Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Spark of Hope | RJC Debut [RTL/RJC]



Location: Dagobah Temple
Objective: Connect with the other Jedi
Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo BB-4001A Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Mya Jesel Mya Jesel Mishel Mishel Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Personal Equipment
Accompanied by
  • Zeltron Padawan - Eleri

I must confess to being familiar with many Crusades in the past few decades, so you may need to be a bit more specific

Rhiza laughed, it was true, someone was always crusading someone else in the galaxy, be it mandalorians, Jedi or even the Maw. "The Ashlan Crusade specifically, I was in employ as an inquisitor, I suppose it is most similar to the Spectre role. I never really fit in there, so when the Scism happened, it was better I left." it was shame she had to leave, but this was probably rhe wrong time to confess the reason she never fit in was her Sith origins, the RTL seemed less judgemental than the crusade, but it was still a risk when trying to find her own place.

Another approached, and she too greeted Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl warmly, she was happy to meet all the new people.

"You don't have to be useful,"

"This is were we may have a differing opinion in philosophy Master Kortun, while useful is probably not the word I would use, all of us contributing to a shared community makes us stronger and allows us to focus on the tasks that are presented to us" she shrugged and chuckled a little "Or something along those lines" In her mind it was the best way, not all Jedi could contribute to the fight against their enemies, but there were many, equally important, tasks that needed to be carried out, be it educational, maintenance and even agriculture.

She stopped speaking and nodded gracefully at Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher as Tiland welcomed him they appeared to know each other well. The armoured figure behind him said nothing but Rhiza also introduced her own name to the new pair.


Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Fianna Dray | Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki | BB-4001A | Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider | Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Objective III
[A little bit of I & II]


A slight chuckle more to ease Mishel's own nerves, "ah, well, then perhaps I might do just that." Alana mentioned something about standardized training and sighed. "Standardization is all well in good for certain things, but perhaps not for the Jedi," there was something distressing about simply manufacturing Jedi as if they were a can of Fizzy-glug. "The Force is and of itself unique, and all those who are sensitive to it, perceive something different - after all, we are all unique. It is this uniqueness that helps make the Jedi." The rest of it should be spent learning on the job, and of course, Mishel could agree that all younglings and indeed, padawans get the basics - how to meditate, how to swing a lightsaber but beyond that, they needed one on one guidance, or at best a small group.

Mishel looked over as the two padawans began their duel. Fianna Dray and Cailen Corso Cailen Corso were nervous that much was clear but such duels weren't quite afforded to many. She wanted to get to know the padawans personally and not just by watching them swing glowsticks at one another. It was as she moved to take the duel in fully that she felt that all familiar presence in the Force drew nearer to her. A sidelong glance, followed by turning her full attention on Master Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser crafted a smile on her features. "Master Starchaser, as I live and breathe, what a wonderful sight it is to see you."

She briefly departed the company of Knights Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider and Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki as she stopped short of giving Coren a hug. "I'm not quite sure if we're in a hugging mood, so I'll perhaps start with a simple hello." Afterward, she gestured toward the two knights. "I was just speaking with these two Coalition Knights, Sunrider, and Pyeth. Knights, this is my old master, Coren Starchaser." Mishel all but beamed as she introduced the knights and Coren to one another.

"As to your question Knight Sunrider," Mishel started to answer, "artificing. More specifically, I am hoping to learn more about different lightsaber weapons. And of course, I am always seeking more knowledge to collect for the Rave Merrill Library on Monastery."


Redarr Syko



Objective 1: League of Light || Location: Dagobah
The Dagobah Temple was certainly a marvel, unique even in a galaxy of countless worlds. The same could be said for its denizens, which was a bit of a shock to Redarr. Despite being religious order of a sort, the Khedive had expected a military force that was rigorously organized and prepared to face the looming threat posed by the Sith. Though some did of course fit this description, others were so vastly different from his imagination and the old stories that he had to all but pause and gawk at them. Perhaps if he had spent more of his youth exploring the galaxy rather than remaining on his home world he might be more prepared for such a situation, but then again he might have died as well so perhaps caution was his best tool.

