Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

Location: Unknown planet in One Sith territory
Objective: start the show

The loud subwoofer of an amp pounded above rattling Corruck from his unconscious state of being. He was hanging upside down bound by a normal rope in the ceiling, in his hand lay a knife to cut himself down with. The subwoofer continued to blast ambient noises and sounds as the mans vision no doubtably began to clear. Another came to the senses and it was vile, the room smelt of putrid dead meat and blood. The sweet metallic smell was all but thick in the room throwing it under a veil. But when Corruck's vision fully cleared the he would be able to see the state he was in and the room at large.

A heavy blasting song rang out from above and what Corruck saw was pure evil. Hundreds If not thousands of corpses hung from ropes suspended in the air. The bodies dangled and strobe lights above flashed giving the room an effect straight out of a haunted house tour on Halloween. But these corpses were real, very much real and very much staring at Corruck with their dead eyes. The room of shoulder to shoulder tight corpses that hung was bigger than two hundred yards or so and if Corruck continued to look down he would see something else as well.

Small children no older than ten by the looks of them stood in dresses and tiny suits, they wore the strangest masks and looked at him like it were a scene straight out of a demented Alice In wonderland. The children remained silent and soon they took off in different directions almost asking the man to follow them. The hard aggressive song still played above as strobe lights flashed against the dead bodies. This was the former crime lords first step into hell.
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

Location: Unknown planet in One Sith territory
Objective: Stay calm
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck had awoken with a dull pain in his head. The loud sound of the song did not help the pain ease. It took time before he realized that he was upside down. Having that as the greater priority, he found the knife fairly quickly and cut himself down. When he found himself on the floor, Corruck looked around and discovered why the room had been so difficult to breathe in. His flesh crawled as he looked from one body to the next. His stomach heaved as he tried to comprehend what was in front of him. He had killed many people in his time, however he had never used one of his kills as a trophy. He tried to breath to calm himself, but the odor would stop him from accomplishing it.

He turned his attention to the children he saw. While he was curious and would have followed them, Corruck knew better than to follow strangers in a dark environment. He didn't know the area, and he bet those children were part of Dredge's scheme. He held the knife in one hand and sat down. He didn't particularly like the surroundings, however he needed to center himself. He had calm down to avoid hysteria. He tried to shut out the music and fall into a mental stability. As he let his mind calm down he thought about the predicament. He was willing to assume that this was one of a number of psychological warfare ideas that Dredge had up his sleeve. Corruck would have to keep himself aware and make sure that he was not caught in a trap that was set up.
Location: Outside the Recalcitrant
Objective: The frell if I know...
Allies: Ravens?
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"] and Rebels?

Jarven truly didn't know what his next move was going to be. As if in response, his gave out a low whining sound, conveying that his chute's energy was at less than 50%. Frell, too high. Inside it is, then. Giving her the thumbs up, he hoisted himself up on top and took off running...sort of. Some strafing laser fire made the ship twitch slightly. For a ship of this size, a twitch offset his footing and made him trip. He went up and started to come down, but the ship loved saying hello. The ship elevated slightly as he came down and he slid for a ways until he caught an edge. He stood up and made his way cautiously towards the starboard side.
Jarven happened to glance to his left and watched as a fighter shot off a string of dumb fire missles...directly on an intercept course for his position. Dick move, random pilot. Why couldn't you have been incredibly convenient somewhere else?...
Jarven drew his heavy blaster and his implant kicked into his instincts. Time seemed to slow. Like a game of Missile Command, Jarven carefully lined up his shots to hit the closest missiles and fired. One by one, five missiles blew up simultaneously. Jarven holstered his pistol.
Easy...Wait...What?!---Suddenly, a 6th missile streaked out of a nearby cloud and landed too close to Jarven. Jarven tried to breath in and noticed that his breath was coming at a slightly rougher rate. He looked up and realized that the skyline had turned dark and that they were entering space. No matter. His respirator and vacuum sealed armor would buy him time. The impact, combined with the surprised ship movement of the pilot and the lessening gravity, sent Jarven sailing low over the ship backwards and towards the starboard side. Time was moving slow again, his brain aware of the new danger. Twisting through the air while grabbing his whip, he saw a ramp that was 45 degrees open. Jarven lashed out his whip with as much force as he could muster...and it caught on the ramp's hydraulic extension strut.
And then, momentum. *WHAPSCRUNCH!* He pivoted around the strut and landed with enough force to crumple him and send him tumbling down the ramp. Laying on the floor, he yanked his whip loose from the shutting ramp. Then...he just laid there. The pain was considerable, so he took a breather. In his prone position, he took his pistol from his sling and set in on the ground next to him. He did the same thing with his rife, albeit with more difficulty. Once that was done, he slowly sat up, rubbing his aches.

