Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Raid of Iron

"Great cosmos lady, you're one toughie. Everyone takes everything so seriously. Maybe if you had stopped threatening me and, gosh asking for Republic secrets? How stupid do you think I am? How extreme are you?!"

I roll over into my knees and spit blood. The heat from the shipment is super hot so I use my hands and push myself away from it. I lean up against a wall of something or other.

"I made my own option. Yours were absolutely terrible. Prison, betrayal, or death? Gee, I wonder which is best. NONE." I say forcefully. I cough and pick my helmet up and look at my reflection. "I was hoping for a peaceful solution until you went all anti-republic-kill-the-commando on me. I wasn't gonna sit there and take it either. Plus it was kinda funny trying to stun you and take ya out of the picture. You know, so I could go home without feeling like an absolute failure by taking one of your horrid options." I put the helmet at my side.

I look up at the two women staring down at me. I grin. "Now what? Kill me? Hope for a peaceful solution again? Just, for the love of the force, not so extreme?" I exclaim staring at [member="Miss Blonde"] for the last part. I raise my eyebrows. "We were getting along pretty well beforehand. Not like I was gonna kill anyone. Or have for that matter. Maybe return the favor?"

[member="Deneve Verd"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Blonde actually laughed, not a ironic cynical laugh either. Legitimate laughter that bubbled out of her throat as she held her pistol to the man's head. With the Beskar breaking down and bubbling next to her she thought this was as good a time as any to help drop some knowledge. Bitches had to learn after all.

"You come here guns blazing, destroying buildings, wounding people, potentially killing innocent bystanders, and you want peace? That wall you took out, there are people being rushed to the hospital because of you, there are people with shrapnel in their gut that could go septic and kill them, because of you. Because you thought it was a good idea to come to Echo'lya and steal yourself some Beskar when you could of filled out the fucking visa form and mined it!" Blonde's pistol would power up charging the shot that would be aimed for his brain pan.

"No you don't get to make peace, you don't get to ride a high horse when you're causing the terror, and if a single person dies because of you nothing is going to stop me from putting you down like the little coward you are. So yeah, you could say my mood Is let's kill the republic commando." Blonde would then shift an eye over to Deneva.

She was disappointed in her, she wanted to seek peace with the man who terrorized them, who blew up their homes and brought pain with every step. That was weakness and if there was something Blonde didn't tolerate it was weakness, and [member="Keira Ticon"] would agree with her, that this man needed to get his and that she was the minority here.

"Deneve, I don't care what you want, and I don't care if you think making peace with him is cool. So you're gonna pick, me or him. Cause either this guy is going into Mando custody, getting put down, or giving something of worth otherwise Keira and I are going to obliterate him until he's a smear on the karking wall." now was not the time to kark with Blonde. At all.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Deneve Verd"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"]
"I set off three grenades! Three! There were karking walls between civilians and the blast zones. They were ALL set off in the hangar. I intend not to kill anyone, and haven't, so don't go all 'you're an evil villain killing innocents' when I haven't hurt a soul besides the ones trying to kill me. My blaster was set to a high powered stun, not a farkling overkill." I glare at the one holding a gun to my head.

"And lady, orders are orders. I'm not some merchant looking into stocks and trades, I fight for a living. And I do that pretty well. You Mandalorians have a code of honor right? I've fulfilled that pretty well, to the extent of my knowledge. No killing, honor, glorious battles, all that. I've done that today and at the end of it all nobody dies or suffers. I would think that's honor right there." I gesture towards the smoldering pile of beskar. "Why'd you even do that? It's not like I can take it. I can hardly stand right now, much less push a cart. I know you Mandalorians are mad and all, but really? Be logical..." I give an exasperated sigh.

I toss my detonator to [member="Miss Blonde"] with the sticky grenade. Hopeful intentions. I have really really rotten luck. Why can't this Mandalorians see sense and apology when it's right in front of them? "I was hoping to go out with a bang." I say with my charming smile. "Sorry for the mess but war ain't pretty."

