Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Docking bay
Objective: Escape
Allies: [member="Davik Tren"] Ravens
Enemies: No one

Asteria nodded at Davik's question, the Finality was docked right next to his, as fate would have it.

"Fly back over Solida's Resort to see how the aftermath is going, I'll be on your tail. Then let's get out of here, back home, and not have nightmares for the next week about this."

Asteria and William followed the young spacer down to the two different ships and opened the bay doors. Time was of the essence now.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Fight it
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

In his mind, before the adrenaline was administered, Corruck heard another voice. A voice that was familiar yet he couldn't place it. As he listened, the words unintelligible, he wracked what was available mind. He found nothing. Yet the voice kept on speaking, getting louder and louder. He floated through memories, trying to find the voice. Then at last he found that which he searched for. A massive Durasteel Fortress, in the middle of desolation. He remembered where it came from. It was his inner mind, that which he had locked away from his past. Contacts, allies, bank account numbers, and locations of safe houses were all locked in there. He had locked those away so that he could leave that life behind. He had locked information on many things... and even that part of himself that was most at home in that life.

That part of him, that monster that was even worse than what had worked as a crime lord, was sealed in there. Now it, he, was yelling for freedom. It had heard the call of Dredge and was breaking free. Corruck worked his way through the corridors of the labyrinth that was that fortress. As he entered door after door the voice grew more and more intimidating. He had made about half-way through the fortress before he heard loud rending sounds. His mind raced as he tried to get through this area faster. He was running, running faster than he had ever before. As he came around a corner he found he was too late. There not five meters ahead of him was another man. He looked like Corruck, but his clothes were more concealing and his eyes and face were darker. The man looked at Corruck and smiled, an evil heartless smile. Corruck felt for some emergency stop in his mind. There was one in front of him and as the transparisteel like door closed in front of the man Corruck felt relief.

The other man however was not ready to give up. He spoke, "It has been too long. I feared that you had forgotten about us."

Corruck glared and replied, "Unfortunately, I only wish I had."

The man laughed, a dark and heartless laugh. "Ha, you can't forget that which is your innermost being. You keep telling yourself that I am but a misguided part of you that was lost."

Corruck simply listened, thinking through the arguments, "That is why you are here. You are not my true being, but an illusion that wishes to be."

"You lay claim to being a good and right man. But what do you do? Hide your identity, keep secrets, scheme behind your "friends' " backs. Is that the way a good man works with friends? Is that not what your heart always tells you to do?"

"You are not me."

"But you see, that is just the point. I am not you. You are the illusion! You created that upright being when you didn't believe you could stand me. You and I are one, but only one of us is real."

"I am a good man."

"You... are... a... liar! You are a thief! You are a cheat! You hide behind these walls that you created to lock me in. You cower in fear that I may one day return. You dread the majesty with which I would change this galaxy and bring down all that you despise."

"I despise you."

"You think I really believe that? I know your mind as you do. Do not lie to me. What you truly despise are men like Dredge. You hate that people like him could gain such power through pure brawn and no subtlety."


The other Corruck, who had been slowly walking towards the sealed door, laughed again and spoke. "You and he are alike. He and I are alike. We would gain such power through the subtlety that made the Darth Sideous of the Old Empire into a ruler. We would conquer the galaxy through guile and deception. We would destroy our enemies without fighting them. The only difference between us and Dredge is that we are the hidden monster."


"So you fall back to the sayings of children in the face of the truth. You cannot deny the truth, you of all people should know that the truth is something that is far too often hidden. So why have you hidden me?"

Corruck yelled out in his mind, "Because I loathe you! I hate you as I hate all this damned galaxy!"

"So you show your true colors at last." The man smiled more sinisterly. He looked at the transparent barrier in front of him and at the visible walls around him.

"You can't get out."

"So your wistful dreams tell you. How many of these walls are lies and fantasies that you wove to make me not your 'inner self'?" The other Corruck pulled back and in a fluid motion punched through the barrier.

He continued, "You see, lies will not hold anything in. They are paper compared to permacrete. You never could hold me in. You can never truly separate yourself from your inner being."

Corruck stood up as the shards of his barrier flew past. He felt the piercing of the needle like shards as they cut through his entire being, but he felt no pain. "I will always be able to contain you. You are nothing but the dark nightmares of a man who had no hope."

The other Corruck pushed through the wall, the rest of the barrier falling away as he passed. He looked around him and then turned his attention back to Corruck, "You really think so? I never really was trapped. I allowed you to imprison me. I knew, as you do, that I needed to mature in order to become that which may take over the galaxy."

Corruck responded irritated, "You will never leave these fortress."

The other Corruck chuckled and asked, "How can you be sure?" Suddenly, a red blade ignited from a lightsaber in the other Corruck's right hand. He swung at Corrck with lethal intent.

Corruck dropped back, stumbling away from his other self. All the while, the other Corruck spoke, "This is just your mind. I will escape as this mind belongs to me. You cannot hope to win."

