Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Slicer and A Socialite

Alric Kuhn

Well, he had wanted unassuming.

Grabbing Vivian by the hand Logan pulled her along towards the ship, jumping over the Rodians body and rushing towards the rust bucket. It took them only a minute or two to reach the ship, Logan sliding to a stop directly in front of it, slamming into the back hatch slightly as he released Vivian and began to fumble with cables from his pocket.

He dropped a few, looking directly at the Mercenaries who were quickly making their way through the starport.

His scowl deepened, until he finally found the right cable “HAHAA!”

Logan screamed madly as he jacked the small piece of wire into Betty, and then into the outboard computer on the ship. The computer pinged almost instantly, the ancient and outdated lock not being able to withstand a program meant to crack into Star Destroyer. The outer hatch popped open with a hiss, and the Slicer pushed his ever faithful(yeah right) companion into the darkness of the ship.

Squeaks and chirps could be heard, as Logan stepped inside. A small hairless animal of some sort hopped in front of him, looking at Logan long enough for it to become startled and run away.


He let out an exasperated sigh, but decided not to yell at Vivian again. Quickly he rushed to the cockpit of the ship, bounding over cargo containers, tables, and through open hatch ways. He slammed himself into the pilots seat, beginning to flick switches, press buttons, and turn tumblers. The ancient rust bucket sprung to life, its light flickering on and engines rumbling.

It was time to go.


Damn it, this guy was pushy. Dragging her here, carrying her there, selling her to who now? I mean, come on, give us a moment for rest and relaxation, it's been a trying day, love!

The scenery around them only grew more tense as the mercenaries began sweeping through the spaceport, grabbing people and shoving them aside to get to their marks. I mean, the pair of them probably could have hidden amongst this hustle and bustle, but given their fondness of shouting and being ridiculous there was no chance of that.

He seemed to fumble with his gadgets forever, time screeching to a halt, would they make it? They force damned better.

After a nervous eternity Vivian found herself getting pushed around just a little more and into the bowels of their new ship. The sound of blaster fire rang out as the mercenaries found themselves getting a touch more desperate. Somebody had to be on the wrong side of Hutt.


What was that noise?

Something squelched under bare foot and Vivian blanched as her nerd companion bounded through to the cockpit. Oh gosh. What had she stepped in? It was dark. Blaster fire impacted with the hull but didn't have the kick to do any damage of note.

As she half-hopped through to the cockpit the lights sprang to life. Vivian looked down. She had trodden in excrement.

Breathe. In. Out. Count down from ten, no twenty, no five thousand. Oh no, oh no. Keep it inside. Futility reigned as Princess Vivian Octavia let out a blood curdling scream as the vessel took off into the skies of Nar Shaddaa.

Alric Kuhn

With all the fervent determination that Logan could muster, he punched it. Not literally of course, but he pressed the thruster lever forward as fast as he could.

The ship took off almost at a vertical angle, its engines shooting bright blue light and scorching the landing pad. Logan was thrown back against its chair, the one broken seatbelt flapping against his chest slightly as it wiggled about. From behind him he heard Vivian scream, his head threw back, but because of the stairs to the cockpit he couldn't see her.

Had a mercenary gotten on board? Did the Hutt clasp on to the ship?

Logan turned the handle of the ship. He threw the freighter into a barrel roll, deciding that if Vivian was in fact being manhandled by a mercenary this would be the best way to give her the upper hand. The Freighter went tumbling over and over again, spinning as it breached the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa and was sent flying into space.

Instantly the gravity on the ship faded, and Logan nearly floated away from his chair.

The anti-grav on the ship was broken.


Really now? No time for dear old Vivian to get strapped in? Gotta go fast there, Sonic, buddy? You absolutely trash mongler!

Vivian went on an adventure, thrown back against the wall of the ship with a loud CLANG. Thankfully it was only her back that slammed against the bulkhead and not her head. “YOU,” she screamed, “CEASE THIS!” Wow. Cease this? You're getting fancy. A little ambiguous though, was she talking to a mercenary?

Short answer: No. Long answer: What are you doing with the ship!?

The barrel roll sent Vivian on an adventure that could only have been described as a cat in a tumble drier, except instead of socks and underwear there were gizkas and their droppings. She continued to scream, although now it sounded more like the roar of a hideously furious woman. A funny bone cracked against a container. Her sunglasses flew off and found their lenses shattered. Tumble tumble tumble squelch.

The droppings of the noble gizka impacted with her cheek as the violent rolling came to a stop.

“I'm not high enough for this...” the dazed, confused and now filthy woman whimpered, floating among a sea of reptiles and excrement.

