Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All At Once [Bounty Hunters Only]

"In my line of work, you never trust anyone." Chaff said as he walked forward. "First rule of the job." Chaff looked over the railing at the action below. "My guess is, we follow the action. Victus knows by now that his base is under attack. He'll move all his men to protect him. Might have a safe room of some sort in the back. That'll be where your girl is too, chances are. Let's go." With his gun disabled, Chaff walked with his arm up, ready to fire a missile if they ran into anyone as he started descending the steps toward the gunfire.

[member=kail ragnar]

Connor Harrison

Kail inclined his head at the mild truce and in gratitude for the man in appearing. He raised his rifle across his chest and followed the hunter down the stairwell, boots clicking softly on the metal rungs.

The sound of blaster fire and general disorganised chaos was getting louder the further down they got, and Kail didn’t except much retaliation from the rear so kept his barrel facing forward. If this man got in his way, he’d have no problem dropping him. No weakness; no compassion. It’ll only get you killed.

”Look for a ship or vehicle hangar– were I being hunted, you don’t want to lock yourself in a complex with hunters. You want off planet, and quick.”

Stepping over a body, the men reached the bottom of the stair well and took cover on either side of an archway leading out into a single corridor going left. Kail hugged the frame and peered around – nothing. He turned to the hunter.


Peeling away from the silver arch, he crept into the charcoal corridor, riddled with blaster fire and broken pipes along the ceiling. Brickwork was decaying and there was a smell of smoke in the air. The tunnel took a right – same formation; Kail peered around. All clear. Another arch was at the end where he could see a few crates and what looked like moving shadows.

Nodding his head, Kail led the way around to the right to get to the archway and held up his hand.

”Like a womp-rat through a maze to the slaughter I bet. There’s someone round here. You ready?”

He exhaled and extended his hand in a mock gesture to go forward.

[member=Meanken] @Xenia Nastassia

Kail and Chaff's route from the stairwell to the arch
"Always ready." Chaff moved forward and saw 3 dudes standing guard. Behind them was a door. Chances were good that Victus was behind it somewhere. He held up 3 fingers to the other guy, then readied a missile. He pointed down the hall, then counted down with his fingers. When he reached 0, he spun out of cover and fired a missile at them. They saw it coming. two of em were able to avoid it. Annoying, but can't be helped. Third wasn't as lucky, and got turned to paste by the missile. Chaff engaged his jet-pack and rapidly sped down the hall, engaging his wrist-blade and slicing at one of the goons. he wasn't worried about the other. Figured the other guy would be able to handle shooting one distracted guy. The goon was quick enough to block it. Then Chaff's other hand went up, and flames started spilling out of it. He wasn't able to block that, and screamed in pain until Chaff decapitated him.
Kyber was tired of running interference for the woman. He'd taken down all but one of the 4 men left and he was fed up. Kyber went out for one more shot and saw the mercenary come out at just the right time for a nice slug to the face. Kyber pulled the trigger around the same time the mercenary did. The mag-pellet reached his head in a flash, but it didn't leave Kyber any better off. The blaster's shot had skimmed Kyber's right shoulder, charring his flight suit and causing some 3rd degree burning. Kyber cursed under his breath as he went to grab his shoulder in a reflex, letting the barrel of his sniper hit the ground. As soon as the barrel hit the ground the place went dark. The door closed behind Kyber with extreme prejudice, making him jump a bit. "Great...stuck in an open hanger..."

Kyber took a prone position as to alleviate some of the weight he'd have to put on his shoulder and turned on his thermal imaging. Nothing but static. Kyber cursed again, this time not so under-his-breath. He made a note of repairing it if he lived. Kyber then tried the night vision. It was just a bit hazy but it worked. He looked around a bit, not sure what was going on until his eyes finally adjusted. He scoped around the room a bit until suddenly the ceiling popped open....Kyber wasn't expecting that. He noticeed three blaster shots and turned quickly to see a woman fall. "Must be her." Kyber thought. He traced the shots paths back to a large droid. Kyber frowned, not recognizing the model. He looked it over and figured that the best place for a shot would be the Head, but just as he was about to fire he saw blaster shots whiz by and hit the droid. It seemed to do some damage to the plating and cause some sparks, hopefully that'd be enough. Kyber knew he had to do something, but before he could do anything he heard a large explosion and turned to see the ship coming down slowly.