While he was busy admiring the Jedi and their home, he ran directly into a woman he hadn't actually expected to see, though in retrospect he should have considered the possibility. With a warm smile, the Khedive politely bows and folds his hands behind his back as he stands before Mya Jesel Mya Jesel , President of the Suarbi Republic.

"I must apologize Madam President that we have not interacted before this moment. Things have been rather tense on my homeworld as of late."

Redarr had to admit that the young woman was certainly an anomaly, to hold such a position at such a young age was a rare thing or at least that was the case on Sluis Van. Though they had both been chosen to lead their respective governments they could not be more different. While he was old and very much attempting to keep his homeworld from collapsing inward on itself, the woman before him was only now entering her prime and had surely had a long and prosperous career ahead of her for decades to come. That is unless the onslaught of the Sith overwhelms the League itself.

"How are things on your home world? I trust that things are not as dire as on Sluis Van. Truth be told I have come to petition the Jedi for aid, I hope that you do not find yourself in the same position."

Tags: Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Redarr Syko Elias Edo Elias Edo

"No need to apologize," Mya replied with a wide smile. "I understand there have been some challenges lately, beyond even the Sith raids and the new Sith empire along the Rimma."

She turned away from the entrance, offering an arm to welcome her colleague in ahead of her. "I had hoped to meet with you about that when you had the chance and were ready. I had not expected to meet you there."

As he spoke, she considered, listening. "No, I am not here to request aid from the Jedi. I am here representing the League Council at the more or less official inauguration of the Rimward Jedi Coalition. But the Suarbi Republic is doing well. Working with Svivren and the others, we've made significant progress on increasing the reliability and speed of traffic along the Five Veils Route and connecting to the Rimma."

She paused for a moment to check with a protocol droid. "Might the Jedi Council be available for a meeting?" She asked, "The head of the Sluis Van government wishes to speak to them."
Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

"Ah," Tiland said slowly, considering. "The Ashlan Crusade. Cedric's Crusade, then." He let out a deep breath and shrugged. "I remember when he was much younger and not so..." His words trailed off. "Well, I'm sure you know what he was like recently. And I have not heard much of the schism. Perhaps you can enlighten us on that in the future?"

He tilted his head in consideration at the next group of her words. "Indeed, I suppose it is. What role would you have then for those too old for missions or tasks?"

It was hypothetical, primarily, as Jedi were relatively long-lived, and with Sith on the doorstep, the average life expectancy decreased quickly. "And how have you been Corbin?"
Mishel Mishel Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Fianna Dray

"I suppose I hadn't thought of it that way," Alana replied, considering Mishel's words. "My training was very chaotic and scattered, so sometimes I wish I had some sort of curriculum to follow." She finished with a shrug, nodding as Coren approached.

Alana waited as they talked, looking over to Pyeth. "What was training under Tiland like? I've heard he can be rather eccentric and cryptic."

As Mishel answered the next question, she nodded. "Artificing? I'm not very familiar with that. Is that like... smithing?" She hazarded a guess at the end, judging by the connection to the lightsabers.
Dagobah had changed. It wasn't the war torn world it once was, not at the moment. The world was wild and unkempt, and that was part of its previous appeal. Seeing the faces that he was seeing here, it brought him back down a lane he hadn't walked in a long while. Tiland was in this area, if they people wanted him, the Master could reach him. But until then, he had a former student to see.

Now, Coren Starchaser's methods of teaching were always much more hands on. He knew that some of the Perl kids had experienced it, but in the biggest way, it was Mishel Mishel who had. She was his primary student and the only one, he could truly recall, that an official pairing lasted long enough for him to have any lasting impact, for better or for worse.

As she spoke, his stoic, or was it observing, face broke into a smile. "Mishel, its good to see you. Working with the Rimward, are we?" The Jedi Master was approaching his former student and was trying to see what his mind, and hers, were thinking in the way of a first interaction. Was it proper to hug? Something he wouldn't have considered years ago, but definitely a result of a life lived with Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel , had him a bit more open to outward affection to those who mattered.

