Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Afraid of the Dark

I would come up with a reward something I don't know something he would appreciate. Yes I would give it some thought. OH I was going to get to drive! Nice I couldn't wait. It was that ominous too much could go wrong that made me nervous.

He was a creature of touching I got that reminder when his hand went from the shift to my thigh. It was intimate perhaps a reminder that I had committed myself to belonging to him. I didn't know I did know I liked his hand right where it was.

"You will have to give me some lessons with the blades Andorreth I've not had much experience wielding blades. Blasters however I think I got that part covered. "They needed to be quiet, "why quiet?" I wanted to understand what exactly we were facing.

Then he said something else that told me a couple things, protector mode, danger mode, and his mind was already looking to when it was over. So many thoughts for just a few minutes into this.

I wasn't sure I could promise run when he said run. I well feth I wanted to protect him too not just be the damsel in distress, or the dead damsel.

I remained silent which should indicate to him that I was not sure about the running. Instead I just looked at him.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
I'd been driving and Claire asked why things needed to be quiet. "They need to be quiet Claire because sound alerts everything that lives in the deep wilds. Light and noise from blasters draws too much attention there are things far worse than simply raiders that eat flesh out here. Many predators dwell in the deep wilds, not all of them are strictly corporeal and none are to be taken lightly. The blades I gave you are Force imbued meaning they'll stand against lightsabers even. Plus they're blessed so if anything not human shows up you'll be prepared." Sun was beginning to descend and I pulled over. We were on the border of the deep wilds and beyond now. Putting the car in park I looked at Claire, wrapped my hand in her hair and kissed her passionately before pulling away. "We're here m'love, we'll set up camp first then I'll train you with the blades. Once the sun starts descending we go into the tent."

Hopping out I grabbed the packs and began setting up the tent as quickly and efficiently as I could. After about fifteen minutes the tent was set up along with sleeping bag and pillows. I'd stacked a few rocks and cut or gathered firewood to last through the night. Using The Force I ignited the fire and looking towards Claire I grabbed the sheathe on my left hip and drew my sword. Looking at Claire I gestured for her to do the same with her blades. I noticed she held one in front of her and one inverted....interesting choice and one I highly recommended while dual wielding. "Claire the hold you have on your blades likely feels instinctive which is good that's a great way to handle two weapons. Keep in mind though they function as one unit. One for attack your right hand and the inverted blade is for defense and attack one strike will lead into a strike with the other blade. When you need to switch to defense be light on your feet and dart back then follow up." I demonstrated with my blade so she could see what I meant. "Another thing....always go for a killing blow or disabling as fast as you can manage it. Especially out here Claire. That means targeting the hands, legs, groin, chest and head." Spinning my blade out to the side then back up I looked at her and said. "Now fight me Claire." I was armored and trained any misgivings she might have I knew I'd be safe.

[member="Claire Organa"]
A kiss god he took my breath away I had begun to get into it when he pulled away. Yep.. later.
Quiet because of danger. Some of the things he said made no sense to me. What am I doing? I'm supposed to be a diplomat. Oh.. but diplomats could be fierce. But then I had to remember I wasn't a diplomat any more. I was.just plain old Claire. I had my doubts.

He might have thought it instinctual and maybe it was but I felt awkward. I am right handed and that was the hand that held the blade inverted, my left being the weakest held the other. The arm I had broken felt wiggly still I know it was healing and I began to wonder if I had jumped into this too quickly.

He was excited I could see it in his face his movements.



I had to remember I did take some of those other classes because I had gotten tired of getting my arse kicked.
Bend my knees watch where my weight was sitting. Left to block, right to stab. First get close one thing for certain blades meant personal.


He was the enemy, he was the pirate, he was...mine. I had to be quick, I was the I had to stop standing still and reasoning this whole thing out. FETH!

