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Adventures in Wild Space: Chapter I - The Arami Effect

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
"Now why would you want that piece of junk? What you really need is this, good ol' Corellian Engineering Corporation know how and design. You don't want no, what'cha'ma call it? Silk Holdings ship..."

The words faded into her mind as she stood on the small bridge of the vessel, her hand brushing against the dusty control panels as a sigh slipped from her lips. It was beat up, dusty and dirty with more than a few scars; maybe that was why she was drawn to the old ship rather than some shinny CEC monstrosity. With a soft smirk crossing her lips, her hand slipped down along the panel before she stepped back into the Forward Hallway.

"She's beat up, though she'll do."

A soft voice carried upon the stale air that seemed to rest heavy in the atmosphere of the vessel. Clearly it would need some repairs, though she could always find a mechanic for that. As she slipped along the hallway, her hand came to rest upon the cannon on her thigh, her clothing revealing and yet alluring at the same time. Viridian hues scanned across the Galley as she stepped into the large compartment at the center of the vessel.

The table in the middle was old, showing the signs of wear and tear; though it also shown the love that the previous owner had for this vessel. It was a sad sight that she had found it in some old junk yard, and even then she barely managed to get it to limp all the way out here to Arami. Smirking softly, she continued her own little tour of the vessel, taking stock of what damage and repairs were needed and that list just kept growing.

What she really did need though was a crew, and she was hoping that was just what she would find on this little world. While many were pushing into the Rimward worlds, she wanted to go further. Wild Space was filled with Hyperlanes, many charted, many others remaining unknown; though for the most part the worlds and its myriad of species remained unknown to the Galaxy at large. Of course she already had figured that this little mission was just to keep her out of the hair of her superiors. The first Sector Ranger officially assigned to the Wild Space region.

Heavy boots thud against the steel grating of the steps as she moved down into the large Cargo Hold. Not as large and fancy as other freighters, though it would do. Keeping her hand on the cannon on her thigh, her balled fist smacked against the heavy control panel, the red button flashing for a moment as the double set of cargo doors slowly opened and the ramp came down.

Stepping forward, she would shield her eyes from the sun for a moment before looking at the small though busy starport. For all the insults about the Outer Rim being backwater planets, they still had their few gems. Quietly she slipped her hand over her left arm, pushing back part of the sleeve to reveal a mini-datapad on her forearm. A few quick buttons pressed and soon enough the message was broadcasting out.

Crew Wanted for Expedition into Wild Space. Inquire with Special Enforcement Officer Ocano'sati'mersi of the Sector Rangers at the Tranquility.

And with that done, all she needed was to wait...

[member="Kassey Daklin"]
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

Note: Please do not post if you're not @mentioned or unless you've pmed me regarding joining in. Thank you.
Information was the bread and butter of Ultimatum's trade. The HoloNet was his playground and the galaxy his work area. The droid viewed well over a Yobibyte of data each day. It was well and all to read the information, but to not act on it was to waste opportunity. Not everything could be used, not everything should be used, the difficulty was deciding what was what. Occasionally Ultimatum felt that it was alright to act upon that which read. This was one of those times. Someone was searching for aid in an exploration crew. A travel across the stars was something that Ultimatum had only truly done once before. This was something he could not pass up.

An information packet was sent, containing a general battery of information on Ultimatum. It contained what the droid considered pertinent to the case in hand. His credentials as an engineer, mechanic, and inventor. Hoping to solidify his abilities in the field of mechanics, Ultimatum gave a few examples of LOOM's latest creations in the droid and ship fields. He further attempted to make it apparent that he was interested in seeing the galaxy's less traveled paths.

Ultimatum moved to the spaceport terminal, purchasing tickets under a different name. Until he was off Mustafar, the droid needed to maintain his anonymity. On his side was the fact that he was in a new body, one that had yet to be seen by the galaxy. It would certainly be capable of most of the tasks that would likely be required of it. It would also be a good chance to test how it would appear to organics in general.