He opened his eyes.
Location: Stronghold one
Objective: Repairing the stronghold
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] @Alexandyr Gaillard [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Watching the Vong take the prisoners away, Daxton's lips stirred in disgust. He could easily obtain the information without having resort to that butcher, probably seeded sleeper agents into the nacient Rebellion. Now all that would be left would be raw meat and gibbering minds, now what was the use of that to the Ravens? What ever protests he may have, he kept it to himself, at least for now.

All around the Stronghold. Labor droids worked tirelessly to repair the damage to the facilty as the security team did a sweep on the surrounding area to. Are sure no nasty surprises were left behind. Drumming armored fingers along his plated forearm, he waited for the various teams to provide an update, also he checked the Raven comm line in case he was needed elsewhere.
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

The bass continued to pump loud and high pitch notes wailed out like the cries of banshees dawning to devour the souls of their victims. Bodies continued to fester and sway as the children parted through them like nimble church mice, perhaps Corruck should have followed them perhaps not. Regardless it would soon matter not, about two hundred yards out closing in fast bodies in the distance began to part from multiple directions larger beings moved towards him. The sound of naked flesh hitting against one another smacked in the air and soon a high pitched scream sounded out. It was not the cry of a victim nor slave, it was the cry of the hunt.

"Little huuuuumaaaaaan~ I smell your fear!!" A voice said in a scratchy and high pitched voice as the bass continued to wub and dub in the background.

"GIVE US YOUR FLESH!!" Another more masculine voice said as bodies began to part from every side in a quarter circle around Corruck.

The voices grew closer and closer and another high pitched wail of the hunt rang out for Corruck's blood. And within another second a face, no not a face, but the illusion of one burst through the corpses. It was a human figure covered in pale flesh from head to toe, it had no eyes, nose, ears, it was blank all for except for a mouth with gleaming teeth. It was completely covered in flesh from head to toe and wore nothing but the dagger it brandished in it's hand.

"FOUND YOU!! DIE FILTH!!" The flesh creature said and raised it's dagger up to his head lunging at Corruck with a deadly intent.

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Location: Auxiliary Turbolift, Solida Hesk Resort

Objective: Escape

Allies: [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] Ravens

Enemies: Rebels

Davik let the doors to the turbolift close after the two others had managed to squeeze into the smaller lift and it soon shot upwards towards the rest of the resort with a mechanical "Hiss". The young spacer leaned against the door and let out a sigh in the dimly lit chamber that made up the tight cylindrical room and looked upon the other two Ravens who had climbed onto the lift with him. He had not really taken the time to get to know these two, which he had in common with most of the other Ravens to tell the truth...

"Me?.. I'm feeling fine... Just a bit dazed I guess... Hopefully we can get off planet befo-..."

Davik's sentence was completely and utterly lost when the carnage and horror revealed itself once the turbolift reached the surface level and continued to shoot upwards towards the hangars of the structure. Everywhere the party would look would be burning and melting buildings accompanied by the muffled screams of innocents and the sounds of sirens below. It was breathtakingly horrible. The young spacer had to look away towards the building to hide his eyes from the horror and only a muffled muttering of sound escaped his lips as the lift continued its' journey.

