Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All At Once [Bounty Hunters Only]

Kyber couldn't help but smile as the man did exactly as he asked, but it was cut short by a sharp pain from his shoulder. Kyber looked around the room, but he didn't see a way out. There was the blown door, but that other Hunter seemed to be right in his way. This didn't seem to be the best of positions for Kyber. He looked around the Hangar bay and decided his best chance at getting the hell out of here was making sure this guy didn't try and kill him, then seeing if he could get this quarantine lifted. Kyber stopped abruptly and cut behind some crates for cover while he patched into an open com frequency. "I don't know who you are but this quarantine will keep us from getting the kriff outta here. Knowing where we stand is better than nothing. I just want to leave through those blown out doors. If you want to join me, sure. But if not let's just stay out of each others way."

Kyber changes the setting on his DL-44 to lethal, just in case this guy had something else in mind. Kyber really didn't want to fight fight now and just wanted to find a doctor to fix his shoulder. Hopefully he would be able to use it right away, but for now he had to worry about this other man who was an unknown.

// [member="Kail Ragnar"] //

Connor Harrison

As the shot rang out, Kail turned to see the new hunter lowering his blaster, and turning back immediately to hear Xenia's partner in crime ignite his jetpack.

What WAS it with jetpacks? Did no-one use their legs anymore to get away from things?

Following the plume of smoke and flame that erupted from the hunter, with Xenia in his hands, Kail ran forward.

"No, damn you! She's MINE!"

He raised the blaster rifle and fired a heavy volley of shots up to follow the escapees, more out of anger than anything. As they headed upwards, Kail had no time to waste. He threw the KX-60 over this back and turned to run back the way he came.

Hearing the call from the new hunter, the one who had just given them the edge, he ignored him and bolted as fast as he could back for the destroyed blast door, ducking a few spirals of debris from the damaged roof. He leapt through the flame, back down the stone corridor and to the stairwell.

He bounded up three rungs at a time - thud thud thud - grabbing the rail with his hand to barrel himself up faster, his breathing solid and focused. With the security door open leading to the roof, he pushed it open with his palm, ran out into the dusk air and double back on himself to where the hangar roof would be.

Kail jumped over a railing, and then over a ventilation pipe as he pulled out his SSX sidearm and made to where the smoke could be seen licking from the hangar. Sirens could also be heard wailing in the distance - fire and police he would imagine; his time was running out to get the girl.

[member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Meanken"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
Chaff watched as events continued to unfold, and the group left. He really didn't care about their personal problems. What he did care about was the other guy that walked in after. He noticed right away that he had a sniper rifle on his back. Chances were high that he was the idiot that shot at him earlier. Chaff wasn't about to let that go. whenever he got credits or blood from the man, he would have some sort of payback for that offence. He started walking toward the man.

"Hey, you with the rifle, you owe me a new gun!"

[member="Kyber Salurra"]
Kyber sighed and stood up, glad the man ran out and he didn't have to deal with him, until he noticed the other man that he shot at before shouting at him. Kyber didn't have time for this, but knew the man wouldn't leave him alone. Kyber held up his already unholstered pistol by the barrel as to show it off. "This is the only pistol I got." The pistol looked like a DL-44, but the scope that usually accompanied the weapon had been taken off, as well as the barrel of the gun being slightly longer. "Sorry about your pistol, take mine if you really care that much. I just want to get the kriff out of this place before the authorities are shoving blasters down our throats."

Kyber kept walking towards the man slowly, aiming to walk out the blast doors behind the man. Kyber showed no signs of threatening the man, now clutching his limp arm. Kyber didn't care for the Hunter or his pistol, but his arm was done for and this was the easiest way out.

// [member="Meanken"] //
Chaff was unfamiliar with whatever a DL-44 was. Lot of gun brands out there, even he couldn't keep up with them all. But, better then nothing, and his missile stock was almost depleted, and his jetpack was down to half fuel, so he wasn't in a position to be picky. He took the gun.

