if a veteran were behind the yoke, the ship peeling out like silk floating over water, a neat wing tip to Coren as it did. On the squadron radio an excited woop could be heard. Take off was easy though, the hard part would be out there in the skies trying to dog-fight.
A woman spoke out. The order for a situation report came from her words. Commander Reece turned around to see [member="Seras Rose"] and Archlord @Skorvek. At her appearance, Commander Reece gave no change in his rather flat expression. Dark circles beneath his eyes defined his face. His uniformed seemed freshly pressed.

Without delay, Reece gave the proper greeting to the Heir and Archlord. Then he gave a quick overview of the Angramar Pyramid ships and accompanying fighters. Not a single mistake in his delivery.

They went over potential battle plans. Reece said as much as a Republic Senator would during this discussion. He informed Seras of [member="Nassier Zirfae"]’s observer status when she prompted him to explain.

Then as Seras went to speak with Nassier, Reece prepared the bridge for combat. He spoke to each officer of the bridge in relative privacy. After he had spoken with everyone he wanted to, Reece moved back to the commander’s post.

Once the Orbital Defense Cannons fired upon [member="Jorus Merrill"]’s ship, Seras began giving ordered.

Reece then repeated Seras word for word. The Tie/Reaper squadrons flew out of hangars to rush toward the Gossamer. Barring surprise talent, it would be a battle of quantity vs quality as [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"], and [member="Miko Spar"] sortied from the Gossamer.

Alerts of [member="Laira Darkhold"]’s Recon Force appearing in the system reached the bridge. Still unmoved, Reece did not give response as the bridge seemed to grow cold…

Sor-Jan Xantha

The refresher was entirely too clean on this ship.

Like, the kind of clean where, after you washed your hands, you weren't sure if you were supposed to use the hand towel that was so meticulously hung up there. Or if its decorative presence was just mocking your wet hands.

Seriously, hand towels. Pink with floral trimmings. Sor-Jan didn't think that [member="Jorus Merrill"] rolled like that, but this was his ship and so...

The Outer Rim was a judgment free zone, right?

It was while exiting the refresher that the boy had felt the gravitational sheer from the roll. Not much, but enough that the youngling grabbed hold of the doorframe to keep from sliding backwards. A blue accented BB unit went rolling down the hall, wheeling up to where the boy stood and beeping up a storm.

Apparently there was a fourth quarter review for Corell Financial that he was supposed to be attending right now. On Druckenwell. Which, honestly, was all the more reason to be out in the middle of Outer Rim nowhere.

And there was a lot of nowhere in the Outer Rim.

The shudder that accompanied a rather sizable turbolaser blast gave the impression that there might not be enough nowhere however...

"That wasn't an asteroid. Someone's shooting at us," the boy opined aloud, making his way further out into the hallway. And then just as quickly ducked back into the refresher as an army of legs came storming down toward the hangar. Adults were on the stampede, it seemed.

"Come on, BeeBee-Four, we should go help." Or find a way off this floating target. Whichever the case may be.

Returning to the hangar, the boy looked around for something suitable.

To be honest, he didn't recognize a single thing in the hangar bay. "Uh... you pick, Bee-Four," the boy uttered finally, his eyes wide as he stared at all manner of starfighter or freighter design. Seriously, what was wrong with those Eta-2 things they'd flown in the Clone Wars?

The blue-accented BB-4 rolled to a stop at the nose of an available starfighter and started bleeping to get the boy's attention. As the tow-headed Anzat strolled up to the starfighter, he was struck by the similarities that it bore to the ARC-170s that the clone pilots had flown alongside the Jedi during the war. Except, this was sleeker. And the S-foils incorporated into the wings more completely.

"What is this supposed to be?" the boy knight asked. In part somewhat impressed, though also skeptical at the idea of something new.

BB-4 uttered a series of clicks and beeps.

"A T-85 X-Wing?" the boy echoed, scratching his head as he was still skeptical. Honestly, the fact that this was in the hangar of a ship owned by Jorus Merrill didn't inspire confidence in the notion that it was actually spaceworthy.

But, his BB-unit had already loaded itself up into the droid compartment so... apparently this was happening.

