Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Spark of Hope | RJC Debut [RTL/RJC]

Elias Edo Elias Edo BB-4001A Mishel Mishel Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Fianna Dray Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

"It has been a while," Alana agreed, speaking to Pyeth, as someone else headed their way. There was a sense of familiarity, but she couldn't place it. "And no, I must admit to not knowing if Pretri is coming. But I am afraid betting has not been something I have often done."

She studied the padawans around them as they prepared for the tests ahead of them. "And I hope we can keep them away from the Sith for a while yet at least until they're a few years older."

The new woman spoke and Alana grinned, holding out her hand. "Great to meet you, Mishel. I'm no Jedi master though, not by a long shot. Name's Alana. And I'd like to know more about them too."

She gave a quick, light laugh, before shrugging. "Most of them pretty new. I don't think I have ever met any of them before. I get the feeling we'll all be learning together."
Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural

Tiland paused as someone else entered, someone with a very distinctive presence, followed by someone else, who was also distinctive, albeit in a different way.

The human man was the closest and he stood quietly, set apart from the others. The other was a Zygerrian. And more surprisingly, a Jedi. That was not a common occurrence.

But then again, nor were there all that many Anzati Jedi. Not that they weren't unheard of, but they almost always inevitably succumbed to hunger and the Dark.

Tiland turned first to the man nearest to him and bowed. "I am TIland Kortun. I do not believe we have ever met." The Zygerrian woman was finishing with Elias and he would try to make contact shortly.



Location: Dagobah Temple
Objective: Connect with the other Jedi
Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo BB-4001A Mya Jesel Mya Jesel Mishel Mishel

Personal Equipment
Accompanied by
  • Zeltron Padawan - Eleri

"Thank you Elias, we shall talk again soon" she spoke and nodded as he made his exit to join the others. She looked around and saw a older Jedi approaching her, introducing himself as Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . An anzati no less? Fascinating that she should meet such a person here, they were a very intriguing species.

"Hi, I'm Rhiza Dural, it is a pleasure to meet you." She gave a slightly wicked grin that bared her sharp teeth. "I hope you don't mind me saying how unusual it is to run into an Anzati Jedi? We had an Anzati Admiral in the Crusade, but none in the service of the force. I suppose we all have our crosses to bear" Rhiza was an Ex-sith lord that made her wealth buying and selling sentients into slavery, she knew all too well that not every Jedi was raised from birth bathed in the light of Ashla. She wrinkled her nose a little at such pious terminology, it still tickled her, despite her desire to be of the light, it was quite her, yet.

"I love the new temple, I have come to offer myself to its council." Rhiza was confident that her expertise as an Ashlan Juror and skills she had learned prior to that would serve her well as a Rimward Spectre and she could bring lot to the table as a council member.


Tags: BB-4001A
Objective 1: The League of Light
Above the swamps of DAGOBAH...


“Thank you, my friend,” Elias said warmly as they crossed the hall. He searched for a quiet spot in the room to speak further with the strange little droid, but found most everywhere played host to guests. The Jedi hummed lowly as he considered a walk to Tash’s Rest, or perhaps to the gardens, when BB asked him to clarify his needs. When he looked to his side, however, he found the boy wasn’t near him; He was following a meter or so behind.

Elias gave a humored chuckle as he waved for the Padawan to join him.

“Please, walk with me,” he specified, to avoid any confusion. Years spent watching over Cailen Corso Cailen Corso on Bogano had taught him a lot about droids, like the way they tended to trail on the heels their colleagues. Elias wanted the boy to know his place was here, beside the Jedi, not behind them.

“Would you like to join me in the Temple Gardens?” Elias asked with a smile, emphasizing that BB was in control here. “Or perhaps I could show you to the Training Hall? The other Padawans and Initiates are sparring.”
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Nathan tried to remember what it was like to be in Jedi territory.

Hadn't been a lot of this, that was for certain.

Almost every Jedi he had ever run into in his original career had been outnumbered, out gunned, and under supplied. The Plague alone killed hundreds of Jedi. Many resorted to scavenging the battlefield to make ends meet. Banding together in numbers larger than two or three was considered especially dangerous without preparation and a good hiding spot. Gathering like this would have been suicide back then without multiple escape routes and safehouses along the way. If you wanted to keep Jedi alive, it had required connections. Wisdom. Both. A little wealth didn't hurt either.

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun addressed him, and Nathan's head swiveled toward him in a smooth yet utterly unnatural motion.