"We'll see where we get before the day's over." He nodded with that Corellian grin his people were famous for. Looking over her shoulder, he knew Sunrider, but the other, the Rishi was new. "Hello to you both." Relaxing a moment, he was listening in, wanting to catch what Mishel had been up to, then he heard the library.

Very interesting.

Redarr Syko


Redarr happily joined his colleague and slowly walked alongside her as she spoke. It seemed they both had planned on meeting the other at another point, but fate had ordained that they would speak entirely by coincidence. Nevertheless, Mya Jesel Mya Jesel would, at least he hoped she would be another key pillar of support for his homeworld. Her own homeworld was, at least in his eyes, thriving while Sluis Van was only beginning to come out of a period of decline. The shipyards, as was always the case, were the most valuable asset and the one that would attract various predators, primarily the Sith should they launch a new offensive up the Rimma Trade Route. Again, he managed to circle back to his greatest fear.

"You have made great strides, my lady. One may hope that your prosperity might eventually spread to every system in the League."

The Khedive's warm smile hid his inner fears, but he quickly squashed them lest he wastes his colleague's time with his own personal anxiety instead of real, active danger. Unfortunately, the Jedi Council would have to hear of his concerns first as they were in the best position to provide immediate aid, or at least the aid Redarr was after.

"Might we speak after I finish with the council? There are a great many things you should be apprised of, especially if the Sith do intend to take all of League space before they push into the core. At least that is the concern of the Congregate, always so afraid of enemies in the wider galaxy rather than at home."

Redarr blew out a breath, failing to elaborate on just what he meant if only for the time being. There would be time for such things later, but for now, he was pleased that his colleague was attempting to arrange a meeting with the Jedi Council, even a single Master would suffice.

Tag: Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Nathan took in Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun 's words, about how it wasn't about being useful, as everyone contributed just by their very presence... somehow.

Nathan wasn't sure he could believe that. Vital roles must be fulfilled. Everyone had needed to actively contribute to ensure not just their own survival, but the survival of Civilization and the Order itself during the Plague. No one could afford to be idle.

The Galaxy had been a great big Galactic Trash Fire thanks to that disease. People were lying dead in the streets from the Plague. Burned in mass graves from afar via Droids permanently reserved specifically for that and forbidden to come into contact with live people. Always remotely controlled.

"I'm not certain what to think on that..." Nathan admitted. "I've walked through unpleasant places, where those who were idle did not fare well. Not from some government or anything, but because the situation either politically, economically, or environmental-wise was just that bad. Even the local Jedi had it pretty rough. Outnumbered. Undersupplied."

Nathan spared an idle glance at Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser . Moya had told him who he was, and how his decision about not aligning with the Sith to stop The Bryn'adul had kick-started the violent chain of events that resulted in his daughter giving herself to the Cult out of disgust and disillusionment with the Jedi and the Light Side.

Nathan didn't hold him responsible. Didn't hate him at the very least. He couldn't have known what would happen, how Laertia would react. How far she would go just to spite him and his allies.

Nathan made no attempt to identify himself to Coren, letting Tiland speak to Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher , a member of the Jensaarai. And a Mandalorian. Odd combo, but he'd seen stranger back in the day.

Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural greeted him and Nathan gave a short, polite bow.

"A pleasure." he replied in a stoic manner. But deep down he was wary of even former Ashlans. And the title Inquisitor brought back terrible memories of the Nightingale Plains. He betrayed none of this discomfort, which he buried deep within him to remain functional, and more importantly, polite.
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Objective II: The Order's Finest | Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Summerland


“Next!” the Battlemaster shouted, shaking Cailen’s attention back to the panel of Knights. The instructor pointed a gloved finger to him and a Twi’lek Padawan who stood a few meters away.

He found it odd that the Jedi Master didn’t pair him with Fianna Dray, but part of him was relieved; Cailen had a feeling that she’d have given him a run for his Credits if they stepped toe-to-toe.

