Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Sword-Forged Anew | Raid on Kaas City | Open to All



Allies: Kornon Kornon Kinoan Kinoan | round the corner: Kaleleon | Enemies: Ohois Qhut'eol


Their foe was already proving a capable match for the trio. Inhuman physique lent strength to withstand the beginnings of their assault, and a capable mastery of technique sent his next assault barreling toward Kornon. A turn of the seers hand wove the force in a reaction to the Sith Lord’s explosive power. Golden energies coalesced into a perfect circle before the barabel. The geometric pattern which decorated the barrier were still materializing when the lightning made contact. It had been too late to be effective. Her shield shattered into deadly shards and starfall. Electricity continued on, only mildly interrupted. Irritation flickered across the masters features.

Borrowing from Kornon’s demanding presence, Henna shot forward in an arc of fury. Lazy mediocrity shifted into precise defiance. Form feigned a low attack. As she made contact, her blade shifted upward, hoping to force a true defense. Provocation would be her ally’s best chance at respite.

“You can’t hope to outlast us all.” The tone was one reserved for insolent padawans.


[ Theme ]

Shinzou Ashina
| Location | Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
| Objective | Retribution
Shinzou's ears perked up just before Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina called out to warn him. A lightclub came swinging at his torso as he pushed off the ground, vaulting as the dangerous blade swung just below him. His offhand saber was twirled swiftly in hand as his body continued to turn, becoming a whirlwind of cerulean blue, one saber swatting at the lightclub to push it further away along its trajectory and the other striking the dagger of the second assailant and pushing them towards the opposite direction. Had he not gotten used to years of opponents making an obvious swing for his blindspot, he might have been taken off guard considering he was barely able to sense his new attackers until they were practically on top of him - but he was no novice and his senses beyond the Force were heightened and as sharp as the steel that Ashina forged. After parrying both attacks and landing back on the ground he hopped back to fully face the pair that came to greet the strike team before shouting over his shoulder to Inosuke and Stennis Fel Stennis Fel , " Try not to die too soon. There's plenty more work to be done before that. "
His gaze locked on to the assassin and then the large, brutish lizard Xeykard Xeykard beside them as his stance deepened, holding one saber out while the other was held above his head. Two on one odds were not new to him, he had dealt with plenty before, but at a glance he already knew that this one might be different. He had no doubt that the assassin with daggers would be easier to deal with; the brute on the other hand might pose a problem in a head to head confrontation as Shinzou would certainly lose a contest of strength. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly as the world around him became quiet - the sounds of battle and blaster fire drowned out by the sound of rain pattering against his straw hat and the hiss of steam when they struck his sabers. He was at peace, a stoic statue as he waited for his assailants to clash with him.


Location: Dromund Kaas
Loadout: here
Tags: Thelar Grayson Thelar Grayson Amalasuntha L'lerim Amalasuntha L'lerim Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Alaric Alaric

Fallon didn't argue with the assessment by Amalasuntha L'lerim Amalasuntha L'lerim they needed to stuck together, as much as pressing the attack to the medical centre appealed to her, the numbers were just too great for them, sure they could get there, but without support they would be surrounded and taken apart piecemeal. Fallon blocked a blaster shot meant for her as she followed her 'cousin'. She was quick on her feet and she emphasised her agility training so keeping up wasn't too hard despite the height difference.

The group slowed though and the Valkyrie announced the enemy charge, the Ashlans had to whether this assault and then make a break through. With a thought, Fallon activated her cloaking device and vanished. Anyone with an cleared biochip would still see a golden outline of her location, but to other visual and electrical detection she was a ghost.

The others would see her defy her safety instructions and run at the approaching group, force leaping over them, ending behind the gaggle, let's see how effective their charge would be when they realised that they would be attacked from behind. Her presence was announced to them as one of their rearmost soldiers found his rifle and one of his arms severed by an attack from nowhere. The wound was clearly from a lightsaber, but Fallon's tech made her undetectable. Others of the group panicked and began waving their rifles to look.

Fallon stopped and breathed, focusing to prepare for any return fire. Wild erratic fire was dangerous to Jedi as it was poorly thought out and difficult to precognise, Geiseric Geiseric had taught her that in saber defence classes. The heart and soul in her blade helped calm her mind in preparation. But the fire never came as Fallon's allies were on them and suddenly the much more apparent threat.



The Kid
Blade Runner


Again Kyric felt a stab in his chest as QK-2510 aimed her pistol. This time he turned to face her in full, planting both feet firmly on the speeder underfoot. The wind ripped apart his makeshift bun and whipped his sopping-wet raven tresses around him like a madman. The crazed smile and burning intensity with which the kiffar watched the incoming Jet Trooper only heightened his bestial visage.