Corruck fell backwards and he watched almost clinically as the other Corruck swung the lightsaber in an arc to kill him. Then he heard another voice and real pain. His mind was pulled away from the fortress where the other Corruck was not tearing away the walls to escape.

He awoke in time to see the eyes of Dredge, to feel his smile. Then came a searing pain, it burned and he felt as if his world was being torn to pieces. He heard a question. Then came the adrenaline, bringing the pain to all new levels. He yelled out in pure agony. He willed to end. He would rather have death than this.

He heard Dredge speak, much of it was unintelligible to his mind, but his soul understood. Then he watched as the servant was brought to be killed. He was commanded to kill him. He resisted, but all the while he heard the tearing of metal of his fortress. He knew that the other Corruck would soon be free. He yelled weakly out with his physical voice, "No..."

But even as he spoke images were brought forth. Images that had been previously locked away within his fortress. All he could to was spectate as every single wrong act he had ever done was brought forward. The cycle kept coming and coming, the list seemed endless. As he watched he felt another presence. That of the other Corruck, his mind created the illusion of there being a physical twin that he could see in the real world. The other Corruck walked around the room, smiling and looking at Corruck's predicament. He leaned up against one of the Graug, though the other Corruck was not really there, and he spoke, "So, what now oh great and good Corruck? Will you bear eight lives of torture or release this man of his life so that you may be free?"

Corruck spoke physically, replying to the other Corruck, "I cannot. You lie to me. I am not a monster and I would never obey you."

"You are not obeying me. You are obeying yourself. You need to be free to save the galaxy from the Sith."

Corruck felt his hand slowly move to kill the man, but he willed it to stop. For a long moment it just kept moving, silently then the knife dropped. His hand fell back to his side. "You cannot win." He said aloud to the other Corruck.

Dark Corruck simply smiled and replied, "This is only the first round. I will return and you will hand over the command to me, just you watch."
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Make the rebel a monster
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Dredge watched the knife drop to the floor and a bit of annoyance flickered across his features. But as fast as they had shown up and went unseen under the helmet, they were replaced by that wolffish grin he so loved to spout. Corruck was going to be a challenge, he respected that. He would do what he did to Cryax Bane. He would take everything from him, his possessions, his identity, all of it would become his.

"Very well then Corruck." Dredge lifted a hand at the slave and with an effort of will a loud crunch was heard and the slave fell dead to the floor.

Dredge dropped back down to look at Corruck in the face and grin at him beneath that darkened helmet. He ran a hand back through his hair and knew the things he had planned for him were going to be fun to say the least.

"Corruck, before I let my associates here have a turn with you I want to tell you this. You will break, I see what you truly are. And until that side of you becomes whole again." Dredge paused to think of what next to say. He smiled deeper and put the blackened helmet against Corruck's ruined face

"Well. Let's just say they don't have words for what I'm going to do to you until then." Dredge laughed and began to rise up and trudge back over to his thrown to watch the live stream that was still being broadcasted to the Dark Lord.

"Scourge him." He said as he took a seat.

The Graug behind Corruck gave a his lord a sick smile and deep chuckle left his mouth. Reaching to his belt he produced a flogger, but this was no ordinary flogger. The ends and tips of each strand were tipped with sharp gleaming blades that made scalpels look like children's play things. The forward Graug took a knife and began to cut Corruck's clothes off his body until he wore nothing but a pair of skivvies beneath. The Graug around the room began to laugh again at the show that was about to commence.

"Try not to bite your tongue off." Dredge said and then lowered a hand to begin.

The blades of the scourge dangled and clinked off each other like a sick wind chime and then white hot pain seared through Corruck's back as the indescribable amounts of pain began. The Graug pulled back the weapon and again and the creature delivered the iron blades to his back shredding and destroying flesh. Dredge chuckled at the sight of the man getting beaten into nothing, and an idea came to him. He was starting off too quickly, killing slaves. To truly let the monster out they had to take baby steps.

"Bring the Mandolorian. Find the worst one." Dredge said to a Yuuzhan Vong worker caste that quickly bowed down to exit.

Watching the bladed flogging continue after a good two minutes dredge raised his hand for the Graug to stop.

"Salt him." Dredge said with complete authority.

Another Graug approached carrying a bucket of rock salt and as soon as the Graug had finished his work with the scourge the graug tossed the bucket of salt onto Corruck's back.

"And someone bring me a drink." He said happily.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Bear his burden
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck felt the other Corruck subside back into the subconscious as if he was hiding or waiting. He felt relief at this, but it was short lived. The other side of him was cunning, incredibly so. He feared that maybe the other side was simply going to scheme until there was a better time to attack. He waited and waited until the voice came back, "Well? I'll be back, don't worry. I will come to show you the truth. You aren't ready to accept it yet."

Corruck retorted, "I have accepted the truth. I will not let go of it."