Sor-Jan scanned around him a moment for a crew ladder, then finally used the Force to lift himself up to the open cockpit. Dropping down inside, the boy collapsed into the large pilot's seat. Where he was confronted with the fact that there were some buttons on the consoles all around him. Lots and lots of buttons. And some levers too.

"This is just like riding a Tauntaun... right?" the boy asked, digging around for an owner's manual while the droid started cycling the power. The canopy dropped shut as BB-4 began lifting off on autopilot, while the pilot tried to orient himself to the controls.
Even meditating on the ship that was being prepared for launch he could feel the many souls that are racing around ready for war, His eyes opened when he heard [member="Seras Rose"] arrive and stood up towering over the small human part of him saw this girl as nothing but a tool in comparison to an Anubian Warrior but he lived too long to let himself be over come by racial ego at least not in such a crucial stage.He had no doubt as to why she was chosen to be the heir but now was not the time for dwelling he looked over at [member="Nassier Zirfae"] and [member="Soeht"] two more individuals to help in the cause but how capable they will be is beyond him for now he simply followed her to the bridge and readied himself for the coming war.
Attn: [member="Kyle Raymus"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Laira Darkhold"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Miko Spar"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="Synthia Fellstarr"] | [member="Evoros"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
  • 1st Fleet
    Rally Point Alpha, in orbit around Nibelungen
Ships Deployed:

Wolfe paced across the bridge, moving from station to station, surveying his bridge crew's work as scan data from the Gossamer came in. It seemed the vessel was far more than a regular freighter, heavily armed to the point of being able to compete with a Star Destroyer and scans indicated a great number of smaller ships crammed into its hold. So, malicious intent indeed. He hailed general Kiso and admiral Raymus. "I think we now know who was helping the terrorists," he said. "General Kiso, remain on location, the First Fleet is jumping in to reinforce. Admiral Raymus, I want you to launch all of your starfighters and stand by."

The battlenet lit up with warning notifications as the RNS Indomitable targeted the Admonitor-class cruiser. Just then, Wolfe's entire First Fleet jumped in formation alongside the Admonitor and Chiselhead making up the patrol, starfighters already deployed. Unlike typical TIE designs, the TIE/Reapers were equipped with a hyperdrive, enabling them to jump on top of an enemy. Extremely fast, they were built for hit and run attacks and could outrun almost any X-Wing derivate, like the ones employed by the enemy fleet. Of course, the enemy had the advantage of stealth, but once the Stealth X's opened fire, the advanced computers aboard the capital ships would be able to pinpoint their location for a brief moment, based on the origin point of their laser blasts. The Shrouded Navy had tactics to make use of that.

"Open a comms channel, all frequencies. I want all of their ships to hear this" instructed Wolfe. His message would be relayed to every single vessel within the system. "Attention, Gossamer and its fleet. We have determined that you are here to support vile terrorists such as the Hand of Light. Know this, your captains have brought you here to die for an organization of religious fanatics which makes use of suicide bombings, hostage takings, assassinations and human shield tactics, targeting defenseless civilians like the cowards that they are. Your illegal military incursion into our space, constitutes an act of war. As such, I am giving you this chance to surrender. Despite your vile actions, any vessel that powers down its weapons and transmits a surrender message, shall be granted quarter. For any of those choosing to continue fighting, despite knowing what I just told you, there will be no mercy. We have no sympathy for those who support and engage in acts of terrorism."

And so, it began. As ordered, the ships in the First Fleet began targeting their foes, with the Chiselheads and all but one of the Admonitors locking onto the Gossamer. The massive Star Destroyer on at the center of the fleet, turned to face the RNS Indomitable head on, powering up its weapons and locking onto it. The anvil was set. "Admiral Raymus," instructed Wolfe. "Have your fleet jump in behind the Scythe-class cruiser and its escorts. Our sensors can not detect much from this distance, but I am willing to bet that it has an accompanying fleet. Activate your gravity well generators and have your fleet take them out."

The Admonitor being targeted by the Indomitable, swerved hard to its left, in an attempt to break the target lock that would only be partially successful. A glancing blow from the Scythe-class cruiser would still bring its shields down to half. A direct hit would do more damage. It was time to bring down the hammer. "All forces, open fire," said the Lord of Shrouds, his voice calm as the message was instantly relayed to all friendly vessels and ground-to-space vessels. The Shrouded fleet unleashed a whittling barrage of turbolaser and hypervelocity cannon fire, supported by the ground-based cannons which had come within range of the enemy fleet. Squadrons of TIE/Reapers sped towards their targets, using their speed to pounce on the Gossamer and engage any starfighters and other small craft that it launched. Wolfe trusted Raymus to handle the fighters from the Indomitable's fleet while his own forces focused on the Gossamer.