I mutter under my breath about communication and how people need to so badly these days. I am really tired. I could practically fall asleep in my armor. Wouldn't be the first time.
Silas' comms were buzzing with the chatter from his friend and the two crazy people. He didn't want to die here, and he certainly didn't want his friend to have to bite the bullet,as, that would leave him as an accessory and they'd have no reason to keep him around, especially since he did, in fact kill several mandalorian guards, fry their systems and otherwise wreak havoc. No, he wasn't happy with any of the options provided, but he wasn't allied to the Republic, his friend was. He decided he'd have to provide a new option, he keyed up the comms to his friend, "Jaster, We're both dead or imprisoned if we don't reach a decision quick. I've got a force user hunting me out here. I'm trapped in a hangar with a different ship, you're cornered by two people, one of which doesn't care at all for your wellbeing. We can either submit ourselves to stand trial, or we can give them something they want. It doesn't even have to be -Republic- Secrets, just secrets of one of their enemies. Anything. This mission ended up turning into a pile of Poodoo." Silas said, trying to stay quiet, just in case the force user was nearby.
As far as Keira was concerned, this one was better off dead. That was the only way they could ensure things stayed localized and didn't escape into the galaxy, and besides, that was a fair penance in her mind. He had trespassed, killed their own and attempted to steal one of their transports, though that didn't amount to much. And now he was trying to talk his way out of things as if he hadn't done anything wrong. Typical Republic. Flexing the fingers of her cybernetic hand she sighed quietly, stepping up behind [member="Miss Blonde"] and watching this one carefully, dark eyes narrowed. She wasn't inclined to spare him, or demonstrate the least bit of mercy in ending his life. Not after this.

"Listen, shabuir, I'm going to explain things real slow. You trespassed on our capital world with intentions to steal one of our transports and make off with it. I don't care about the deaths of the guards right now, because that's secondary. Hell, even being on Echoy'la isn't the issue. But there are legal and far more sensible ways to go about things. You chose the hard way, now you suffer the consequences." It was that easy, in her mind. This was the sort of hardline justice most Mandalorians subscribed to, after all. Sure, these might be minor offenses to most, but after the past few weeks that had included a handful of offenses such as this, she wasn't of a mind to play nice.

To her credit no weapons were drawn, and she managed to keep a fairly level voice, though the tone it carried was razor sharp. Wordlessly she rested a hand on Blonde's pistol arm, slowly pushing it down to lower it assuming no resistance was provided. Far be it from her of all people to preach nonviolence, but she wanted to handle this. It felt too personal, after everything. "You're going to tell me who sent you and why, and you're also going to tell me why it wasn't possible for you to purchase a visa and mine this legally like everyone else. And for your sake I would hope there's a damn good reason." Taking a breath she exhaled slowly, the fingernails of her right hand digging into her palm.

"I'm not going to threaten your life or the lives of those you love. Not because I'm above it, but because I'm beyond that point. You know what you did. We all know what you did. Now I want an explanation, and I want you to tell me what you think is fair justice. If you try to weasel your way out of this, you're not going to like what I do next. So go on, make your choice. Just don't keep me waiting."

[member="Jaster Starfallen"]
"You karking Madnalorians! That's Bantha fodder!" I yell. Besides saying I've killed people, which I'm 99% sure I haven't, did she really think threats would make me give up secrets? I might be able to get away with the primary reasons for my mission but asking for all the little details? The Republic would be very angry at me. I'd rather have angry Mandalorians then my friends in the Republic. I glare at the two Mandalorians standing over me.

An idea comes to mind. If I ask for a duel I think they'd have to take it. Mandalorian honor and all that. Be a way to prove that I'm honorable too. If I win, I go free. With a visa. I'll pay for property damage. If they win I'll tell them the answers to the questions they asked me. Not new questions, just the ones they asked me. I'd just need a bacta treatment though. I can hardly stand on two feet without passing out. An even playing field too, with only a blaster and sword or some other weapon. Here goes nothing. For the fourth time an idea. For the first time, a good one.

"I challenge one of you in honest combat. Even playing field. Same weapons, and same state of health." I say. "I really need a bacta treatment. Anyways, you know the rules better than me." The thought of a duel hasn't occurred until now. "You do these things, right?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, and if you win, I answer all of your questions you asked me." I add. "If I win then my friends and I get to go free. With a visa. And I'll pay for some of the property damage." I look at the smoldering beskar and then back to Blonde. That seems fair enough, after all I did blow a wall up.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Again this guy was a real comedian to think a five foot hundred and fifteen pound woman was a Mandalorian, it was sincerely comedic that this person thought that they could just challenge them to a duel and everything was going to be ok. Blonde again laughed quite sincerely and looked over to the failed Republic soldier and shook her head.

"Do I look like a $@&#ing Mandalorian to you, queen?" Blonde said as she pushed the pistol a bit closer to his face.

"The whole honor duel crap, I don't play that game. And Keira over there I think she's not going to accept a duel from a piece of trash thief who has no honor. You'd need a bit before you challenged anyone, I'm afraid you aren't weaseling out of this." Blonde put her finger on the trigger of the weapon and very much wanted to pull the trigger on the kid.