The other Corruck seemed to relish being brought into an argument. "What is truth? Is it what you say it is? Is it what we interpret to be the truth?"

"The truth is that which is evident by continuous experimentation."

"So you have proven that your identity is true because you have kept to it through many challenges...but what about me? I have been here our entire life, I have always been and will always be."

Corruck seemed to think on this. It was concerning with that logic.

He was broken abruptly from his thoughts by the feeling of a knife cutting his clothes. He was able to just return to reality in time to hear Dredge warn him about biting his tongue off. His mind scrambled to put together the meaning when a sharp, inexpressibly agonizing pain fill his back. He could feel the blood quickly seep out of his worn body. Already his body had taken so much trauma from the day that it was now incredibly weak. Again and again he felt the pain followed by the blood beginning to gush out. As the lashing when one he lost track of his body. He lost track of time and life.

He heard once more the other Corruck return, the other man walked around watching as Corruck was whipped continuously. "Is this all really worth it? How much longer before you die? Can't you see that when you die everything you hope to achieve will disappear?"

Corruck let a pained smile cross his face, "Well, if nothing else. If I die, you come with me."

The other Corruck did not find this funny. "What about the Recalcitrant and her crew? What will they do if you die? They will spend the rest of their existence searching for us."

Corruck shed a tear at that thought. He couldn't let that happen. "Dredge won't let me die. That would be too easy, he wants to break me. He will find that I am very tough."

A laugh came from the other. "Oh really? From my point of view you look quite broken and ready to give. You almost killed that slave remember?"

"Your speeches only strengthen my resolve."

"Don't lie to me. That is only half the truth. You are breaking and wearing down. I will be here when you are ready to admit the truth."

Corruck was about to respond when the salt was administered. He cried out louder than before. He was only just able to hold in a cry for release.
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Make the rebel a monster
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Dredge laughed at the pitiful sight before him, the man couldn't hold out much longer. His beast like nature would soon overpower him and he would be lost in world of blood lust and power. It would be a beautiful sight to see when the rebel broke, he would savor all the little emotions when it happened. The regret, sorrow, anger, but most of all the acceptance of what he truly was. Corruck could sit there and play house all day with who he thought he was, but they both knew that one day the game would end and that monster would come out and play. So dredge simply waved a hand and the Graug nodded, it was time for the next moral hurdle. The Graug reached under a table and produced a lightsaber that was taken from a dead Jedi more than likely, and with it he cut Corruck loose. And by that he severed his arm from the shoulder and let his weary body collapse to the floor.

"He looks thirsty, give him a drink." Dredge said and laughed afterwards.

Icy cold water was thrown on Corruck, not dried ice cold but enough to leave him shivering and wet. The frigid water hit him and would more than likely wake him sending a full body shock of the new sensation washed over his body. When Corruck would arise he would see a sight that would more than likely haunt him for years.

A woman, if you could call her than anymore. Was on her knees in front of the man, she looked fucking tortured was the best way to describe her. Her once pretty features on her faced had been sliced up and and her face was a far cry to what it once had been. It was mostly scar tissue now and both her eyes had been taken. Her body was a collection of scars old and new with fresh wounds littering every part of get body from head to toe. She wore rags, a simply burlap tunic that did not do a very good job at covering her fragile form. And at the center of her forehead a brand stood out that was a large M. Dredge leaned down with his darkened tongue licked the woman through the gap on his helmet from her lower neck to her temple. Kneeling down besides her Dredge looked at Corruck and gave him a moment to recover

"This is Lilly. She is, well was a Mandolorian warrior. For that half a year she's been with me having loads of fun. Isn't that right Lilly?" Dredge asked her.

"Yes Lord Dredge." The woman said in a broken and zombie like tone.

"You see she's expired and I have no more use for her, but I do enjoy the thought of keeping her alive so she can live a long life of torment and torture. I rather like my toys." Dredge said and ran a hand through the girls short red hair.

"Now you can save her. I'm giving you this choice Corruck." Dredge said and slowly moved his hand down the woman's back.

"Do you want to die Lilly?" He asked her in a polite voice

"More than anything Lord Dredge. But you have yet to give me permission." She said softly. The woman was clearly broken and beyond saving, the only thing left for her was death. And dredge would not give it to her.

"But I'm going to give that permission to Corruck here. He will decide if you live and suffer till the end. Or if he's gracious enough to kill you." The woman's scared features light up and the thought of the sweet release of death became longing on her tired features.

"So decide Corruck. Kill her now, or let her suffer." Dredge smiled and stood up from where he lay crouched and the same knife was placed in front of Corruck.

The woman crawled to Corruck on all fours and knelt down In front of him.

"Please, end it." She said to him, it was all she could say. She was a mando, she wouldn't beg for death. But her features clearly longed for it.