Approaching a four-way intersection, Kyric swung his blade upward to deflect the first shot. Then he quick-stepped to the edge of the speeder and jumped down to another passing speeder. His blade caught the second shot and turned it aside harmlessly. Ice gripped his heart and squeezed tight the moment he was out of immediate danger. The boy winced. His eyes narrowed on the flying assailant. He could barely see past his thick mop and the endless downpour, but the kiffar had enough sense to know something bad was coming.

Kyric considered the long stretch of road that led to Vornskr Square proper. A dozen sky lanes lined each side of the road–ample choices to ensure the unknown passenger's survival. But the quiet panic and hunger to survive led them to what the Jedi guessed to be a shelter.

Well, this ain't good. Kyric felt himself growing closer to the square, and someone in it, with each passing second. The rain made it impossible to see anything further than five meters away. QK-2510's intentions made themselves known in the form of another psionic spike to his chest the instant his speeder crossed into the square.

The kiffar took a deep breath and Centered.

Individual raindrops came into focus as the world slowed around him. He could feel the intentions of more than just his enemy, but also that of a downtrodden man, a gallant crusader, and a scarred wild cat. Kyric pressed his foot against the edge of the transport ship and kicked with force-enhanced strength. The speeder itself rocked back a meter or so, while Kyric disappeared behind biosynthetic steel the instant QK-2510 fired her jetpack missile.

Using his split-second interval, Kyric ripped a bench from the floor with telekinesis and launched the makeshift projectile in the direction he felt the missile would surely fly around the wall... right?


The Homie: Bernard Bernard
Baddie #1: QK-2510 QK-2510
Baddie to Come: Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
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Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

New Kaas City,
Destroyed Iron-Blood Training Facility

The pain of a billion dead washed through Tydeus all at once and he screamed until his throat ran raw and his voice gave out. He had no control over the power flowing through him, just a mere conduit for the ire of the damned. All around him he heard only the howl of the wind, saw only the cornea-searing flashes of lightning strikes, smelled only the stench of ozone and petrichor. His palms and knees ground into the freezing permacrete as the rain soaked his clothing and the wind chilled him to the bone. His chest rose and fell as breath sawed in and out of him and he couldn't seem to catch it. He felt like he was drowning in air.

Then he felt hands on him, gentle and delicate, her fingers in his hair.

"Qui... nn...." he croaked between attempts at breathing, barely able to get the words out.

Suddenly, she shoved him aside, hurling him through the wall of wind and rain and lightning. Tydeus rolled along the ground, a doll with its strings cut. He felt, but did not understand, power from the storm draining into Varanin, as if she was drawing it all into her. The tornado collapsed in on itself with an almighty thunderclap and a burst of brilliant light so powerful that Tydeus threw up a hand to shield his eyes. A blast wave hit him, pushing him backwards and buffeting his body.

Then the brewing funnel of Dark Side energy was gone. In its place huddled the mass that had once been a woman Tydeus called friend.

The Tionese boy lay on the ground, panting until he could catch his breath.

Around them, the buildings were devastated. The training facility had been reduced to rubble, smote half-a-dozen times by otherworldly lightning, the roof ripped off, tree limbs and trunks obliterated and shoved through the walls and windows like the spears of a giant. Tydeus did not know how many Kainates fell to the sudden tornado.

He smelled burning flesh, drawing his attention back to the still form of the princess of Eshan.

Fingers splayed, Tydeus pushed against the permacrete, dragging himself forward until he could get to his knees, then his feet. Warmth trickled from his ears, down his nose. He tasted it running across his lips. The coppery tang of blood. Vision swimming, he stumbled toward her.

"Quinn?" he rasped into the suddenly quiet air, rain around them reduced to a mere sprinkling.

PoV: Maro Vancil
Formerly a military sensors technician in the outer regions of Sith space within the Stygian Caldera. Now jobless on Dromund Kaas.

Dromund Kaas, Vornskr Square
Several blocks away from the Jedi's point of incursion
Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
//OOC: Trying my hand at some storytelling that's novel to me here, no slights intended to our Sith writer brethren and sisters


The smell of burned coal struck Maro.

He frowned, looking up for the first time in the long while since he'd started waiting for his food. The vendor's stall stood abandoned. Thin plumes of smoke filled up the interior's ceiling with black clouds, rippling upwards from the heater plate in the back.

Maro pulled his earphones out and turned his head, hurriedly looking across the plaza.