"It'll do. Have fun trying to get past the cops with that screwed up arm." Chaff said as he turned around and walked over to the hole the other man had went through with the jetpack, planning to use the same route to get out via the rooftops.

[member="Kyber Salurra"]
Kyber let the man take his pistol, in no condition to retaliate. He walked past the blast doors and saw the ventilation shaft he came in through. He jumped up and barely got himself in with his 1 arm. He crawled through the space until he was back in the supply room on the second floor. The door of the room had been sealed shut, so Kyber had to use the last of the acid he had on him. He kicked the now unsealed door open and looked out the windows as the authorities drew ever closer. He recorded a secure message for Xenia and sent it directly to her com set, hoping she'd hear it when she woke up; "Sorry about the stun."

Kyber stepped back into the closet before getting a running start and jumping off and landing on the roof he used to get into the building in the first place. Again, with a less then graceful roll, which injured his shoulder even more. He clambered down the stairs and surrounded himself in his cloak and pulled his hood up. He jogged off, zipping through back alleys until he reached a more populated area. He slowed down to a walk and blended into the crowds, now trying to find somewhere that would treat him...

// [member="Xenia Nastassia "]//

Manidark Zail

Bounty Hunter / Freelance
Chaos just seemed to erupt, collapse and explode all around Zail, way too late to the game. Now, hovering near the docking bay, keeping his eyes peeled for any kind of nuisance touches the wrist data pad and brings up in the center of helmet a utterly dark image came up.

Looking through the eyes of his Android guarding his ship in the bay... smoke, fire, and of course flesh melting off the bones of a once was guard for the building.. exposed eyes popping out the mans dead face, into finally only his skull remained.

"IG, report now I see your having some fun you are fucking supposed to alarm me when you see danger." Manidark Zail spat while watching the dead man turn to ash.

"Sir, within 15 seconds an army seemed to appear I had no time, someone shot the ship I killed 12 creatures including the following, 8 human males, 2 damn roidians, and of course 2 jawas that tried to dismantle me while the killing occurred, sir."

Zail thought about being ripped apart for a split second, concluding that the death of little jawas was a great two kills, the others well... it looked like a meat jacket from hell itself. While still looking through the demon's eyes still, before turning the cam off.

Zail was furious to say the very least "Ok!!! stop burning that man now!!! you have failed me and dishonored my rep with a room filled with guts... I am shutting you down, your lucky you have a notice."

"Sir, that is impossible I have no auto kill function as the removal was nessary, as in this case. I did as ordered protect the ship, I said 12 killed from my hand the rest sir from people I have concluded as mercs."

"Ok, I am coming to you." Zail thought of the flesh burning glad he himself was not the killer or the killed. It smelt quite nasty, this a droid needs to be reprogramed one way or another.

Zail, heard a shot boom out that sounded it came from a sniper rifle. Dark, turned his head found the source and zoomed in to see the man who shot, he noded to the merc, and producing his revolver like pistol shot down towards a man shooting at him, creating a master piece of split bone decayed brain matter and a odd look of surprise, as if knowing that shot from Zail was almost impossible.

Dark thought, ive been doing this too long to die from this guard while shooting another ducked behind cover... death is my life and feel its aura, Manidark remenised as he edged closer to the bay.
Core Worlds;
Coruscant Outskirts;
Victus Ord Mainframe;
Above Sky Space.


She hadn't fought it. In fact, she hadn't even looked conscious when it happened. When the shot was fired, the shot which smashed just straight above her chest, atop her left collar bone. Those eyes already looked as if nothing remained behind them, and she just fell quickly. Her mind had already cast spells of delirium on her, the stun bolt was grossly overkill in knocking her out. The man's arms wrapped around her and with some struggle, managed to get her into a manageable position, laying across him as if leaving a wedding ceremony. Or something much more grim, where a lifeless woman is what you're holding. She was not conscious for anything after that, not for at least a few more hours...

<< Exit >>

OOC: Good writing with you all!