It crashed back into the durasteel floor, not getting it's landing gear back out in time. Kyber whipped his head back around and looked through his scope; The droid was still advancing, but now he had a nice weakspot in the armor. Kyber saw his opportunity and loaded his Quietsnipe with a heavy round. Before Kyber took the shot he got on the previous frequency, hoping the man that just entered the hangar was on it. "The woman is injured, if you want her not to die pick her up and sprint to the far end of the hanger where I've taken up a defensive position by the blast doors. My shoulder's injured so sniping isn't much of an option for me anymore. Meet me here and we can form a strategy to take Victus down, assuming he's not going to leave the safety of his ship."

Kyber tried to ready his charred shoulder for the kickback, but after he fired the shot he couldn't help but let out a muffled cry of agony. That was his last snipe of the mission. Luckily those blaster shots before did the trick and the heavy mag-pellet ripped through the droids weak spot, leaving a sizable hole. Kyber loved mag-pellets. The thicker the metallic armor, the faster the slug went. It was genius.

Kyber leaned back against the heavy doors and let out a sigh of relief. Now all he needed was to wait for the other man, assuming he wasn't after the bounty so bad he left the girl and charged straight into the ship. Although that wouldn't of been half bad. Kyber wouldn't have to get in a close shootout and he could take the girl out of there, looking like the hero for once....but on the other hand, if the man ended up helping them out he would get some of that pricey bounty, too. Which also wasn't half bad.

// [member="Gabriel Audemars"] // [member="Xenia Nastassia "]//
Core Worlds;
Coruscant Outskirts;
Victus Ord Mainframe;
Hangar Bay.


Moments felt like hours before her eyes flipped back open in a desperate gasp of air, as if she were still in mid fall. A pulse of physical reflex, pupils a bit dilated. The lights were still spinning, the red ones, but the room, she could see the room. It took another million-year-moment for her to realize that the entire ceiling was opening, and that there was a crunch, crunch, crunch of heavy metal feet drawing closer with each passing second. A shudder of disappointment and ultimate discomfort, Xenia tried to move, it was no good, her arm didn't move when she commanded it to do so. When she looked at it she felt her stomach churn, and only then did the pain strike her. Where before there had been a numbed adrenaline, a river of fear washed over her. Her arm was bent, snapped in a direction it shouldn't be. Trying once more, limp fingers only showed the shadow of movement and she cried out in bewitched fear.

The droid didn't look complex in programming, nor did it look particularly smart, to say the least. It was huge, and bulky, though anyone with any real know how of the mechanical world would see the cheaper fittings set all along its frame. One arm held a relatively large weapon, looking as if it were made specifically for the droid, hanging in the clutch of three large, clumsy looking fingers. It was hardly smooth, made of straight lines and faded paint. Its dead, light formed and digital eyes stared at her as if it actually wanted to her kill her. As if it were enjoying itself. Xenia could have sworn she saw the edges of the barrel light up as the gun began to rev up another bolt, though its shot was interrupted by another series of blasts. One, and two, each knocking it a bit to the side and actually causing it to stagger backwards. There was someone else here, and they were working on the droid. A sick feeling of false hope purged her system, and she once again attempted to rise. This time she was more successful, in that she got to a crouched-kneeling position before she fell back to the ground, her body weak and damaged from the fall.

Clink, clink, clink...

All but the droid seemed to take note of the monstrous noise. The noise of engines stopped, a noise which he had not noticed until now, somehow subpar to the crunch of the lifeless droid, threatening her with its looming presence. Somehow. Another booming noise, that horrible metal on metal ripped and echoed through the hangar bays, a siren of repetitive pain. Victus Ord's ship fell from the air, wrecking three more before it finally came in hard against the opposite wall. Another smashing hit from something delayed the droid one last second, and Xenia saw what had fallen from her belt to the ground, clinking across the durasteel flooring. No way. The metallic sphere, with a smooth chrome shell, the ion grenade. She pulled the small tab at the grenade's top with her teeth, spit it, and rolled the explosive across the floor. Naturally, it was far from a perfect roll and was probably more dangerous for whoever she wasn't aiming for, but the blast was effective enough in dealing with the robotic junk pile. Blue pulses of energy passed over the machine, passing through Xenia and causing numbing tingles, some of which were painful.