Everybody had disappeared. The food stalls stood abandoned. Their attendants and alike customers missing. The drilling had stopped. Construction equipment lay scattered around the crater. The quiet chatter of people, too, had gone away. All the windows were shuttered closed, and not a soul was in sight.

Fear gripped Maro's chest in a tight grip. He pulled his fist above his chest, crunching the plastic together with the fabric of his shirt as he looked around, bewildered.

Where'd everyone gone?

Dromund Kaas, Vornskr Square
Separated from Strike Team Treicolt: Sera Rosh Rik Perris Rik Perris and Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion
PoV: Bernard of Arca, formerly the Sentinel of Harmony
. Now the ...



A Sith Imperial gunship passed overhead, maintaining a high altitude during its approach towards the entrance of the square. The ship swooped over rooftops, turning in a wide arc over the square to line up a shot on the Jedi.

Bernard called on the Force and extended an invisible pull toward the cockpit of the gunship. He gripped the steering yoke, vying for control against its Sith Imperial operator. The power of the Force proved overwhelming, however, and against the will of its pilot, Bernard set the ship on a collision course with the ground.

The gunship's nose crumpled against the permacrete at the plaza entrance, where it got stuck with the tail section of the ship poking out towards the sky. A moment passed, then a fireball erupted and engulfed the glass canopy of the cockpit. Pieces of debris scattered and slid along the ground, leaving sparks and ash in their wake. The gunship creaked as the troop compartment began to sink toward the ground, twisting the ship's spine in an unnatural arc. With a loud snap the metal cracked and the ship's aft section crashed to the floor.

Bernard took the opportunity to sprint toward the gunship at full speed, leaping through the fire plume onto the aft section, in time for the transport doors to open at its rear. He took a few more steps, Sith troopers now spilling out into the plaza, and let himself drop over the ship's edge.

He landed on his feet and spun his lightsaber, once, in the crowd of Sith. Four of them yelped and fell over, dead. Ahead of Bernard two Sith troopers had already exited the troop compartment, behind him four more troopers still stood waiting for their turn to get out of the burning wreckage. For a heartbeat they stood petrified at the sight of a Jedi in their midst, then they exploded into action, levelling their blasters and opening fire.

Maro breathed fast and heavy. Panic took over as a fireball erupted at the entrance to the square opposite him. The sound of blaster fire now dominated the air, echoing off the buildings.

He started running, heart thundering in his chest, to find cover somewhere, anywhere. His feet came hard against the ground, with speed he didn't think himself capable of after weeks of sitting trapped in his apartment. Blindly, he ran back the way he came.

More by some warped sense of luck than anything else, something on the ground struck his foot, throwing him off balance. He toppled to the floor, breaking his fall with his arms. The skin on his elbows scratched open, and a dull pain spread through his left arm.

Maro tried to get up, but a sharper pain shot through his arm when he tried to put weight on it. Rained poured down on him, hard. He turned onto his side, straining to look for what had tripped him up, only to find that it wasn't something, but someone.

He stared at the figure, disbelief mixing with the panic in his mind. There was a girl, crawling along the rain-filled permacrete floor, alone and separated from her family. She was an innocent person, caught in another attack the Sith failed to prevent. An attack they had likely meant to happen.

His heartbeat thundered in his chest and his fear faded. Anger clenched his jaw, and for the first time in a decade, he felt the distant grip of courage shoot through his limbs.

Maro struggled against the pain in his arm and reached for the girl's shoulder to try and catch her attention.

"Hey!" He yelled over the deluge, explosions, and blaster bolts flying over their heads. "Stay down, we have to get out of here!"

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

The world appeared to split in two for Bernard. The trooper right ahead of him seemed to slow his movements, right as a second, ghostly version of him appeared to leave his body and advance on Bernard. This new, translucent trooper let loose several bolts from his blaster, all aimed directly at Bernard.

Blaster bolt, coming for my torso. Another at my shoulder.

Bernard could see the ghostly bolts fly through the air and into his body. Premonitions of the Sith's actions and the trajectories of his shots. He could sense more danger at his back.

Blaster bolts, five, from behind. Coming in a staggered rhythm, each targeting my back. Another one from the front, coming from a slight angle. The second trooper. I'll be too slow to catch this one.

The ghostly forms vanished, and Bernard sprang into action. He swept his lightsaber across to the right, catching the two shots the first Sith trooper had loosed and directing them back at him. He cried out and fell to the floor.

Then he spun, his blade a flurry of cyan light, as he caught two more bolts, and not a moment too soon. The bolts deflected harmlessly into the ground, but the other three quickly came in a three shot burst. Bernard reflected the first and second back at their senders, then barely grazed the third shot, subtly tweaking its trajectory so it didn't strike him, but the other Sith trooper still standing with a clear shot at his back.