Ultimatum did a search for the Tranquility, no ship appeared to come under that name for now. Perhaps a misstep in his search. So he sent a message to the Sector Rangers along with the package, "Ultimatum looking to speak with Special Enforcement Officer [member="Ocano'sati'mersi"]. This information packet is for her, put it through security as you please."


Mechanic Extrodinare

[member="Kassey Daklin"]

[member="Lisette Kuhn"]



Zeri walked around the open dock, looking at the variety of species and ships all around her. She had never seen this many different species around her. Granted she had never been this far from the hive before. Zeri had bought herself a small blaster for protection, just in case. A used IR-5 blaster pistol sat in its holster. She had bought it because the seller, a tall alien with large eyes, told her about the integrated targeting computer. Zeri didn't have experience with blasters, so she hoped the computer would make any shots she might need to make count.

Zeri wandered aimlessly, just taking in the sights and sounds. She constantly was looking up new species on her datapad, fascinated by everything she read. She had probably been up to this for an hour or so when the alert on her datapad chimed. There was a job posting. Something about Wild Space, and needing a mechanic for a ship. Zeri got excited. She didn't know where Wild Space was, but exploring sounded like a great opportunity. She had to find a ship called the Tranquility.

Zeri pulled up a map on her datapad. If she moved quickly, she could get to the ship withing half a standard hour.

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel

That was the name that she had to look for, and Kassey took her time to actually practice it, and it was because Kassey had the respectful attitude. She was far from all knowing, which meant that she did not know how to pronounce all names, planets, she didn't know much about the wild spaces or the unknown regions. Okay, sure, she might act like she knew more than she lead on, but Kassey wanted to make sure that she showed no disrespect when it came to talking to people, and of course, getting to know them, and speaking to them. Kassey was a different case, because she was a smuggler, she had a ship, and she was making a good bit of money. But the problem was...she was lacking adventure. She was lacking that purpose.

So, when that ad came out, Kassey knew that she had to go and try to find something to make of herself. She was a slicer and she made a lot of money on the side jobs such as that, but most of all, Kassey could be the pilot. So she came along, dressed according to comfort and ability to carry her blasters at her side, along with her datapad, and made it to the ship. "I could get used to this." She said under her breath while waiting for anyone else to come or answer the ad.
It seemed like, no matter where she went - no matter what she did - Lisette was always looking to make the next pay check, something that might hold her over until the next one. Being the stepdaughter of the galaxy's richest man and never taking a credit chip tended to do that, though, so there really wasn't anyone to blame - not that she was blaming anyone. Living with every day as her last was the way life operated for her, and, really, it was how she enjoyed it. One day she was jumping from a starfighter to liberate Coruscant as a Mandalorian mercenary for the Galactic Alliance, the next she was playing security guard for some snobby fifteen year old Echani. Some days were, certainly, better than the last, but it was the present that she lived in - she couldn't dwell on a past that was darker than the jaws of the Maw cluster, and she couldn't live in a future that hadn't happened yet but only bode worse for her. So, ignorance is bliss and all that nonsense, the eldest Kuhn, now well into her thirties, had found herself reading an advertisement in some sixth-rate newspaper article requesting a crew for an expedition into Wild Space.

Now, being into her thirties and with twenty years of experience in the galaxy, she wasn't someone that was unfamiliar with either the name or many of the planets that happened to be sitting in the area. It was the unmarked areas, however, that had always drew her attention. She'd played courier in Wild Space once, trying to see if anyone would pay her to carry a shipment to a world that wasn't on a major trade route and wasn't on the most available copy of the galactic map - to no success. Now she found herself going to meet with this Ocano'sati'mersi - must have been either a Chiss name or something just as non-basic, as she was entirely uncertain how to pronounce it - at the tranquility. 'I don't think I've ever met with a Sector Ranger before.' Lisette thought to herself while walking down the exit ramp and into the hangar bay, where the ship - and likely others like it - were held. Deciding to answer the ad as the prototypical weapons specialist - which, really, she was - Lisette had decided to bring most of her personal gear with her. A blaster and sniper rifle she'd built herself, and her two lightsabers - of course she had opted not to bring any crazy armor, not certain if there'd be some kind of uniform with this crew, but she had brought her own materials to make a light spacer outfit if she, or the crew, needed it. All in all, she was almost a walking armory today - though she decided to keep the lightsabers kept away in case the crew or its captain had an aversion to people like her, needn't ruffle any feathers.

