Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Act I: Sands of Time

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra had found herself walking slowly behind the slave girl with @[member="Vulpesen"], though even more so she was shadowing the king and the others, he curiousity getting the better of her for a moment. With her robes and hood pulled tight obscuring her features she walked on and watched the king, @[member="King Oa"], and @[member="Tamara"] as they walked on. The King had invited them inside a minute ago, so who was she to disobey such a offer... well he had said it to the others but there was no need to make things difficult and if someone confronted her about it all Alexandra would have to do is act like a slave that belonged in the castle and was merely following her master.


"Damn it." she breathed as the girl fled. If this was too much for Simone she dreaded to think what the young Tamara was going through. The drunk was annoying her, so she planted herself firmly in his path scowling as he tried to pursue her.

"Now you listen here you idiot of a man." She began, her hands on her hips as she moved so close she was almost nose to nose with him. "If you think seeing pink ladies is bad you haven't seen anything yet. I want to know why I've been pulled from the future, back to this godforsaken planet at this godforsaken time, but I'm willing to bet my life that none of you have a damn clue. There is one thing I do know here and that is Tamara and I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let you steal something else from her."

@[member="Tamara"] @[member="Habaek"]
@[member="Simone"], @[member="Habaek"]

There was a sinking feeling as Assadar heard the words of the enraged pink woman. He'd been wandering around for several hours before spotting her. At first glance, it was clear that she and her companions were the only ones from offworld that he'd yet seen. In fact, this planet seemed to be unusually backward and primitive especially in that it seemed to be populated only by humans, so anyone with pink skin really did stick out.

Naturally, when he heard the words "pulled from the future" and "this godforsaken time" his immediate reaction was: nutter. But the sinking feeling told Assadar that his instincts, always so precise, seemed to be in agreeance with her, and that was not an inviting prospect at all. That didn't mean that his mind was going to subscribe to anything like this belief--a backwards planet did not by any means give evidence to the theory that he'd gone backwards in time--but she was still the first offworlder he'd seen so far, so he approached her.

"Excuse me," he began, "but your conversation got me intrigued. It seems that you're the only offworlder on this planet--whatever this planet is--so, erm, question: where the hell are we?
| @[member="Akala"] | @[member="Tamara"] |

Main Group

The writer of Vilox Pazela was, once again, exasperated that all of the other writers had gone ahead without him and their characters. Much like the name of the community that they posted in, the posting sequences seemed Chaotic at best. Unlike previous events, this friend of Hagrid would push on, as he was genuinely interested in this event and so, he began to write in character...

Vilox Pazela opened his yellow, predatory eyes to find himself among a joyous crowd, his ear drums filled with the frantic sounds of drums. His analytical mind told him that he was among a celebration of sorts. His chin raised up so that his retinas can get a better picture of the day. His head hurt from a headache, possibly made by the noise. The quick analysis of the area provided the Dark Master with some facts. He was among a celebration, on a desert planet, in a very hot climate similar to that of Tatooine, rather than Korriban, which despite being a desert world, it was as cold as Ziost. He found himself to be wearing the same, darkened robes that he had donned on board the Obscurity; and that he had no memory of how he had got this place or why he was here.

For the first time in a long time, the Dark Jedi was lost and that needed to change. Quicky. So he continued his observations, analysis and study of the area until he came up with a plan.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Tamara"] | @[member="Simone"] | @[member="Habaek"]

Simone had seen the girl before? He'd question it if she wasn't so driven to find her, find out what happened. At the very least she believed she had seen the slave before, in their time no less. That meant one of two things, either she was immortal or she was a time traveler. The first was unlikely, well in truth both were considerably out there, but he didn't have any better leads to go on. If she was a time traveler and she didn't recognize Simone that meant she hadn't traveled forward yet, which gave them time.

He kept an eye on the slave girl but leaned down to speak to Simone in a gentle whisper that wouldn't be heard outside her ears. "If you know her and she doesn't know you that means then she hasn't jumped forward yet. You want to free her and wait for her to travel or follow and wait for her to free herself?" He asked, knowing which option he'd pick but not wanting to throw Simone into chaos without warning. He also left out the possibility she was immortal and simply lived that long, because he didn't want to be depressing.

@[member="King Oa"] | @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

"But the question is, do you wish to go back?"

Outraged, Tyrin whirled around, his face contorted in an indignant scowl. He almost bumped into the Admiral. "Are you insane? You think this control over time itself is something to be toyed with?"

Tyrin had a vested interest in maintaining the same continuity. This was, after all, the very same continuity that had him become Emperor of the Sith, master the Dark Side of the Force, and then hold the office of Executive Viceroy. He was not about to have his achievements muddled or rewritten because some beyond-ancient King saw fit to toy with the very fabric of reality! Whoever this 'Mako' was in dire need of an electrocution if his ham-fisted tampering was the cause of Tyrin being swept from his office and into this blazing heat.

Lightning arced across the sky and thunder followed a few seconds later. King Oa bid them follow him. Whether any of these people wished to go back to where they belonged was of absolutely no concern to Tyrin. They needed to go back. Now. Whatever pseudo-scientific device that enabled them to pluck individuals from any point in given history on a whim would also need to be destroyed. Before this sort of thing happened again and really mucked up everything.

