Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A suggestio... oh forget it! Invasion Discussion

Difference is it is not a hologram, it is a force illusion, I have been using force illusions for some time now. Yes you can shoot at him, and yes the bolts going through the illusion would reveal it for what it is, an illusion. But in the critical few seconds you need to make a snap decision, which one of the six to shoot.

As I said in my profile, I use deception, trickery and all out lies to get the advantage, which is precisely what I did. To stand and fight? That is not Daxton's way, it has never been his style to do so.

However I will give you a gimme since you completely by passed the clue I left. The woman who I force shackled is still standing, controlled by me. Which means I am still in the location, and not running away as it would appear to be. Sigh. What will I do with you Mandalorians? lol
Daxton Bane said:
Difference is it is not a hologram, it is a force illusion, I have been using force illusions for some time now. Yes you can shoot at him, and yes the bolts going through the illusion would reveal it for what it is, an illusion. But in the critical few seconds you need to make a snap decision, which one of the six to shoot.

As I said in my profile, I use deception, trickery and all out lies to get the advantage, which is precisely what I did. To stand and fight? That is not Daxton's way, it has never been his style to do so.

However I will give you a gimme since you completely by passed the clue I left. The woman who I force shackled is still standing, controlled by me. Which means I am still in the location, and not running away as it would appear to be. Sigh. What will I do with you Mandalorians? lol
I'm going to go out on a limb here and go 'stop calling everyone dumb'.

Just a hunch.
My question Daxton, is prior to us all firing at you, were you an image, who was fighting everyone normally, if so bravo your great at foreseeing problems, if not though I argue that we indeed at least hit you with some of our weapons as you hid your trueself and made an illusion. If you honestly did forsee this or something, than I have no problems accepting the outcome but It bothers me that you escaped 3 grenades, and fire from 3 separate guns, I mean something would of hit, or damaged you if you hadn't been an illusion the whole time.
What makes you think I alone am generating the illusion. If you check, my previous posts I clearly stated that I am moving with a squad of Sith. The 'Daxton' everyone and their mother was shooting at was an illusion, carefully crafted so I could stalk Jorn.

However, your concerns were forwarded to the RP Judge and discussed with myself. Having spoken with Jorn's writer we moved the fight between us to an apartment and frankly I am pissed he was able to stab me. Now I have to get this armor fixed again.

If you so choose to track us down and interrupt the fight, that is your option. However, Daxton will retreat. There is no way he will fight those odds fairly.
Daxton Bane said:
What makes you think I alone am generating the illusion. If you check, my previous posts I clearly stated that I am moving with a squad of Sith. The 'Daxton' everyone and their mother was shooting at was an illusion, carefully crafted so I could stalk Jorn.

However, your concerns were forwarded to the RP Judge and discussed with myself. Having spoken with Jorn's writer we moved the fight between us to an apartment and frankly I am pissed he was able to stab me. Now I have to get this armor fixed again.

If you so choose to track us down and interrupt the fight, that is your option. However, Daxton will retreat. There is no way he will fight those odds fairly.
Thank you, I am fine with that, I figured that Daxton was capable of doing such a thing, I just wanted to ensure you weren't pulling it out of your butt :D
Damn it forced to retreat for now. I have to attend to my wounds and reseal my armor. Will be posting my return to the battlefield after a couple of more hours.

Jorn Mair

Oh Hell yeah! Got Dax to leave (somewhat) Then I have a "oh shit" because im bleeding out and im stuck with the force crushing me.
I just pinned you so you couldn't follow, the force grip would ease off as soon as I leave range. If no one moves soon, I would post Daxton's return to the field with reinforcements.

Jorn Mair

That would be cool. But I just finished a Duel with Daxton (Darren)

@Daxton yes ill call it a draw.
Unfortunately, a battlefield is epic in itself and isn't the best place for a duel. Too many people can just jump in when you least expect it. And I don't have time to prep the field.

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