The last shot never came as the Sith fell over, lifeless.

Bernard twirled his blade back into a ready position, now standing as the only obstacle between the trapped Sith troopers and their freedom from a fiery grave inside the gunship's hull. To his surprise, another explosion rocked the plaza.

Kyric Kyric QK-2510 QK-2510
His strike deflected, Xeykard and his underling withdrew five paces. No, it was never meant to be that easy -- in acknowledgement of his opponent's prowess, the Grand Inquisitor stopped concealing himself. The Force was drawn around him, reinforcing his body, his presence like a wall of stone. Difficult to read, but more importantly tough, unyielding. The assassin next to him, however, remained a light, barely-noticeable breeze.

"Try not to die too soon." He levelled his saber. With the other Jedi otherwise engaged, he was free to focus on the opponent in front of him. He advanced, beginning with a tone-setting strike -- a downward stroke of shattering strength, using the entire length of his lightclub.

He didn't waste time establishing his rhythm, his swings mixed with simultaneous telekinetic pulls and pushes, hoping to keep the Jedi just barely in range of his saber, but not close enough for Ashina to easily counter. He struck at angles difficult to deflect, looking to force blocks out of the Jedi and wear down his strength -- all the while the assassin waited their turn to strike.
The initial explosion had been embarrassingly effective at knocking her on her ass. Feth, what was precognition even good for?

”we have to get out of here!”

I noticed. She winced.

Hand splayed against blistered permacrete, she brought herself up, meeting Maro's gaze with a comically minimal reaction. As if she'd only just chipped a nail and happened to be a little peeved about it. But then she saw the absolute conviction in man's eyes and something in her expression shifted. He looked at her like she was something worth saving. As if she was a mere innocent victim in all this.

A harsh feeling of guilt blossomed in her chest. She'd so readily dismissed the man, treating his death as an inevitability rather then a misfortune. I mean how stupid could you be to dillydally around a place rife for invasion?

She paused, her hypocrisy processing in slow blinks. It certainly wasn't her tremendous wit or exceptional judgment which had gotten her in this position…The girl almost appeared ready to say something before another explosion robbed her of the opportunity.

Reflex had her using the Force to wrench a storefront awning from its place. Her hand tucked close and with it the makeshift shield followed. It was by no means perfect. Debris managed to slice open her cheek with a vengeance, marring her skin with a fresh collection of scars. Adrenaline largely kept her from feeling the immediate impact. Instead she reached for Maro—to ensure the man wasn't entirely gutted by shrapnel himself.

In the case he wasn't, she hissed an order, "We need to find a manhole of some kind, get underground."

Bernard Bernard Kyric Kyric QK-2510 QK-2510


[ Theme ]

Shinzou Ashina
| Location | Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
| Objective | Fight off the lizard
Shinzou raised an eyebrow as the lizard dropped the veil that hid his presence, brandishing his sabers as he shifted his stance as his opponent parroted his words that he spoke to Inosuke and Stennis as he smirked. At least his opponent had some semblance of humor to use his own words at him. He drew in a sharp breath as Xeykard Xeykard was the first to move, opening with a devastating downward slash, coming at him like a guillotine as he stepped back just enough to avoid being split down the middle and watching the lightclub smash towards the ground. It wasn't smart to try and test his hand at blocking someone much bigger and heavier than him, but it was still a good enough gauge to test their strength watching the weight behind every swing.
He continued to step backward, just barely evading each swing to keep both of his opponents within his field of view, as getting attacked from both the front and his flank would be troublesome. He resisted the attempts to pull him in and pushed himself away when Xeykard tried to shove and make him lose his footing to gain more distance. Each swing was still close regardless as Shinzou maintained just enough distance to keep out of reach, swinging both his sabers to parry blows off to the side rather than straight up blocking them as he searched for an opening or a weakness to exploit. The attacks he did manage to deflect were hard, but manageable - he was certainly more experienced than most Sith he had cut down in his life.
He didn't doubt the brute's stamina, so just dodging and evading would not be a decisive factor in their fight, but perhaps they might get frustrated and show Shinzou an opportunity.

