Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alcohol Is A Jerk: Round 1 {Enigma}

And, it was with that, her slow descent from drunkness, that Nyx realized a few interesting things. One: She had no idea how Vanessa was doing this, if she even was. Two: If she was doing it... it was likely with the force. We all know that Nyx doesn't like force users. Three:... last time she checked she was straight. Well then. Now that she was moderately sober it was getting increasingly difficult to be at ease with the situation. Perhaps she should make her exit? Then again, the lass in front of her was pretty good looking. Maybe she wasn't straight... Now wasn't exactly the best time to be having a sexuality crisis. Or was it?

Apparently there was still at least a little alcohol in her blood.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

She smiled, leaning forward a bit and giving the mercenary woman a kiss on the lips. "You like it, or no?" She wanted to do her best to imbue Nyx with potent feelings of happiness and contentment - induced not through alcohol, but through the Force instead. She brought another kiss to the woman's lips, a smile on her face.

"Is this what you want? Truly and honestly?"
It was only another moment before the feeling of intoxication was gone. Then the Zorren went to open her eyes, only to find a soft pair of lips on hers. At first she tensed up. Had she kissed another girl before?... Not while sober. She hadn't even thought about it. Vanessa pulled back before she could even decide how to react. Nyx locked gazes with her, her yellow eyes betraying her concern. You like it? Or no? That was a good question. One quickly followed up by what's this weird feeling? Almost like someone was- oh sheb. Was Vanessa using the force? This was a familiar feeling. Hadn't the... oh dear lord.

"Wait a sec-" She was interrupted by another kiss. And damn it, it did, in fact, feel good. Even if she wasn't sure what her opinion of women was. "Are you trying to trick me 'ere missy? Cuz I'm feeling like you're trying to influence me here. With a certain thing I ain't terribly fond of..." Her eyes narrowed to slits as she placed a not-so-gentle hand on Vanessa's chest.

The woman had once been a semi-high-ranking Imperial soldier in an elite unit. She had been trained to resist the force. Now that she was sober... she could keep her head straight for at least a bit longer.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"And yet here you are, hand on my boobs, evidently enjoying it." She looked down, smiling in order to ease the tension of the mercenary having clutched the blonde's bountiful bosom with her hand. "I suppose it's not the alcohol talking anymore - but rather what you truly have felt inside. Don't deny it... Go ahead and give in to what you really want. Satiate yourself."

It was, after all, the first step to a brighter future.
Well. She hadn't actually been paying attention to where her hand ended up. Simply that it had moved to push Vanessa away. Whelp.

"I don't like people karking with me. Especially not if it's with the force. I don't like force users. I'm going to ask you again: Are you trying to affect how I react?" Nyx asked with a growl, scowling hard. If she was going to frak someone... it was going to be because she wanted to. Not because their pheromones or space magic made her think it was a good idea. This wasn't just her being in denial about her sexuality- which was still a very big ? at this point- this was her not wanted someone to take advantage of her. Alcohol wasn't the only thing that could mess up someone's decision making.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"No," She half-truthed. "I simply want you to see the side of yourself you've denied for so long. Why else did I help you purge the alcohol from your mind so your thoughts could once again become clear?" She smiled, looking the woman over before gently grasping her hand and bringing it to her lips, an elegant kiss to say the least.

"What do you say? Shall you indulge?"
"I ought to slap you and get out of here. Lying to an ex Imperial officer ain't easy, hun. Nor is it recommended." Nyx wasn't sure that Vanessa was lying. But she was far from believing her. There were plenty of reasons for why this girl would 'help' her, even if she planned on taking advantage of the situation. After all assisting someone is an easy way to gain their trust... usually. "You know, my head must think you're awfully pretty if we're still talking. Usually I'd be a mile from here by now. Maybe two." Her scowl never left her lips. After a moment she stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest, glaring at the slightly shorter woman. For once she wished she was just an inch taller. Being six feet wasn't so intimidating when you were standing next to someone five feet ten.
This was getting annoying.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"I was the Empire." She crossed her arms. "You wouldn't happen to recall a Sith Lord who had a third of the Empire under her control, would you?" She giggled a bit at the comment of her being awfully pretty. "Thank you... You look sexy as well, I must say. I suppose you and I should finally do what must be done and get that out of the way, eh?"

Maybe. Who knew?
"You weren't the Empire. I don't care if you were some almighty Sith Lord who shagged the frakking Dark Lord himself. That doesn't make you anything. It was the civilians that were the Empire. Not the schuttas who treated them like dirt. Not even the few good Sith fethers. Our people were the ones that mattered. You and me were just the walls to the city- the thing that kept the real deal safe. But our precious Empire is nothing but dust now. I'm not a Blackblade anymore- and you barely count as a Sith Lord. We're just two people with unusual skills."
Nyx spit on the ground, snarling.
"Without the Empire we're nothing important. Or maybe that's just you. I've still got people to protect. What do you have? A few relics from a lost age and some idiots who love those badonkers of yours?"
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"I have people that love me and that I would be willing to do almost anything for." She smiled. "But right now, neither of those things are important, are they? They don't affect what you feel in any way, shape, or form, dear." Gently, she slipped around behind the other woman, hands draped gently over her shoulders. "This is something you have to choose for yourself. I would love for you to accept it... But it's your decision ultimately."

