Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adding Influence


Disney's Princess
Akio Kahoshi said:
we should look at it from "how can this be done without Tef?"
Now you're talking. I know this is a 'Suggestions to the Staff' thread, but should it find it's way into the Roleplay Discussion forum? I think you'd make some awesome waves with it Akio. Some serious merit here and with the abscence of the Rebellion Rules like you mentioned, yeah... Could be pretty awesome with enough people on board. :D
Well-Known Member
Also technically, a Major Faction could just give up a planet to someone who wants it that isn't on the map already right?

So a Rebellion could actually happen now, its just that the Major faction it is rebellion against would have to consent to the loss of territory.


Morality Policeman :)
Rave Merrill said:
I'm a Fringe admin, and we do this all the time if people put in the work. Darth Vornskr has absolute control over the Pacanth Reach star cluster inside Fringe space, for example.
This is great!

But here's the thing: I can build my cartel as rich and powerful as I want to, and have major faction numbers when it comes to membership. I could have developed towns and bases and defense weaponry, started riots, taken over the economy, and set the systems ablaze within a major faction's territory. I could even, theoretically, siphon OP's bacta supplies from Thyferra and hold their resources hostage.

I've tried to organize little skirmishes between minor factions I am in and major factions, and wouldn't you know, they refused to even acknowledge that we might even last 2 posts and snuffed out the thread plan.

At the end of the day, the major faction that controls the space you're in only has to say 'no', and all that goes down the drain.

Why can't I just create a public thread and say it's their loss if I attack and they don't bat an eye? Because I have been stonewalled and had RPJ involvement required the time I tried. The last thing we need is more RP reports, and it was very discouraging to not be allowed to run around on a little adventure just because it took place in a particular translucent amoeba.

The solution is to deemphasize the colored blob. Say they matter for major factions' sake, but also let the major faction people realize that they do not have absolute control over every single fly that sneezes within their nation's borders.

Let people have public threads and do things without having to fear being harassed by the people who 'own' the territory. Because, seriously, if someone causes an uprising within your precious paint blob, it affects little of your big boy status. And if the objective is to have fun, then let there be fun. Should we ignore all the dominion-ing and invasions? Absolutely not. But let people sandbox a little. I keep hearing, "It's all about the story," when it comes to things like map wipes and galaxy events, but how dare you touch someone's planet they rarely write about? Never mind that major factions handwave things everyday. It's not like my stealing a major- or minor-production weapons cache and hijacking a star destroyer is going to affect them when these terms are so loose in interpretation already.

Let's restrict the powers (major faction power; Force power; military power) and how about we roleplay stuff in a fictional universe and let people have individual passage to play in a chill and creative environment?
Beowoof said:
I've tried to organize little skirmishes between minor factions I am in and major factions, and wouldn't you know, they refused to even acknowledge that we might even last 2 posts and snuffed out the thread plan.
I feel like I would need to know more of the details concerning this sentence before I even considered your rant seriously.

If it's true, then as a member, I'd say that's whack.

But if you showed up with like you and one person and offered to steal a star destroyer and they said something along the lines of "We'd rather not do such a small scale role-play to affect such a large story element", I'd be like, huh, okay, nobody's really in the wrong there. And the entirety of that premise not being incorrect in anyone's favor would unravel your rant for me.

Fairly sure you need a bigger sample size of major factions before generalizations start being valid. Between the factions I'm part of, the factions I started, the factions I'm admin of, and the factions whose admins are good friends of mine...I'm drawing a blank on which ones you might have had problems with. If you want to raid Fringe space, I'm a Fringe admin, I'm happy to point you in the direction of some nice fat targets. If you want to raid Tion assets, I'm a Tion admin, I'm happy to point you in the direction of some nice fat targets. And I know an awful lot of people in leadership roles who think and act like I do. If you want to raid us, just ask -- or pick your targets well, and be willing to come up with a new plan if your first one doesn't make sense. We're perfectly fine with not showing up in force when people step on our toes in a sensible way; that's actually standard procedure. Fringe territory gets incursions of one kind or another fairly often, and normally we show up with one or two people, either to offer a reasonable response or to say 'Fringe has no way of knowing about this/no reason to drop the hammer, we'll leave you alone.' If you want to stage surprise attacks, do that -- just do your research first, and know what you're getting into. In the vast majority of cases, when someone gets IC smacked for messing around in a major faction's territory, it's because they did it wrong. Fait accompli terrorism with plot holes a mile wide. Bad rationales for knowing what/where the target is and getting it alone. Military-grade hardware on highly-secured worlds. Attacks on planets with well-established overwhelming defenses. Be smart about this, talk it through with the people who know what the likely responses will be, and you'll see that people are much more willing to work with you.

TL;DR: I don't know who you were talking to, but you need to be talking to more people. Catch flies with honey.


Disney's Princess

Tis about people Woofy. I know that at any moment I can call Jorus, HK-36, Ayden, Noah, and many others; and get an immediate audience to talk about plots. Is it because I'm cool? Nah bro. It's because they are cool. These are guys you can talk to about about anything. Real people.

If you're having trouble with anything? Get the right people. It takes time, effort, failing a lot, but at the end of the day? it's sooo worth it.

Part of being part of a great community. Finding great people. :D :p
Jay Scott Clark said:

Tis about people Woofy. I know that at any moment I can call Jorus, HK-36, Ayden, Noah, and many others; and get an immediate audience to talk about plots. Is it because I'm cool? Nah bro. It's because they are cool. These are guys you can talk to about about anything. Real people.

If you're having trouble with anything? Get the right people. It takes time, effort, failing a lot, but at the end of the day? it's sooo worth it.

Part of being part of a great community. Finding great people. :D :p
Speaking of plots.

WTB Karen.


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Vornskr"] Ah, but alas. The sexual tension must remain between us as writers alone. luv u bby. :D :p


(btw Woofy, Kaine is also a great person to plot with. Just don't bring up naked pillow fights in the dungeon. Gets weird fast.)
Fringe... does not really do what I'm proposing at all. It's one thing to let Fringe members claim ruler ship of a planet. It's another for people opposed to the Fringe taking control of planets from the outside.

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