"If you kill her Corruck, I will give you two hours rest on a nice comfy bed." Dredge said emphasizing the words comfy and bed
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Live through the nightmare
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck cried out again from pain as the last of his right arm was removed. He fell to the floor feeling weaker than before. This was followed by a splash of ice cold water. The feeling of the cold was nice, but the salt that had not entered his wounds had mixed with the water which then entered his wounds, compounding the pain further. He jolted with the sensation and fought to hold his body from simply passing from fatigue. He could tell from the way his body was shaking that the loss of limbs, blood, and water was taking its toll. He knew that the human body could only take so much punishment like this before it would fall unconscious and probably die. He relished this fact in a perverse way, as he assumed that if it happened he would die and free himself from all the pain he was experiencing.

He was able to drag his gaze up just in time to see the woman brought out. He listened to the interchange silently, at least silently in his body. His mind however was screaming out, his mind was burning to free the woman from what Dredge had done. Then came the deal at the end. The other Corruck, as if on cue, decided to show up.

"So, another dilemma eh. One person's life for another's relief. What say you oh perfect judge of right and wrong?" The illusion of the other Corruck knelt on the other side of the woman from Dredge. He was staring directly at Corruck.

"I won't kill her." He replied in his mind.

"But look at her. There is no life left for her. She is practically begging for death and you would deny her release from this cruel existence? What kind of hero is that?"

"One that knows when something can be done."

"Truly you are amazing, she has no more left to live for. She is simply a torture toy for Dredge. She will be in constant suffering for years to come. You can do something about it right now."

"But... it's not right."

"What is right then? Let her suffer for an unspecified amount of time into the future? I can see your mind. I know that you may have found such a woman attractive at one point before she was so badly afflicted. You might have even loved her. But how am you supposed to know? She may have been a wife for a man and likely a dear friend to some. She was probably a good daughter that made her parents proud. To them, she it dead. She might as well be dead, there is no life within her. Her soul has been pulled out and nothing is left but the body with a mind that can be manipulated as easily as a light-switch."

"None of that makes it right!"

"Of course not. But then neither does killing for any reason. You could kill Dredge and it would still be wrong. You could justify it to yourself. In the end, when making the hard call, doesn't it matter the purpose with which you do what you do?"

Corruck couldn't reply. He looked down at the ground and then at the mutilated face of the once mandalorian.

"Remember, if you kill her, you release her and you will have a short rest from this madness. I will even leave you alone for those two hours." The other Corruck spoke softly, almost caressingly. He would follow through with his deal, of course Corruck would have to live with the thought of that woman for the two hours every moment. That made up for not playing with him more.

Corruck felt himself heave as he tried to pick himself up. He couldn't bring himself up beyond his knees. He tried to speak, but words failed him. The other Corruck spoke, "I see what you wish to do. There is no merit in it. Just end her."

Corruck cast aside those thoughts and moved with an almost impossible grace, for his current condition. He lifted her chin with his hand gently to see her eyes. He saw nothing there, no living being, no soul, just the eyes of a dead woman. He spoke just as softly as his touch, "Please forgive me."

He moved his hand first for the knife that was beneath him, but then he though. She has been under the edge of the knife long enough. He brought his hand to her chin and followed it down to the neck. He stopped for a moment and faltered. He cried, tears falling, as he clamped his left hand down on her two large veins. The blood choke would take a little longer than a regular choke to kill, but it seemed more calming.
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Make the rebel a monster
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The woman didn't struggle, she didn't kip or buck. She just laid back in Corruck's strong chest and arm and let the life be choked out of her. She lifted her hand up and gently ran it past Corruck's one good eye and non burnt side of his face in a gesture that it was going to be ok. She didn't say anything, the choke saw to that. But if she had hopefully her body language had displayed that she forgave him and thanked him. After a few more seconds her arm that was slowly comforting the man dropped limp and dead as she passed on to the next life. The woman was dead, her body slumped down and to the floor and the look on her battered and destroyed face was one of peace. As if a very long nightmare had ended, and perhaps it was a glance into the future for the former crime lord. That if he continued to resist he himself would become this dead bag of flesh on the ground being tortured for years until a fresh victim was used to end the old livestock's pain. But regardless if it was the right thing or not, she was dead.

Dredge laughed at the sight and a few Graug began to drag the mandos body away to be disposed of.

Normally Dredge would of had his shapers bring her back and have her converted into a rakghoul or the like. But he didn't want to betray Corruck in this moment, he needed to nurture that evil within him and make him want to feel like he was doing what was right. After he finished his little chuckle Dredge walked forward and looked down at the young man.

"Felt good didn't it?" He asked him not really caring if he got a response or not.

"Keep this up, and you'll get a master suite with view and a express ticket out of this world back into the old. That is a promise. If you please me, show what you truly are. I will send you home, I will give you power. And I will give you your hearts desire, all I ask in return is that you do what I say while we are here, you give me the rest of the information and you may be on your way. Hell, I'll even let you walk away from our eight lives deal. You can go home." Dredge said letting his words fall onto the man like sweet honeyed promises.

