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Adventure into the Unknown (Open To All Jedi)

@[member="Caid Centurion"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Aronis Vilgar"] @Je'daii

The story, despite the rather dramatic name, begun in a classroom in the Jedi Temple on Tython. The Jedi, after all, did teach their students after all, even if said students seemed to forget most of it.

However, this tutorial was different, because Jedi Master Phylis Alince was giving the lecture. Amongst her many talents, brevity and concisely staying to a script was not among them.

“Welcome, all of you to this, hmm, tutorial. Before we begin, I would like to dispel a persistent rumour which seems influenced by holo-vids. That is, we do not fight gun battles with arch-villains whilst searching for arcane treasure using a map marked with the letter X. The process of archaeology and research is one of patience, care and detail. Any of you here because you wish to fight ancient monsters and discover terrible artefacts of power, you had best leave now.”

So far, Phylis was shaping up to give the world’s best ever dramatically ironic speech ever. All that she would need to mention is lava pits and it would be perfect. And…spoilers…they’ll be a lava pit.

“Now, with that done, I am organising an expedition to the remote world of Perugia. There we will be uncovering some old ruins from the days of The Old Republic. Any Jedi who wish to come along and learn more about my field is welcome to come, whilst any Padawans in my class will have to come along as your exams will be based on our experiences. Now, any questions?”
The sound of the jedi master as she spoke about where they were going and what they were doing. There was more then enough to wonder about and uncovering the mysteries of the old republic was something she was very much interested in and the books had explained plenty of what she needed to with with the archeological corps of the explorers. She had helped out there and overseen a few but it wasn't more then just digging in the dirt for days to find... Nothing at the most they found a pot if they were lucky. It was still an interesting thing and she slowly and methodically contemplated how she would have to pack. Oh spare clothing for normal areas some for winter, the desert would be light clothing but heavier at night. She would have to visit the quartermaster of the jedi. If for nothing else then the proper equipment.

Oh it would be so exciting she hadn't went traveling since... Well she had never went traveling outside really of Tython or the unknown world they had found after Elrood. However she had read all about it and knew what to do outside of the Tython system. She even knew what to do in survival situation and knew what might be needed. She found herself going over the supplies she had in her two bags. Her datapads were still there in her poncho. One of the bags was for clothing and a smallish medium duffel about two foot long with some pouches oh and it was waterproof just in case. The other one was a satchel bag and Serena had the supplies that she would need to get get the job done there along with some blank datapads for recording plenty of data. The rest she secured in the inner pockets of her poncho. It was a strange feeling her her saber was on her hip and her comlink on her wrist. With a look around the room Serena took it in with a smile turnign her head to the jedi master.

She might be slightly weighed down with all the stuff until they got where they needed to go or on to the ship but that would be fine as well. Her hands swiftly went over one the datapad while making an inventory of the supplies and a check list. The bag of clothing an aquatic breather, grappling line and hooks. There were a few pins just in case of needing to scale or if they hit a set of ruins and the roof collapsed, a first aid kit, glow rods and food rations. Then she had made sure they had emergency flares, thermal blankets, filter straws for water, flint and waterproof matches, some lighters, bacta patches, antidotes, head lamps and several maps loaded into a holopad with a sonic mapping apparatus to show them the area as they went in case they found anything. She had brushes and small delicate files for picking and cleaning, some plaster for molds, above that a datapad full of as much pre history... Though she would have to make sure it was loaded up for Perugia with important things.

She took a moment to think if she was forgetting anything else but couldn't think of it while taking in the others who might be in the room and the jedi master again. There was plenty she could think to ask but she had covered the whole bit about dangerous artifacts of power, though that wouldn't stop her bringing some of that nullification resin that could block out force objects it was light weight and might prove useful, ah if there were booby traps they might need a couple other things mainly a bull whip and a guide name Pepito. Oh her hand raised up while she finally spoke straightening her back and smiling a little. "Ah Master @[member="Phylis Alince"] if we are not expecting any monster and or traps will we need our sabers. They can be ghastly and get in the way or knock things over when your trying to work. Always clinking with your belt."
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn spoke up from the back, tilting his head upwards to face Serena and the others in the room. He spoke quietly, wishing to remain particularly silent. He was inclined to discover the other side of being a Jedi, rather than just bringing peace through a slice of a sword or a crack of his fist, or stomping out the nearest Sith he could find."Serena, you always bring your lightsaber."He said from the lower part of his throat, his voice gravelly and more aged than the last time Serena saw him. Infact, he can't even remember the last time he saw her. She'd definitely grown up, a lot. Not that she was much younger than he was, anyway.

He sighed, turning to Phylis, and resumed his silence, still listening. And waiting.