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Auxiliary Turbolift, Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Escape, rescue anyone, get off Makeb
Allies: Ravens, [member="Davik Tren"]
Enemies: Anyone who shoots at us

Asteria nodded and smiled slightly, but the smile disappeared as the lift's doors opened to reveal the carnage outside. She covered her mouth, suppressing a scream that turned into a sob. William pulled Asteria and Davik into a hug, visible tears streaming down his face and not caring if anyone knew.

"No one deserved this fate, not even our enemies. This war was waged for nothing. Come young ones, we must find our brethren, and help anyone we can."

William's voice soothed Asteria a little, but she was fighting the urge to slip away from conciousness as her adrenaline wore off and the weariness threatened her conscious. She looked up at the warrior she loved, and at the young pilot.

"We can't stay here, we'll be sitting ducks and easy prey for the Rebels."
Location: Front Courtyard, Solida Hesk Resort
Objective: Escape
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: Anyone who shoots at me

Solan looked up as fire rained down, the Vong were destroying everything, and he couldn't even move. He simply laid there, immobile and eyes focusing on the destruction that he forced himself to not sense. It was difficult though as wave after wave hit his mind again and again, so much death all of it hitting him. The Pain tearing at his mind and soul as his empathy only held back enough to keep him sane. And soon he started yelling out in pain from feeling it all. He tried to get up, but fell, tried to crawl but couldn't he was stuck and dead on the ground for all purposes. Waiting for a blast to hit where he was, waiting for his death in his inability to move.

And every time a Raven tried to get into the resort to capture his friends he reached out with the feelings and let them destroy the minds of those around him, again and again until he was just one of many bodies. People even stopped coming into the courtyard at that point, those in it dead or unconscious with the exception of the one that had caused it. Solan though now only muttered the words as he stared up at the sky. "Stop it... please stop it... too much pain." He could barely hold onto his will at this point, unable to feel anything past the pain of all those dying.
Location: Unknown, assumed to be in Vong fleet
Objective: Survival
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck was at first unaware of anything going on, he had closed his eyes and was at last tuning out the music enough where he could focus on his heartbeat. That was when he heard the cry of the hunt. His eyes flew open, he brought himself up to one knee. He didn't know if those he opposed would know where he was, but he didn't want to take the chance. He held the knife in his right hand and prepared himself for a fight. He tried to keep calm, though the voices gave him an eerie feeling of a nightmare. He kept his composure and held onto the sanity that threatened to flee. He would not lose himself here. The only way he could survive was if he stayed focused and kept himself together.

When the body came running in, Corruck flinched in surprise. However his momentary confusion dissipated before the creature had finished raising its dagger. Corruck had already planned for the attack by the time that the creature had flung itself at him. Corruck used his left hand as a shield, blocking the dagger from damaging his face. It would likely hurt very much when the knife pierced the skin, muscle, and maybe bone. His right hand came up with the knife aimed right at the being's throat right beneath the skull. If the creature's physiology was anything like that of a human the knife would stab through the man's throat and probably sever the spine near the skull. Granted that he was human in basic anatomy, that blow would be instant death. Corruck just hoped that it would work. In his mind he understood that this was a dangerous situation, however he was willing to bet that Dredge would intervene if things went south for Corruck. He had the feeling that no matter how bad it got there would be no lethal damage done to Corruck.


Meanwhile back at the Recalcitrant, Karneth watched in something only slightly short of awe as [member="Jarven Zexxel"] outside flipped itself into the cargohold. There was a little surprise as the only times Karneth had seen such acrobatics accomplished had been during his time with the Jedi. Now though he had rarely seen such things. His surprise did not stop his thinking however, he aimed the blaster rifle directly at the man when he opened his eyes. He spoke slowly, "Stay where you are. Don't make any sudden moves and we will both come out of this alright."

He smiled as the door opened behind him, at first he thought it was Rathur or Nothy coming to give him back up. What came into his vision was a Vornskr that trotted to Karneth's side and cackled lightly. He wasn't going to pet it at this time, what he hoped was that the creature would act as something of extra security if the man tried anything. He didn't particularly like the beast, but it was fairly friendly to those that it knew.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Foes: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The knife plunged into the flesh creatures skull and it fell over dead letting out pools of black blood. More howls of fevered blood lust rang out and the corpse forest began to rock and shake around him as dead naked bodies flailed and waved. The creatures were surrounding Corruck on all sides and the piercing howls grew deeper and deeper.