She spat at the droid.

And there, from across the way, the hatch to Victus' ship screeched, began to open, froze for a good second, and finished the process, obviously in need of repair. He came out as if in a drunken stupor. Blood poured from his head in streams of crimson lines, and he coughed a bit. He limped, and his left hand hugged the opposite side, covering a bloodied spot on his clothing. That blood was coming from him, it hadn't come from anyone else. The other hand held a blaster pistol which was pointed out into the unknown. He appeared to be laughing, and he shouted out into the hangar bay, a crazed sound of deranged victory still somehow on hope tone. He was a dirty looking human, unkept facial hair and greasy looking black hair at mid length. Brown was the color which mostly covered his body, like leather and other basic battle armor; but it only took one look to see that he was no warrior. This man was a coward.

"You've got noth--" A cough cut through, though his raised voice picked back up.
"You've got nothing left... bounty hunters!"

He waved his gun about in the air as if he didn't even need it.

"I've seen the bounties, ha! You all lose! I live! Eh?"

Hers didn't, but she couldn't move, much less claim the man's life now.

>://Holo-Net_Summary [_run]
Coruscant_launch// justify_prgm


Summary: Things are drawing to an end...

The droid was removed, thanks to a few blaster shots and poorly aimed ion grenade.

Victus' ship has fallen out of flight, and crashed against the back wall of the hangar bay.

Now he's out of the ship, defeated, yet pointing out that the bounties ask for him alive.

Your choice(s)?

[[ [member="Kail Ragnar"] || [member="Meanken"] || [member="Gabriel Audemars"] || [member="Kyber Salurra"] || [member="Manidark Zail"] ]]
Gabriel turned back to the droid, who had recently been disposed of via what seemed like an EMP Grenade, but. He noticed something a bit more dire as he approached. Xenia's arm. It looked absolutely horrible and she was going to need medical attention, he ran over to her and crouched beside her, examining the extent of her injuries. He cursed, he had suffered these sorts of injuries before and he felt bad knowing the pain she must be feeling at this second. Wounds like these could cause permanent damages to limbs if left untreated.

But he also had to accomplish this bounty. He definitely couldn't do both though, and he could definitely tell that the look she had in her eyes was one of intense agony. He reacted quickly, turning around and there he was. Victus Ord, the man who they had all swarmed to attempt to kill. He was right there, 50,000 credits and a permanent stake in a drug market if he could find a way to make him not kill himself with the pistol he had. That was a very attractive prospect. But, 50,000 credits couldn't replace a life.

That was it. He'd give up on this bounty, he felt compassion, this woman somehow seemed too...regal to be in this type of business, she needed to get out of here alive. "C'mon love, we're going to a hospital." He notified her, slipping his hands under her body and carrying her basically bridal style, he needed to get her out of here. He'd ask questions later. But first he had to notify Kyber. "Have you seen the state of her arm? I'm taking her to a hospital the quickest way I know how."

He made sure Xenia could use her functioning arm to support herself on him. But now he had to get out, there was a quick way, but it was dangerous and he needed confirmation.

"I'm gonna get us outta here, but I need you to hold on real tight." He spoke as his masked face looked into her eyes. "Ok?"

[member="Kyber Salurra"] @Xenia Nastassia

Connor Harrison

Kail took the head off a Rodian with a well placed shot as the hunter he was with sickly engulfed another in flame.

As he moved forwards towards the closed blast doors, a huge muffled explosion from the other side rocked the room, sending plaster and debris from the ceiling onto them and shaking the world under their feet. Covering his face with his arm for a second, he slowly looked up at the hunter beside him, over the crackling body of the dead man he just fried.