At the center of the first fleet, the Dark Star launched a salvo of torpedoes at the Gossamer and fired on it with its short range weaponry, the hypervelocity guns which made up the portion of the ship's hex bank that was facing Jorus Merrill's vessel, firing in unison with the capital ship's turbolaser and ion cannon emplacements. At the same time, the Dark Star's main weapon, the composite beam laser which set it apart from a regular Valiant-class Star Destroyer, fired. From emitters in the nose of the ship, three white beams converging on eachother in a point in front of the ship. A brilliant white lance of fire shot out towards the RNS Indomitable, firing for a full 1.093 seconds with a power equal to that of two of a Star Destroyer's octuple bank barbettes.

Haven't had much sleep last night and had a horrible day yesterday. If I missed anything, let me know so I can edit it.

Aboard the Gossamer: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Miko Spar"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Tristram Senan"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Laira Darkhold"]
The Other Guys: [member="Mythos"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="The Matador"] | [member="Ra’a’mah"] | [member="Kainan Wolfe"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Kiso"]

Objective: ...I did not sign up for this.

The knuckles of his hands grew increasingly white as their hold around the chair magnified.

This was not what Itash had signed up for. He had been assuming a ground-battle, maybe some light dogfighting between some of these... people, but the warning within the Force took him completely by surprise. Next came the warnings of the system as the first barrage hit their shields and almost immediately took out a royal bite out of them. Eighty percent left, did he hear that right? Just one shot?? But this wasn't the moment to panic and demand an escape pod for himself, was it?

Something told Itash that wouldn't reflect very well on Didact Defense Solutions. No, not at all.

But he couldn't fly a ship, couldn't dogfight and barely knew how to handle turrets. "Merrill- I can either help our side or fight their side." Head tilted as he mulled over his words and found them to be true. He certainly could not handle both sides at once, Tash didn't have enough practice with that.

"Battle Meditation." The wane smile turned into half a scowl. "...of the less lightside variant, it will help, but it might not be very pleasant for your people... or their people."

The choice had to be his- The Tapani had feth all idea how this battle would go or where his attention would be needed more.
[member="Kyle Raymus"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | @Laira Darkhold | @Coren Starchaser | @Rekha Kaarde | @Miko Spar | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Synthia Fellstarr"] | [member="Evoros"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

  • 1st Fleet
    Rally Point Alpha, in orbit around Nibelungen
  • In command of chisel head 'Kuma' as well as 2 more corvettes
The sudden arrival of what looked like a classic rebel alliance fleet coming to back up the revealed to be almost star destroyer class freighter instantly put Kiso on edge, there was going to be a fight, nothing else could come from this. "Heads up people look like we have a battle on our hands, be ready for anything this will not be a fight like the Sith, suspect any tactic that comes to your mind, because I am certain they will attack".

"General Kiso, remain on location, the First Fleet is jumping in to reinforce. Admiral Raymus, I want you to launch all of your starfighters and stand by."

"By your command M'lord, everyone prepare to jump, have turbo laser primed and torpedo tube on stand by", the general received several resounding as the first fleet made their jump to the main combat zone, the communications array already alight with chatter and reports. 'Well, this is it, we may win, we may lose, but we will make a definite stand... not sure how I feel about fighting Jedi, but that's war for you, it's either you or them". In but a moment the 1st fleet entered real space, coming into view of the, well she would just say rebel fleet, her eye and scanner bearing witness to the synth class ship firing upon the much smaller admonitor class ship after wolfe gave his speech.

"All forces, open fire,"

One of the deck officer quickly relayed a message to Kiso from the flag ship, "General we have been given permission to take control of two chisel heads and engage and enemy of your choice to keep them distracted before 3rd fleet arrives". The cybrog general gave a nod before speaking into the ships communicator, "Chisel head two and five, break from your flank position and form up on me, I want you to focus your fire on the closest enemy hammer head, if we can do enough damage we will lessen the laser fire on our fighters and break a small gap in their defenses, keep torpedo ready but don't fire just yet, those CR blocked runners will most likely have point defense".