A great lord walks the streets, empty and bereft but naught by the echoes of fear. It hung in the air like a fog, and to the Force Sensitive it would be just as thick on the senses. How heavy the emotion ran as the Jedi moved through these streets, killing and maiming those unready and surprised by violence on their home world - not by imperials, or mandalorians, but Jedi. A force yet kept from the surface of the Vassal State's capital world after the burning of the Crusade that once called this place its home.​
Now they hunt in these streets, after the progenitors of atrocity many millennia old. Their vindication is their passion, their anger their fuel. Empyrean could feel it - perhaps sooner than they could, that by falling to their baser instincts no matter how justified and valid, they in turn risked becoming what they hated. The doubt they hold for their Order, the anger they hold towards him and the other Dark Lords, the fear that without their sacrifice - the Sith may succeed. It culminated in this, and would only grow more by the hour and the day.​
He stopped moving in the empty street as wind from storms and clouds pressed past his corpse like visage, greeted soon by the form of two Jedi. Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina and Stennis Fel Stennis Fel . His form, cold and unmoving, allowed nothing more than metal eyes to spin their sockets and study them before settling somewhere unseen.​
"If you so wish.", he conceded. In his right hand, the staff that stood taller than he and ended in the mouth of a Krayt Dragon, ignited with a black, crimson edged blade. It was not a lightsaber, giving off nothing more than the pure unadulterated sensation of the Dark Side. It was his power manifest, made form, and cutting at the air through his anger yet unseen in his placid expression.​
"It is unlike your Order to strike so... haphazardly. What is it you seek to gain, Jedi?", he asked, unmoving, even as his blade wafted the disgusting scent of corruption. Like a festering wound in reality, its very presence made one sick to their stomach with just how broken away from the rest of the galaxy it seemed.​
"Surely you didn't plan this attack solely to kill a few Imperial Citizens."​

Location: Capital District, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Kyric Kyric Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon Bernard Bernard

Right on cue, a mental command sent the Iadrium missile rushing out from one of the launchers on QK-2510’s jetpack, locked on a course that would have seen it vaporize the Jedi and reduce the speeder (along with its hapless driver) to slag. Such a fate would have been near certain, if not for the projectile which suddenly appeared in the missile’s path, faster than the onboard droid brain could react. Thus, the missile collided and detonated in a raging, 2500 degree fireball, the light and heat so blinding that it nearly threw the jetpack trooper off course.

Nevertheless, QK-2510 quickly regained her bearings and reacquired her mark on sensors. Leveraging the fireball as a temporary source of concealment, the jetpack trooper dropped into a sudden descent, before vectoring towards the biosynthetic steel wall that Kyric had slipped behind. However, rather than approaching it from a conventional angle, the QK-2510 came through the wall, in quite the literal sense. Accordingly, the Jedi might receive another psionic spike mere moments before the biosynthetic wall was suddenly shattered as the jet trooper flew feet-first through the solid barrier in a burst of concussive force, sending bits of shrapnel and steel flying in all directions as she did.

In that respect, the wall was only a minor impediment Thus, having smashed her way through the barrier, QK-2510 continued flying forward to deliver a jetpack-accelerated kick that was aimed straight for the Jedi’s chest!

  • QK-2510 fires her jetpack missile and it explodes in a fireball against the bench in its path.
    • She uses this fireball as a temporary source of concealment and drops into a descent, before vectoring towards the biosynthetic steel wall that Kyric disappeared behind.
    • She kicks through the wall via the kinetite shockwave strike weapon integrated into her armor’s lower legs.
    • Then, she continues on, aiming a flying, jetpack-accelerated kick for Kyric’s chest. However, this kick is not unaugmented by the shockwave strike weapon, relying purely on momentum.
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She had no business being here.

Alina's prospects and goals had taken her elsewhere, in the most literal sense. Across the stars, the void of space at the edge of the known galaxy. A hungering for knowledge lost. It'd become an obsession, a desire and need to find what had been lost. She had found it, her answers among the stars. Answers that weren't worth the terrible vision she'd been given. Pain, a flash of light. Quinn.

The Force set it's guide for her. But to think it'd bring her back to Dromund Kaas. She'd of laughed if she wasn't so pressed by a sense of urgency that wasn't born from her own mind. A storm had been lost. The usually cloudy skies, broken through just for a moment. It wasn't hard to guess who might've been in the center, not from how the Force pulled at the back of her mind. Her ship landed close, cutting through the bleakness as she stepped down from the ramp.

Destruction, everywhere. To think it'd be brought to ruin so easily after her departure from it. A shame, but her gaze settled on a pair of figures. Neither she recognized from sight. Two corpses, near about. Her eyes narrowed. If she had a hearbeat, it'd be pounding in her head. But she didn't, and a steady calm was all she had.

It wasn't the name she wanted to hear. She rushed over, quiet as death as she crouched beside the burnt body. She was alive, still, but so horribly burnt. ".. You always risk yourself first, you foolish woman." The Force, or more specifically the living portion of it known as Anima, pulled from Alina as she touched the charred cheek of the once blonde woman. Life, to infuse her. To keep her alive until she could be properly healed.