I lunged towards him left hand leading. I was definitely a defender..this attacker business took a mindset I didn't possess.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
I could feel the uncertainty in her...I saw her bend her knees and then? She lunged with the left in a stab no less. Bringing my blade up I blocked her blade high, the sword I held was longer and had reach but I left myself open under the arm and across my chest. both of which were armored but I wanted her to follow up the thrust with a slash from the inverted blade. "Good opening, now follow through with a second strike!" I'd give her a second before I moved again. This was a teaching sparring session I wanted her used to the movements so that if need be she could do them to defend herself. With my teaching before long she'd be smooth as that ivory silk nightwear she'd had on last night. To be fair to Claire she led with what appeared to be her non-dominant hand. Which she might not know was brilliant. It allowed a powerful follow up strike. She'd get the hang of it I knew she would. Given enough time together odds were she'd be able to duel against me and win...

[member="Claire Organa"]
I wasn't off balance that was good just as quickly as I had moved he had blocked the sound of metal on metal filled the air. But he had left himself open which was the better follow through the chest, or under the arm?

I aimed for under the arm. While the chest held some vital organs I might be able to disable coming from below. As my thoughts were processing I heard him fuss about the follow through. I didn't look at him though I'd certainly lose my concentration.

I still felt all weird my insides were itching and who knew why. But there was something I had been taught in my classes I was going to try.
It would either work, or get me knocked on my arse.

As I moved to stab with the right upwards towards the arm at the same time dropping my left and shoving my shoulder to his mid-section. I was hoping the lessons on Alderaan had given me something useful, at least my mind felt like it was settling down so my focus could be on the training and not on the surroundings or the teacher.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
I'd been anticipating the follow up but when Claire hit my chest with her left shoulder then followed through with the stab towards my armpit I was surprised a bit. She'd improvised, essential for a good swordsman. I took the stab at a glancing angle as I moved just enough for it not to penetrate. I was armored but I could still be injured and I wasn't about to leave Claire to defend me out here. Her weight on the strike took her a little further than she probably anticipated with my having moved ever so slightly. Spinning on my heel I brought my blade towards hers in a two-handed strike I heard metal clang against her blade she'd brought up as a block. Good, she recovered quickly pulling my blade back away I went into a sliding crouch and for a slash towards Claire's tummy. Again a blade went as a guard towards were I'd attacked. The tip of my blade still sparked against her corset on account of the beskar and phrik filaments and plating. Still on my knees I waited for her next strike...

The sun had begun to set over the deep wilds and the moment it went down we'd retreat to the tent. The fire warm and lighting the area we were sparring by, sparks popped and I sensed.....determination from her. Calm focus, interesting I hadn't expected her to be so calm or focused... then again she'd been through a lot. Pirates, assassination attempts, being almost crushed. I figured she could remain focused in a full on firefight....

[member="Claire Organa"]
It was hard to track the blades I knew where mine were but trying to keep up with Andorreth was something else altogether. I jumped back when the blade touched the corset I looked down for a minute then turned back to him.

I threw the blade in my left at his foot to distract him as I lunged forward in a downward strike with my right heading for the shoulder. I had to remember not to hurt him not to really hurt him.

The light was growing dimmer and the fire ever so bright. I had to admit I was completely surprised by my own actions. I wasn't sure where some of the thoughts were coming from maybe I had taken in more than I realized during the classes.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
I sensed the blade leave her left hand and the trajectory aimed towards my foot. Pulling in my left foot I sank to my right knee and spun catching her heel with mine and jerking. As she fell though her right hand still holding the other blade in a strike that stuck against my shoulder. The tip of the blade caused sparks to fly as it struck against the shoulder blade of my armor. Then Claire was in my arm, twirling my blade out to the side I re-sheathed it and grabbed the blade that'd embedded in the earth. Kissing Claire softly I whispered by her ear "Not bad cya'rika, you did quite well against me for your first time with blades." Suddenly a sound ripped through the trees...