"WE WILL TASTE YOUR BLOOD!! I WILL WILL HAVE YOU HUMAN!!" Another high pitched voice shrieked and soon they were on Corruck.

The faceless flesh beasts brandished sick blades and creations of death that were hard to describe in their own right but none of them looked particularly pleasant. The skin creatures roared and rushed Corruck in a half circle.

"TAKE HIS LEGS!!" A female cracked voice said as the first two dove for Corruck's legs. The top three moved to restrain his arms and the other took it's long sick blade and made sure to aim it right at Corruck's gut.

"DIE!!!" The creature screamed and hopefully a realization would come onto Corruck

That perhaps he might already have the information, that he had it extracted in his sleep or he used a Yammosk to implant him with surge coral and now he was just a toy for Dredge to play with until he died. These were all false of course, but he didn't know that. But Dredge wanted to see if he was worthy of being tortured, if he was truly the leader of the group. Surly he could survive this onslaught.
Location: The Recalcitrant
Objective: Find a paddle and get down this creek
Allies: Ravens?
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"] ?

Stay where I am? Well, after that stunt, I'm okay with that. Wait, what in the---"Urgh...AH!"As the adrenaline wore off, pain started flashing up and down Jarven's right arm, suggesting that it was dislocated. He knew the pain would only continue longer than needed until it was fixed, so he disobeyed a direct order.
Groaning with pain and holding his arm as he got up, Jarven said "I'm going to have to take a rain check on that command." The animal that had stalked in started snarling as the intruder got up and made loud pained noises. Jarven stood up, walked to the wall, and slammed his arm back into his socket.
"AGHH!!!!...Ka Dokta Narley Shinto Kark-Kah!!!" sweared Jarven. The animal jumped close and got highly aggressive, yet didn't touch Jarven. Jarven slowly sank to the ground, from exhaustion, to reduce his threat level, and because he really didn't want to kill their pet. That's not a conventional way of how you get to know your host.
Seriously. What are you doing here? "So," Jarven's voice was a little shaky as he tried to drum up conversation. "It's good to meet you...Thank you for opening the door for me...My name is Jarven." This is the warrior-mercenary Jarven? What the frell has happened to you!? Things are different now, just...Just leave me alone!
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Survival
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck did not come to the realization. He was not willing to even contemplate the thought that he had given the information already. He was certain that he was still not compromised and that he had to hold out as long as possible. He flipped the knife around in his hand so that the blade pointed backwards. He slashed at one the monster's midsection, leaving a long gas from right to left along the top of ribcage. It wouldn't kill if tended, however the pain would be something to contend with.

As the two creatures went for his legs he tried to jump, however the other two beasts held his arms. Before he could try to dislodge those holding him his attention was drawn to the sickly blade that was aimed for his gut. It struck him that an option was available. However it would be difficult and probably painful. The blade stabbed him and Corruck could feel a pain like fire burning. He doubled over. Even as he did so, he yanked one arm free and slashed at the creature holding the dagger. He made a long gash from the bottom of the neck to just above the pelvic region. The knife flipped in his hand and he swung his arm back towards the creature that had been holding that arm. If it didn't grab his arm very securely, Corruck had aimed the knife to slit the beast's throat.

The dagger in his gut was stuck and it acted as a stopper, holding in the blood that might spill out. It burned like hell, but it was a necessity.


Karneth had kept his eye and the gun on [member="Jarven Zexxel"] as he moved to a wall and relocated his shoulder. When the man had spoken Karneth replied, "Karneth. Now what are you doing here?"

