Elias Edo
Rhiza Dural
Cailen Corso
Fianna Dray
Nathan Bloodscrawl
"It has been a while," Alana agreed, speaking to Pyeth, as someone else headed their way. There was a sense of familiarity, but she couldn't place it. "And no, I must admit to not knowing if Pretri is coming. But I am afraid betting has not been something I have often done."
She studied the padawans around them as they prepared for the tests ahead of them. "And I hope we can keep them away from the Sith for a while yet at least until they're a few years older."
The new woman spoke and Alana grinned, holding out her hand. "Great to meet you, Mishel. I'm no Jedi master though, not by a long shot. Name's Alana. And I'd like to know more about them too."
She gave a quick, light laugh, before shrugging. "Most of them pretty new. I don't think I have ever met any of them before. I get the feeling we'll all be learning together."
"It has been a while," Alana agreed, speaking to Pyeth, as someone else headed their way. There was a sense of familiarity, but she couldn't place it. "And no, I must admit to not knowing if Pretri is coming. But I am afraid betting has not been something I have often done."
She studied the padawans around them as they prepared for the tests ahead of them. "And I hope we can keep them away from the Sith for a while yet at least until they're a few years older."
The new woman spoke and Alana grinned, holding out her hand. "Great to meet you, Mishel. I'm no Jedi master though, not by a long shot. Name's Alana. And I'd like to know more about them too."
She gave a quick, light laugh, before shrugging. "Most of them pretty new. I don't think I have ever met any of them before. I get the feeling we'll all be learning together."