Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Pfft. The stupid girl spent too much time meditating and consorting with fascists. Perch a ysalamiri above her or a slap a Force nullifier on her, and she'll be as weak as a kitten. Maybe she'll manifest the insight to reflect on her behaviour," Siobhan said with a completely straight face.

Besides, she could be very persuasive...well, kind of. She looked around, taking in the expressions of those near her. No one seemed appalled. Firemane's employees were used to their boss being a Dark Jedi. She did not randomly execute or Force Choke them, after all. And they tended to have a low opinion of Jedi. With some exceptions, such as [member="Coryth Elaris"], but then she was a special case since she'd left the Jedi orders a long time ago, after getting fed up with how poorly they treated.

"Blaze is dead. Died in the hospital room. I'll have to write to her family," she said sadly, her eyes once again finding Tegs', while the various nurses and doctors carried on with their work. After all, they had plenty of wounded to take care of. "She died because of those damn backstabbers."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea felt instantly downcast. Blaze had been with them for years now. She’d never been a great, heroic leader like Tempest or Siobhan, but she was loyal, brave and dependable.
And now she was gone.

“I’m sorry, Sio. I think she’s got a brother who works with us on Arkas. She was a good soldier. A good woman. We’ll make them pay for all this,” she said, feeling a stab of anger towards the First Order.

She wasn’t sure what else to say, so she hugged Siobhan comfortingly.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"We will. Anyone who serves the First Order is to be shot on sight. Our Rules of Engagement are suspended for Sith, Ren or First Order leaders." Admittedly Firemane would not capture any of those in the next few invasions, but if they did, military law would not protect them.

She leaned into the hug, then withdrew. "I doubt the Alliance's commitment - and fortitude. They brag about beating the One Sith, but by the time they took Coruscant, the Empire was already on its last legs and hollowed out from the inside. And they lack firm leadership. I would not be surprised if they make a foul compromise somewhere down the line - and then scapegoat us." Paranoid? Well, she kind of was.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The thing about paranoia is that sometimes they really are out to get you!
“We should limit our facilities in their territory, yes. For now we are allies of convenience, but once either side wins and the war ends they might look to dispense with us either as scapegoats or inconveniences.”

“We need to be sure who our friends are, Sio. We know many of our enemies, but not all of them, and a fair smile can hide a sinister spirit.”

“So, what’s next?”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Yes. Trust is good. Control is better. Presently we have three outposts in GA space. Sullust has not been profitable for a while, so I feel like closing it. There's our phrik mine on Seltos, but we're opening one on Arkania in neutral territory," she said thoughtfully.

"I'm not concerned about First Order retaliation. Their Ren are utterly unimpressive, wannabe Sith who've done nothing to distinguish themselves. Their army relies on wave attacks with stormtroopers and impractically heavy walkers. Nonetheless, we shall push ahead with modernising our arsenal. A year ago one of my general staff officers suggested creating an elite unit of Kar'zun warriors. I rejected the proposal at the time. But in the light of recent events, I've reconsidered." Naturally she would not admit that her own fixation with the Eldorai might have blinded her in the past.

"They're tough buggers and not obsessed with idiotic power plays. Granite Guard has a nice ring to it, don't you agree? Hell, we can give them the power armour Firemane designed ages ago for the Alliance. I've got to meet our senior officers next. By the way, where did Elpsis run off to? I haven't seen her since she had that childish outburst."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“The Kar’zun are about the most solid and reliable warriors you can imagine. I think Granite Guard is a fantastic name. I’ll see about getting some recruits signed up and equipped. The Eldorai might have a hissy fit, but who cares. We won’t station them on Tygara – unless the Eldorai really annoy us anyway!” she said with a smirk.

“Did you want me to come along and visit the officers? I have some ideas of course about improvements as I brought up at the Board meeting.”

"Elpsis? Not sure. I can give her a call if you wanted."
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

At this point, the feelings of the Eldorai were pretty irrelevant to Siobhan. More and more, she viewed them with disgust and contempt. Remember Kaeshana was a useful rallying cry to unite Firemane...but it did not translate into unconditional support of the Eldorai Matriarchy.

The irony was that Siobhan's leadership style would inevitably produce the same issues the Eldorai Court faced. To all intents and purposes, she was Firemane's Star Queen. Or rather the Queen of Fire. She could not suffer equals who disagreed with her.