"So... your choice, sweet thing?"
'Vanessa' never got the chance to put her hands on Nyx's shoulders. The Zorren had moved, now standing in front of the room's exit, arms still crossed over her chest. Contrary to apparently semi-popular belief... she wasn't a 'hoe'. Especially not anyone else's. Now, of course, the term 'hoe' actually refers to a gardening tool. But some childish miscreants use it as a slang word for someone who sleeps around a lot. As if that was actually a bad thing. People are free to make their own choices. If they want to have plenty of a pleasurable thing... then why stop them? Really, only immature fools would have use such a word as an insult. Or poorly educated individuals. Nyx would pity them if she knew such people existed.

But we have gotten off track. Or have we?

"My choice? My choice is no. Simple as that."
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Fine." She nodded. "I respect that." A smile came to her face as she looked over Nyx herself. "Glad to know that your decision in question was never affected by alcohol or anything else. Inebriation can cause people to make bad decisions, after all." It was good to know that her skill at purging drunkenness from individuals was still intact. If it was able to affect this former Blackblade so well, perhaps it would be useful in getting people to stop selling death sticks, so they could go home and rethink their lives.

Who knew?
"Inebriation isn't the only thing that affects choices."
It was fairly obvious she was speaking about the use of pheromones and force persuasion. After all, she did seem to still think that Vanessa had been using some sort of trick on her (besides the obvious alcohol thing). Man, she hated forcies... she also hated being one. Could this lady tell she was one? The thought made her scowl as she leaned against the door frame. At this point she wasn't sure why she was still around. Was there a part of her that wanted to... learn from the lady?...
Oh dear...
More likely she was simply curious. It had been awhile since she was last involved with a former member of the Empire.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"A fair enough statement. But you must remain in control." She nodded in response, herself uttering the truth. So long as Nyx herself remained in control of her personage, there was nothing for Circe to exploit, no way for her to be manipulated to the Sith Lady's whim. Such was the way that Circe played things, weaving ever complex webs unlike any ever seen before.

"But you have the power. Would you like to know how to use it?"
"The power to make- sorry, force- others to do what I want?... Honey, I don't want that. All I need are words, a shiny blaster, and a good argument. If those aren't enough then I don't deserve to get them to follow my orders." Such was the opinion of Drapeam Nyx, who had, prior to her training, been forced into quite a few things. Doing so to others... the idea disturbed her. When she spoke again her voice was a lot quieter, perhaps because she had meant to think it, not say it out loud. "Though hiding my presence in the force... I'd like that..."
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"I suppose I could do that for you." She smiled, closing her eyes for a brief moment and pondering over what her capabilities would prove to be. "What you have to do is focus. You need to focus on the essence of energy that you let scatter around you. Absorb it into your very being and refuse to let it out. If you do, they will see you, they will find you, and you will be doomed." A wince, then she sighed, breathing out and relaxing.
The woman knew how to hide within the shadows? To move unseen, without anyone being the wiser?... Perhaps this is why we crossed paths... Yes. This must be why. Nyx thought, holding back a thin-lipped smirk. Maybe this night wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Some people find stealth dishonorable. I don't agree." She wasn't sure why she felt the need to mention that. Nonetheless her words were muttered with a sense of honesty that didn't usually come from her. This was going to be.... important. And for that, she'd have to be moderately truthful.

Without another word the Zorren started to do as asked. Inside her she gathered the force, pulling it in from around her, trying to squish it into a ball, hiding it deep within the pit of her chest. I am the air. I am the force. You cannot see me, she thought, using a trick her lover friend, Dr. Stone, had once taught her. If you want something to happen... you must think it will, you must think it has already come to pass, you must make it come to pass. Imagine it, she had said.

And so that is what Nyx did.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

While Drapeam's physical presence did not appear to at all vanish, her Force presence did. It was as though it were a cup of water left on the beach, slowly evaporating and turning to steam. Soon, it was like she wasn't standing there, completely undetectable in the Force - though she could still be seen physically, this would give her the capability to easily disappear into a crowd, a valuable asset for someone like herself.

"You remind me a lot of someone else I know, Nyx."
"Is that so?"
A thin smirk found it's way onto her lips, dancing across the rosy lines. Perhaps there was an inkling of... pride there. Just a bit. It wasn't that she was happy about reminding 'Vanessa' (she was still convinced that it wasn't the girl's real name) of someone. Why would she be? Nyx was simply very pleased at having gotten better at what she prided herself on: Stealth. That was a sniper's best friend, after all!
"You kinda remind me of someone I used to know to."

The smirk faded. She never said she was reminded of someone she felt positively about. Or someone that was still around...

Pushing the thought aside she returned to attempting to disappear completely. Gone. Absent. Vanished. Empty. With a deep breath she kept imagining herself in the room, slowly fading from sight, falling into the shadows, becoming one with them... I am the shadows. I am the whisper in the night. What you will never see...
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

Slowly but surely, to Circe at least, Drapeam seemed to flicker and twist in and out of existence. It got to the point where she appeared to be almost completely transparent, and Circe was having trouble discerning her precise location. "You're doing it... I can't really see you anymore. I think you can let up now - the last thing I want to do is play a game of hide-and-go-seek with such cloaking techniques."

After all, Force Immersion did offer similar, if not identical benefits.

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