As ordered two of the Chisel heads broke off from formation, making their way a bit to the side of the fleet, but still in range of easy fighter support, each ships two turbo laser opening up onto [member="Laira Darkhold"]s most forward Hammer Head craft. These modles looked to be better then the older ones, having more turbo lasers then the chisel head even if they appeared to be even in the laser cannon department, probably the hammer head being a more dedicated battle ship then the Shrouds multi role vessel. Though Kiso ships where bigger, and probably had better shielding and armor, the chisel head pointed end being good at deflecting shot, unlike the border and more easily targetable Hammer Heads. "Keep up the fire and when you see an opening fire the torpedoes at that upper quad turbo battery, make sure you aim is good, I don't want any misses".
  • swbattles7.jpg
  • 3rd Fleet
Fleet Composition:
​Fighter Complement:
  • TIE/Reaper (7 squadrons, 84 ships)
  • RZ-110 (1 Squadron, 12 ships)
  • RZB-12 (4 squadrons, 24 ships)
​"Alright. Commence jump sequence. I want to come out behind that Scythe-Class"
The 3rd fleet formed up and jumped. Moments later they emerged out of hyperspace, directly behind the RMS Indomitable and it's support fleet. The enemy took the bait. Now, they were wedged between the 1st and the 3rd Shrouded Republican Fleets, though there was still lots of open space and room for an escape, and the Scythe-Class did not have weapons on it's rear. The entire 3rd fleet was in it's blindspot. The Overseer launched it's fighter and bomber squadrons, and the other ships followed suit. Now, 120 fighters and 11 ships were in combat mode.

"Fire at Will"
The Overseer began firing it's long range turbolasers, while the Ardan-Is opened up with their railguns. The 3rd fleet would now begin closing the distance between them and the enemy fleet. The ships focused fire on the enemy anti air support ships, namely the Nebulon and the corvettes, including the Hammerhead P1. The fire was focused, intent on bringing separate ships down as fast as possible. The fighters meanwhile formed a protective screen in front of the 11 capital ships, preparing to fight off the enemy fighter complement. The RZB-12 bombers stayed behind, protected but ready to make a run for the enemy ships.

The Overseer began launching it's 4 shield probes, which made it's way towards the Admonitor-class Light Cruisers, which would receive quite the boost to their shields. This will allow them to deal some damage and take some too in close quarters combat. The 3rd began the chase, closing the distance slowly but surely. Once they would close the distance, they would trap the enemy between them and the 1st fleet. Once Winter's advanced Surface-Space cannons rotated into position, the Shrouded would get yet another edge in this battle.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"] |[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Significant Actions/Attacks:
Overseer: Targetting RMS Hellsword
Ardan-I (Dark Blade): Targetting RMS Lightbringer
Ardan-I (Sword of the Republic): Targetting RNS Herald
Aboard the Gossamer: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Miko Spar"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tristram Senan"] [member="Itash Mecetti"]
Allies and Potential Allies on Other Ships: [member="Smallgrin Ben"] [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Gauntlet"] [member="Whisper"]
The Other Guys: [member="Mythos"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Matador"] @Ra’a’mah [member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Seras Rose"] [member="Kiso"]

Jorus was still chewing on the accusation when a good chunk of fleet microjumped on top of him. Not ideal.

“Send out the usual disclaimer.”

Adurak nodded and broadcasted an audio snippet of Jorus denying any association with an unspecified militant organization. That clip came in handy about once a week.

Those yellow lights were still blinking. “Djembara, shield status.”

The Socorran cyborg grunted. “Sixty-eight percent and equalized. We're taking short-range fire from the enemy flagship but its primary batteries are focused elsewhere. Still diverting power from capital weapons to reinforce shields.”

Not a tenable solution in the long run. A Lotekk DST was built to survive these kinds of encounters, not win them. “Vars, report.”

“They’ve deployed relatively few TIE fighter sssquadronsss. Defensssive emplasssementsss produsssing accssseptable resssultsss.”

Could be worse. Jorus focused on the navigation systems. In a perfect world, he'd move to help, and shelter with, the Rebellion fleet. Turning a ship this size would normally take too long, but he'd already turned partially to get out of the optimal range of the ground emplacements.