[member=Ocano'sati'mersi] [member=[/FONT]Ultimatum] [member=Zeri] [member="Llkt'tudrin'wyshd"] [member="Kassey Daklin"]
Sat within a discreet cantina took away within the corner of an Arami spaceport, Llkt'tudrin'wyshd's large, nine foot plus frame was folded uncomfortably into a high back and uncomfortable seat, making for a truly unusual sight, especially since he was attempting to lean back in his seat with all four arms crossed across his chest in the same moment. Dressed in nothing more than a leather kilt that reached down to his ankles, leaving his scaled, scratched and lightly feathered torso bared, his half-naked state distinguished him from the rest of the patrons stuffed within the small space. Opposite his position at the table he had claimed for himself was another chair, this one unoccupied though from the angle it sat at it was clear that someone had recently vacated the seat. Atop of the table, all five of Llkt'tudrin'wyshd'd uniquely shaped swords, the style known simply as Krt'shta among the Vax, sat within their leather sheaths, causing a few watchful and wary glances to be constantly sent in the reptiles direction. Behind him, curling up around the back of the seat before reaching straight upwards in the air was his tail, lazily flicking in one direction then the other as a soft, rumbling trill rang out from the back of his throat. In all, the Qu'un gave of an annoyed and frustrated air.

"Well, well, looky here," Llkt'tudrin'wyshd was pulled harshly out of his own thoughts as they span around in his mind as a mug containing some sort of amber drink that reaked of strong alcohol was slammed down in front of him, spilling a small amount of his drink onto the already grimy table top, "the Mute is brooding. And over little ol' me? I'm flattered." Chuckling loudly and obnoxiously, the Qu'un's current companion, and probably the only person he trusted in the galaxy, swung herself down into her seat, propping her boot covered feet onto the table as she did so, her own drink joining his in sitting on the table.

Grinning widely, Uul Dyi glared at her fellow mercenary through her mismatched eyes, one a normal brown the other an unnatural cybernetic implant, even as the low trill that Llkt'tudrin'wyshd had been giving off while thinking briefly transformed into an avian-like squawk before he fell silent. His lower pair of arms unfolded themselves from where they rested against his sternum and his dexterous fingers immediately fell into a series of movements as he rapidly 'spoke' his species' language of Vax.

Rolling her eyes, Uul held up a single hand to halt her reptile friend's 'speech' shortly after he had started, leaving him to recross his arms. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, you karker. I'm speaking out of my arse. After all, it's not like you need me, nor will you miss me. Blah, blah blah." The human of the duo lazily waved her hand in the air to illustrate her sarcasm. "Either way, you're karking upset over something and the only thing that's happened recently is that I've agree to cart some rich bastard around for his own karking protection. And unless you're being a queen about some twit pissing on you, there's nothing else that could be the problem." Sighing slightly, Uul drained the entirety of her mug in one pull before leaning forwards and speaking in a much softer tone, her voice loosing its brashness. "Look, I get it. We've ran together a while, just, I dunno, find a job that'll take a while to complete and do that, distract yourself. Right?" Leaning back in her seat, Uul pulled out her personal data pad, ignoring the Qu'un's expected hiss towards the technology, a pulled up a list of adverts for the spaceport that amounted to a collection of 'Looking for people or a person to do a job'.