He put his leg in front of the Vornskr, showing the animal that it needed to stay put for now. He needed to know the intentions of this intruder before he decided how best to act. His finger was still on the trigger, though he hoped that he would not need to shoot. If this man tried any sudden movements there would be a blaster hole in that man before he could so much as take a step. Karneth did not want to shoot him, however he had to be certain that this man did not pose a threat to the crew or the ship.
Location: The resort estate - boarding Intangible
Objective: Get the frak outta here
Allies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]'s crew, [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Thane Drexel"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"] and the Sithies, but especially [member="Dredge"]

There was no time to travel very far to a ship if they wanted to get out alive. Turbolaser fire rained down upon Talaos City in the distance, gradually progressing across the plateaus and canyons to other parts of the locale. Were the Ravens so demented that they would obliterate the capital of their own world? Geneviève doubted that very much, but she was ignorant of who else it could be. She certainly did not have any battlecruisers in the area with that many guns. What in the galaxy could have gone down in Talaos City that would have provoked someone to do this terrible thing? Gen felt a lump build up in her already-dry throat as she looked on at the genocide, feeling like she had failed the people of Makeb; failed the Rebel Alliance.

The Marines had to keep moving to the open yards of the estate. Gen could not loiter here for more than a few breaths. Carried on sore legs, the Black Coat led the remainder of the Rebel infiltration teams towards the landed Intangible, her personal blockade runner that was invisible to sensors. Her men began to rush up the boarding ramp, but four remained with her when she began to wander away from the vessel. "Matchbox, ma'am!" the leading officer pleaded, gesturing for her to enter the ship. Lasedri waved him off and demanded a Rebel Mauler be given her. Then she rushed for something she thought she heard.

Solan Charr. "Frakkit," she swore, crouching beside him as he seemed to be writhing in agony. "Dammit, Sol, get up." A trace of sadness crossed her face--emotion she rarely betrayed. "Please..." Don't you frakkin' dare die on me, you mangy violinist.

The clack of a rifle being shouldered stole her attention abruptly. She looked up towards the top of the bunker, being alerted of a few presences by one of her escorts. "Don't shoot," she commanded softly as one of the Marines took aim at [member="Davik Tren"] and [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]. "Everyone's already dead enough."
Location: The resort estate - boarding Intangible
Objective: Get the frak outta here
Allies: Corruck Kazen's crew, [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], Thane Drexel
Enemies: Dont Even know at this point.

Solan's scream only sounded again and again, too many emotions too much death, it was cutting into him slowly and he couldnt hold it back. Then a voice, so familiar, but the touch also made him act on instinct, but he stopped before too many emotions would go to her. He didn't know what it was that he sensed what was it, who was it, he couldn't think or act. Even his eyesight was gone and only filled with black as he looked up at the sky.

'Where is the sky...' his mind said to himself, was he dead? Around him people screamed in agony, cowered in fear, why could he not get a clear thought through, what was going on. His body continued to shake but soon his mind found two people to focus on, not family, or not those like Gen or The red head from long ago. No simply two nameless people he had seen once. Why were they important, what did he care about two nameless faces... then they cowered and died, bursting into flames and he could do nothing but watch. It was agonizing all over again. Falling and failing.

Solan sat in his mind before Gen's words sounded again. 'Don't die... aren't i dead already... didn't i fail...' He looked up, the sky still black, his world still all pain and fear. He tried to see, tried to look, her words ringing again, don't die, mangy Violinist. 'Whos she calling mangy...' He blinked again, the sky clearing, the pain clearing as he shook his head. 'Its all fake, its all in your head, block it out, block it out solan...' Slowly he suppressed it and breathed in as his eyes cleared and his head turned to look at Gen, smiling up at her weakling as he was still shaking like no tomorrow. "Why are you sad General Bunny." He shook and cringed as his eyes closed again and ppain etched deep in his face. "So many dying, so much pain and fear... please get me out of here, i can't move."


Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Location: Auxiliary Turbolift, Solida Hesk Resort

Objective: Escape

Allies: [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] Ravens

Enemies: Rebels

Davik looked back out of the glass reluctantly as the doors opened to reveal the hangar level of the resort. The hallway that opened before them was in a rather predictably shabby state, with tiles from the ceiling smashed upon the floor from the multiple shells that had managed to dislodge them. Engines could be heard starting up all over the area as multiple ships began to take off in the hope of escaping the death trap that Makeb had become.