"No. When she wants to talk, she can come to me. We have more important matters to attend to. She needs to grow up and stop acting like a selfish brat. I'm going to send her and Taryc back to the front lines. Soldiering should teach her discipline." PTSD? That does not exist!

"I'd appreciate it if you came along. Tempest should be there," she added, taking her wife's hand.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea raised an eyebrow at Siobhan’s savage assessment, but then nodded. “If you think it’ll help, by all means.”

“Lead the way, Sio!”

And so they headed to another meeting. This one was different though as all those in attendance were military officers of varying ranks. These were less obsequious than the Board of Control, less likely to flatter. However, since they had been chosen by Siobhan their loyalty could be relied on.

Tempest was also there. Tegaea gave the Dahomian a nod. Unlike Sio’s writer, this writer’s characters tended to be merely indifferent to each other!
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Ironically, being one of Her Firemaned Highness' Commissioned Officers meant that you could take more liberties than as a member of the Board, even though you officially ranked lower in the hierarchy. You were not expected to flatter, bow and scrape.

Siobhan was always an authoritarian leader, but more inclined to appreciate blunt speech among soldiers. Here, she was less the Queen and more the General. Thus there was no storm of compliments when she entered the room. The mood was grim.

"Let's not stand on parade. I'll get straight to the point. Kaeshana was a defeat, but not through any fault of you. You fought gallantly against superior odds. Our honour is untarnished. But we were stabbed in the back by cowards, traitors and imbeciles." her expression was grim as she spoke.

"We will never forget Kaeshana and our dead comrades. Or those who betrayed us - on the front lines and the home front. But we must look to the future. Our enemies are not just the Supreme Leader's lackeys and their fascist theme park, but also the Sith, among others. Some who claim to be friends may be hiding daggers behind their smiles," she let those words hang for a moment.

"I've got the best scientific minds working on the development of new weapons for our forces. Likewise, we shall step up recruitment. But I'd also appreciate the input of those who command our forces in the field, so that we can draw the appropriate lessons for the battles that lie ahead of us."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Brigadier Carson, one of their top army officers, spoke in reply.
“I think I speak for all the High Command when I say we’re in agreement with you, Lady Kerrigan,” she said with a nod. “We will be prepared and ready for whatever happens next.”

“As part of that, I have been working with our engineers on three concepts,” Captain Measure said. She was, as could be told from the name, a Dahomian.
“The first is a rather ungainly ship which at only 100m in length can deliver 2 full attack craft squadrons into action. This corvette I feel will be able to support our larger ships, be useful for anti-pirate operations and lessen the need for large fleet carriers.”
“The second is an E-War resistant ship with all the latest sensors, transmitters and other gear to protect and disrupt the enemy.”
“The last is a shield ship which can unfold not unlike an umbrella and provide massive defence to anything in front of it. A ship following behind this shield craft should be able to resist a heavy bombardment by even the strongest enemy warships…for a time.”

“For our ground forces we have designs for a new launcher to use the Deathstrike missile for handheld and a mobile SAM battery. We’re also looking into a heavy assault vehicle for clearing enemies out of difficult or fortified terrain. We’re thinking of using a combination of flamethrowers physical mass, missiles and short ranged heavy mortar.” That was General Kalcha, a female Zabrak.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"I'm pleased to hear that. I expect nothing less, Brigadier," Siobhan said evenly. Carson had begun her career in the Republic army, before leaving it for greener pastures after the supposedly democratic republic succumbed to tyranny and corruption. Siobhan's gaze shifted to the Dahomian Captain.

"You got the green light. If you give me a mini carrier, I'll overlook the fact that it looks as ugly as a Gamorrean." She got a few chuckles in return. "Likewise, I'm glad someone has finally acknowledged the importance of e-war after I stressed it for so long. I believe the Protectorate had a shield ship back in the day, but we can make a better one." The next one she addressed was Kalcha.

"Your toy sounds good for flushing out enemies who think hiding in trenches is still a valid strategy on today's battlefield," she commented dryly. It had recently struck Siobhan just how...archaic warfare was in many ways. So much had remained static for the past 5, 000 years.