Only then did her blood red eyes turn to the man who had spoken. Whatever warmth and concern she had gazing down on Quinn was replaced by a cold hardness. Calculating, debating. She lifted her hand from Quinn to reach down to touch his forehead. To similarly infuse him with the blood red energy she'd finally learned how to manipulate.

"Who are you?"

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
Immediate Goals -
1: Defend Kaas City! ...Again!
1.1: Scramble your fleet into orbit
1.2: Ensure that whatever stupidity Darth Malum of House Marr gets into can be salvageable.
1.3: The Eyes of the Emperors are upon you. Be unnoticed.

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr || Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean || Gerwald Lechner || Ohois Qhut'eol || Darth Invictus Darth Invictus || QK-2510 QK-2510 || Darth Invictus Darth Invictus

OPFOR - The "Lightsworn"

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Darth Invictus Darth Invictus || @Kalaleon || Open Comms

"Gangway!" Trayze bellowed over the din of the flash-storm and combat, the speeder-bike spitting forth laserfire death. He hated throwing such a beautiful vehicle to the maws of battle, and cared little that it wasn't his own. Dismounting and allowing momentum to carry the craft towards the Jedi in question, Force willing that the purple-visored paladin would stagger back much as the titanic slab of durasteel that was the Sith combatant.

One step, two-step, three step, all of war was a mastery of momentum and Trayze let the Force billow around him like a fluttering cape; taking a breath and feeling the momentum tighten around his very body, brandishing his gauss-pistol. While not exactly the most traditional way a Sith fought a Jedi, but then again, the Jedi were masters of stagnant tradition - and a slug to the head killed just as well.

The world turned with the suddenness of the attack by the Jedi, and the deep shadow of the Dead God lurching forward to defend the Kainate - seemingly better than it's so far absent Protector.
The Jedi was more slippery than he'd anticipated. This was a man more than able to walk the tightrope; every missed strike was a matter of inches, every deflection a matter of the slightest angles. The grace with which he moved at the very edge of death was astounding. Xeykard's pulls and pushes were resisted. He pulled, and the Ashina still danced back, he stepped in to thrust, only to be evaded again.

But the Grand Inquisitor was nothing if not disciplined -- even as the first dozen strikes went without an inch of progress, he did not waver, each attack placed flawlessly to continue his pressure. The rhythm of the fight established, he could now move in a different way.

He began a strike as he normally would; a savage thing meant to cross the Ashina from left hip to right. But where in the past he had paired it with a pull to bring his opponent in range, instead he pushed, intent on slamming the Jedi into a nearby building -- and quickly follow up with another strike, intent on decapitating him.
An eruption burst somewhere else in the plaza. Glass shattered from nearby buildings as a plume of smoke rose into the sky where a downed troop transport slammed into permacrete streets. A split-second before the missile impacted with the speeder, Kyric remembered that was how most explosions worked and his attention snapped back to the bench. He threw his hands up, summoning a telekinetic barrier that split the worst of the flames and kept the Jedi suspended until the force of the explosion carried him away.

Kyric deactivated his saber as his body rag-dolled up and over the center of Vornskr Square. He caught flashes of battle below. Sith Imperial soldiers fired on the lone figure of the Sword, his gleaming cerulean saber a beacon of Serenity within the otherwise hellish scene.

The kiffar righted himself in time to spot QK-2510's charged flight. This is actually the worst. He wrenched his body to the side, creating momentum where there was little to be found, and drove the palm of his hand against the outside of the Jet Trooper's ankle. A small burst of telekinetic energy followed through with the movement to parry the blow aside by a hair's breadth. QK's armored form still clipped him on impact. He felt the wind burst from his lungs as he plummeted back into a free-fall.

Gasping violently for a breath Kyric just couldn't seem to find, the kiffar was forced to change strategies to escape the aerial assault. He turned his fall into a dive and plummeted toward the street. The descent happened in a little over a second. His body blurred, slowed, and landed with a much more subtle display of control. His saber burst back to life with a snap-hiss as he quickly charged in a random direction.

A phantom pain in on his face caught his attention. It felt like something sharp had sliced a thin wound across his cheek, and when he lifted his bare hand to check, crimson gave way. What the hell is goin' on here?

Only lingering on the road briefly, Kyric charged down the mouth of an alleyway toward the citadel. He needed to draw the Jet Trooper somewhere he could neutralize her greatest weapon–her jetpack. And as far as the Jedi could see, the tall, narrow walls would at least mitigate the direction she could attack.