“Get to someone's attack ship, Mecetti,” he said absently, fingers flying over the helm controls. “Get out there and board. I'm paying you to drop some bodies.”

The Gossamer entered hyperspace for a fraction of a second, guided and measured by Jorus’ unmatched experience in instinctive astrogation. The attacking ships dwindled in the rearview.

“Adurak, intercom. All hands, you may have noticed we’ve performed a microjump. We're just outside long weapons range from the furball. Now's the time to deploy without getting shot in the process.” The Gossamer kept turning to put its starboard broadside toward the distant engagement. “The Resistance had our backs, and now they're in the thick of it. Let's return the favor.”

Starfighters and modified freighters began pouring from the ventral hangar and the big cargo door at the bow. The first waves accelerated toward the distant firefight. It wasn't much - a few dozen ships total - but maybe enough to tilt the scales back to parity.

Zek Koth

Not long after the Republic diplomatic vessel had sent word back to command of the brewing situation, a full wing of old style E-Wings exited hyperspace near the rear skirmish that was about to unfold around the Resistance vessels. At their lead, in completely white fighters, were White squadron, the Republic's elite fighter squadron that was also secretly known as Spectre Squadron to the Starfighter Corp brass. All of the fighters were openly broadcasting as Republic Remnant vessels.

"RNV Herald this is White Leader. Withdraw to our position while we assist," Zek called over open comms to the ship with [member="Ever Dawnracer"] and [member="Mereel Vaun"] on it.

Zek piloted his fighter with the rest of the Wing in the direction [member="Kyle Raymus"] and his fighters. As he did so, he double checked his shield and primed his weapons. This was going to be fun for him. Blowing some infidel pilots to smithereens got his blood pumping just as good as tearing their arms off would. He had no remorse for them. Based on what had been relayed to them, this Ancient Eye or Shrouded Republic or whatever had fired the first shot on a civilian vessel. That made them a Republic enemy.

As he pushed the engines to Max, he entered the fray from the aft of the Shrouded Republic vessels, spraying fire at one of the nearest enemy fighters. Before invertising his fighter around to go after another one. His wingman, White Two, followed effortlessly as they began their attack run on the enemy fighters. Once they cleared up the clutter they could harass the crap out of the big guns.

[member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]





“Can’t take any o’ them larger ships with our numbers,” grunted Ben, “And there’s enough Rebs now to make it a fight.” His single eye focusing in on incoming Chisel corvettes.

“What do ya say to takin one o them corvettes lads?”

There was a chorus of growls.

“Full speed ahead then.”

The Red Libation slipped through turbolaser fire and torpedoes headed for the Gossamer. The boat was small and fast, a hard target in this mess. Both corvettes were engaging a rebel Hammerhead. When the Libation drew in range of the lead Chisel, Smallgrin gave the order.

“Give her the one-two and prepare tah board.”

The two ion cannons poured out their salvo toward the Kuma, followed by the deployment of the connor net when they got closer. Ideally, the Gossamer net would enfold the corvette and disable it, but either way Ben planned to board.
Location: Aboard the Bridge of the Paladin
Allies: [member="Mythos"] and his motley crew of Low-sec misfits.
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], and the other High-sec carebears.
Two Days Prior to the Events of the Skirmish

There was the gentle beeping of a notification flaring somewhere within the bridge, the faint noise providing notice that there had been a communication which had managed to reach them. The Arue'tii walked the length of the bridge, watching as assorted deck officers attempting to locate the faint noise, but, all aboard were having a surprising amount of difficulty in locating it. It appeared almost as if though it was not emanating from the many consoles which made up the bridge, but rather that it had simply been stashed somewhere aboard the warship. An ensign approached him, his demeanor somewhat abashed as he pointed to the gentle red light coming off of the Sith's own wrist communicator. The Arue'tii nodded to the ensign, thankful that the issue had been located, but confused nonetheless at the circumstances...

Who was calling him?

A short message was played out for his benefit from the communications device, and he immediately recognized the visage of Mythos, the Sith Lord who he had met whilst the pair had still been under the regime of the One Sith. He had not given the man much thought since the fragmentation of that particular organization, and had simply assumed that he was either deceased, or that he had joined with many others in the grand diaspora, and simply joined up with another fledgling group of dark siders. Now, he was given his answer, or, at least a portion of it. The message regaled the appeal of visiting the system of Nibelungen.

