Before the girl could finish speaking her peace she would find that very quickly on the way to her face was another shoe.
Of course the blaster would have been a better idea, but Logan was neither a fighter, nor a kidnapper. So the shoe seemed like an easier and more accessible weapon than the blaster. Though of course, when the girl said the word blaster it finally occurred to Logan to grab the stupid thing and point it at her. In a mad scramble for the blaster pistol Logan jumped from his partial laying down position on the floor of his limousine.
He slid across the carpet, feeling the burn on his exposed belly as his shirt rose up slightly. He winced, but managed to grab the blaster pistol, turning the weapons safety off and pointing it immediately at Vivian, though not shooting it for obvious reasons.
“Now stop moving you stupid Schutta!” The words were practically hissed at her.
This entire thing had been a massive failure, and it was all her fault. Had she simply cooperated, he would have a million credits and she would be on her way back to wherever it was she could earn money she would no longer get from her parents, probably the nearest back alley.
Logan scowled.
Of course the blaster would have been a better idea, but Logan was neither a fighter, nor a kidnapper. So the shoe seemed like an easier and more accessible weapon than the blaster. Though of course, when the girl said the word blaster it finally occurred to Logan to grab the stupid thing and point it at her. In a mad scramble for the blaster pistol Logan jumped from his partial laying down position on the floor of his limousine.
He slid across the carpet, feeling the burn on his exposed belly as his shirt rose up slightly. He winced, but managed to grab the blaster pistol, turning the weapons safety off and pointing it immediately at Vivian, though not shooting it for obvious reasons.
“Now stop moving you stupid Schutta!” The words were practically hissed at her.
This entire thing had been a massive failure, and it was all her fault. Had she simply cooperated, he would have a million credits and she would be on her way back to wherever it was she could earn money she would no longer get from her parents, probably the nearest back alley.
Logan scowled.