Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adela Verd


The little girl with Force powers
Adela Verd


NAME: Adela Verd, Del for short
FACTION: Mandalorian (formerly CIS before it became the Systems Authority)
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: 1/4 Kiffar, 1/4 Umbaran, 1/8 Human, 3/8 Shi'ido
AGE: Appears 10, actually 2
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4' 11"
WEIGHT: 72.6 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Dark. But not as dark as Isleys.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Highly so, yes.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Force-Sensitive - Move over Starkiller, there's a new girl in town. Not that Starkiller was a girl...but you get the idea. She's the test-tube baby of two very powerful Force-users, do I really need to explain? (Strength)

Flexible - Her Shi'ido heritage, while weak, makes her more flexible than a normal person. (Strength)

Mutt - When you're a mix of four different species, things tend to be rather interesting. She has some of the strengths of the different bloodlines, but...well, some of the weaknesses as well. (Neutral Quality)

High Ocular Sensitivity - Del no likey ze sudden flashy lights. Ow. High light in general is not fun, but especially the flash-bangs seem to hate her. Flashy lights have a tendency to send her into a Tonic seizure. For this reason, she always wears some sort of eye protection - hence the sunglasses at night. (Weakness)

Anger Issues - And when I say anger issues I mean anger issues. Out of a hundred clones created from the DNA of her Dad (Isley Verd/Darth Metus) and her Mom (Phoebe Draclau), Del was the most normal. And she ain't no stinking saint - so Force help you if you piss her off. (Weakness)

Mental - Goes hand-in-hand with "Anger Issues". Del isn't exactly all there. She likes to hit things. Punching bags, walls, really anything that's in the way when she gets mad. (Weakness)

Abandonment Issues - Adela's father was forced away from the the CIS. Adela went off on an anger-fueled rampage, and her mother was gone when she tried to come back to Phoebe. Her mind is a little...fragmented after that, and she has a speech pattern akin to that of Mordin Solus.

Adela has a bright and cheerful smile, but rarely employs it, and her eyes bug out a little when she listens or concentrates. She has frizzy black hair that she occasionally cares to tame when she has to. Her skin is dark, although not as dark as her father Isley's, and she has hazel eyes. Somehow.

Adela was the test-tube baby of Isley Verd and Phoebe Draclau, who woke up on Kamino with absolutely no clue of what is going on. Although she was biologically eight years old already, she had no life before that, and Isley and Phoebe have given her memories of having a normal childhood. After waking up, she lived with Isley and Phoebe accepting them as her parents in accordance with the memories that had been implanted into her mind. Isley began her training as a Mandalorian and gave her his family besk'ad and begun her training as a Mandalorian. Unfortunately, before her training could progress very far, her father was...removed (read - vanished and probably killed stone dead) from the CIS after being accused of treason. Equal parts furious and distraught, Adela struck out on her own, leaving her mother and the Confederacy behind.

For the past year, she has been clumsily honing her force abilities - with limited success - and carving out a living, mostly through stealing and some abuse of her force powers. But petty criminal activity isn't enough for Adela, so the young girl wound up on her way to Mandalore.






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