"I'm Nathan...and no, we haven't..." Nathan replied politely but stoically. He didn't smile, and his grim expression did not soften.

"I'm new here. Wanted to see what this coalition thing was all about." Nathan explained. "Are you a member of it?"

Nathan peered around.

"Got an eco-architect thing going on..." he noted idly, somewhat intrigued.

"I can see why some would find it peaceful in here..."

Elias Edo Elias Edo

Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural
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Hope infused | Revenant Six

Objective III: Arrival
Dagobah Jedi Temple

Ever since her Dark Side nightmare, Addison's parents had kept a close eye on their daughter. It was almost too much, but the young woman knew they just were worried about her. To be honest, she was worried about her too... Hence why Kahne Porte Kahne Porte offered or rather Alexandra Porte Alexandra Porte insisted that Addy accompany her father to check out the Rimworld League's new Jedi Temple on Dagobah.

Of course, it was on the swamp planet of all places?!

But, Addison was pleasantly surprised as the two Portes began their journey from the bottom of a staircase that would take them up to the main temple area built in the tree canopy above. It reminded the Jedi padawan of Kashyyyk and where the Wookiees lived, though this was on a much grander scale, not that the tree villages weren't, just different in nature. Swinging on vines from tree to tree with her twin brother and a couple of young Wookiees they'd befriended was a favorite memory of living at Silver Rest for the short time the family was there.

"Wow, Dad... This place is so different than the Yoda tales you used to share with Aiden Porte Aiden Porte and me at bedtime. I like what they've done to the place," the brunette chuckled softly, then flashed her old man a lopsided grin. One he only knew too well.

"Race you to the top!"
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Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

"Rhiza Dural," Tiland repeated softly, bowing slightly. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. And there are more Anzati Jedi than many realize. While our genetics may be intertwined with the Dark Side, our choices dictate our actions. Unfortunately, far too many of my people succumb to our DNA." He shrugged sadly. "It is also rare to meet a Zygerrian Jedi, although I must confess to being familiar with many Crusades in the past few decades, so you may need to be a bit more specific." His eyes twinkled at that. "And to offer yourself to the Council? That is most generous. I think you will likely have to talk with Elias Edo. He runs things around here more or less and helped design the temple."

Nathan spoke then and Tiland bowed to him as well. "Pleased to meet you, Nathan. And yes, I suppose you could say I am a member of the Coalition. And eco-architect is a good description of it, I would say, yes. "

It felt odd saying that. He had never properly belonged to a Jedi Order. He had perhaps moved in between them and associated with them, but always as an outsider and a wanderer. A Wayseeker, they would have called him in his youth, in the days of the High Republic, before the long slide. But he felt a familiar presence- Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser . He sent a small mental greeting to his old friend, and an invitation.


Location: Dagobah Temple

Tags: Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Fianna Dray | Mishel Mishel

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

"Ah, that's disappointing. I hope she is well." Pyeth reminisced the time they explored those caves, he never did figure how they changed. Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun had also mentioned a tree, and a prophecy.

"I'm not sure the Sith will be so lenient." Pyeth noted, allowing his ear tufts to rise attentively to the new arrival. "Pleasure to meet you Mishal, afraid I but a mere Knight. Much the same as my companion, but that needn't matter."

He listened bowing his head in thanks, he'd be certain to share the feedback at next council. "My name is Pyeth, and it's nice to hear your enjoying yourself. Please join us. What would you like to know?"

' ' - Mimicry


Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Fianna Dray | Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki | BB-4001A | Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider | Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Objective III
[A little bit of I & II]


So they were knights, but soon enough they too would be masters in their own right. "Well met then Alana and Pyeth," she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Alana was just as new as Mishel, while Pyeth at least inquired what it was that Mishel wanted to know about them. "Anything really, what sort of training have they undergone thus far?" The training Mishel got was often during the thick of battle, or in between missions. Coren was far from her only instructor, she had Romi Jade Romi Jade and Marakai Al'Orren, and she had been around Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor long enough on Coruscant when they faced down Taeli Raaf's Galactic Alliance.

Prior to them, there had been the Knights of Ren. Mishel's origins, she still carried with her the lessons taught to her by Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos and Kyrel Ren. Lessons that still served her well to that very day. "It's been a long time since I've truly ventured out into the galaxy. I've spent the last several years on Monastery, and before that traveling within Confederacy space, although they too are now gone." Nothing more than a remnant, sadly. Mishel then offered, "and I was hoping to spend some time out here, relearning my craft whilst perhaps passing on what I have learned."