Fascinating. He briefly considered visiting himself to see whether or not the request held any truth to it, but the Sith; even those he had met in the past and fought alongside, were a wily gang, and to implicitly trust them not to stab one in the back was inviting calamity. No, he would not visit personally, but he would neither allow the invitation to go completely unheeded.

"Captain. Direct the Imperator to the Nibelungen system. I do not want any interaction with the planetary body. They are there simply to observe." The order was relayed, and the Rancor class frigate was dispatched from its idle rest to scout out the system.

Fifteen Minutes Prior to Present Time

The Arue'tii sat within his chambers, listening intently to the gentle whirr of the engines. When he had first come aboard the starship so many years ago, he had detested the constant buzz, but gradually he had come to accept it in the same way as one accepts rainfall, or the rush of a nearby creek. Certainly, it held a less natural condition to it, but it was a constant noise nonetheless, and it provided a steady backdrop of audible sound that assisted him greatly in his meditations. Even in his relatively introspective state, he was capable of scenting the approaching officer before they had ever reached his quarters, taking notice of their blood, and the way that it steadily rumbled throughout their heart, the quickened pulsation of crimson liquid indicative of a stressful scenario.

"Sir, your presence is requested on the bridge." The officer didn't deign it necessary to knock nor enter the quarters, trusting that the Arue'tii had managed to hear his command, and promptly abandoned the place. In truth, it would have come as a shock if he hadn't managed to hear the officer, and they were well aware that he was capable of knowing of their presence at all times, even if they didn't necessarily understand the logistics behind his innate olfactory tracking.

Abelain donned his belt and subsequent sheathes, and the red cloak which made up the entirety of his attire, and promptly withdrew to the bridge.
"Report." He grumbled, not quite irritated, but certainly not satisfied at being interrupted either. Regardless, if it was important enough news, he would rather face a brief bout of frustration than suddenly be assailed with negative news.

"The Imperator has received indications of a battle taking place over Nibelungen. They are requesting orders."
"Ensure that they remain where they are until further notice. Have them send their exact coordinates for a rendezvous."
"We're going to Nibelungen then, sir?"
He paused to consider his answer, reviewing the information once more in his mind so as to guarantee that it was logical. "We are. The system is under the authority of a Sith who was once of the One Sith."
The Captain clenched his teeth at the news, and Abelain briefly considered that he looked vaguely like an angered Nexu. "A traitor or a coward."
"It is possible, but it could be that he is simply attempting to regather us together, or that he is misguided. He invited the Knights and Lords of the old government."
"Hmmph. Very well. I shall make preparations at once.
"I'm glad to hear it, Captain. It is quite possible we will be making a ground excursion. Ready the regiments, and the Hammer in particular.
"As you command."

Present Time

The Paladin exited hyperspace with a brief shudder of kinetic force, shaking all aboard for a fraction of a second before stabilizing to its usual stillness. An instant passed, and a pair of Rancor class Frigates appeared at its flanks, as if though they were escorting the mighty warship. Blatantly displayed upon the sides of each of the vessels were the emblems and signs of the One Sith, a government that had since dispersed from the galaxy, but with whom the trio of vessels still owed allegiance.

Upon the bridge of the heavy assault cruiser, Abelain Narv'uk observed the many ships fluttering around just outside of the orbit of Nibelungen. They had warped quite far from the world, attempting to maintain a fair distance from whatever conflict had managed to embroil it, but close enough that they could begin to analyze the situation. The Sith observed the large ship, the one that had only moments prior sent out a message applying for assistance from any allied forces nearby. The fact that it was in conflict with the armies under Mythos was evidence enough that they were enemies of the One Sith.

He gazed further upon the many smaller vessels scattered to and fro, the corvettes, the fighters, the freighters, and off in the distance what appeared to be a Star Destroyer. Admittedly, it was somewhat difficult discerning who was on whose side without the respective transponder codes meant to identify each ship's allegiance, but it seemed evident that those firing upon the large carrier were acting on behalf of his allies, and those freighters gallivanting about were acting on behalf of his enemies.