@[member="Phylis Alince"]

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Aika seemed to arrive just in time. As she entered the classroom, Master Alince began her lecture, or more like breaking down what was going on. It was an expedition to uncover...something. Obviously, such a thing wasn't her own cup of tea, but it had become obvious that she needed to expand her horizon more. What a better way than an archaeological assignment, although nothing was ever as it seemed to be when a group outing was planned. Though it didn't show, she was certainly a bit hesitant. It would only be the third time she had even left any temple to go off world. Hopefully, it wouldn't be one that she regretted. At the same time, a small comment from another within the room caught her ire.

"Not always. You can't bring that which you don't posses. And unless you were expecting a fight or.....aggressive negotiations, bringing a weapon shouldn't be the first thing on your list. Not to mention, as she said, it can sometimes cause more harm than good. Every situation is different, so not all have the same requirements. Just my own two cents." Her lips curved into a small smile as she took a few more steps into the classroom, her hands clasped together in front of her white kimono covered frame. She lowered her head, bowing slightly. "I apologize for my intrusion. I am Aika Kawakami, Jedi Knight. At least, I am in title. Anyway, I'd love to join you all, if there is still room available."

@[member="Phylis Alince"] @Je'daii @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
@Je'daii @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]

Phylis listened to the discussion. She peered at the self-proclaimed titular Jedi Knight. "Room? Well only three people have volunteered so far, so yes, lots of room! Unless Tracyn is planning on bringing a bantha with him. You're not, are you?" she asked Tracyn sternly.

The rest of the discussion filtered through to her. "Oh yes, we better take our lightsabres. They're useful for fires and such. I'm not anticipating trouble, but we must anticipate it either way. After all, never trouble trouble until troubles you. Although trouble can be quite troubling...that's the trouble with it."
This nonsensical rambling complete, Phylis grinned. "Any questions?"
Blessed are the peacemakers
"Form zero doesn't protect against everything, girl."Tracyn said to the younger knight, peeling off the wall. As he stepped further into the wall, there was a mark of a vicious burn on his face, covering near half of his face. It was fresh, and the skin grafts had mostly been successfully. Synthflesh had done it's part too, but the mark would and always would be there. It looked as if Tracyn had had his face put against a hot stove or seered by a powerful flame. Krag was to thank for it, and he turned to the younger girl, Aika. He stared at her for a moment, before speaking."A Jedi always expects danger and deception."He said, staring down her again, but avoided scolding her of why she didn't have a lightsaber, forgoing the most precious of Jedi rituals.

Tracyn pulled up a commlink and mumbled something in Mando'a about forgetting about the Bantha, before shaking his head."Nope, just me and my little self.."He said to Phylis, smiling. He shut his commlink as there seemed to be an angry or notably upset person scolding him in Mando'a back at him.

@[member="Aika Kawakami"]
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
A complete change in his normal role within the Order... nevertheless, it was a learning experience that he couldn't miss, and for that reason, he volunteered. Besides, the chance to get some Sith Artifacts and the opportunity to destroy them completely was there... Erradication of the corrupt and what was an aberration in the Force.

Arriving late to the meeting, he noticed that there were a few fellow Jedi Knights already in the place along with Jedi Master @[member="Phylis Alince"] , the one who summoned the meeting.

As soon as Vexander got inside the room and inmediately bowed his head slightly "I am sorry for my lateness Master" said in an apologetic manner, still, he raised fairly quickly and proceeded to introduce himself, perhaps she has heard of him; but it was not likely "My name is Vexander Graves, at your service"

Once that he did the introduction, he proceeded to look at his surroundings and analyse the situation further, he could then see @[member="Tracyn Ordo"], the Jedi Knight who he has seen in numerous times showing a strong fist at those battling against him, almost to the point of being extremely destructive... But on the other hand, he didn't know the other two, he would be able to meet them there... or so he assumed @Je'daii @[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Waiting patiently, he just stood there, not expecting a full run through what was already discussed, but actually for further questions about their current assignment... he knew that what was already discussed would be available on their datapads or something... otherwise he would learn about it as they go.
Nala had come in with @Vexander Graves and gave the same apologetic bow. Being that they had the same master, and that she had heard about this interesting expedition of sorts, she felt it would be better if two newly knighted Jedi would arrive together. It did feel a bit awkward to be late though and after Vexander gave his apology and introduction Nala had said "And I'm Nala Tu. Really it was my fault, Masters. I only just found out and insisted I tag along with Vexander." She looked to him and gave a nod, indicating she could deal with whatever flock she'd receive.

Looking among the other Jedi Nala noted the master @[member="Phylis Alince"] and the knights @[member="Aika Kawakami"] and @Je'daii . When she saw @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] she smiled a bit before walking over and bowing. "Master Ordo. It's good to see you again. It's been a while since that whole business with the Sith we faced on Taris. Not to mention I was still a padawan back then."