"In fact, give him an extra hour. He's pleased me." He said happily

Dredge raised a hand and turned around giving the order for his men take him away. He'd see him again in three hours and hopefully his disposition for killing things would of changed given his time to think about it.

A large Graug swatted the knife away from Corruck then picked him up in his massive arms. He carried Corruck like a child down a hall way until they reached a small room that looked like an average guest bedroom in a small house. The Graug put Corruck on the bed so he lay on his stomach and let the man rest. They would see him again, in three short little hours. The Graug left the room shortly after and the time started ticking.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Live through the nightmare
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck felt his heart wear and break down further. He heard the other Corruck laugh as he watched. "So touching. Now I'll be going, but don't you forget what happened here."

Corruck felt relief as a pressure was removed from his mind. He sighed sadly as he stared down at the now dead mandalorian. He listened to Dredge without looking away from the dead body.

Dredge's words fell onto his ears, but he wasn't fully listening. He tried to recollect his thoughts, recollect his mind. He felt broken and unable to continue. He didn't understand why he had done it. He couldn't remember his exact thoughts and didn't seem to recall his doing it. He felt burned in his heart and unable to continue. He didn't struggle as the Graug took him away.

As he lay on the bed, Corruck felt tired. But he couldn't sleep. He couldn't lose the feeling that he had done wrong. He tried to tell himself that she had wanted it, but he didn't believe it. He called out for understanding, but all that came was the echo of his own mind's voice. He let his body fall away, let his mind become his world. He searched it high and low and yet no answers came.

At last he called for the other Corruck. He knew it was not a wise decision, but he had no choice. "Why?"

The other Corruck seemed pleased. "Why what? Why did you kill her? Why did you join the Rebels? Why do you continue to bear this place rather than surrender? There are so many questions in that mind of yours. So much turbulence that it is a wonder that you have been able to survive so long."

"I continue because I must. I fight because it is the right thing to do. I will not surrender until at last I am free."

"That freedom will be your death. What makes killing right or wrong? Intentions?"

"No, killing is always wrong."

"And yet, you seem to be alright with killing the enemies of Rebels. If intentions make no difference, then you and I are exactly alike."

"No we are not. I try to fight for the good of others."

"Do I not fight for good of the galaxy? I wish to bring freedom and peace to this galaxy. You kill because someone disagrees with your beliefs. I kill because it furthers my goals. We both kill and if intentions don't matter then you and I are one in the same."

"No! We are as different as possible!"

The other Corruck disappeared as Corruck realized that the three hours had gone by. He felt no rest in him, only fatigue and he was sure that he would break soon. But he had to fight it, he couldn't surrender.
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Make the rebel a monster
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The three hours ticked away and like clock work the Graug entered the room with a Yuuzhan Vong priest behind them, it was time to play once more. Two massive hulking Graug picked up Corruck and the first draped the man over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and the other walked steadily behind him eying the disgusting lesser life form. The Graug growled at the man and let off a low roar that sounded as if a lion had just threatened him. But they were under strict orders not to harm him until it was time once more, until he failed to give to his killer urges.

After a quick trip down the halls they returned to the throne room where Corruck could see a few Graug fighting over the remains of his arm and hand. They were eating them, straight up eating his arm. It was quite the disturbing sight but the man had seen enough today to certainly traumatize him. Throwing the man down on his wounded back the Graug plopped Corruck there and soon a Tenloss revolver was slid his way from an unknown source. Probably a Graug. The weapon had a single bullet in it, and it was ready to rock.

Dredge sat in his throne and smiled down at Corruck. Besides him there was a slave in cuffs and restraints and the mad man seemed to be screaming and losing his mind trying to break free from his iron grip. Dredge chuckled and looked down at Corruck.

"Hello Corruck, it's nice to see you again. Now let's play another game shall we?" Dredge asked letting everything sink in for the man.

Whatever Dredge had planned it was not going to be good. Coming up behind Corruck a Graug pushing a cart of horrendous torture devices smiled at him and it was going to be rather clear of what would happen if Corruck failed to play this game.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Live through the nightmare
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck didn't put up any resistance as he was taken from the room to the throne room. He had too much on his mind. He was bitten by the arguments that the other Corruck had used. He didn't know what to think, he felt that his world was being broken down into nothing as the other Corruck spoke more and more. He tried to read the meaning and he tried to create arguments against what had been said, but he found it particularly difficult.

When at last he was dropped on his back he groaned. He rolled onto his belly as the revolver was rolled to him. He picked it up with is left arm and studied it for a moment. It had one shot, probably just enough to accomplish what Dredge would want him to do. He heard the other Corruck walk into the room, the distinct footstep gave him away. Corruck felt shaky with his left arm, which was certainly not his good arm, though he bet he could make one good shot at Dredge. He raised the pistol a bit, meaning to look like he was checking the sight, but the other Corruck pushed the gun back down. Corruck felt his arm give way as the illusion of the other Corruck pushed it down.