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Location: Capital District, New Kaas City - Dromund Kaas
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Kyric Kyric

Wings of hot fire and plasma propelled QK-2510’s armored form as she leveled her kick towards the Jedi’s chest, only for her quarry to rotate his body at the very last moment, reducing the blow to a glancing impact. At the same time, the strand-cast registered a sudden, reverberating shock in her right ankle, which carried up her leg in painful, throbbing pulses before culminating with a sickening snap.

What followed was a dull, eerie numbness that registered throughout her entire body, giving QK-2510 a few precious moments of calm, painless lucidity.

<<Jedi on my position! Requesting reinforcement!>> QK-2510 grunted into her comms before her body (and one of the jetpack’s wings) collided with the sidewall of the building to her right as she plunged into the street below. The sudden traumatic force tore off her right wing just before the strand-cast managed to realign her feet with the ground to fire her jetpack at the last moments before impact. Unfortunately, the device only managed a few sputters in response, giving her only a small amount of thrust against gravity. Nevertheless, it was just enough to slow her descent to a tolerable velocity, giving the strand-cast the chance to roll her body in the direction of her fall as she collided with the ground—her best attempt to reduce the stress on her broken ankle.

And just as she recovered a few seconds later, standing back up on one hobbled leg (an injury that was immediately apparent in her gait), the Jedi came within her sights.

Pain is the scalpel of creation. May His Will eclipse the stars and guide my hand!

Without hesitation, QK-2510 gritted her teeth and leveled her pulse pistol towards the Jedi’s chest, squeezing down on the trigger with hateful impulse. On cue, two star-hot orbs of searing fusion plasma exploded out from the barrel one after the other, delivered with the intent to burn, maim, and scathe the abominable agent of the Light!
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[ Theme ]

Shinzou Ashina
| Location | Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
| Objective | Fight off the lizard
Shinzou backstepped as Xeykard Xeykard went to lunge up at him with lateral swing at his torso, suddenly feeling the push of his opponent as he was airborne and now being flung backwards. He twisted his body to reorient it as he was thrown towards the closest building, gathering his bearings as he did his best to mitigate the impact. His feet landed against the wall as he let the momentum put him into a crouched position, channeling the energy to his feet before launching himself at his opponent at high speed, keeping his arms and sabers close to his body to maintain as minimal of a target as possible, with all Xeykard being able to see was the diameter of his hat.
His body was twisting and turning as he became a blur, launching himself at a higher angle than he would be as the lightclub swung for where his neck would have been if he were upright, just barely passing over it as there was a flash of sparks. Shinzou skidded off the ground, keeping low to the ground as his head angled up slightly to reveal that his straw hat was cut clean where the lightclub had made contact. Shinzou muttered to himself as he commented, "I rather liked that hat."
His thoughts were briefly interrupted as Xeykard's companion took the opportunity of Shinzou regaining their footing to try and attack Shinzou from behind with their daggers. His robes would flutter as he rapidly twisted his body, his saber going for their midsection to disembowel them before he promptly sent his foot backwards to knock them away before turning back to Xeykard with sabers drawn, starting to run at him.
Kyric didn't even turn at the sound of the first shot. He threw himself prone, hit the floor, and immediately rolled to his left to avoid the second. Soaking wet and far from enthused, the Jedi hurriedly climbed back to his feet with the help of the wall and activated his saber. He stopped at seeing QK-2510's broken form. Not that he was foolish enough to think for even an instant that he could talk sense into a member of the Kainite. Her hatred oozed off of her like a pungent odor, deterring even the beginnings of an argument in his brain.

Rather than engage her directly, Kyric reached out through the Force to an overhead bridge between two towering starscrapers. The biosynthetic steel was woven expertly to resemble the likes of a great canopy. A true work of art. Until the Jedi collapsed the central portion of the bridge and dropped it unceremoniously atop his wounded assailant.

The kiffar turned on his heel at that and hurried away, silently hoping QK-2510's injury would make it impossible to pursue.

In the meantime, Kyric deactivated his saber and dashed out the other side of the alleyway. Turning right, he ran parallel to Vornskr Square and continued to the end of that road before he cut left. His body was a swift-moving shadow within the dense rain and chaos of the battle. Sith-Imperial soldiers marched down the road to Bernard Bernard 's position. Kyric wanted to intercept them, but he trusted the Sword to hold his ground. This was the man who inherited the legacy of Ryv Karis as his son knew it.

The Mantle of a Warrior and a Leader.

One who stood against the forces of evil and cast a shadow of their own, not on the galaxy, but on those who stood at their back. Bernard would hold their enemy off at Vornskr Square without the help of the young Jedi.