But Blonde knew that the Empire had possible plans for him and it'd of been rude to shoot the guy into the next life. So Blonde decided that the best course of action was torture, long, drawn out, intimate torture.

"Verd, I think this person could use a little motivation. Go ahead and go do your thing, but send him my way if you get the time. I have a box cutter with his name on it." Blonde's pistol gently tapped the man's cheek as she took the grenades from him and disarmed them.

"Pistol and sword too, buddy. All of it, your misguided sense of honor doesn't mean crap to me or my-" But before Blonde could finish her thought she had quite the fun little idea.

But it would need some time to set up first, so she'd let the kids play while she went and handled her business.

"Run along with your prisoner, Verd. I'll be back shortly." Blonde said as she smiled and would pace away from the scene.

[member="Jaster Starfallen"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Deneve Verd"]
"Blonde, take the rest of his companions and lock them up.Turning to the man that had clearly ticked off both her Aunt and Blonde she would begin speaking softly. "Normally an honor duel is called for under different circumstances... This is probably the worst time to ask for one. Anyone here would rather kill you and your companions. For your actions against our people. You all are going to stand before my father and answer for your actions ..."

Moving forward, she would kneel down in front of him. A pained look on her face. "My views may be different than these folks. They would rather shoot first or manipulate you and then questions after. But, you're going to have to take responsibility for your actions.. You stunned a member of my father's council and your friend attempted to shoot to kill me.. I can only let so much slide.. "

Glancing towards her aunt finally she, would glower at Blonde, before once again speaking, the urge to smack the woman off her horse lurking just beneath the surface.

"Let's round them all up. If they want to take Blonde's deal to lessen the punishment let them. If not they await standing before my father. I want them all searched and stripped of everything but the clothes on their back. Do not harm them. Should they be harmed it will be by the order of the Manda'lor unless of course they attempt to attack any of you.."

Rising once more, she would step back and then activate the comm. "Aedan, round up his comrade. They are to be imprisioned until they stand before my father.."

[member="Miss Blonde"]

[member="Jaster Starfallen"]

[member="Keira Ticon"]

[member="Silas Miu"]

[member="Aedan Miles"]
"Well, it was worth a try." I say. "Hope your dad's nice. Speaking of niceness, can i still have that bacta treatment?"

As I'm lifted from the ground I radio Silas. "Do as they say and we'll be fine." As I take my wrist guard off I activate the Republic distress beacon on the inside of the armor. I toss the piece on the ground with my boots and other armor. Compliance is the best thing right now, especially with these extremists.
"Do as they say and we'll be fine." Silas heard Jaster say over the comms.

'Shit, that's what I as afraid he's say." Silas thought to himself, attempting to remain hidden despite his friends advice.

He knew this mission would suck, but he didn't know there would be such an overwhelming show of force over one little shipment of iron. 'Shouldve stayed home' he thought.
Aedan looked around tilting his head as he felt the force and reached out to all the unfamiliar presences in it he did he let all the darkness that embodied Aedan fill the force around him. Smirking Aedan leapt from the tower only seeing the droid atop it absently he reached out using the force he started to condense the droid with the use of telekinetic force. Amplifying his voice through the force Aedan called out calmly. "IF you continue to hide the chances are very VERY high I will hurt you before turning you over to the Mandalorian Empire. If you come out now I won't get the right or chance to hurt you because you are cooperating. Now this is the only chance you will get show yourself before I am forced to search you out which would make me very unhappy."

[member="Silas Miu"]
Silas could barely hear a voice calling for his surrender. It wasn't even so much that it was audible, more as if it somehow spoke to his mind. (OOC: Since my character was out of earshot in the hangar of the jedi's ship. My character, although untrained in the force, is force-sensitive and was likely to at least pick up the words that way.) 'Damn these jedi-types' Silas thought to himself as he shook his head.

He knew there was really no option other than to surrender. The Mandalorian Empire had a blockade set up, the port was locked down tight (more his own doing than anything, since he'd fried their systems), and they still had several squads of highly trained guards on high alert throughout the facility. He might stand a chance at taking out at most three of the guards, but he knew that his limited combat experience would make him quickly overwhelmed, and they'd be much less inclined to keep him alive if he killed any more of them. 'Good thing I only tied these guys up,' Silas mused, looking to the three unconscious guards hog-tied on the floor in the hangar.

Silas wasn't about to walk out through the facility, though, not if there was the chance that an over-zealous guard would try to kill him and claim it was in self-defense. Silas threw the blaster rifle he'd picked up on the ground, then walked over to a nearby crate to await the arrival of whoever sent that odd surrender message.

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