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Corbin stepped off his ship at the new temple on Dagobah. It was his third time visiting a Jedi temple, though the second had been completely abandoned. Perhaps the league could change that. Corbin was willing to lend aid. They may be a different tradition, but the Jensaarai did technically stem from the Jedi long ago. As far as Corbin were concerned, Jedi were his Cousins in the Force.

He was fully clad in his armor as he stepped out of the ship. He almost always was. He thought for a few seconds and decided he would remove the armor. These were his companions, after all. But he would keep his armor with him, just in case. He never wanted to be caught without it again. His armor was bonded to him through the Force, and he simply had to will the armor off. The individual pieces all detached, reassembling back into the full armor right beside him, leaving him in just his black flight suit and trench cloak. He continued forward, his armor following right behind like someone was still wearing it.

Corbin could feel the presence of several of his friends. But the particular presence that stood out was that of Master Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . Corbin needed to speak to him. He nodded at a few people as he went past. They stared at what they probably thought was a Mando bodyguard following a Jedi Knight. The thought made Corbin chuckle. He stepped onto the lift, taking it down to the Main Hall.

There were many people here. Many Corbin did not yet know, many he did. He saw Elias Edo Elias Edo walking with an interesting creature - what appeared to be a small droid made to look like a human child, yet had a Force Aura clearly visible to Corbin's eyes. Interesting... That actually sparked some ideas. He summoned the bracer computer from his armor and strapped it on his wrist, pulling up his schematics for a prototype droid he was building. He made some notes for later.

Corbin continued to walk towards where he felt Master Tiland's presence. He pulsed his Force presence ever so slightly, so that his friends would know he was there.
He walked up near the Master, giving him a polite bow, but not wishing to interrupt any conversation he was having.
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[ outfit ] [ datapad ] [ heart ]

The droid gave a quizzical expression.

But, hurrying his pace, did as he was bid and moved so that he was beside the human figure.

“Would you like to join me in the Temple Gardens?” Elias asked with a smile, emphasizing that BB was in control here.

“Or perhaps I could show you to the Training Hall? The other Padawans and Initiates are sparring.”

Ordinarily, the droid could parse out what someone was saying, anticipating their words before they said them, and calculating appropriate responses without lag time. In this particular instance, however, the droid found that it needed additional time to analyze the question.

And that it did not have a framework for supplying the requested answer.

After several seconds of silence, the child-like droid looked up and remarked, "It is difficult to answer when one does not understand the question."

Continuing to walk beside the man, the droid continued to try and process the inquiry. "I am not programmed to express preferences in that manner," the boy stated flatly. "I don't think droids are asked for their preferences."

That last comment may have been too bold.

It hadn't been his intent to suggest droid autonomy, but he found that the question seemed to suggest more freedom than was ordinarily given synthetics. "Forgive me," the droid chirped, as though trying to retract his remarks. "That was not what you asked."

Deferring back to the man, the boy said, "I will, of course, follow where you lead, Master."
"Real fancy." Nathan noted stoically, looking all around. It was beautiful...but it could not stir him.

Nathan didn't feel joy anymore. He couldn't taste food, and if he did, couldn't taste it strongly beyond noting that was how it was supposed to taste. And he never enjoyed it, even if it had once been a favorite meal. It might as well have been wet, rotting paper in his mouth.

Paintings, art, sculpture, aesthetic...none of it was capable of eliciting feeling from him anymore.

None of it.

One of the few things that could still elicit feeling from him was stopping someone innocent from being murdered, but even that satisfaction was brief. Lasting three minutes on average.

"First time I been in one of these things that wasn't a ruin..." he mentioned. "Came here looking to see what you were all about. Not certain what I myself exactly, could fit in this. Not I could be..."

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

Elias Edo Elias Edo

Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher


Jun Chiyo



Location: Dagobah | Objective II | Soundtrack: February


“Dagobah?” Jun repeated, unsure if she’d heard the Jedi correctly.

She’d never heard of an enclave on the ancient, marsh world before, but she supposed that didn’t mean there wasn’t one. Perhaps he meant to say Xagobah, instead - it was rather close to the former, though markedly more civilized developed. She hoped that was where she’d be going.

But the coordinates he punched into the shuttle’s navicomputer confirmed their destination: Dagobah after all.

The heaviness of the air was the first thing Jun noticed as she descended the landing ramp, but it was the amazing architecture that really took her breath away. She marveled at the construction, her eyes trying to follow the network of bridges and buildings above, but they seemed to connect at impossible angles.