Glancing at Claire I said "Inside the tent Claire now!" I for once had no idea what that sound was in the deep wilds and I had no intention of finding out or letting Claire find out in person. Hitting a panel on my chest plate I grabbed a handful of sensors and scattered them around the campsite. Our packs were stowed inside the tent and as Claire crawled in I crawled in after her. The inside was larger than the outside, guess I'd have to thank our tech wizard at house Vikar later. As I closed the tent behind me it cancelled out outside sound and I heard the hum of a stealth generator pop online. There was a small heater in the corner and a sleeping bag with pillows and sheets of Corellian dream-silk, if nothing else we'd be comfortable for the night.

My helmet was tied into the sensors and after unlatching it I set it to the side. Unclipping my sword belt and undoing my breast-plate I looked towards Claire. Hearing such a sound probably hadn't made her feel at ease but I'd be damned before I let anything touch her out here. Moving over towards her I gently wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered against her ear. "It's alright cya'rika I'm here...." Kissing her neck softly I began pulling away and felt her left hand around my neck and in my hair...

[member="Claire Organa"]
I wasn't sure how I felt fear of the unknown absolutely I ran when he told me but I stopped short and looked back. I had to see what was going on I had to look into the face of whatever it was coming for us.

It never showed its face it seemed Andorreth threw the sensors and I retreated into the tent. I watched the opening to make sure that he followed that he wasn't out there alone. Within a few moments he came through the opening.

I looked passed but saw nothing, then as if he knew my thoughts he was there. He whispered that he was there I couldn't help but relax. My protector was on duty he attempted to pull away but I had already entangled my hand into his hair just to keep him close.

"I wasn't too terribly afraid cyar'ika but I'm relieved that you are here and whatever that is stays out there." I let him loose if he wanted to step further away he could. I sighed softly I knew I would have to get stronger. "So what as that?"

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
"That was something I've never heard in all my years on Corellia. Probably not corporeal either, people speak of spirits and dark things that dwell in the deep wilds. My best guess is whatever it is, is something that can't be fought physically." I felt Claire loosen her grip on me but I just wrapped my arms around her and unzipped the sleeping bag using The Force. Rolling with her onto the sleeping bag I said "When this is all done I'm kidnapping you for a week of being off the grid. We're going to go into the mountains to House Vikar and we'll be able to simply have time together. As it is whatever IS out there won't be able to see us, stealth field in the tent."

Smiling at her I said "You did well against me cya'rika. Managed to get in a few good strikes on me, with time I think you'll be able to beat me in a duel. Who knows? You and I may in fact end up in a traditional Echani duel... Typically they're done against someone we respect, care for, or are interested in pursuing romantically. It's our way of measuring character, and there are no Force powers allowed, no blades, no weapons other than your body. They're traditionally fought without clothing too though...."

I actually wanted Claire to face me eventually in such a duel. Hand to hand, I was taking a large step in wanting to bring her to my home in the mountains as well but I truly did want her there with me... For now I was content to hold her and be her protector...

[member="Claire Organa"]
All new realm for her, spirits. "I think I would like them to be something we can touch [member="Andorreth Vikar"] to fight something you can't put your hand on sounds like a lesson in futility." How to fight a ghost? She just didn't know.

"Off the grid that sound like genuine alone time" Something in ways they never really had. While she served as am Ambassador for Alderaan there was continually someone with them watching. Reporting her every move to the Queen. It was one of the reasons she decided to stop. She just had enough of being under a microscope.

"Traditional echani duel."I couldn't help but laugh, "Naked you're joking with me right?" I was thinking he just wanted to fight naked not that he was telling me the truth but I should have seen it in his eyes he was serious. "ohhh you mean it...why naked?"

I put my hand on his shoulder and thought of all the things in the galaxy that could happen that I had never seen. fighting. ghosts and werewolf. I laughed. I wasn't sure what else to do right now.
"You may not be able to fight or touch them Claire...I can though the Force powers I've learned to use and that were used here on Corellia in ancient times are the reasons my house is feared. I have a feeling though you'll learn about The Force in new ways soon enough though." The vision I'd had made more sense now there were ancient ruins on Corellia....many that were yet undiscovered. None so far had been found underwater but there was something.....wrong about that vision. Everything Artemis had informed me of sounded like the ancient guilds had hidden that specific place.... I wished I had the force power to peer into potential futures... Looking at Claire I said "Aye off the grid. No possibility for sensors to detect us, no spies other than me or those employed by House Vikar, no interruptions...simply us."