Sliding out of her seat and sauntering around the table, Uul leaned over Llkt'tudrin'wyshd's shoulder as she hissed into his ear, dangling the datapad in front of his face as she did so."C'mon Drin. At least look. Unless," here her voice turned slightly mischievous and slightly babyish, "Is the big bad Vax scared? Hm? A coward, a karking weakling? Unable to fend for yourself? Is that what you are Drin? So afraid to take on the galaxy without me by your side? Well, Coward, you got an ans-."

Uul was cut off midspeech as Llkt'tudrin'wyshd upper right fist impacted harshly against the side of her face, sending her spinning to the ground as a series of enraged trills and shrieks were made by the enraged Qu'un before he settle back into his seat with a huff. Slowly, Uul pushed herself to her feet, the hand not holding the datapad coming up to gingerly press against her cheek as she rotated her jaw slightly. "Okay, I went to f-." She was cut off again, but this time, by her own choice as she took note of the stares directed the duo, interest drawn by what had happened. "Oi, shows over karkers, turn back to your poodooty lives or I'll drive my boot so far up your arses you'll be tasting leather for weeks. Don't you know it's rude to stare." Even in his angry state, Llkt'tudrin'wyshd barely held back from expressing his amusement at how a woman that seemed to be duty bound to swear as much as she could didn't really have a leg to stand on when it came to talking about impolite behaviour. None the less, he held back the trill of amusement, keeping his steely gaze locked on Uul as she slid back into her seat.

"Okay, I deserved that. Went too far, touched you're trigger points when I knew I shouldn't have. But, c'mon Mute, get angry. Want to prove me wrong." Slowly, his anger softened and was replaced by a strange mixture of annoyance and gratitude when it came to his friend's latest stunt as Llkt'tudrin'wyshd slowly nodded his head once, tail stopping its agitated movement to whip forwards and yank the datapad from Uul's hand and deposit it in his own. Smirking, Uul pushed herself to her feet, grasping his drink as she did so and knocking it back before slamming the mug back down. "Keep yourself safe, Mute. Only I'm allowed to kark that face of your's up, after all. And keep in contact," she nodded towards the datapad in his hands, "I want to be kept up to date on any embarrassing situation you find yourself in." Even as his eyes were kept affixed to the datpad he held in his lower pair of arms, his upper arms unfolded so as to sign a few key phrases to Uul that only caused her to chuckle before making her departure, slapping his shoulder as she walked past.

A few minuets later, Llkt'tudrin'wyshd unfolded himself from his seat in an awkward movement before strapping his swords to his person, two on either side of his hips and one on his back, before departing. Only one of the adverts that Uul had shown him had drawn his interest and so the Qu'un made his way towards the hanger where a quick search of the ports database, even if he preferred to avoid technology more advanced than his rather primitive upbringing that didn't mean that he was ignorant as the majority of his race was on how to use said technology, the Tranquility was docked, a thankfully short walk made all the more quicker as people were forced out of the way of his massive bulk, to track down the Ocano'sati'mersi that the advert had mentioned; even if he had no clue what a Sector Ranger was, an exploration into Wild Space certainly sounded interesting.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"] | [member="Kassey Daklin"] | [member="Zeri"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Ocano'sati'mersi"]

Just in case anyone was offended by it, I appologise for Uul swearing. She's an NPC companion for Drin whom my brother created and while I have no idea why he had one of her main personality traits be the fact she swears a lot, I'm going to keep myself as loyal to what he wrote as possible. Also, don't really expect to see her a lot, I just used her to help introduce a few key characteristics about Drin - like the fact that him being called a coward or weakling is a really big trigger for his anger - although she may make brief cameos every now and then.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member

"Chirp... Chirp..."

"Chirp... Chirp... Chirp..."

This would go on for a few moments before she managed to pull herself out from under the engine drive, a heavy sigh escaping her lips as she pushed open the small flap on her arm. A message flashing across her screen, an information packet on an individual; though the information itself wasn't what drew her attention. It was the simple fact that this individual was on another world, Mustafar from the appearance of the original message's digital address. What good would it do though? Was she expected to wait on Arami for this individual to arrive? Making a soft clicking noise, she marked the message as read, though closed the flap on her glove as she rubbed her brow for a moment.