"I got a bad feeling about this. Can you crack that door, and quick?"

Something told the mercenary he would be too late to capture Xenia.

[member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Meanken"]
Kyber leaned against the wall catching his breath he stood up only to be put on his ass again, not expecting the grenade. Kyber stayed down and looked about before he saw the hatch of the ship open. Kyber just listened to the dura get man, pitying him before he heard Gabriel over the coms. "You got it. I'll meet you at the hangar doors. Jut got to take care of some unfinished business first."

Kyber took out his blaster and held it out straight before standing up and aiming. Victus' noticed Kyber and started maniacally laughing as he thrusted his pistol forward and started taking rapid shots. Kyber fired a single shot that caused Victus to slump backwards, his irritating laughing stopping for good. Victus' wasn't a great shot, but he took enough of them to hit Kyber directly in his injured shoulder, not helping the situation. The blaster's plasma went straight through the top of his shoulder, melting what was left of the top of it. Kyber cried out in agony and fell to his knees as his arm went limp. Pain coursed through his body, and Kyber knew he wouldn't be able to move his arm again until he saw a Doctor.

Kyber hated using pistol, and this was a perfect example of why. He went over to Victus and confirmed his kill before walking off towards the hangar doors. Kyber's right arm hanging by his side, the top portion of his shoulder charred through leaving a sizable piece missing. Kyber went on the coms again, and said through grit teeth with a pain-filled voice; "Let's get the hell outta this place."
Chaff shook his head at the man. "I ain't a slicer, dude." He stepped over the dead man and walked over to it. On the side, he saw a card scanner. He waved the other guy over to the door. "Now, usually, I'd say blow up the console. Most of the time, it'll spring the door open automatically to prevent dudes getting locked inside. Not a sure thing, but there are other routes that could be tried if that fails. But, when I first ran into you, I saw ya using a card to get in. Ya still got it? See if it works." He pointed at the scanner.

[member="Kail Ragnar"]

Connor Harrison

Looking down over his body quickly, Kail raised his eyes to the hunter and shook his head.

"That card is still on the roof or on the streets, thanks to your heavy handed greeting with the jetpack, pal." Kail lowered his rifle. "If you hadn't have knocked it from me, along with my breath, we could be in there."

Shaking his head, the mercenary looked at the blast door and thumped his palm against it. Xenia would be gone, or dead, and the only way out was back the way they came.

"Thank you. Really, just thank you for acting first and thinking never."

He scoffed and kicked one of the dead heavies in the stomach to get rid of the anger.

"Any other bright ideas before I get the hell out of here, on my own? Damn bounty hunters."

[member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member=Meanken]
"Thank the sniper that shot my gun out of my hand for that." Chaff said with no sympathy whatsoever. "Now step the hell back." Chaff backed up a few steps and fired a missle directly at the console. It blew up, and the door did not open. Chaff shrugged.

"Alright, time for plan B. Door don't look reinforced. Should do the trick."

He raised his hand again and fired two missles directly at the door. The first madle a noticable opening in the door, but not enough to get through. The second blew the door part, making an opening easily large enough to get through.

"Now, if you're done whining?" Chaff asked, then walked through the door.

[member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member=Xenia Nastassia]

Connor Harrison

Looking away and closing his eyes tight, he jumped at the sound of the missiles impacting on the door, ducking again as the explosion followed, himself being thrown forward by the blasts.

Debris settled around them with licks of flame and smoke coming from the door, now gaping open and sparking with electrical wires all melted and distorted. A nice, clean job made of it.

"You do have your uses I guess."

Kail swallowed and chewed his cheek, rubbing his tongue on the metal plate where the muscle should be. He didn't NEED this, god dammit. He raised his rifle and stepped forward, feeling the intense heat as he passed through the door into what looked like a huge hanger. Blasts of air from the outside could be felt from large gaps in the wall. It looked like a warzone. A downed ship was in the far corner, smoking and flaming.

Two figures could be seen, directly in front of the ship, another stalking away. Kail pointed.

"There! Leave the girl to me - you take anything else!"