"You guys have a ship, right? Mine is docked in 23B."

The dock which he mentioned was a long ways down the wide corridor that lead to multiple bays which for the most part housed the Raven's ships. The young spacer stepped out of the lift and looked at the two to wait for their confirmation.
Location: Unknown planet in OS territory
Objective: Break the little rebel
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

A scream came over the bass that was wub dubbing along and the long gash sent along the flesh creatures mid section was more fatal than it seemed. Black intestines spilled out onto the floor and the creature howled in pain, falling to the ground it writhed in pleasure and oddly not pain. It let out moans and gasps of air as they slowly faded out into gurgles and shakes as it went through it's final fleeting moments. The second blow split open the other creatures neck and black blood spurted out coating Corruck's face in vile obsidian blood and gore. The creature couldn't moan or let out anything that sounded of words, it simply fell back and bled out on the floor. The other flesh creatures bounded back up after missing Corruck's legs and soon they had the wounded rebel surrounded in a triangle formation.

"I'm gonna enjoy bleeding you rebel." The flesh creature said with it's raspy and cracking voice.

The others simply laughed and looked to each other and the forward one to Corruck brandished a sick club with nails jetting out each side. The flesh creatures began to close on Corruck and a noise coming from all sides rustled the field of hanging corpses.

"DIE YOU FIL-" was all the forward creature could say before a kitchen knife jammed itself through the base of it's spine and out it's fang filled mouth so that the blade shown through.

The other two creatures roared and before they knew it they were taken down to their faces and the small children with the animal masks were upon them. Stabbing and slashing the the flesh filled sacks two to each creature they kept going at their backs and heads in a passionate silent furry of death. In front of Corruck two small children one a more chubby girl wearing a pigs mask and the other a young boy with a fox mask. They looked at the man then held up a single finger to the mask's mouth to tell him to be quiet.

After the children had finished dealing with creatures the forward child offered Corruck a bacta injector like that of the republic commandos. He had taken a sick stab and if he didn't get help he would bleed out.

The children remained silent and Corruck could see something. The masks weren't just that, they were attached to the children's heads with stitches upon stitches, they were their faces now.
Location: Unknown OS planet
Objective: Survival
Allies: Children?
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Corruck had prepared himself to try and take down the three. He knew that it would likely end up with him dead and being feasted upon by one or two. He was going to deal with the one in front, he posed a more immediate threat as he had that club like weapon. The other two had his tail which meant that he would have to be quick in killing the first as the other two would certainly jump him as soon as they found that the one in front had died.

He was preparing himself when something changed. He noticed that the voice of the creature in front was cut off, when he looked more closely he realized what had happened. This dawned upon him just in time to understand what was going on when the children came through and killed the other two monsters. Corruck stayed silent as the strange children suggested.

By the time the children were finished with the creature Corruck had become thoroughly scared of the children now. He had never seen such creatures as these but the fact that their faces were now the costumes that they wore did nothing to ease his sense of danger in this area. He gratefully accepted the injector when they offered it, however he was still cautious. Just because they were friendly now did not mean that it would stay that way.

Corruck pulled the dagger out of wound, injecting the bacta immediately above the incision. He pulled some of his now very sweaty shirt over the wound to act as something of a bandage while the bacta closed the gash. He dropped the dagger, but kept a firm grip on his knife. Somehow the last few minutes, or maybe it was hours Corruck no longer could tell, had made him grow attached to the small blade that had slain three of his would be killers.

He wasn't certain how to thank the children, or even if he should speak. He didn't know if they were simply making him an easier target by making him feel safe, or if they were actually trying to be helpful. He was more inclined to believe the latter, but he could not dismiss the possibility of the former.
Location: Crashed Ship at Resort
Objective: Get Offworld
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"]

Lights flashed from the console, sparks danced across his blurred vision and a throbbing headache. He crawled out and stumbled the whole way to where ever he was going. He stumbled around, trying to get his comm connected to Gen's

Come in, this is...a gods my head...Commander...where are you?"