“You two, come forward.”

Cailen entered the bounds of the dojo, taking his place on the opposite end of his opponent. He entered a classic Soresu stance, and when the Battlemaster called for the spar to begin, Cailen began to slowly sidestep around the edge of the ring. He held his defensive stature as the other Padawan leapt in for an attack, clashing their blades with powerful force.

It was unexpected, but not unable to be countered. In a swift motion, Cailen leveraged his blade and swept his opponent’s weapon clean out of his hand. It skittered to the floor, scraping against the stone. The Twi’lek was quick to dash backward, narrowly missing Cailen’s counter attack as he summoned the weapon back into his grasp with the Force.

Cailen huffed, a bit irritated that he missed his opportunity, but he pushed those feelings aside. He resumed his original stance, ready for the next strike. His battle sense was still coming back to him slowly, but even without it properly channeled, Cailen could feel the Twi’lek’s next move. The boy sent an upward slash that Cailen slid beneath, popping up behind his opponent.

With a gentle jab, he poked the center of the Twi’lek’s back with the training blade.

“Well done, Padawan Corso!” the Battlemaster cried, pumping a fist into the air. He turned his attention to the defeated Twi’lek, the proud expression on his face still there.

“Don’t fret, Padawan Joal,” he offered reassuringly, “Stay after the duels are finished and I’ll teach you how to counter Corso’s maneuver there.”

He gave both boys a wink before calling the next pair forward. Cailen gave Joal a friendly handshake, then stepped away, nearer to the Knights and Masters who were observing the spars. When he got close enough, he offered them a collective bow.

“Masters,” he said, still catching his breath from the duel.

“Thank you for watching over us. I’m Padawan Cailen Corso. It’s a pleasure.”

He was nervous, but he tried his best to mask it. One of these Jedi could very well be his next teacher, if he impressed them.

By the stars, he hoped he impressed them.

"Race you to the top!"

"Well, of course you would say that when you are halfway up." The Jedi Master said jokingly as he followed her up the tap, his hand tapping on her back in a teasing manner as they made their way up. His own way of telling her that he's not too old yet. However, that wasn't it, he was just happy to be spending time with his daughter. After her nightmare and what the contents of the dream were. This entity, this dark Master would not take his children, especially his little girl.

He would not allow it, he would give his own life up easily to keep them safe.

"Okay! You win!" Kahne laughed as they reached the top. That was of this section anyway, this place was massive and it great order and prestige. It was truly impressive, given that it was Dagobah.

"I'm definitely going to have to ante up on my stories, they are indeed old compared to what we are looking at right now." Kahne laughed as he gave his daughter a small playful nudge.

"Come on, let's do some exploring." The Jedi sensed the presence of a few familiar individuals, he hoped to bump into them during this outing.

Addison Porte Addison Porte

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Fianna Dray | Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki | BB-4001A | Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider | Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Objective III
[A little bit of I & II]


As Mishel rejoined Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki and Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider there was a question about artificing. "Something like that, I concentrate more on lightsaber crystals and items imbued with the Force, although for me, it's more of the former and less of the latter." A pause as she focused on her attention on Coren momentarily and then she added, "for now at least." The brunette was certainly hoping to learn more about imbuement as she was certain there were light-sided techniques for it. She wasn't at all surprised by Coren's smile when he asked if she was working with the Rimward.

The Jedi Master looked over at the dueling padawans, and then returned her focus to Coren.
"Perhaps, I'm certainly hoping to spend more time here and help where I can." In the sparring arena, Cailen Corso Cailen Corso was dueling with a Twi'Lek padawan, and Mishel looked over toward Knight Sunrider and commented, "my training was far less formal than what these padawans have, chaotic and scattered roughly sums up my journey, but I wouldn't trade it out for anything." In the long run, it had paid off, greatness after all was measured less by rank and titles and more by deeds - and only the Force could truly judge.

