There was something in Darron's eyes that made Rosa's heart skip a beat and she dropped her eyes forcing whatever it was that had just passed between them to one side. Focus was needed now, she looked back at him when he spoke, her eyes glittering with delight at another challenge.
Turning her palms towards the saber at Darron's side she reached out towards them with the force. She could feel Darron more than individual objects and it took her a moment or two to separate him from the sabers. As he had shown her before she imagined them moving to her hands. They twitched at Darron's sides and she closed her eyes thinking of her father to take part of her mind elsewhere before opening her eyes in time to catch the sabers, with a look of surprise.
Without speaking she opened her empathy once more extending it first to Daneil's saber. It was harder to read memories than it was to read people. People were her and now, memories were embedded deep. At first things came in small flashes, brief suggestions of emotions, shadows on a wall, yet the more she pushed the cleare they became. Shadows became fully formed faces, but still the images were fast, a padawan young and determined, softly spoken, not a fighter, but with all the potential to become one. A beautiful woman, a great love, a child.
Rosa was lost in the memories now as they flowed past her, like a holovid on fast forward, she watched Darron grow, from a small boy, to a Jedi. So many fights, battles she tried to flinch from but found herself so caught up in the memory that she couldn't, not until there was a strike that the blade didn't block and a younger Darron in despair. she snapped her eyes open and looked at Darron with sad eyes, trembling slighty trying to find words but unable to from them, instead she shook her head and tok a deep breath before reaching for Rolf's saber, unwilling to give up.
She found Darron faster this time in the memories, she felt the love between the friends. A bond never to be broken, only in death. She had watched Darron grow before but this was different, another perspective. Through the father she saw a son that needed protecting, through Rolf she saw the brother that always protected. She watched the lightening driver into them, she watched him lose his arm and then she watched him grow again. No longer slender but more like the warrior he was today. A face came to her, similar to Darrons but shrouded in darkness.
A brother. The fight was intense, raw emotions rattled Rosa to her very core and it was only through the snap hiss noise of the saber activating in her hands as the look of surprise erupted on Darron's brothers face as the killing blow struck him, that she found herself looking at Darron with a tear streaked face. "I...I...never..." she closed her eyes and shook her head.