Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A suggestio... oh forget it! Invasion Discussion

No problem mate. And please feel free to contact me if something seems to be oped too much. I usually clear it first with my fellow writers or edit the post if I went overboard (which I sometimes do). :)

Jorn Mair

I dont know. Im kind of just not posting to see if someone will help me? lol having some troops try and cut my legs off and a grenade that may or may not go off in my hands.
@Verz I am not spawning a fleet, I am merely radioing for support and an orbital strike. Whether or not the fleet actually hears me is another story all together.

@Jorn try not to drop it :D Remember I holed your stomach, and put two blades in your thigh, as well as your shoulder, you won't be able to run real fast or real far right now. I just hope you didn't light the fuse on the grenade. That could get messy.
@Verz You do realize that the troops you are shooting at are in close proximity (actually melee range) of Jorn. If you shoot at the with the high volume you just said you did then you will be hitting Jorn as well. Which is probably a good thing for me come to think of it.

Nisha Decrilla

Awww poor Kaine...serves you right for ditching me *smiles sweetly before stalking away*

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