"A spunky lad that one," gestured Mishel toward the human padawan in the duel.

When the duel had ended the spunky lad made his way toward the masters, she acknowledged his bow with one of her own. "Indeed, young Padawan Corso, it is we who are truly fortunate to have seen you spar. I am Master Mishel Kryze." She introduced herself to the boy who looked barely a day over thirteen.



Objective II: The Order's Finest | Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Summerland


Cailen smiled as Mishel Mishel introduced herself. Something about her presence in the Force felt warm, like she was already a close friend despite them having never met before.

He remained outwardly modest, but on the inside, Cailen was beaming. Honestly, he didn’t expect to win his first duel at all. The feint he pulled on Joal was an unplanned move, an opportunity that naturally fell into place during the fight. Perhaps that instinctive reaction was what caught the panel’s eyes.

“Th-thank you,” he stuttered. He was admittedly a little nervous about performing his saber skills in front of the Knights.

Cailen preferred to rely on the Force when combat was necessary, and acrobatics when his fickle connection no longer sufficed. He dropped his hand to the hilt on his belt, fidgeting with the emitter switch to ease his nerves.

Redarr Syko

"That is the goal, certainly," Mya replied, hands clasped behind her as she walked alongside the older man. "Hoarded wealth at the cost of others is no better than blood money. We all either prosper together or we suffer together." She finished with a shrug, stepping aside to let someone else pass. "And please, call me Mya. My Lady sounds so..." She frowned for a moment, considering, "Aristocratic, I suppose."

"And certainly," Mya agreed, "Let us see if we can't wrangle down at least one of the Jedi Council members. I believe I saw Tiland Kortun around here somewhere. He would know who we would need to talk to."

She stretched up on her tiptoes, eyes darting through the crowd. "Ah, over there, I think. Let's go see him if Elias is not available."
Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Mishel Mishel

"Lightsaber crystals," Alana said thoughtfully, staring down at the two hilts clipped to her own belt. "That is interesting. I wouldn't have expected something like that," she admitted. "I just thought lightsaber crystals were... crystals," she admitted after a moment. "I wouldn't have thought about doing more with them."

The next pair of padawans began their practice duel, and Alana watched them from the corner of her eye. Soresu, she suspected, of the human, while the Twi'lek was more aggressive, but the human was rather clever in his moves.

"Pretty decent job," Alana said, grinning at him as he finished. "Name's Alana. That was some quick thinking there at the end."



Location: Dagobah Temple
Objective: Connect with the other Jedi
Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo BB-4001A Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Mya Jesel Mya Jesel Mishel Mishel Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Personal Equipment
Accompanied by
  • Zeltron Padawan - Eleri

Rhiza was not going to go into details of the collapse of the Ashlan Crusade, nor the bloody battles involved, it was a true shame for the Ashlans and many people she knew were now dead or scattered across the galaxy. There may be time much later for all that.

"Indeed, I suppose it is. What role would you have then for those too old for missions or tasks?"

She smirked at this question, the old Rhiza Dural would have a completely different answer for the old man, did he mean himself? "There are many tasks that need to be done, many are completely suitable for the older members of community such as the role of educator, but if you are meaning the very elderly or infirm, then provided the rest of us are pulling our weight, then the society as a whole should be able to support them comfortably shouldn't it?" it was an even clearer reason that if you were able, you made yourself useful to those that weren't able could still thrive. Or you could work your elderly to death, it was certainly an option, but maybe not one for the old man's ears, or even really one she should entertain in jest. She still felt troubled by her past actions and the habitual effect it had had on her core personality.

As Tiland adressed Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher , Rhiza looked at Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl . "So Nathan, it's good to meet new people, and while we are discussing tasks, what do you like to do?"

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Jury was still out as to how Coren felt about being on Dagobah. As stated before, it was a warzone once upon a time. A warzone filled with life. There was the dark side well here but he felt that the over-all lean of the world was towards nature, and consequently, a bit more balanced. There was life here, there were protectors of innocent in the way of the Alliance that had been here, and the League which was here now. Was it enough to overcome the dark side well?