"That ship there, what is it called?"
"It is identifying as the Gossamer, sir."
"Ah. Keep the frigates near us, and direct our long-range turbolasers on it. Hold fire for now, but be ready."
"Shall we launch fighters as well, sir?"
The Arue'tii chuckled briefly, spinning about to face the much smaller human. "You read my mind, Captain. Keep them tight to our formation, though."

"Open a channel to Nibelungen."

The slightest crackle of static and a thumbs up indicated that the channel had been opened.
"Greetings. I am Abelain Narv'uk, Knight of the One Sith. We have heard your plea for assistance, and come to offer it." He paused before continuing, "And, do inform Mythos of our presence."
Location: In the Gossomer hold
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Itash Mecetti"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Miko Spar"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Laira Darkhold"]
Enemies: [member="Kyle Raymus"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Soeht"] @Mythis [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Matador"] [member="Seras Rose"] [member="Ra'a'mah"]
Neutral: [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Nassier Zirfae"] [member="Zek Koth"]

It didn't take Tristram long to find that medical kit he was after. He pulled out the bacta needle and stabbed it into his neck as close to his spine as he could. Within but a few moments he felt the rush of something through his head and in it's wake was left clarity. Sweet release from the fog he was thinking a little clearer again. As he put the medical kit back up though he felt the ship jerk. The sensation his entire body was subjected to was unmistakable. They had been hit. He steadied himself against the wall as he waited for things to right themselves. All the while his brain jumped into activity. The party had started and he needed a plan.

After a few minutes Tristram was back in the hold were he had left his drunken companions to their prep. What he came back to find was that it had grown in size from a handful of people to a small mob. All of them were drunk and all of them looked like they needed something to do. Seemed they had gotten more alcohol out while he was away, which he wasn't about to question where they got it from. Spacers just knew how to hide things on ships. What was he going to do with all of these people though? They were sort of his responsibility now after being the one to get them all drunk like this. Then a message played from a nearby com. It was the captain sending out a distress message about being opened fire upon.... Wait, he could use this. With an impish grin he headed to a small stack of crates. He had an idea.

Tristram got up on the crate and cleared his voice loudly several times until he had the mob's attention. He looked over them for a second in the silence. He got himself looking infuriated and started, " Did you hear that message just now? The Sithies opened up fire on a civilian vessel using military force! A vessel that contains children, the sick, and the elderly was attacked as if it was some kind of threat to the system. Not even the most morally poor of criminals would do such a thing, yet these Sithies did. How can anyone stand for this? Why would anyone stand for this? The answer is simple: They can't. And no one ever should!" A small roar of outrage erupted form the not so sober crowd. He waved them back down into silence once more then went on. " They claim they are being invaded. They claim we are terrorists. They can't be serious! How is a civilian vessel an invading force and how are children, the sick, and elderly terrorists threatening the streets? They are not! Either these Sithies and their puppets are blind or do not care. They are drunk I say, but not in the way good honest people are drunk. No, they are not drunk from enjoying a few pints with friends and strangers in some merriment after a hard day of work. They are not drunk from celebrating a joyous event such as a joining of love. No, they are drunk with power and fear losing it. So they oppress those that deserve to be free and dominate those that they should serve. We need to rise up, all of us, against this blind, immoral tyranny right here and right now!" A much louder roar erupted out of the gathered mob calling out for blood and the fall of the tyrants.

Tristram reached up to his neck and deactivated the com he had hidden on his collar when he went up to speak. His speech was being broadcast out on all channels as far as it could reach. There was no chance it could make it out of the system, but those on the planet certainly would be able to hear it. His hope was that it might spark some outrage. He wanted it to catch light and grow into a blaze of rebellion across the system. These people didn't deserve to be under the thumb of Sith and tyrants. No one did. He looked around the hold and said half to those around him and half to himself, " Where is the heaviest armored ship here? I want to take one of their big boats."

I will try to narrow down tags soon. This thread is blowing up and I think we should make an OOC for it at this rate.
"Sir, they are broadcasting."

Kainan Wolfe said:
"Attention, Gossamer and its fleet. We have determined-"

Click. The message interrupted by the general activating communication jammers aboard the Indomitable.