Caid Centurion

Caid had already been in the room, sitting quietly. For the time being, he much preferred to watch and listen. It always intrigued him how various people of certain groups interacted with each other. This little gathering, thus far, did not disappoint.

The realization that he was, definitively, the newcomer in this situation sank in even more as time slowly rolled by. In the back of his mind, Caid was still attempting to determine whether or not Kiskla sent him here to learn something or for the pure pleasure of knowing he would inevitably become irritated. To be honest, Caid was not yet sure whether this Jedi thing was really for him. Folding his arms across his chest, Caid allowed his silver-green gaze to wander the room. There was little reason for him to stand-up and announce his intent to participate. The dark-skinned Jedi felt his presence said...plenty. The small pack resting on the ground by his feet contained what few things he felt he would require.
Meta was sitting at the back of the room. Two seats opposite from Tracyn Ordo, he remained silent as the Master, Knights and fellow Padawans bickered. "I'd happily study something other than my opponents tactics for once." Meta had been sent off on too many missions that ended in battle as of late. He wouldn't mind going out for an expedition to force knows where to study rocks or whatever they planned on doing. He was leaned back in the chair he had been given, his arms crossed. The saber dangling from his belt.

@[member="Caid Centurion"]
@[member="Nala Tu"]
@[member="Vexander Graves"]
@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]
Phylis greeted each newcomer with a cheery smile. All except Meta. After all, she was at this moment interviewing the young Jedi in the Council Chamber. Or…had that already happened? Was it still to happen? The timey-wimey nature of the paradox made her frown for a moment.
This writer therefore has decided that it takes place ICly before the Council thread. Chronographic problems resolved, Phylis greeted him.

“Good to see you all. Especially you, Jedi Graves, I had high hopes you’d come along,” she said with a special smile at him. Why? Who knew. Well, probably Phylis.

“I think we have a good number assembled. I have prepared all the equipment we will need for the expedition. Any final questions? We’ll wait a little longer for any latecomers, then we’ll depart. I have organised a ship for us. Is anyone here a great pilot of renown or shall I have my droid pilot us?”
Not letting Phylis pilot was a wise move.

@[member="Caid Centurion"]

@[member="Nala Tu"]

@[member="Vexander Graves"]

@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]


@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

| @[member="Caid Centurion"] | @[member="Nala Tu"] | @[member="Vexander Graves"] | @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] | @[member="Phylis Alince"] | @[member="Aika Kawakami"] | @Je'daii |
| @[member="Meta "]|

Ella walked along the hallways of the Jedi Temple, donning her Jedi robe now that she was under the apprenticeship of Carn Dista. Her Padawan braid hung over her shoulder and near the hood of her robe. She smiled at a passing Jedi Master and a class of Younglings. She felt infinitely lucky that Carn had decided to venture to Tython to visit the Jedi Temple and explore the meditation gardens, meeting with the Jedi Initiates that made up the Jedi Service Corps. Now that she was on Coruscant, in the hub of the Jedi Order, she felt proud to be here. All of her training and patience had paid off. She was under the tutelage of a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council. She couldn't count her blessings, even if she tried.

Lifting a hand from her robes sleeve, she opened the classroom door and peaked her head around the corner. When she saw Master Alince, she smiled. This was the correct classroom and thus the outing to Perugia. It was important to her training she she attended this outing, as it would be part of her trials to become a Jedi Knight. She also wanted to explore the galaxy and get used to getting out and about. After thirteen years of living and growing up on Tython, she had grown accustomed to the wonderful jungle and the solitude that the Jedi Temple provided.

"Hello Master Alince," she said, giving the Jedi Master a warm smile. "Thank you for this opportunity. I am looking forward to the trip to Perugia and learning more about the Republics past." Turning her gaze away from the woman, her eyes fell on Tracyn Ordo. Carn had spoken a lot about the Jedi Knight, suspecting that he had already fell to the dark side of the Force. She assumed that the Perugia trip would tell her more about Tracyn and that she would get to know him on a more personal basis.

Then her eyes found Nala Tu and she smiled brighter. She had met the Kaminoian Jedi in the meditation gardens on the same day as she had met Carn. She also saw Meta and was glad to see both of them were attending the trip as well. Walking up to Nala, she said, "Hello Master Tu. It's nice to see you again. Congratulations on passing your trials."

| @[member="Carn Dista"] |

After greeting Nala, Ella turned away a moment to bring out her communique. She sent a message to her Jedi Master. "Hello Master, it's me Ella. Obviously. Master Alince is hosting a trip to Perugia and I thought I'd attend. I feel it will be helpful for my training. Come if you like." She smiled over the holo recording before turning the transmission off and putting away the device. Then she turned, alongside Nala Tu and waited for the trip to begin.
Rianna was the late comer. She slipped in bringing the things she needed most, her lightsaber and medical bag. It had been her experience that when you put a bunch of Jedi together to learn something new, inevitably someone got hurt. Rianna's dark eyes swept the room looking for anyone who she may have met in her brief time here on Tython.