It was magnificent.

Just as she did when she first arrived at the Coruscant Temple, Jun withdrew the thin silk glove from her hand and gently ran her fingers along the wall as she walked.

The echoes were soft and shallow, reflecting the temple’s youth, but the Force still flowed through the trees like a calm forest stream. In fact, if anything, it flowed more naturally here, as if the Force wanted the temple among the branches.

She’d never felt that on Coruscant. Not like this.

While her mind pondered the nature of the temple’s Force conductivity, her feet guided her toward the Training Hall. Despite all the wonders and beauty of the Dagobah Jedi Temple, Jun did have a mission to accomplish: Discover more about this new Jedi Coalition, and (on a personal note) seek out a Master to impress.

The young Atrisian had been a member of the New Jedi Order for months now, but she’d been passed over time and time again by the Knights and Masters. She thought for sure that her innate affinity for healing would attract a candidate, or at the very least her gift for Makashi; But alas, here she was, hoping to circumvent the NJO’s system of apprenticeship by seeking a Coalition Jedi to take her under their wing.

A small act of rebellion, but it curled the corner of her lip into a smirk.

OPEN to Interaction



Tags: BB-4001A
Objective 1: The League of Light
Above the swamps of DAGOBAH...


“Is that so?” Elias asked with a raised eyebrow. He was familiar with the universal subservience that droids were programmed to observe, but BB was no ordinary droid; He was a Jedi. And Elias intended to treat him as such.

“I know it may be confusing to hear, but there is no wrong answer. Consider your options and allow yourself to ponder which one would serve to interest you more.” He paused, eyeing the little droid for a moment before continuing.

“No need to apologize, little one. I’ll decide for us this time,” he said with finality, not wanting to overwhelm the boy. “But next time, I’m following your lead.” His face wore a warm smile as he turned to guide his companion to the lift. He stood outside the door, gesturing to the cabin with an open hand.

“After you,” he insisted, following behind.
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Redarr Syko


Objective 1: League of Light || Location: Dagobah
"-the Congregate is growing nervous. Unverified reports of Sith raiders have begun to filter in. Regardless of their veracity, various agitators have sized this opportunity to propose more... militant solutions to our problems."

Redarr sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as the shuttle craft he was traveling in began its final landing sequence. The holoprojector before him displayed his long-time political ally, Eyar Go, a native Sluissi and a key member of the ruling coalition that was keeping Sluis Van from descending into Civil War. He had warned Redarr that leaving Sluis Van would be a risk should any news arrive from further along the Rimma Trade Route, toward Sith space. As the Order expands, refugees are pushed deeper into League territory, and along with them came the scum that profited off of those who were already struggling, primarily slavers and pirates that grew bolder with each passing week. League forces were stretched thin as it was and Redarr could not allow local defense forces from Sluis Van to leave to fight them without risking civil unrest or an attack from one of the League's enemies.

"Dismiss the Congregate for the week. This pointless debate will only spread further panic. I am trusting you to keep things under control until I return, Eyar. When I do, I will have hopefully secured Coalition support, perhaps even a few Jedi to aid in ending the slaver threat."

Eyar was quiet for a moment before eventually nodding and offering a respectful bow.

"I will ensure things stay as they are for the time being. You have my word, my Khedive."

The hologram quickly vanished, leaving Redarr briefly along with his thoughts as his shuttle touched down, a member of his small escort unit approached him, informing him of their arrival. Redarr simply nods and allows the troopers to disembark and stand guard at the ship's exit ramp as the older man quietly sighs. The past few weeks had been trying, but with this invitation, he hoped to secure much-needed Jedi support for his homeworld and give him some breathing room in the Congregate. He was not expecting an army of force users to be at his beck and call, but even a few Jedi would be all he needed to at least reassure the public that they were safe from the dangers of the wider galaxy. Redarr moved to leave his vessel, stepping foot onto the landing pad and being greeted with the air of a world that was very much foreign to him.

"Captain, remain here and contact me should we receive important news from Sluis Van."

The trooper offered a brief salute before heading back into the shuttle, leaving Redarr to make the walk to the great hall on his own, free of any security in a place that he was certain was safe from any perceived danger. He had not informed the Coalition of his request ahead of time, he thought it better to explain his plight in person. It was a bit selfish, but the old man needed a break from the monotony of his homeworld and so he took that opportunity in admiring the temple, pausing on several occasions to admire the architecture. Though outwardly calm, his thoughts were not but gloom and anxiety at leaving Dagobah without any support.