[[ [member="Manidark Zail"] || [member="Kyber Salurra"] || [member="Meanken"] || [member="Kail Ragnar"] ]]
As the jetpack blasted him through the open roof he navigated towards his speeder, the jetpack's high top speed sending him there in a very short amount of time. He really loved the practicality of just being able to fly whenever and wherever he wanted with something the size of a backpack. It was awesome.

He caught sight of his speeder, adjusting his body better for landing before lowering the rocket's power, setting them down on the floor at a steady pace instead of merely crashing into the ground. His feet solidly impacting terra firma with no issue along with the girl still in his possession, he quickly freed up his right hand to open the unlocked door, setting her in gently in the passenger side seat, shutting the door as he ran around to clamber into the driver's seat, firing up the speeder and taking to the skies as quickly as he could, fleeing the scene.

He had to go to the nearest hospital, regardless of whether he was fully armored or not. She needed help and she was going to get it.


Manidark Zail

Bounty Hunter / Freelance
Manidark Zail rocketed in via jetpack, and braced for impact, he done it over it seemed a million times.

Contact broke "knees did't break good, one of these days.."

With all the firing that broke out, and currently shots were being boomed and blasted around him, everything was in a dusty fog upon Dark peering into the docking bay. Without a thought, he turned on his thermal vision to see if indeed anything existed inside, but the horror he saw. It was worse then looking through the eyes of his android, the smell... ash, smoke, flesh and a hint of fumes from the flamethrower BOD used. Dead bodies pilled over each other, I am going to remove that weapon Zail thought, he'd only had the thing for a couple months, the killer manic robot and Zail wanted to see what its original personality was like before reprogramming it, well.. he promised to find that killswitch, before asking a few questions.

"Ok, report". Manidark Zail spoke

"Sir, all is dead I believe..ship is fine as I stated before only three minutes earlier". The droid did a 360 spin around the room, spotting nothing.

"When I say report I do not mean for you to be a fucking smart ass about it, so report".

"Nothing here, sir"

Dark, walked further in only to find he was being fired at. One of the shots left a scar on his right solder from attempting to dodge the shots.

"What the hell, nothing here?" Zail screamed while sliding from over and firing his own shots. An Automatic message popped up on his overhead display, ship integrity at 97 percent. Meaning he had shot his own ship, Zail was pissed and enraged.. had my own droid fired on me? Zail asked himself.

"BOD, just what the hell.....!" Static broke out with a ear piercing shot into his head.

The droid had indeed shot at him, aiming to kill, it seemed the droid he bought perhaps had a contact on his own life surely.

"Ok!, Alright this is going to end back for you, who hired the likes of you, you dumb queen"

This time a response did boom out, but not over the speaker system in his helm "Guess.. your nightmare" the death android returned. Another shot, this time at his ship.

This situation was over pretty fast, yet to Dark it felt like hours. Switching his vision to detect robots, moving over and using his jetpack to strafe a bit to the left, aimed two pistols and started to fire, hitting a dead corpse further decaying it as it exploded, another ship that was on fire, and the rifle out of his ex droids arm, the limb or maniacal arm if you will the rifle was in blasted in half. The droid screamed and started to blow inferno his way, knowing it could not reach him, yet firing none the less. Dark ducked, span and shot the droid in the chest five times, displaying melted metal and some organic tissue, it seemed it was part something.. human maybe, Zail only knew it was done for.

Walking up to his ship to give it a dander, saw a couple blaster marks and a quick attempt to cut out one of his engines. Looked down in time to see the droid coughed up oil mixed in with blood, and fire came bursting out.. hitting his armor, and with a quick move back shot another limb off while moving backwards. It howled and laughed at the same time, knowing it was fucked. Zail walked back over to the droid and ripped its head off, twisting it off, had vital information.

Without bothering to glance around, he stepped into his ship, checked the systems and departed for... for what? Revenge, he knew it had to be him.. the man who killed his family.

Incoming message_code:File 00251

The Red Ravens, wish to invite you to join us, we may help, we know of you from various sources to be extremely.. deadly. Accept?

Manidark Zail had heard rumors about this band.. why not.

"I accept".


OOC: Was fun, just getting started to this and wanted a origin story out there for my char, thank you!

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