Not thinking for his own safety, Kail raised his rifle and felt a surge of anger at the thought of getting his hands on the girl who had thrown his world upside down.


[member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Meanken"]
Chaff grinned sadistically behind his helmet. There he was. The coward was trying to sneak away. He looked injured. Good. Injured people tended to put up less of a fight. The ship that looked like it had crash landed in the hanger or something was likely the source of that. Not sure why whoever did that left the job half finished. he glanced over to the group that other dude was running to, and saw the injured woman. Arm looked badly injured. Well, guess that was a good reason. Chaff left the woman to the guy and looked back to Victus. he wasn't planing on wasting time talking this time. No point. One way or another, these would be the man's last moments. Chaff engaged his jetpack and rocketed forward toward Victus, blade at the ready to swing at him as soon as he was in range.

[member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member=Xenia Nastassia]
Core Worlds;
Coruscant Outskirts;
Victus Ord Mainframe;
Hangar Bay.


All of what happened next, she couldn't really tell you in absolute clarity. She heard Victus' pathetic last attempts to save himself, even if it meant that he'd be taken to whichever employer wanted him alive. He was a coward, she had been right. Though, for some reason, something a bit different happened. She wasn't sure why it happened, at all, actually. She had been very clear, over and over. The bounties were non kill bounties, instead, he was to be taken alive. She had been sure, so then, whatever was happening here was merely the essence of human error. Or something which she didn't understand, but it made her happy. She knew not from where, or from who's blaster, but a shot was fired. Two simultaneous grunts she heard, though one was a bit more final. A yelp, from Ord as he stumbled backward a few steps, clamoring against the hull of his failed escape ship. Soon after, he fell over like a rag doll, body caving in on itself as if there was nothing inside the skin.

There was someone else, someone that she didn't know, right? Someone in armor, and her mind jumped. Another droid!? Eyes widened, focused, paused, and then fell back into a state of neutrality. It was no droid, this was an organic. And he hovered above her, concerned more than hostile. If he were to kill her, he would have done so by now. The blackness over his vision continued to return, her eyes closing, and her head falling back. Only to 'wake back up' and catch herself just in time. Had she hit her head? Something throbbed there, no wait, her entire body was throbbing. Like her heart beat was pumping with explosive power. When the faceless man slipped his hands under her, she didn't fight anything. These bounty hunters had gone so far as to take orders from her; a completely unexplainable feat among a group of hunters. Known for their ego's and unique personalities. And defiance, most of all. She had nothing to hide from in the real world. No one wanted her dead, at least, not the girl who a doctor would see. Xenia Nastassia, to the real world, an individual of extreme nobility and wealth. And for once, the excuse 'I just fell' would actually be a truth.



No, no, no.

Her head writhed, and she bent to look in the direction of the voice. It was harder than she had expected, and an odd pain began to swell in her neck as she craned it. It became sharp, and she fell back, only to try once again. Sure enough, it was him. Kail, the mercenary from Tatooine. From Rodia, as well. She swallowed hard, but this was perhaps the least impressive of her nervous reflexes. Each and every muscle in her body clenched. This was not some complacent bounty hunter awaiting her next order. In fact, this was no one who, as far she knew, wanted anything to do with her words and manipulations. Twisting and rearing, she managed to quite literally pry herself from the man's arms she was currently in, pushing away and falling hard. Again. She grunted, yet surprisingly remained focused. The gun was in the air in an instant, though, not pointed at Kail. The other bounty hunter, Gabriel, though she knew him not by that name. He was the faceless man.

"H-- Him!! K-Kill hi-- use your-- the stun!!"

She was sure she made no sense, but the words in her mind weren't even clear. Kill him. Protect her. Get rid of him. Disable him. Use the stun! Each held equal appeal, so she thought, but she had quickly proven herself wrong. He needed to live, he had to. That was the point. The point of Rodia, what she had done there. The people she had ruined, and thus the people who would be coming after her. Her, instead of Kail. It was a debt he would never be able to pay back with her credits. In one fowl swoop, she had entered the major leagues before even fully understanding the sport itself. It had been a favor, a huge favor, though it wasn't all selfless. At least, not in the purest sense.