Fearing there were few other options that allowed him to resolve this mess, Tyrin followed after the blatantly irresponsible monarch.
Vulpesen quietly slipped into the building, watching the girl carefully. One of his tricks of trade was shadowing the servants as their low status often left them unnoticed by those in charge. Such a low profile was perfect for gaining information which people like Vulpesen could use to their advantage. With this in mind, he continued on his way, using the force and other means to keep out of sight, despite the slave's vigilance. @Tamara @Alexandra Shadowstalker


Main Group
@[member="Tamara"] @[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Habaek"] @anyone in earshot to hear me roar.

Simone turned wide aggravated eyes to @[member="Assadar Ilrast"].

"Dathomir, a hundred thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. And before you ask me how or why, I haven't got a fething clue." Jaxton's whisper made her jump and she closed her eyes pressing fingers to her temple and massaging them. You didn't just screw with a timeline, you couldn't jump in and make adjustments, hell she didn't even know if any of this was real let alone whether she could change it. For all she knew this was just a very very vivid dream.

She pinched herself to check....

Nope. Not a dream. "I don't want to mess with anything. I. Just. Want. Some. FETHING ANSWERS!"
@[member="Rosa Mazhar"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"]

"I'd say you've got a point, Rosa - I've known a flow-walker or two - 'cept for one verrrry important thing." He pointed at Moira. "She's a droid. This ain't some Force mind whammy. That king's our best bet. When someone gets the power to screw with people' lives like this, they like things to be all about them. So either that king's it, or..." He grimaced. "Well, it could be the kid everyone's celebratin'. A hundred thousand years back, a hundred thousand years minus however long it takes for a Kwa to grow up, potato potahto. That's leavin' aside this bein' some kind of revisionist history. Bottom line, power makes ego, and ego likes to be the center of attention. It's the king or it's the kid. Let's take a look around."

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Simone"] | @Assader Ilrast | @[member="Habaek"]

By the ring in his ears he could tell that Simone was angry. She wanted answers, and he couldn't say he blamed her. Personally he just wanted to get home, but he wasn't a reporter. He wasn't on a mission to expose the truth either. He hadn't been able to convince her not to Korriban, so he figured it was best encourage her rather than argue.

"Alright. We'll get them. I think 'Tamara' is our best lead right now, but we should seek shelter from the storm. I'm here to help."

Rosa Gunn

"I'll place my bets on the kid." Rosa said softly. "She must be one hell of a diva to go to all this trouble to get us to notice her." She pursed her lips looking towards the thunder and lightening, wincing slightly as a shout came from somewhere nearby. Rosa glanced round to see Jaxton with another Zeltron, the source of the noise. "Lets look quietly, shall we. While eyes are drawn elsewhere."

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"]
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Rosa Mazhar"]

Moira looked a bit sulky, as much as the human replica droid could, when Rosa tried to throw a spanner into her plans for violence. She was designed to inflict brutal violence on organics after all! Moreover, the whole point was to terminate hostiles, gain XP and take their loot. Possibly also succeed in a challenge to acquire cortosis and songsteel! Now that this writer has stopped making blatant attempts to break the fourth wall we shall continue with the plot.

"Reminds me of the Eldorai. They're terribly hunger for attention. Just with less considerably less power," Moira said randomly for no real reason as lightning and thunder struck epically. She gave Jorus and Rosa a curt nod as they spoke about gathering information. "The time travellers running after a slave girl should provide some distraction." Eyes scanned the area as thunder raged, searching for anything. Perhaps there was a Star Temple somewhere.
This was not in his head then. He had overheard Jorus counter the other woman's suggestion that this was based mentally. But no, he was correct, the droid would not have been affected then. His curiosity grasped at him once more. He had, before overhearing of course, jogged away from the crowd and to the king and their group. He was unsure why he would do this. It certainly wasn't his preferred means of doing something, but he was compelled to one way or another. Curiosity was a powerful thing. The, cyborg most likely, appeared to be doing something. They at least had some idea of what to do in a situation like this. Approaching them, he decided to avoid the two females, appearing to be searching for something. Instead for now he approached Jorus, and would speak to ensure the other two would still be able to hear him.

"It's been a long time since the child has been alive. The spirit perhaps repeating it's most egotistical memory?" he paused for a moment, remembering "Oh. My name is Jarik de Celanon."