It wasn't his to decide. Coren was a Wayseeker now. He had his own path, and that still consisted of helping the Light, but in his own way. Just as Mishel was known for. The Jedi Artificer was going to be helping the beings here. That was good.

"Well, we did have to train you during a war time. I feel the League isn't quite in that sort of fray yet." The Jedi Coalition here though, was going to be doing good things, he had a feeling.

With Sunrider approaching, Coren pulled the lightsaber from his hip. "This is a weapon of Mishel's making, with a crystal of her shaping as well." He held the weapon for inspection. Alana was a light sider, so it wouldn't have any adverse effects.

Mishel Mishel Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider
Redarr Syko Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Tiland was about to reply to Rhiza when another familiar figure caught his eye, her silver and auburn hair standing out among the more subdued colors of the Jedi.

"Councilwoman Jesel," Tiland said, stepping aside and gesturing to the taller woman as she approached, marching through the crowd. "It is good to see you again."

"You as well, Master Kortun," Mya replied, "And the rest of you, I hope to meet shortly. But this is Khedive Syko of Sluis Van. He has come to petition the Jedi Council."

That caught Tiland by surprise and he considered for a moment. "Certainly, of course. Right this way, please." He pulled out a small comlink and spoke quickly. "Would any available Council members meet me in the Council Chambers?"
Mishel seemed a good sort, taking the time to connect with the Padawan's. It was important to build community, to know that you could access resources beyond your own master.

"Indeed. We all experience and explore the Force differently. Our perceptions prove as much, I have heard many describe the Force and no one is the same." He agreed

He turned, considering the words of Alana very carefully. He respected Tiland deeply, without him he would never have found his new family, but he was very eccentric and cryptic.

"Difficult. Master Tiland isn't as harsh or practical as Master Veino, but he is above all else very knowledgeable of the Force. I am quite practical. So having someone to share my experiences with, and provide new insights was very helpful."

He glanced offering a slight bow at Coren, extending a wing in greeting. "Pleasure to meet you. I am Pyeth." He turned again to Mishel.

"Truly? That is a most interesting profession. I wonder what secrets you have learned from studying Kyber Crystals." He considered his lightsaber, the star that powered it. Uniquely attuned to him. "I do sometimes wonder, how Kyber comes to choose it's companion."

The Padawan's finished, with a sharper mind edging out a victory. "Well fought Cailen Corso, that was a interesting application of Soresu. Do you practice often?"

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Mishel Mishel | Fianna Dray

Redarr Syko


"Well said, I certainly can see why you chose politics, you certainly can speak as one!"

The older man chuckled at that, but he was completely serious. To enter the realm of politics one had to learn to speak a certain way if they wished to appeal to the greatest number of people. It was far rarer to find a politician who actually meant what they said and Redarr was of the opinion that Mya was one of these rare beings. When she offered her actual name rather than any sort of title, the Khedive happily nods and, with a slight smile, begins to speak again."

"Of course Mya, I understand what you mean. It's rare to have a moment where you can be yourself instead of your title."

Rather than speak, Redarr allowed his companion to to do the introductions, though he did offer a polite bow when attention was brought to him. He had not been informed of any specific Jedi before his arrival on world, but he now at least knew this Master Kortun, a man who appeared to be wise and kind based on his initial introduction. Redarr waited until the Jedi had finished contacting his peers and began to move along before he actually spoke again, folding his arms behind his back and walking alongside the Master.

"I thank you, Master Kortun. I apologize that my staff did not contact the Jedi before my arrival but this trip is one I'd rather keep quiet for the time being. My government has found itself in turmoil for some time and I would rather that I get ahead of things before a larger crisis breaks out."

The Khedive pauses once again, though this time he chooses to change the topic for the time being.

"Tell me, how does your order fair these days? There is much turmoil in the galaxy, though I fear that Dagobah may be the next to experience the worst turmoil should the Sith manage to stop their infighting and begin expanding toward the core."


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