Kyric was needed elsewhere, for he wore another mantle–one his master thought him ill-prepared to don. But the kiffar's faith in himself remained unshaken. His skills were the culmination of those far greater than himself, warriors and scholars he considered peerless. The only way to see his mission through was to harbor that same faith in himself that he would others and trust in the teachings.

They would have to be enough.



Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

New Kaas City
Wreckage of Iron-Blood Training Facility

From his knees, Tydeus shuddered as a glowing red energy pulsed from the newcomer's fingers and into him. The blood leaking from his ears and nose stopped. His blistered cheek grew warm. Tydeus reached a gloved hand up and touched at the cheek, felt no pain. Bruises and aches he didn't know he had left him, melted away before the power of the Force.

The boy looked at his gloved hands, then over to Quinn, blinking his eyes as he remembered that charred visage. His mouth felt dry, his throat tight.

"I..." What had he done?

Then he looked past the woman who had healed him toward the wreckage of the Iron-Blood training facility and the bodies of dead Kainates scattered like fallen leaves.

His gaze hardened. Fingers sought his vibrosword, but he'd lost it in the storm.

"I am Tydeus, Prince of House Tion. Heir to the Dawn Moon and the Marches of Gravid." The boy rose, drying blood spatter slick on his face, no mercy in his eyes.

"Your Emperor autoclaved my inheritance, my family, . . . my world. And now I am here to erase his legacy from this galaxy." '

"Suwi maridrosar ichisudz oksh ᠎tuti mumtsil," came a voice from behind in the ancient tongue of the Sith.

Tydeus spun. Before him loomed an image of death - a Sith of absurd height striding through the wreckage of houses and trees, girded in black and scarlet armor, emblazoned with the symbol of Kaine. A sable cape fluttered behind him. His helmet bore sigils in gold, written in Sith, telling of Jedi felled, battles won, and campaign victories.

The commandant of Darth Carnifex's legions on Dromund Kaas unclipped a lightsaber from his belt. It flared to life, a crackling bar of crimson.

Tydeus' heart fluttered with fear. He took a step back.

"Wretched Tionese, abandon your ignorance. I shall torture your body... to free your mind"

The rage of a billion ended lives flared up within Tydeus and he charged at the Sith, weaponless, moving with the speed and power of the Steel Hand. He ducked under the lightsaber's sizzling blade and came in close to the commandant, his fists striking like pistons, pummeling the Sith's breastplate. The blows rained down, but the Sith barely moved as the beskar strengthened plating did not shatter before Tydeus' hands. The commandant held up his hands to either side and let out a laugh into the sky above.

The emotionless helm tilted down toward Tydeus.

"I am of the Dark Lord's chosen. Behold his teachings."

The off-hand of the Sith whipped around with outrageous, blinding speed, propelled by the Force itself. The armor-backed hand smote Tydeus in the gut, unleashing a kinetite shockwave built into the glove. The Dark Side-enhanced blow lifted the boy off his feet and sent him flying backward.

He landed on his feet, nearly doubled over with blinding pain, and vomited blood onto the permacrete.

In an eyeblink, the commandant surged forward and landed another punch, then another. Tydeus felt his ribs shatter, couldn't draw breath, and panic set in. His arms flew out, but the Sith slapped them aside, then gathered his hand back and slammed it forward, palm flat. A blast in the Force rippled out, picking Tydeus up and flinging him flying through the air and across the street, tumbling onto the roof of a house. The Sith leaped across the intervening distance in a single bound and landed on the roof, then struck him with another push in the Force. Tydeus went flying, skipping across roofs like a ragdoll, his body a mess of cuts. He slid off a roof and into an alley filled with foliage.

Atop the now distant roof, the Sith reached out his fingers and curled them inward. The buildings to either side of Tydeus trembled, then collapsed in on the alley in a tumble of permacrete, burying the boy.

"Thus ends a traitorous line," the commandant announced, before striding off in search of another, more worthy foe.

* * *

Hours later...

Amid rubble, something stirred.
They clashed, blades meeting twice, thrice as he moved opposite to his allies. But the Krevaaki was quick as ever, deflecting and withdrawing with haste, defense unbroken.

Even as Kornon was wary of the Sith's additional tentacles, he was a moment too slow to react to the lightning that surged toward him. It arced across his scales, tearing through his armour for the brief second before he could raise his saber to defend. But the damage was already done -- he'd been pushed back a dozen paces.

Master Ashina leapt into the fray. Kornon did not waste the opportunity, shifting his saber to shunt the Sith lightning at an angle so he could advance once more. As he pushed forward, a hand went to his belt, and flung his heavy hunting knife towards the Krevaaki's saber tentacle.

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