The man who stood proudly above him smiled as he spoke, "You are beginning to accept that I am real, your body reacts to me. You see, I am real you can't deny it."

Corruck simply pulled himself onto to one knee and responded to Dredge, "Fine then, let's play."
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Make the rebel a monster
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

That wolffish smile formed under Dredge's helmet once more and he was enjoying every moment of what he saw. Corruck began to accept things, he had taken up the revolver and was contemplating murder. He was reverting that of his true nature bit by bit, he was going to become what Dredge knew he was. So with that Dredge raised a hand and ushered it over the the man who was restrained in multiple chains screaming and shaking like the mad man he was. He had a simple cloth gag in his mouth but it helped mute the screams of madness coming from the man. By the looks of him he was in his late twenties and his dark black hair was falling to his shoulders in long greasy lochs. He had very minimal signs of torture and by the looks of him he exceeded at the game Dredge liked to play with his victims.

"This is Jed. You see Jed here is a psychopath. When he first started off I think he was an IT support person I can't quite remember. But to say the least he was a decent person." Dredge said laughing a bit at the end.

"Now Jed is a murderer, a rapist, a full blown animal. He's lost any sentience really, I've been feeding him too much of his own kind perhaps. Makes you mad I hear, but regardless he's my type of person. And he's pleased me so much that he's earned his freedom, and I'm going to release him on some world where he can carry on what he does best. Kill, rape, and destroy." Dredge had a few Graug move the restrained main down the stair and towards Corruck.

"Perhaps his mind could be healed, perhaps he could be saved. But ask yourself, how many people must die before that happens? How many do you think he will kill before they catch him? But I'm giving you a choice Corruck. Kill him now, save his future victims and I will reward you." Dredge looked down at Corruck and the madman who was now put on his knees in front of the rebel.

"If you kill him, I will give you medical attention for your back. And double your rest time to six hours. All you have to do, Is look him in the eyes. And pull the trigger. And you will have saved dozens of lives. At the cost of one pitiful scum like Jed here." Dredge said with a bit of contempt in his voice.


The man was forced down and his eyes darted from place to place. He was mad, he had contracted a great many illnesses both mentally and physically and he was dangerous. He killed possibly hundreds of men and women while here. Done terrible things, and of course he was given the choice. He chose to be sparred pain for his actions and he began to take pleasure in doing it. He became an animal, but that was where the two were different. Dredge believed that Corruck was a monster deep within, but an animal like this man? No, he would soon realize that he had a choice to leave this place. All it cost was a little information and a few lives.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Live through the nightmare
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck felt the other Corruck walk around the room. The darker man seemed to be looking around the room, seeing what the condition was. Once he seemed fairly pleased the other man returned, "Yes this does seem like quite the problem. I don't think you're leaving this place any time soon... not without Dredge's say so that is."

Corruck simply snarled at the man and turned his attention to Dredge and the crazed man. He listened without truly wanting to do anything, his 'rest' had been hardly that. He felt the urge to use the one shot on himself. Just end all of the trouble with a single trigger pull. Yet he found that even in this nightmare he was not willing to let go yet. He could tell that this pleased the other Corruck somewhat, as it meant that there was little danger to him.

Corruck felt a hatred of the Jedi come to life within him. They too easily fell into the evil that made this galaxy fallen, the power they wielded corrupted them. As he raised the gun he knew that it was not just his anger at Jed that gave him strength. It was also the other Corruck. He had wanted to corrupt Corruck as much as Dredge did, which meant that whatever the dark Corruck wanted was opposite of what Corruck would want. Corruck continued lifting the gun though, his eyes made the illusion of the other Corruck appear to be helping raise the hand. As he saw the gun come up, his hand turned and twisted to put the crazed person in the general direction of the gun.

He felt the other Corruck manipulate the hand until the aim was more sure and the Jedi more definitely within the firing arc. That was when his first thought returned, he could shoot Dredge. It was only a little bending of the aim and he would have a pretty clean shot. He gave up that plan immediately, there was no hope of that shot making it. He bet that Dredge would have a plan in case he tried it.Yet there was still the urge to take aim and fire on Dredge, maybe end the monster.

The other Corruck knew what he was thinking, a moment later Corruck's hand dropped the gun. He had felt the slap that had been strong enough to force to make his hand release the gun involuntarily. His hand came down and picked it up again. "Keep it steady, you only have one shot. Wouldn't want to waste it would we?"

Corruck lifted it further and further until at last it was aimed directly at Jed. There was a look of killer in his eyes, but it wasn't Corruck's. It was the other Corruck's want to kill. He told the hand to pull the trigger, but it resisted. Corruck's face seemed to tighten as he tried to tell his hand to not obey the other Corruck. The finger slowly began to tighten, Corruck realized he was losing this fight. "I will not be a monster."