"Don'tlethim n-nearmee," she spoke so fast her words sounded like one.
"He's dangerou-- butyoucan't... kill him," the pause was short there, very short.

After all, her orders were backed up by the gun she held on the bounty hunter now. Even if what she was requesting was ridiculous, what choice did he have really. I mean, really.

>://Holo-Net_Summary [_run]
Coruscant_launch// justify_prgm


Summary: The topic is more or less wrapping up...

Victus Ord has been killed, but we're still in the quarantined building, the alarms from which will alert governmental authorities shortly enough.

It is strongly suggested any and all criminals vacate the area ASAP...

There's also some drammaaaaaaa :p

[[ [member="Meanken"] || [member="Kail Ragnar"] || [member="Kyber Salurra"] || [member="Gabriel Audemars"] || [member="Manidark Zail"] ]]
He didn't quite understand why she prised herself from his grasp considering he literally offered to take her to medical aid. He had an expression of mild shock as she fell to the floor, now why had she done that? He was incredibly perplexed, just what the hell was going on? All he could salvage from it was that now that Ord was dead he was the next person to get shot at. "Hey! I said I was going to take you to a hospital!" He shouted, he didn't want to get stunned. Well, in fairness the armor he was wearing would probably deflect any blaster bolts he received but nonetheless.

Feeling quite disgusted at the fact that she even thought of getting him killed for trying to help her. He needed to get out but he couldn't, she had a loaded weapon aimed at him. Granted he had beskar armor on but she could hit him through his visor if she was a good enough shot, and he didn't want to test the waters in this regard.

"Whoa hold on!" He spoke loud enough, ending with a huff. He wasn't here to cause harm and he swore she'd be able to recognize him, seems as if that wasn't the case, he had to scarper. If somehow he did get stunned here he'd get picked up by the cops which would shortly arrive. And that meant for a loooooong series of questions and answers with them. He wasn't up for that. He needed a way out.

"Put the gun down, and I'll go. I'm not here to kill any of you." He spoke trying to reassure her with his hands out in what was attempting to be a calming gesture.

Ugh, he just needed a smoke right now. That was definitely a craving at this point, maybe two. Or ten. But he couldn't. He sort of just stood there until someone would attempt to stun him or until she put the blaster down.

He was reassured that she finally did not want him to get killed. His life was in safe hands, but he did make a vow that if anyone tried to get abusive in this stage he would retaliate.

[member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Meanken"] [member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
Core Worlds;
Coruscant Outskirts;
Victus Ord Mainframe;
Hangar Bay.


A shaking hand held a shaking weapon, though she now realized it was pointed at the wrong person. She had misjudged the man's loyalty to her, or had she made it up entirely? She had been desperate to believe help was around the corner. Either way, the gun slung to the left, taking aim at Kail as she thrust it at him. Her eyes held violent flames of self preservation and when she spoke, her lips formed snarls. "Stay the FETH back, Kail, I'm... I'm serious!" She thrust the gun to point at him as if reminding him that it still existed, and was, yes, still pointed right at him. She completely ignored the man to her right, focused entirely on the approaching mercenary. "One more step, Kail, I swear, I'll do it!" The blackness still clung to her vision, and her skin pulsed. Everything seemed to swim from the left to the right at the same time, and that swelling pain was extending into the rest of her body. More a numbness than a pain, really. Even she knew that her shot was a poor one at this point. The gun never remained still, and instead swam back and forth, bobbing up and down with her teetering grip. Even the youth's finger danced nervously over the trigger, not entirely powered by sentient thoughts, a much more primal master currently in control.

[[ [member="Gabriel Audemars"] || [member="Kail Ragnar"] || [member="Meanken"] || [member="Kyber Salurra"] ]]
Victus Ord lay dead at Chaff's feet. His last moments were truly pathetic. An almost incoherent stream of babble as he begged Chaff not to kill him. Waste of time, and further proof of his cowardliness. Chaff pulled out his holo.

"What's the status on the job?" The client asked

"See for yourself." He turned the holo so he could see Victus.