Hopefully others were closer, as she was a bit more than eager to say the least to get underway. If that individual was worth it though, she could hold off on a day or two, though not beyond that. Taping her fingers against the drive engine casing for a moment, she sighed and stepped back, knowing she did all she could with her limited capabilities. Hopefully she could find a crew that would alleviate some of the stress and work load she was already struggling with. So far though there was nothing much in the way of information or messages showing an interest, then again it had still been a recent posting.

Slipping from the engine room, she groaned softly as she rolled her shoulders back, stretching slightly after having been laying upon the hard floor of the engine room. She didn't know what possessed her to do such, though she found herself heading back down to the large cargo bay. As she stood on the catwalk suspended over the large open section, a soft smirk crossed her lips. Her viridian hues falling upon the two women, one already standing around; apparently waiting on the Sector Ranger. The other woman, still approaching the small vessel, drew the attention of those viridian hues for a moment before she slipped away.

Running her hand along the railing of the catwalk, she moved down the steps that doubled back on themselves, her boots thudding and clanking against the metal of the structure. One hand remained on the cannon that hung on her thigh, the weapon slapping against her slightly as she moved. Stepping forward towards the two women, Ocano smirked softly. For a moment she admired the two figures before her, looking them up and down and not being subtle in the least as to her actions.

"I take it you're here about the job offer."

She spoke bluntly, seeing no point in beating around the proverbial bush as it were. It was clear that she didn't seem to be ashamed or really show any care of what others thought when it came to her own appearance. Her clothing making her appear to belong in a club or seedy joint rather than being a Sector Ranger. It was a thought though that she had from time to time was able to take advantage of when those she was hunting down disregarded and lowered their defenses for a pretty body.

"Interview begins now... What can you do?"

[member="Kassey Daklin"]
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]
Of course the droid understood the preference to not have to wait, a measure of convenience was to be expected for the potential employer. Space was always such a vast area of supposed vacuum, Ultimatum had always believed that there was no such thing as a perfectly empty area rather that there was simply something there that science had not yet uncovered. Nonetheless, Ultimatum had already planned ahead for the length of time it would take. As a respectful gesture, the droid had already set up a deal with a ship dealer offworld for the borrowing of one of the faster models of hyperspace capable ships. While he could have simply taken one of his vessels from the very beginning that would have defeated the point for the moment.

While it would take time, Ultimatum calculated that the longest it would take for the ship he was using was one full twenty-four hour day. A more realistic time table was six hours, if the timing of hyperspace travel turned out perfectly, if Ultimatum's calculations were correct then it would be the perfect time. Total it would be about eight hours until he reached the world. Thus was the miracle of modern technology, but Ultimatum hoped one day to create devices capable of even more advanced travel. The simplicity of space travel made even the most uneducated of travelers capable of feats that would have awed space explorers millennia ago.

The droid anticipated [member="Ocano'sati'mersi"] to spend more time deciding who to hire. However, Ultimatum did not realize the immediacy of her intentions. He did not know it now, but he would have to apologize most profusely for the tardiness.


Mechanic Extrodinare
[member="Ocano'sati'mersi"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Llkt'tudrin'wyshd"] [member="Lisette Kuhn"] [member="Kassey Daklin"]

Zeri focused on the map on her datapad. A turn there, head down that street, another right...there. The docking bay was in front of Zeri, the haphazardly built structure looking potentially unstable to the Verpine's trained eyes. It made her sad that whoever built it didn't put enough effort to make a good job of it. She always took pride in her work, and couldn't understand why somebody wouldn't do the absolute best they could.

Aaaand Zeri's train of thought was interrupted by bumping into a blond human with a grey and black jumpsuit.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!"

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