The benefit of having Long Guns was simple. You could reach out and hit opposition while that opposition could not reach out and hit you back without first closing an astronomical distance under fire. The First Fleet at point Alpha was far beyond their own weapon ranges, bolts falling miserably short of the Resistance Flight group.

"General, enemy ships preparing jumps."

"We can assume they've picked up Micro-jump capabilities. Bring all ships to broadside on our way out. We are out of their main groups range by an a large margin but they will probably call for reinforcements as soon as they arrive."

The enemy fleet arrived, out-sizing the Resistance Fleet which was already out-sized by the forces of Fleet One. General Dukat assumed it was because the Ancient Eye and Shrouded Republic believed its officers and crew to be wildly incompetent and needed to compensate with overwhelming force, but that was just his conclusion to so much having already been brought to bare on a single Destroyer. They were far too easily scared to be real Sith.

The enemy fleet arrived and both fleets began exchanging fire, the Indomitable blarring its close range weapons and missiles at the closest Admonitor with the Dominion of Power supporting fire against one of the others, each Chiselhead going against one of the Resistance Escorts. They wouldn't have long of being merely outnumbered before the Ancient Eye realized its main fleet was woefully out of range and would likely Micro-Jump as well.

"Unleash Boarders, prep our Jedi friends to hit their larger vessels. Alert Gossamer with Comm Lasers we won't be staying long. Jump us back out as soon as they are away. Godspeed Rebels."


Laira and her flights pulled around through the murk of space, the Gossamer sitting out alone. The Ancient Eye had a lot more ships than was necessary, but one of the sayings was when you've got it flaunt it. One of the other sayings was Two Jedi and a bomb can kill a Star Destroyer and the Resistance and Coalition had a ton of Jedi and Rebels with bad attitudes.

Her flight turned backwards, so far maintaining stealth and waiting for their sensor drones to reach their triangulation points. The redhead jerked her control stick to the left. Enemy was dropping fighters in mass, preparing to engage with the Resistance Fighters and Outer Rim Coalition folks on the Gossamer.

"Lets go Bee Seven." She muttered under her breath, swooping her flight around to come up behind an outlying group of enemy starfighters. At least they would get a good first pass on thinning out some of the numbers. "All Flights Engage." Comms broke, all twelve went to Combat mode with Full Power to weapons, opening up fire into the rear of a group of enemy TIE reapers.

Task Force Unrelenting Spirit
RNS Indomitable, MC140/C Scythe-type Cruiser
RNS Dominion of Power, ACS Mircin
RNS Herald, EF91 Nebulon-D Carrier Frigate
RNS Lightbringer, CR112 Corvette
RNS Hellsword, CR112 Corvette
P1 Hammerhead Corvette
P2 Hammerhead Corvette
P3 Hammerhead Corvette

Indomitable Cycles Full Power to Weapons
Indomitable Targets 3rd Fleets Admonitor-class with Long and Extreme Range Weaponry
Escorts go 1 to 1 With enemy Escorts
All ships Jump as soon as PC's are away.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kyle"] Ramus @Kiso
Location: Aboard the Gossamer
Allies: Eh...the TR/ORC people and Friends. [member="Itash Mecetti"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Laira Darkhold"] etc.
Enemies: Sithies and Friends.

By the time this one got around to quantum tunnelling into the thread, plenty of stuff had happened. If this one were writing Elpsis, there might have been witty quips. Probably something about Sithies compensating for something. Lame jokes would have abounded. Maybe she'd used the telepathic radio to send some innuendo and good luck wishes Laira's way.

However, the latest addition to the Kerrigan-Alcori clan was not here. Instead, it was a frosty elf with a terribly limited capacity for emoting. Or small talk. Her expression was predictably frosty. Her mood was grumpy. Stuff was happening in space, things blew up. It was all very dramatic. At least the redundant speechifying was over. It was bad enough that as an Angelii she'd had to attend Ashiran church despite thinking that their message was bollocks. She could do without Sith speechifying about being the good guys. Thus the display impressed her as little as the Ancient Eye's apparent desire to flaunt its toys.

Regardless, there was a chance to wreck stuff. One of the many people aboard the Gossamer wanted to board an enemy ship. That was fine with her. She was cool with stabbing Sithies. "I'll join," she said, you might have guessed it, dear reader, laconically. Maybe when this one has more time, they'll write a serious post.

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