"Good, well done. Credits will be transferred into your account shortly." The holo disconnected. Time to get out of here. Chaff turned around and started walking back for the door, but stopped when he neared the group of people who's names he still did not know.

"You people might wanna save it for another time. Cops are gonna be on their way soon, if they aren't already. Unless, of course, you want to rot in a Sith prison."

[member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
Kyber walked towards Gabriel and Xenia with his limp arm swaying back and forth with every step. As he got closer he noticed that Xenia was now spitting out something he couldn't make out from that distance. She was pointing her gun at Gabriel. This wasn't good. She then slumped to the side and started pointing it off into the distance...? It took Kyber awhile to notice the man in the distance, the pain getting to his vision. He was too far away to take a shot, so he had to take option B. He unholstered his pistol and set it to a light stun as he got back on the coms with Gabriel. "I'm stunning the girl. As soon as I do you need to pick her up and jet pack out of here. I'll be right behind you."

The moment Kyber cut off transmission he took the shot directly aimed at Xenia. Kyber started sprinting towards the blast doors at tremendous speed, although not as fast as usual do to his lagging arm. Kyber hoping he thought of something by the time he got to the metal doors.

Connor Harrison

The noise and blaring alarms in the hanger, filling with a light smoke and warmth from the flames and cool air from the Coruscant dusk outside; none of it mattered to the man with nothing to live for.

Kail saw his masked man making a steady break to get out; he was clever, he was leaving him well alone and was focused on the sole purpose he was her - for Xenia, and there she was.

His KX-60 rifle raised to his eye level, he stalked forward and watched her prise her body away from the fellow hunter by her. Kail didn't care for him, not one bit.

"If you move as much as an inch more you'll be dead before you see it coming, I promise you."

Kail raised his left hand and pointed to the hunter beside her. His eyes never left Xenia.

"I have quarm with you, hunter, I only need the girl."

Xenia was frightened - good. She finally seemed to see some of the danger in the real world and not her fantasy life of taking whom she pleased without repercussion. Having his already fragile life disrupted by her actions on Tatooine was bad enough, but if she thought she could abandon him and suddenly have a change of heart, she was wrong. Life wasn't that simple.

Kail walked towards her, steadily and with purpose, regardless of her empty threats. She didn't kill him on Rodia; she wouldn't do it here.

"You either come with me the easy way, or the hard way. Trust me, you don't want the latter."

His dark eyes narrowed as he closed the gap, finger on the trigger ready to take her down with just enough life left to accompany him.

And then another hunter, hiding behind a mask like all cowards did, fired at Xenia.

[member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member=Meanken]
He had absolutely no clue what was going on, but she looked like the man who was pointing a gun at her was trying to inflict harm on her, he didn't care for that much at all, but he couldn't really do anything yet, a million thoughts rushed through his mind, should he help the girl out? Should he turn her into this mysterious man? Was she wanted for credits? He didn't know, and he sure as hell didn't have the time to find out. It all seemed pretty insane and standoffish at this point. "She does need medical attention y'know."

Gabriel had to act, and fast. And all of a sudden his comms system activated with the sound of another man, telling him to pick the girl up. This was stupid. Really stupid. "Wait he's got a g--!" That was dumb. Why didn't he shoot Kail instead?


"WHAT THE HELL." Gabriel shouted through his comms system.

And with that, all hell broke loose. What was he going to do? Well, he had half-inch thick Beskar'kandar, what else was there to do? Probably take the girl and get out of here. He made sure his visor wasn't in Kail's line of sight as he quickly scooped up Xenia, his crushgaunt making the burden far faster and easier to pick up while simultaneously setting his jetpack's thrusters to the maximum, this would take a hit on his fuel gauge but there was enough left, and he had to get out of there fast.

With two massive plumes of flames the jetpack would send the two of them rushing out of the roof at about 145 kilometers an hour, too fast for anyone to hit. He has used about a quarter of the fuel as is, but the jetpack would take him far enough to go back to his speeder, and fast.

[member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Meanken"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Xenia Nastassia"]

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