"But take care with the flamer. Damage to the fuel tank cost us a lot of Reavers. ARGH has a good flamethrower that can be mounted on vehicles and fire napalm. I want the siege mortat to have enough punch to level buildings. In addition, I want our troops to have portable shield generators that can take a punch. Kalcha, you'll coordinate the rearmament process for ground forces, Measure will head a team for the naval contingent. See if you can get in touch with Stahlmann or Gould to see if they have any thoughts." Stahlmann had retired many years ago after helping set up the Silver Coalition's navy, but still earned a fee as a consultant.

"Furthermore, it's vital we step up recruitment. To this end, I've decided to create an elite unit of Kar'zun warriors. We'll give them our power armour. It's about time it saw larger scale use. Simultaneously, it's time we unleashed the Tygaran Sepoys. They can do far more than just be colonial militia. General Devotion, that's your job. Start with the Qadiri."

"I've been wanting to make grownups out of them for a while. My staff's got plans on the drawing board to create a corps of light infantry. Once I'm done with them, they'll wipe the floor with human soldiers and stop being scared of spaceflight. We'll comb the regiments for the best soldiers, give them tech that's easy for them to understand and drill them hard," Devotion was another Dahomian. She'd once pistol-whipped a man for making fun of her name. Was it racist to put the black woman in charge of coloured, colonial troops? Eh, whatever.

"If I may, Lady Kerrigan, I'd suggest expanding our recruitments efforts to Togoria. The felines are tough buggers and hate Sith - especially the Zambrano spawn. After what happened two days ago, I've got as little love for the Eldorai Matriarchy as anyone here, but there's untapped potential among we shouldn't ignore."

"Untapped potential for betrayal. They certainly haven't exhausted that," Siobhan retorted. After all that happened, she was feeling deeply cynical about the Eldorai, whom she'd once admired so strongly.

Carson's expression did not waver. "I refer to the Forsaken, ma'am, not the pampered Exodites. The Exiles aren't part of their poisonous feudal culture. They endured an apocalyptic wasteland. Sure, some still resent us, but we're their best hope for revenge. They hate the blue bloods and the clergy even more than you do. Think of them as irregulars as opposed to a formal force."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Kalcha nodded. “We have a new system which allows us to conceal the flame tanks deep inside the vehicle and siphon it out. I’ll get working on designs now.”

It would probably be more racist to put a white woman in charge…but then to a certain type of person even eating other species’ cuisine was racism. It was best not to think about it.

Tegaea looked to Devotion. “The Qadiri and especially the Vashyada are used to fighting in loose order. Light armour, long rifles and grenades should be useful. We need to get them understanding Basic, but also have officers understand the native languages…or at least have translator earpieces.”

As for the Forsaken, Tegaea was less sold. Revolutionaries and outcasts rarely made good, disciplined soldiers. And since Firemane was still using Eldorai resources and some of their people were Eldorai she was concerned about friction.
“Best if we use the Forsaken well away from Tygara.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Agreed. If they throw bombs at fascists far away from home, fine. Hardcore revolutionaries are useful for stirring up trouble away from home, but have an annoying proclivicity for turning on you once they've decided you stand in the way of their utopia as well. And betrayal is written into the Eldorai DNA. They're genetically predisposed." Siobhan...genetics don't work like that. Stop reading pseudo-scientific journals.

"The Vashyada would make good scouts, once we get them out of their forest. We even have Graphite bows with arrows that can pierce medium body armour, so they would not feel too out of place. I expect regular progress reports from all of you. I will be there when the first prototypes are ready for testing. Together...we shall make Firemane even greater." Anyone who suggesteded they needed to 'make Firemane great again' would be sent to Correction. She looked around to see if anyone else had something to say. Her eyes lingered on Tempest for a moment.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest looked at the other officers. All were more senior than her, but she was the only one from the Order of Fire in this group…other than Siobhan obviously.

“Ma’am, I’ve been thinking of some ways to increase camouflage, especially since we’re discussing having sepoy light infantry. Traditionally we used cloaks sewn with foliage to hide, but we don’t need to do that anymore. I’ve been working with Varosh Drook and we’ve come up with a new form of camouflage which not only should provide good cover at anything but the shortest ranges, but can also hide the wearer from infrared and heat vision. I’ve made some prototypes and was planning on running a full test soon.”

Tegaea nodded in approval. “Sounds useful, don’t you think, Siobhan?”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"I like that. Make it viable for any type of terrain. Mountain, snow, jungle, and so on. Reminds me that we still have some prototypes for a Reflec based stealth suit lying around. Time we made something out of them," Siobhan responded. She gave Tempest a look that could be translated as 'come by later'. Was this supposed to be a booty call or something more serious? Only time would tell.