She exhaled this outing, well mission, learning experience would help her to get to know some of the others. Afterall Jedi were social creatures. Least most were. She smiled uneasily and prayed please please don't let me do something fool hearty during this.

Rianna was not a great pilot, it was a skill she could do but she preferred either putting herself at risk alone in her ship, or being a passenger. "Master Alince, thank for opening this up to everyone. It should be a great learning experience"

Rianna loved history, loved artifacts even if she did not always have the patience to sit in a dig with a tiny brush to reveal the tiniest fragments of the past.
| @Caid Centurion | @Nala Tu | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Phylis Alince | @Aika Kawakami | @Je'daii |@Meta | @[member="Ella Nova"]
| @[member="Rianna Organa"] |

Ella smiled when Master Organa walked into the room. The two of them hadn't spoke to each other when they had been in the Tython Jedi Temple, but Ella recognized her during her time as a Jedi Initiate and a member of the agricultural Jedi Service Corps. She lifted a hand and waved at Rianna before saying to her, "Hello Master Organa. It's nice to see you again."
Aronis was sitting in the corner of the room, watching the scene unfold, ready to go. He silently waited as a few more people arrived, surveying the group. Most of them were strangers to him, a few he recognized. He knew nothing of Perugia, so he was sure it would be quite the experience.

@[member="Phylis Alince"]

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Aika simply watched, blinking as more and more seemed to pile into the classroom. What she had thought would be a small expedition was quickly turning to a all out Jedi quest. Though that wasn't a problem in the least. She had questions...things she needed those within the order to answer to. She figured this would be a perfect chance to prob some others for answers, or if any of them had similar thoughts or feelings as her own. Not to mention, it would be her first opportunity to try and maintain control of her abilities since she had began training under Master Ike. It was a way to test herself, as well as possibly find some answers that she was seeking. But no matter what she had planned, one thing was for sure; Aika didn't want to reveal what she had the capacity to do. To them, she needed to remain a simple Jedi Diplomat, and not a somewhat out of control telepathic. Which also meant she may need to keep her distance from any of the masters that were coming along...
The young Jedi Knight raised his right eyebrow, he found hard to understand how he would be special today, or why the Jedi Master was waiting for him more than anyone else. Looking at everyone else around the room, he noticed that there were more experienced Jedi and even some promising padawans... it was true that he was way better than any of them with a sniper rifle and perhaps in some stealth techniques; however, that didn't mean anything in an expedition... unless she was expecting him to do something else.

There were many new guys, Jedi he didn't know, but that he has seen one way or the other during his time in the Jedi Temple, still, eventhough there were a lot of newcomers; none of them volunteered to pilot the transport.

Vexander was not one of the Jedi Aces within the Order, but he knew how to fly a ship, it would be better if it was a starfighter... but if it was a Republic shuttle, he wouldn't be able to do anything fancy, but at least take it safely to the location in question.

"Seeing that there are no volunteers, I'll pilot the ship if I may Master... do not expect snacks in the fly though..." said without a big smile or anything. If it was a joke, it was really lame... proof of his lack of social skills... Patiently, the corellian Jedi waited for the comments of everyone else and the Master's thoughts, afterall, she had the last word as Expedition Leader.

@[member="Phylis Alince"] | @Je'daii | @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] | @[member="Aika Kawakami"] | @[member="Nala Tu"] | @[member="Caid Centurion"] | @[member="Meta "]| @[member="Ella Nova"] | @[member="Aronis Vilgar"] | @[member="Rianna Organa"]
Seeing @[member="Ella Nova"] , Nala waved first before she walked over and spoke to her. "Oh thank you, Ella." she said with a bit of a blush in her cheeks at being called master. "But please, you can still call me just Nala. I'm still getting used to people calling me Master. It's sure to feel more awkward when I take on a padawan of my own one day, to be sure." When the question of who would pilot came up Nala perked and said "I'd be willing to, Master @Phylis Alince ." Then she'd heard @[member="Vexander Graves"] offer his services and merely waited to see which she would accept, if either.
| @[member="Nala Tu"] | @[member="Phylis Alince"] |

Ella gave her a bright, warm smile before nodding her head and said, "Let's go to Perugia then, Nala." She winked at the Kamionian before turning to Master Alince. "Are we expecting anymore Jedi, Master?"
Rianna looked upon the young Jedi waving to her, she knew then her memory must be bad for she did not remember the girl's face. It was disconcerting, she however waved back and began to search her memory for where she knew the girl.

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