Tags: Open

If he didn't think about it, he could quickly dwell on what had been. On the wars on Dagobah, the wars for Dagobah. For Starchaser and the First Alliance, there was a lot of trauma here. Wars fought of the land, wars fought with powers many Jedi refused to use again. War was a violent and bloody mess. Now, however, Dagobah was prepping for a temple, to the Rimward Jedi. The Wayseeker saw that as almost fitting, a teaching world turned into a conflict, turned back to a sanctuary.

Perhaps the Jedi would pull themselves from the wars. Wars he played no small part in instigating and continuing, but wars none the less.

As he approached the group, he could only offer a bit of calm. There were too many people here for a smile, but the nudge in the Force from Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun made the Starchaser Patriarch smile. A nod in that direction, Coren could feel other familiar people on the world. Ones he had connections to, strong, albeit disjointed, but connections nonetheless.

That meant Mishel Mishel was here. As Coren approached Tiland, he nodded. "There seems to be another being that has arrived, one I really need to make time to see." And he said that so sparingly, his family, the Perl family, the point where that was connceted, and Mishel.

"I'll be back." He stated as he turned towards the location where Alana and Mishel were.

Sadly too late to comment on training.
Redarr Syko

Mya nodded as she pulled herself away from the initial group of discussions that had clustered around Elias and then away from him as he pried some sort of protocol droid from an irritated delegate and an elderly Jedi, at least she assumed the older man was a Jedi. It was hard to tell.

She was used to Jedi being old. Old like Tiland, primarily, as he was the only Jedi she had interacted with. Elias, of course, she knew somewhat, but even he had an air of experience that came across as older.

A comlink chimed in her ear and she stepped against the wall, pressing one hand against her ear.

"Jesel here," Mya replied, speaking softly into the comlink.

"Delegates from Sluis Van are on their way," the voice on the other said. "Sounds like the Khedive is present."

That caught Mya by surprise. She had heard the news of the new Khedive and the new coalition government, but she had not expected them to come to Dagobah so quickly.

"I'm on my way up to the landing pad," Mya replied, stepping away from the crowd, winding through the crowd, and up towards the landing pad to greet them. It was only appropriate.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

"Of course," Tiland said, nodding in Coren's direction. "I suspect you'll be able to find me around here quite regularly now." The words were light, but they felt odd to say. It had been a long time since he could say that. Corbin approached, followed by the empty suit of armor. Tiland squinted briefly at it, but then looked away.

The Jensaarai were many things and had many skills and secrets. However, their affinity for technology was one he could not bring himself to try and understand. "Good to see you again, Corbin," Tiland said as the man approached.

"Never been in a Jedi temple, not a ruin?" Tiland turned in surprise to study Nathan as the man spoke, but the last words made Tiland stop.

"You don't have to be useful," he continued after a moment. "We're not Sith or a corporation or a government that requires everyone's worth be determined by what they can contribute. We are all unique individuals with our paths and stories and they are all equally valuable just by our presence."
Fianna Dray Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki Mishel Mishel Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Jun Chiyo

"We may be better off asking them," Alana responded with a shrug to the question, turning to watch the developments among the padawans. "Since the Coalition itself is so new, there's a good chance they haven't had standardized training yet." \

As Mishel spoke, Alana listened, watching as two padawans began the initial bout of their lightsaber duel. She guessed there was a tradition behind it all, but it seemed... shallow? She wasn't really sure. Watching them use their lightsabers was easy enough. Anyone could make a duel look good. Her own apprenticeship had been fraught with peril, and difficulties, requiring deep trust to survive.

It felt awkward to try and gauge them from this single interaction.

"I've heard Monastery is nice," Alana replied a moment, turning away from the training exercise for a moment. "And what's your craft?"



[ outfit ] [ datapad ] [ heart ]
"...allow yourself to ponder which one would serve to interest you more."

Obediently, the small droid followed the man. Its processors analyzed the words. Calculating that conversation on the topic was permitted, the droid formulated a response. "I believe that might be the first concept that will be hard for me to understand," the diminutive automaton supplied, elaborating on what he was referring to as he added, "The idea of serving my interests."

As the pair walked, the droid allowed a momentary pause before continuing. "As a droid, I scan a room in order to analyze the available options and then calculate which would be the most efficient means of serving others."

At what seemed an opportune moment, the droid turned the conversation back to the Jedi as he asked, "Are the two incompatible? My perception of the Jedi is that their primary function is also to serve others."


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