Claire laughed out loud a bit when I mentioned the Echani duel then asked why. "Not completely naked, the duels allow for modesty...However the reason for lack of clothes is this. No ability to mask your movements, Echani are about honor. With clothing you can hide weapons, you can draw attention away from your movements. Echani duels allow no Force powers, no weaponry of any kind except hand to hand, no deception. Combat is linked to movements, emotions. When you move, fight, there's a beauty to it. Echani duels strip away everything that can hide that beauty and stress expressing emotions through combat and your movements. That's why no clothes other than what modesty would dictate."

[member="Claire Organa"]
I had to listen to what he was saying it was important to understand, it was important because I had this feeling it would save my life and his. "I'll learn about the force. Darling, I have no force sensitivity the only thing I learn is from you or from a book"

It was true she never felt the force or even knew how to recognize it. So what could she learn? I just didn't know.

Conversation as it was turned one more to time alone. "So I'd be at your mercy. Alone. Just us." I liked the sound of it really just us. Be nice but she knew that however long it was it would be too short.

He turned back to the duel, "OH so it's like dancing while wrestling?" It was the only picture that came to mind really. I had watched a few of the matches on the holo the grappling the effort and the pure strength in how they moved.

It was fascinating. "What else do Echani do? They are warriors for certain. But tell me about their culture, way of life." I knew that Andorreth had adopted much of these things through his mentor and teacher. I wanted to be able to share in that with him to understand it, and his attachment to it.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
As Claire mentioned having no connection to The Force I looked at her with Force sight. Smirking slightly I said "Cya'rika I think perhaps you simply haven't felt The Force being used like I do. I think that before we reach House Vikar you'll realize that you do in fact have a connection to The Force. Don't suppose you've ever felt an itching, or perhaps a tingling sensation while in danger or in a fight?" I let her contemplate that for a bit looking at her with Force Sight I knew she was Force Sensitive. Claire's comments of being at my mercy, alone and just us made me smile though. "Aye Claire, completely at my mercy and all alone." She was still in my arms and I softly traced my tongue along her collarbone, up her jawline and gently nipped her ear before whispering "Then again, I think you like being at my mercy Claire, and I'm sure that I can make you forget everything, make your mind shatter in pleasure..."

Pulling away gently I branched off to the other topic she'd asked about. The Echani... I'd let her thing about those heated things most businesswomen never would dream of as I spoke. "Echani are very much warriors, however culture is highly based on combat. Respect, renown, and the notice of potential mates is all tied at least in part to combat. However the way of life is different for each, we're all trained in combat from a young age along with traditional schooling. At sixteen years of age we're allowed to choose another profession, politics, warrior, business owner... whatever we want. My path was different in that I am half Echani, half Corellian. With everything that'd happened at House Vikar and with my combat instructor being Dar'manda I went the way of warrior prince. Culture wise yes the duels are not entirely about the combat but about the dance, the movements of it and the rhythm of emotions and how your opponent or person you're looking to court moves."

"With lack of clothing other than what decency would dictate we're able to see our opponents or partners. Their muscles, tensed before a strike, their eyes and how they analyze, their body and the physical beauty of it...." My hand resting on her tummy I slid it softly against her silken skin and gently under the corset to illustrate how we saw physical beauty. "These are things very few know of and a very select few can participate in Claire."

[member="Claire Organa"]
"Oh I've felt itching but usually it due to a bug bite not the force doing something" She felt pretty certain on it all. I gave it some more thought and nothing in my memory stood out to say oh was that a moment? I think Andorreth was wishful thinking then.