"But you already are. That is your inner most being."

Corruck pulled his arm up at the last moment as the trigger was pulled. The shot flew directly up until it hit the ceiling. Corruck was breathing heavily as he spoke out as loud as he could at the other Corruck, "I... Am... Not... a Killer!" His voice rang out surprisingly loud, he felt a little stronger than before.
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Make him watch
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The shot rang off in the air and Dredge simply smirked at the man's words and actions. He said he wasn't a killer, very well then. Dredge slowly rose from his throne and paced down to Corruck, he wasn't in any rush. Each step sounded slow and methodical across the iron floors as he approached Corruck. The massive sith knight had a smile under his helmet and he wore it with a pride that could chill the deepest parts of any man. Once Dredge had approached Corruck and the psychopathic man, the mad man had gone completely silent in the presence of Dredge. He remained on his knees as Dredge slowly ran an iron covered hand through the man's long greasy hair, he leaned over and whispered something into Jed's right ear. And the man froze for a moment before a look of hunger and want turned on his features, and he wanted to spill blood, to taste flesh, and rip apart the lives of innocent men and women.

Soon the formation of Graug behind Corruck shifted in a precise military fashion and rows of warriors began to pivot until a small box was revealed in the center of the formation and in it was a woman, a man, and few children no older than thirteen. Dredge looked down to Corruck and smiled the darker parts of his helmet being illuminated by torch light to reveal a sick grin plastered on his face. The Yuuzhan Vong looked at Corruck and spoke

"You're not a killer. Alright, I can respect that Corruck. That's why I'm not going to torture you. I'm going to make you watch the consequences of your actions." Dredge snapped his fingers and soon a Graug approached unshackled the the mad Jed.

Dredge kneeled down and hauled Corruck up by his hair and pinned his one arm down by wrapping his own arm around the wounded rebels body and with his free hand he peeled Corruck's one good eye open to make him watch what was to come.

"Here lies the Vega family. They died because Corruck did the right thing." Dredge said and then spoke softly to the mad Jed

"Kill them." And then it happened

The mad man charged forward and screams echoed out. The father was the first to start fighting the man, but he was simply too strong. He was over powering the man and once he fell the screaming women and children would be next.

"You can still save them Corruck. Just do what must be done." A Graug grabbed a knife and placed it in front of Corruck as Dredge pinned him down.

"Just say, I'm a killer, and I'll never be anything else." He whispered softly into Corruck's ear and chuckled

"Say it."
Location: Boarding Intangible - leaving the planet
Objective: Wrap this up
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Jarven Zexxel"]?
Enemies: [member="Dredge"] and anyone else who wants to be annoying

She huffed when she heard what Solan said. Always, always, bringing up awkward things when everything should just be serious. Standing up to appraise the situation, Gen finally took a look about her and the mangled and discombobulated 'Jedi'. Many bodies--some still breathing, but most not alive. The six nearest were cleaved and impaled in ways that were not exactly pleasant to think about. "What did you do?" She knew what he did--or at least the results of what he had done--but the question still escaped her mouth, his extremely strange behavior exceeding the crazy he normally exuded.

A faint voice was heard in the courtyard, interrupting Gen's brief investigation of the scene. That drunk pilot of theirs had apparently survived the bombardment and was calling for help. He must have just barely escaped. "Quick, hustle him onto the ship," the Benefactor ordered, motioning for two of her escorts to pull him away from the crash site and carry him aboard the corvette. They had an advanced medical suite aboard that would service him well.

Turning her attention back to Sol and the morbid scene around them, she extended her left arm to pull the old Coruscant Resistance fighter up and handed him off to another pair of Rebel Marines to shoulder him and bring him up the boarding ramp. It seemed as if both medical facilities would be in use today.

With everyone stepping up into the blockade runner, Gen was left alone, her battered armor standing out against a red sky to those who may have been observing. Her arms tucked and extended with the Mauler rifle in hand, grip tight and sweaty. She looked about at the retching, moaning, or silent men on the ground as her long black coat flapped in an ominous breeze.


Her right eye twitched and a deep breath was taken.

A couple minutes later, the Benefactor arrived aboard Intangible and the boarding ramp had been shut and locked. The vessel rumbled to life and shot through the extents of the atmosphere and on into space.

The barrel of Gen's automatic rifle was scorching hot.

Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Save them
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck felt more weary than before, his eyes were blinded by sweat. He dropped the gun as Dredge came closer and began to smile. Corruck couldn't see the smile so much as feel it, he could tell that the great beast was smiling proudly because of Corruck's decision. He seemed to be enjoying it, almost as much as the other Corruck. They seemed to revel in the agony of others. They were practically the perfect pair, in Corruck's mind. He smiled a little himself at the thought. But there was hardly a chance of that ever happening, if Corruck could hold out. Even as he thought that, the other Corruck appeared. He seemed to very, very pleased with Corruck's response.

