Jaster Starfallen
SpecForce Commando
"Great cosmos lady, you're one toughie. Everyone takes everything so seriously. Maybe if you had stopped threatening me and, gosh asking for Republic secrets? How stupid do you think I am? How extreme are you?!"
I roll over into my knees and spit blood. The heat from the shipment is super hot so I use my hands and push myself away from it. I lean up against a wall of something or other.
"I made my own option. Yours were absolutely terrible. Prison, betrayal, or death? Gee, I wonder which is best. NONE." I say forcefully. I cough and pick my helmet up and look at my reflection. "I was hoping for a peaceful solution until you went all anti-republic-kill-the-commando on me. I wasn't gonna sit there and take it either. Plus it was kinda funny trying to stun you and take ya out of the picture. You know, so I could go home without feeling like an absolute failure by taking one of your horrid options." I put the helmet at my side.
I look up at the two women staring down at me. I grin. "Now what? Kill me? Hope for a peaceful solution again? Just, for the love of the force, not so extreme?" I exclaim staring at [member="Miss Blonde"] for the last part. I raise my eyebrows. "We were getting along pretty well beforehand. Not like I was gonna kill anyone. Or have for that matter. Maybe return the favor?"
[member="Deneve Verd"]
I roll over into my knees and spit blood. The heat from the shipment is super hot so I use my hands and push myself away from it. I lean up against a wall of something or other.
"I made my own option. Yours were absolutely terrible. Prison, betrayal, or death? Gee, I wonder which is best. NONE." I say forcefully. I cough and pick my helmet up and look at my reflection. "I was hoping for a peaceful solution until you went all anti-republic-kill-the-commando on me. I wasn't gonna sit there and take it either. Plus it was kinda funny trying to stun you and take ya out of the picture. You know, so I could go home without feeling like an absolute failure by taking one of your horrid options." I put the helmet at my side.
I look up at the two women staring down at me. I grin. "Now what? Kill me? Hope for a peaceful solution again? Just, for the love of the force, not so extreme?" I exclaim staring at [member="Miss Blonde"] for the last part. I raise my eyebrows. "We were getting along pretty well beforehand. Not like I was gonna kill anyone. Or have for that matter. Maybe return the favor?"
[member="Deneve Verd"]