I knew he needed someone with all the skills he had. I was ok for a companion but at times I felt like I fell shortly drastically.

I laughed and nodded when he agreed about at his mercy. There were worst things so I'd take it.

"I'm always at your mercy" I whispered back like someone could be listening, "oh you do that my love. Every time. The tenderness of his affections upon my skin the soft whisper of promises to come all I could do was whimper softly in anticipation.

The Diplomat in me began to listen to his explanations about Echani. It seemed like a secret society really. He emphasized about how very few know about it and very few participate. "If only a few know then is it that Echani don't mate very often? Or they forgo the ritual?"

His hand was warm on my tummy up under the corset. Yes that beautiful corset I was wearing that he had gotten for me. I held my breath for a moment looking up at him. I loved his face his eyes, the way that shock of hair hang across his brow, mostly I loved his spirit about all things.

But then I thought of something else. "You think I can one day participate in that, with you?" Was that why he was telling me this?

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
"Well just so you ARE aware. You do happen to be Force Sensitive Claire, a fun fact is I can see with The Force the side effect is that I can see people Force aura. It's possible that you just haven't been in a position where you HAD to have The Force." Claire mentioned always being at my mercy and I heard her whimper softly...Music to my ears. Her questions about the Echani continued. "That'd be correct Claire, quite a few are incredibly selective. Also I do hope you will, as it is I'm kind of crazy about you." My hand still under her corset I softly traced circles on her tummy, my calloused hands gentle and yet rough against her silken skin. Gently leaning over I kissed her soft lips. Nipping her bottom lip gently I tangled my free hand in her luxurious hair.

Relaxing slightly I laid my head against her collarbone and pulled her tight against me. Softly whispering I said "Just so you know cya'rika you ARE MINE." I relaxed then and just rested against her....

[member="Claire Organa"]
[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

"You think so, cause you know pirates, kidnappers, have a canyon wall fall on me...none of those would call for the force." I laid my cheek against the top of his head as he laid against my shoulder. I knew I was just being me I wanted to trust in what he said but part of me just didn't want to walk that path right now.

I snuggled against him enjoying the way he smelled. I found great comfort in his presence. He was crazy about me, "I love you, and yes I'm yours...all yours" I had been for some time but was I strong enough to be the woman he wanted to stand and do this dance of the Echani.

Was I or would I ever be? I didn't know right now, and still I took comfort knowing he wanted me. Slowly I relaxed and fell asleep.
Her sarcasm didn't dissuade me and I let Claire fall asleep in my arms. I laid there, awake until I was sure Claire wasn't going to wake up with my moving around. Moving gently away from her I switched into a seated lotus position and began meditating. Allowing my consciousness to drift and at the same time be aware of what was going on outside the tent I breathed in, then out, then in again. I knew what I'd seen in Claire her Force sensitivity, she was also questioning herself though. She probably didn't think she could wield The Force like I be fair few did use The Force like me. Most Jedi trained in Force powers that fit them and their distinct personalities. I'd love her no matter what she thought of herself though...

"Well aren't you the romantic white knight cloaked in black?" Shielding my mind I heard "Now Prince Vikar there's no need for that, I'm to be frank your sworn spirit gaurd. You were correct in thinking that the deep wilds are inhabited by things not entirely human though." A soft chuckle. In my mind I said "show yourself then and introduce yourself while you're at it." A pause then she appeared in my minds eye.

Rising she sheathed her blade into nothingness...Bringing her right fist against her chest she said "my name your highness is Sariel. You should know that I'm not simply here to serve you but her as well." That shocked me until I recalled my ancient lore. "Sariel, guidance.... you are who helped House Vikar in ancient times you offered the members of House Vikar your wisdom and that is why we prevailed against the guilds. You're the ancient shield of my house aren't you?" Sariel did a short little curtsy before saying "As you say your highness, you should be aware that you are correct. She is Force Sensitive though the temple you're going to is likely where she'll find that out for sure. There will be danger there Andorreth, there was a reason the guilds worked together to remove that place from galactic history. There were many artifacts of the ancient times hidden there both of the light and dark. She joked about pirates and all the dangers she'd faced and how that hadn't triggered anything. There is a prophecy about a member of House Vikar bringing a woman into the deep wilds and out to The deeps as you are doing."

