Danger Arceneau
The Widow
Discovered by the Galactic Republic during the Great Galactic War, Quesh's toxic atmosphere made the planet uninhabitable for many lifeforms, and was initially dismissed by the Republic. Years later, however, a young Republic chemist realized potential for some of the chemicals found on Quesh to be used for the Republic, as many of the compounds on the planet closely resembled venenit queshaaga, roughly translated as "Hutt Venom", a primary ingredient in very powerful adrenals...
Something Danger was very interested in getting for herself.
"Well.. i'm always willing to negotiate." Danger would relay in regards to what the pot would be. The gloved hand would curl round her drink, fingers lightly rapping against the stained glass. From behind her goggles, her eyes would narrow, a tinge of familiarity forming but not quite catching.
"But let's start low...we can always work our way up." she'd counter, tossing a few credits out to the center of the table. It was all about appearances to the rest of the crowd. Everything had a purpose, a meaning.
For the now, just like this particular meeting.
"So... where do we start?"
Something Danger was very interested in getting for herself.
"Well.. i'm always willing to negotiate." Danger would relay in regards to what the pot would be. The gloved hand would curl round her drink, fingers lightly rapping against the stained glass. From behind her goggles, her eyes would narrow, a tinge of familiarity forming but not quite catching.
"But let's start low...we can always work our way up." she'd counter, tossing a few credits out to the center of the table. It was all about appearances to the rest of the crowd. Everything had a purpose, a meaning.
For the now, just like this particular meeting.
"So... where do we start?"