"Come now, no need to be impolite. You truly have been a killer since the beginning. After all, you're a killer inside the Rebels, all of them are killers. If you bring the definition of killer back to its route, we are all killers everyone. Some more so than others. I, and therefore your true being, understands that killing is second nature to man and therefore we must be willing to kill at need."

Corruck snarled like an animal at the other Corruck. He spat out his next statement. "I am not who you say. We kill because we must, you would have me kill because you think it is fun."

"Ah, but don't you see? The difference between must and want is miniscule in the real galaxy. Let me start by saying, I am one who would prefer not to kill those that are still of use. After all, while a dead man makes a good message, he is hardly useful after that. A living man has many, many uses. Now if I were given a man who was a threat to my operation, I would first find some small amount of pleasure in breaking him. If I did or did not find out anything from a full interrogation, I would simply offer the man death. Depending on the type of man I am dealing with I could say that a person who is willing to die is trying to be a martyr while a person unwilling to accept the final act will obviously be still of some use. A martyr will be kept alive, tortured until at last he is nothing like the man he was before. The cowards though, he is truly useful. I would intimidate him with death, so that he would open up. Then I would return him to my enemies, pretending that I learned nothing. I would use the man as a mole and a saboteur. If he died, then so be it."

Corruck was not impressed. "You cast a man's life aside so easily. Is your life so worthless?"

The other Corruck seemed to ponder this for a single moment then he returned with a snappy voice. "Don't get all high and mighty on me. You are not above any of what I have said. You have done all of this before. How else would I know how we would act in those situations. Tell me you don't remember that one Corsec agent that you dug out of our midst. You made an example of her quite nicely, while still avoiding martyrdom. I must say you handled that situation quite well."

Corruck felt his stomach give a heave at the memories conjured by the talk. It had been horrendous, but he had been little more than a young monster at the time. He had learned much and had put as much of it as possible to use.

He was broken from his thoughts as Dredge pulled Corruck's one good eye open. Corruck listened and watched as Dredge released the mad man on the innocents. Corruck felt the instantaneous urge to fight. Just as quickly he suppressed it. He listened carefully to Dredge, knowing that what he had to do would be a victory for the monster.


The other Corruck spoke in a grating voice, "Say it!"

Corruck hung his head and spoke. "I... am a killer. I always have been, still am, and always will be."

There was a moment where his body seemed to convulse as he spoke. He felt like choking as if his body was reacting to an outside force. Then he felt the immediate pressure of the other Corruck in his mind. The pressure increased as Corruck raised himself and lifted the knife with him. There was a cold gleam in his eyes as he ran forward and struck with a precise and timed gut stab on the crazed man. The man had just begun to turn when he was stabbed, whether or not he could put up a fight was not easy to tell from Corruck's position. What he did know was that he had a job to do, and it would be done.
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Watch the fun
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The psychopath Jed had just finished throwing the father of the family to the ground, in his right hand he held a crooked dagger that he intended to bury into the flesh of the man. He took a few more steps forward going in for the kill, but a small skittering sound gave way and he felt something coming up behind him. He spun around to face what was coming to him but it was too late to react in anything but a defiant flinch. Corruck took the long blade and it punctured his gut and came out the other end severing the spine and gleaming with scarlet against the torch light. The man dropped his own knife and a few gurgles were made as blood began to well up in his mouth. He spit out a few strands of it and he looked down to see the blade stuck in him, it was a kill shot. He slowly looked back up as he began to twitch and met Corruck in the eye. And for only the briefest of moments there was a spot of relief, but it quickly vanished as his eyes glazed over and he fell back dead the blade still stuck within.

"Now that! Is good entertainment!" Dredge said amused and almost belated.

"Someone clean him up, and feed him to the ghouls." Dredge smiled and soon the body was dragged off leaving a scarlet streak across the iron floors.

Dredge walked over to the man and smiled patting him on the back. He had taken life, he was judge, jury, and executioner and as much as Corruck wanted to deny it. It felt good, it felt good killing that worthless trash. It felt good to be the one who pulls the trigger.

"You see Corruck, you're a killer, a monster, a functioning psychopath. And what you need now is a little motivation to drive home that point." Dredge clapped his hands and the game was on again.

Walking back to his throne Dredge sat back down and soon a small squad of Graug began to kick and push forward a family of people who were fresh from Makeb. Who had been taken prisoner the same time Corruck had, they looked awful. The family Corruck had saved had been here a while and by the looks of them they too were quite scared still. Dredge smiled and the Graug put both families on their knees. The sounds of blasters cocking and powering up rang out and soon they were playing round two of the game.

"Information Corruck, give me it or I kill both families. Or better yet, I implant your brain with surge coral and I make you kill them. So please let's stop beating around the bush. Information now, if you tell me everything then I will release them." He said smiling. Corruck knew Dredge was a man of his word. And the sooner Corruck spilled the faster these people could leave this hell.

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