Fierfeck'la osik of course there was... "What is the prophecy then?" She smiled and it unnerved me a bit. "An exiled prince restored in name, a woman seeking to change the meaning of hers. In the deep wilds the spirits awake, ghosts of the past that make knees shake. Elemental power and skill, training anew the mists uniting me and you. Yet still there be mysteries hidden deep gaurded by forests, ice, and ocean deep. In the great depths black fortress remains, eager to give the young woman new power through her veins. A blade of mixed power shall pierce her side, the prince an assassin shall come to her side. For light or for dark the battle is his to purify and claim what's his."

"This prophecy concerns you both Andorreth and it will come to pass. I am the one who originally gave this prophecy to your ancestors and it will fall to you on how it is fulfilled. Outside of dark omens though I made a pact with House Vikar millennia ago. That I would serve to guide and impart my knowledge to House Vikar and anyone deemed worthy first by them and then by me. Both of you meet those requirements and as such you WILL mention me to her. I will not converse with her until I have gained consent to do so and it shall be up to you to decide how to handle that. However I recommend you do so when she wakes and before they come for you both. You were correct there is something hunting you but it won't attack until you've reached The Deeps. The raiders will though guard yourself well Prince Vikar I shall be watching though I highly recommend not letting YOUR blood touch the ground in these woods if it does you WILL be hunted. May the Force be with you my prince..." Coming out of my meditation I looked at Claire and grimaced of course there was a prophecy.... I pulled my blades and began honing them and hers as well. Glancing at my chrono I realized it was nearly dawn. How time flew when self-reflecting....

[member="Claire Organa"]
For a moment I forgot where I was I was still somewhere between awake and asleep. I wanted to stay asleep but something inside me kept saying it was time to get up. My new armor was still snug I slid my hand down the front again I loved the details on it. Such a thought thing to have constructed and purchased for me. I couldn't remember the last time someone gave me a gift.

With great reluctance I opened my eyes and there he was sitting quietly. "Is it really morning" It wasn't really a question because it had to be morning right?

The drugs from the hospital had finally run out and my body was starting to feel stronger. I felt more aware rather than in that fog.

The wiggly feeling in my arm had stopped. I rolled to my side and reached over to touch Andorreth.

"How far do we go today?" I knew our journey wasn't over we had not reached the ruins. I was excited to see them this would be the very first time I, I, Claire Treadway Organa would be doing something amazing!

I wondered how long he had been awake.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]
As Claire woke I slid the blades into their sheathes. I felt her reach over and touch me before asking how far we'd go today. "Well today you'll be driving, I'll navigate and by nightfall we should be at The Deeps. There's a lake there that's the deepest on Corellia and feeds out into the ocean. It's surrounded by glaciers on one side and these woods on the other. Once we're there we'll set up for the night and then tomorrow begin checking into going down into the lake."

I hesitated before speaking again. To tell Claire about Sariel could be interesting but with the prophecy about me purifying what was mine after her side being pierced.... "Cya'rika, you know that Jedi sometimes meditate right? Well out here in the deep wilds sometimes there are charged presences alive with The Force. When we're in meditation some Jedi retreat into our own consciousness, while you slept I communicated with a VERY old entity. One that has been part of House Vikar history she helped our leaders through guidance and training. The name of this entity is Sariel and while meditating she said she'd deemed both of us worthy of her training and guidance. She also said that before she communicated with you I would need to ask and you would need to give your consent...."

I began gathering gear up and set about preparing the tent for a quick tear down as Claire rolled around what I'd told her. I wasn't exactly sure how we were going to make it to the temple in the lake though. Unless there was some kind of vehicle that could dive underwater or move underwater....

[member="Claire Organa"]

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