"Is there anything else?" she asked as she looked around.

"Yes, ma'am. The first prototype of the hunter-killer drone you requested will be ready soon. We have a field test scheduled within eight standard days," General Kalcha informed the CEO after consulting her datapad.

"Good. I'll be there. All of you, keep up the good work. There is one last matter I'd like to address before we disperse. We have endured far too many cases of betrayal. Two Sith attempts on my wife's life, the infiltration of our Arkanian facility by Archangel agents and the defection of the traitors on Kaeshana are just the tip of the iceberg. Yesterday, I learned that a Fire Acolyte had consorted with the Sith. Enough is enough," she spoke fervently.

"Our enemies are legion and will stop at nothing to destroy us. Some hide their true agenda behind smiles. These times call for constant vigilance. Ergo I will be authorising the creation of a counterintelligence body to hunt down and eliminate subversives, traitors and enemy spies. It will operate within the framework of COAS, but answer directly to me."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea nodded. “Knowledge is power, so let us have the most knowledge. If the First Order and their allies, or the Sith or anyone else wishes to mess with us, then we’ll be ready for them.”

The meeting thus over, Tegaea headed for the door beside her wife.
“So, what’s next?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Perhaps no one in the room realised the implications. Or they did...and were alright with them. Fact was that Firemane had always been a dictatorship, like the Omega Protectorate before it. On the surface there was honour, morals and glory...but scratch the surface and you would discover some rather unpleasant things. Now all power was concentrated in one woman.

Siobhan was pleased by the lack of resistance, though it had not been a debate. She'd simply informed them of a decision she'd already made. If anyone raised a hand against Firemane, then certain death was her lot. If traitors in Firemane met with foreign agents and left strict order that no word of it should reach her, she would have such people shot. She was the supreme judge of the people of Firemane.

"I believe we're done with meetings for today. Time for dinner. Tempest should come by later," she replied to Tegs. As they headed for the door, Siobhan used the opportunity to give her wifey's butt a good grope.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea smirked. “Naughty, you’re giving our soldiers something to look at!” she whispered in reply.

“If you wanted, I’m sure I could cook something nice for you tonight…” she suggested with a wink.

As they headed back to take the speeder back to their suites, Tegaea thought once again on just how tumultuous the day had been and how she’d be glad when she could have some sleep…preferably with her wife beside her!
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

If Siobhan decided to launch a Great Purge, nobody in the Firemane hierarchy would be in a position to complain. Least of all her wife. At this point, extrajudicial executions, torture and detention without trial were par for the course. The same applied to contempt for the free press. It was ironic that both the annoying journalist and the sanctimonious Jedi had not been entirely wrong.

Regardless, Siobhan grinned. "So? Might give them some ideas. I wouldn't mind if Devotion joined us," she joked. She would not mind testing the Dahomian's...devotion. Terrible pun fully intended.

"You know I love your cooking...and you as well," she grinned and took her wife's arm. By now it was night, though you would not see that since they were on a space station. A speeder awaited them outside of HQ, piloted by Tegs' Dahomian bodyguard Simoom..

"Put the Jedi in detention, ma'am. She's cooling off," the the storm-named Dahomian reported. It was fairly blatant that Siobhan appreciated the black woman's imposing muscles, which were particularly obvious since she was wearing fatigues.

"Good. Maybe she'll learn something. Take us home." A short trip later, they'd arrived at their destination. Being a good minion, their driver got out first and opened the door for them. As they headed towards their suite, they'd find that the door had already opened. A little girl, named after Siobhan's dead lover and Jedi teacher, would bolt towards them.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Little Adril was growing up quickly. “Auntie Sio, Auntie Tegs!” she said, pouncing the pair and hugging them.
“Hey, little Addy, nice to see you!” Tegs said fondly, mussing her hair.
“My name is Adril!” the girl said peevishly. “Livia took my toy and won’t give it back and I told Harmony and she didn’t do anything!”
“Oh dear, well, we can’t have that now, can we?” Tegaea said in amusement. She disentangled herself and headed inside.
Adril went ahead of them as her herald. “Auntie is home, and you’re going to be in big trouble!” she crowed to her sister.

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