Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mostly by combining different hue and saturation to the original image - if you have Photoshop, it's fairly easy to do. Alternatively, you can create new layers and use the brush tool to manually apply an appropriate colour with just a touch of transparency. As for the eyes, it's a matter of using a different type of brush setting to create the intensity, then adding a layer style that imbues them with just the right amount of glow.

That said, it's easier to do in Sheena's case because she doesn't use the same sort of eyes as were seen with Thrawn, in which the entire eye was a glowing red, and not merely the irises.
I find the 'Chissification' pretty simple. All you do really is you make three layers, colourise one blue, delete the skin tone on the top layer, so now she's got blue skin, desaturate another layer, delete the hair, so the hair is black, and you're pretty much done. Then just make the irises red and up the contrast a bit so they're 'bright'. Then for Sheena I add red lips and red nails.
I use red irises only because that's how the person who taught me first to do it did it, and I like the look (although in unvierse it's justified as Sheena being a quarter human), but you can do them solid, they just look a bit 'cartoony' when I try.
Like this one I did for another writer:

Also, hiya Feena! :)

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