Hoping it would work. He sank against the nearest wall. Hoping he'd find Geneviève
OOC: [member="Dredge"] Wub dubbing... :)

Location: The Recalcitrant
Objective: Good ol' meet and greet
Allies: Ravens
Other: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

"Kar...neth" Jarven said the word, partially to distract himself, but mainly to memorize it through the pain. " Jarven. Jarven Zexxel. I just recently joined the Red Ravens, but a lack of orders and direction, and this coincidence, has diverted my course. I was in the neighborhood when your ship ended up in my landing path. You're ship stalled me long enough that I got to the point of no return with the energy in my chute. I could not continue to my destination. I saw little of the ground force you dropped off here, but I can only assume that you are of the Rebels...Well, I have no clue what's going on, who's involved, or why I'm here, other than to protect the Red Raven holdings. I figured that you might have a better understanding of what's going on."

Jarven raised his left hand and, of course, Karneth positioned his blaster rifle quickly. Holding his hand, palm outwards, to diffuse hostility, Jarven undid the mechanical strap on his left hand and then undid the one on his right hand. Once they were both loose, he took off his vamblades and set them on the ground. He coiled the whip around his midsection. This will stay. I'm not losing this reminder to any possible thieves, like that cat. "What's the phrase?...Oh, yes. Permission to come aboard, Karneth?"
Location: Unknown planet OS space
Objective: Break the rebel
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corruck Kazen"]

The children watched Corruck take the bacta into his grievous wound, the wound would heal up nice if he didn't put too much stress on the tender area. The little animal faced children stood there silently and listened to the area around them, it seemed to be clear for now but it wasn't going to stay that way for long.

The fox faced child looked at Corruck and began to inspect him a bit. He walked around the rebel checking out his clothing, the young child let out a huff of air that sounded vaguely like a sound of amusement. The fox mask looked up at Corruck and the child simply gave him a firm pat on his right pectoral as which was a far as his little arm could reach. The boy looked to his pig faced friend and gestured for her to hand him something, she quickly did. Handing him a piece of paper and a worn down golf pencil he began to write something down.

The little bunny girl rose from the flesh masked creature and moved his way over to the fox. Slowly she began to nudge his shoulder with her hand and almost urgently even, the little fox child dismissed her and handed the note to Corruck

"Arr you hear tu take us from the bad man?" It read in a very sloppy child's hand writing.

The little bunny child again motioned to the fox and she had more concern in her body language. She was shaking him now and she the boy simply turned around and shoved her to the ground, he was so hopeful that he was finally getting out of here. That there might be a hope for a tomorrow. A little boy in a bear mask threw his arms up in anger and he approached the fallen rabbit. Slowly she helped her up and held her close to him. The fox boy shook his head and lowered it, his body portraying sadness. He approached the bunny child and held out his hand to hers. The bear let go and the rabbit gently took it, they stared at each other for a moment and then suddenly a snapping hiss was heard and just like that Corruck's face was coated in red.

The bunny had a hole in her mask coming out the front end and bits of bone and blood seeped from it as she stood there swaying, the front half of her skull exploded onto Corruck as another snap went off and the mask covered the visual of a young girl being shot in the head by an unknown force. The girl fell and the bear was all but silently screaming as he fell to her side and began to violently shake the limp corpse of his once friend.

The fox and the rest of the gang grew into panic and they had to move. The fox quickly grabbed Corruck's hand and began to pull him into a run with the other animal children. The pig faced kid tried to pull the bear along with them but he wasn't having any of it, he sat there by her side silently screaming and shoved the girl away. She understood what he wanted and she ran with the rest of the children dragging Corruck along through the field of hanging corpses.

The bear faced child grabbed his knife and stood to face the monsters as the others departed the sounds of a short fight rang out and swiftly ended with the sounds of multiple blades entering flesh. And just like that, the hunting cry of the flesh creatures rang out in force. Only it wasn't four or five. There were dozens.

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