He would follow these three around for now, a small mental note for himself, in case he were to take a momentary pause or some such and suddenly find himself many, many people behind.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"]
Main Group
Lucien opened his eyes and clutched his head "Where am I?" He thought to himself. His first Idea was hell but it seemed less likely to be the case.It was at this point he noticed he was in need of a drink. He clicked his fingers and waited no servant came he tried again ... It became clear that his servants had abandoned him. A horn sounded again his head felt like it was splitting Curse this sun and My Lazy servant he thought to himself.Then some king or other was announced. At that point all manner of chaos broke loose and people began to scream and shout. He looked around whilst subsequently being pummeled by fools. He had no idea where he was but he felt it was high time he went in search of his servants and perhaps his Wife was here too. @[member="Meret Blackmoon"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra shadowed the main group, hearing the offer to send them back to their own time, but it seemed too easy too her, there had to be a reason for them being here and as such she made her way back and found Vulpesen after a few minutes of silent searching. "Something isnt right here, if this really is the past then there must be some reason so many of us are brought back by the looks of it, call me crazy but there is always something greater happening than just the birth of some child, plus i still want to know why the slave girl was so scared of me when i showed a bit of the force." Vulpesen might or might not agree but she was convinced something was very wrong and she would find out what was going on here, and wasnt going to leave until she was sure she unraveled what was wrong.

@[member="King Oa"] @[member="Lilia Dur'iar"]
@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Tamara"]
"Ooh-kay..." said Assadar, turning on his heel and walking away, in the exact opposite direction. That was when he heard the words "shelter" and "storm" and seemed to notice for the first time the extent of the bad weather that seemed to be approaching them. The storm was massive. He walked back to them.

"Alright then, I take it you have a place to shelter? Or are you just as lost as me?"

@[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Simone"] @[member="Habaek"]
Luckily Kaine's excursion into this unknown world did not leave him without a few of his trinkets, chief among them the Sith Amulet that concealed his presence in the Force from all but the most tenacious of investigators. Casting an illusion spell upon himself, Kaine took on the appearance of someone completely different, but one that blended in easily with what he had gleamed from the local's general appearance. He then began to investigate the area, trying to find some inkling of where he was, and that's when he spotted him. A friend from ages past, and perhaps one of the best chances Kaine had of learning where in the seven hells he was. Moving through the assortment of people, Kaine slid up behind Tyrin as he began to follow what appeared to be the Monarch of this land to some unknown location.

He placed a single hand upon his shoulder, and said in his own voice, "What trickery is this? Where are we?"

@[member="Gerion Ardik"]
She was not sure if Sargon had seen her. He was here maybe others of the Fringe were also here. She could not see from her view point in the crowd. Meret pushed her way to exterior staircase on one of the buildings. She climbed the stairs and looked into the crowd. Sargon was observe the crowd and environment. Only a few yards away from him appeared to be Lucien. This was very strange. Meret climbed to the top of the stairs and saw two types of beings in the crowd: locals and an assortment of odd characters in varies locations as if they were plucked out of their homes and brought here. Meret ran down the stairs and across the street, up the walkway to catch Lucien. She was running so fast it was hard to stop. She crashed into Lucien. Meret was in lounge pajamas and a silk robe. "Darling? what in the Force are you doing here? Sargon is just ahead." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Sargon.
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]
@[member="Sargon Vynea"]
@Simone | @Assader Ilrast | @Habaek | @[member="Simone"]

When the pink lady came up to his face -- well tried, he was almost two meters tall -- Habaek drew his head away, glaring down at the crazy woman as if she'd sprouted five heads.

With as much as she was jabbering about, it was a likely scenario!

"Tch, she threw the fruit at me Pink Lady," he replied in kind, bringing the purple pear up to point to the fruit with his finger by Simone's face, almost as if instructing a child. He gave a yawn, his hand dropping down to then rub at his belly, one slanted eye blearily looking down at the overly excited woman.

"All hail Princess Akala!" he told her, taking one water bladder from his hip to shove it into her hands. Maybe that will keep her busy. "It's a royal birthday banquet. Food is free." he added, as if that was the most obvious situation they were in.

Lazily, he stared up at the rolling clouds up in the sky. "Gonna rain," he said plainly, then regardless what the Pink man and Pink lady said, he kept on the route to follow the slave girl.

"She'll know a dry place," he pointed a long finger at @[member="Tamara"], noticing the other man with them. "Un," came a grunt of greeting towards Assander, as his sandals led him on his way.

"You coming?"
Simone said:
Main Group
@[member="Tamara"] @[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Habaek"] @anyone in earshot to hear me roar.

Simone turned wide aggravated eyes to @[member="Assadar Ilrast"].

"Dathomir, a hundred thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. And before you ask me how or why, I haven't got a fething clue." Jaxton's whisper made her jump and she closed her eyes pressing fingers to her temple and massaging them. You didn't just screw with a timeline, you couldn't jump in and make adjustments, hell she didn't even know if any of this was real let alone whether she could change it. For all she knew this was just a very very vivid dream.

She pinched herself to check....

Nope. Not a dream. "I don't want to mess with anything. I. Just. Want. Some. FETHING ANSWERS!"
King Oa led the main group onto the welcoming steps of the palace just as it began to rain.

He turned around - there was such a large group of these people saying they had issues with time travel. They were beginning to spiral out of control. "Calm down, calm down... you'll get your answers, you'll get your answers!"

"Now, I know we have the capabilty....but there is so many of you. So many indeed. I'm beginning to doubt it was us who did this... but if not us...who?"

The King turned his head for a moment.

"And more importantly..." He looked up at all of them. "Why you?"

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