Alric Kuhn

They cleared the planet it what seemed like no time. The Hutts had resources, but even they couldn't get to their starships in only a few seconds flat. It took only a moment to clear Nar Shadaa's gravity well and reached the outer fringes of the sector before Logan finally dialed in the coordinates to a safe planet, and then punched the hyperspace.

The old rust bucked shook, almost falling into pieces, but then jumped.

The Slicer let out a long exasperated sigh, then suddenly lurched as if startled by something. Vivian was still being attacked! He rushed from his seat, tearing the remaining bits of the belt away and jumping out of his chair to float into the air. His blaster was out in a flash, and he pushed himself off the torn leather chair, floating back into the cargo hold with his blaster ready.

“Hold I-” Logan interrupted himself as he saw Vivian float about with several dozen Gizka, covered in excrement.

He began to laugh.


Oh, knight in shining armour! How I have waited for you with baited breath! Spent the days counting down until your arrival! Vanquish the dragon, my mighty hero!

Or maybe not.

Floating around in a combination of filth and despair, the laughter of her kidnapper just added to the worsening of this day. Sure, sure, she wasn't the slave of a Hutt and for that there should have been gratitude but if it weren't for this fool of a Took then that wouldn't have been a prospect in the first place!

“This is...FAR FROM FUNNY...”

So there she was, fallen from grace, a Princess cut off from family and fortunes and with no friends to boot, the floating excrement was just an added bonus, really. Was his laughter supposed to make her mad? Or sad? Hard to say, it was like flipping a coin. Girls and their moods.

The coin was flipped. The latter was chosen.

Her eyes began to water, a faint whimpering emerged and then Vivian Octavia began to wail hysterically. Have fun dealing with a crying woman, and gizkas, and poop.

Alric Kuhn

Logan suddenly stopped his laughter as soon as the tears began. He had no idea what to do. In his entire life Logan had quite literally never dealt with a crying female. This was out of his element entirely. Mercenaries? No problem. Hacking the national defense system? Nothing to it. Stealing a freighter and escaping in death defying stunts? Pfft, breakfast.

A crying woman that he kidnapped?


Logan floated about in the back of the cargo hold, looking at Vivian in complete stunned silence. He had no illusions that he wasn't responsible for this. After all he was the one that had kidnapped her and taken her away from her...well her life wouldn’t exactly have been comfortable anymore, but it was still likely better than being kidnapped by him. As Logan watched in stunned silence, the Gizka floated about the room, they seemed to kick their legs and somehow propel themselves through the lack of gravity. One was particular adept at this.

The One eyed toothless little Gizka floated up to Vivian, and began to nip at her hair.


Talk about your emotional days.

It had to be said that it was understandable that the woman was upset. I mean the aforementioned family, fund and friend drama was one thing, but the past hour was another. Drug-fuelled shenanigans. Action. Excitement. This is your brain. This is your brain on 'stim. The stress levels get confusing, the chemicals are imbalanced. Do you laugh? Do you cry? Do you strip off all of your clothes and run into the acid rain? Maybe.

At least Nerdlinger's laughter ceased at the sight of a crying woman.

It wasn't those beautiful serene tears that one would find in a classic holo-flick. Oh no. It was vein poppin', great gasping sobs, red face freaking beauty. Hysteria.

The brave gizka made his approach, and was initially ignored as Vivian remained sheltered within her own emotional bubble. I say initially however, because when the spoilt woman finally noticed the small, half-blind reptile uselessly chewing on her hair there was rage.

“GET AWAY FROM ME YOU KARKIN' MONSTER!” she screeched, flailing wildly with great crocodile tears still staining her cheeks. A stray fist whacked the poor creature across the nose, sending him legs flailing in the opposite direction.

Alric Kuhn

The little reptile was sent flying towards Logan, the punch sending the Gizka straight into Logans arms. He caught the pest with both arms, clutching his arms around it and holding it tightly for a moment before releasing it back into the sanctity of anti-gravity. He let out a bark of a laugh at the creature, not wanting to set Vivian off again but finding it difficult not to laugh at the little reptile.

The Gizka happily bopped off, going to join its brother in...eating its own excrement.

Logan frowned slightly, no wait he downright scowled at the little creature. Slowly however he turned around and faced Vivian again, taking careful measure not to approach her Logan floated about the cargo hold. He found several rooms, including the captains chambers which were compared to the rest of the ship...somewhat nice.

“Take a shower. There's freshers and a bed in here. I'll see if I cant get the gravity working.” He was by no means a ship technician, but he could read a manual.

Hopefully by the time they got to where they were going, Vivian would come to terms with the situation, and they'de be able to stand again. With a smooth kick, Logan launched himself towards the engine bay, not waiting for the brat to respond.

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