Ruek Tast
Sniper Shaman
Gear: Judicator (silencer equipped), Piecemeal Legionnaire Armor, vibro-hatchet, C-25 fragmentation grenade (x3), ion grenade (x3), flashbang (x2)
Objective 2: Shackles No More
Tags: Darth Strosius
Post: 3
A harsh echo of “GRENADES!” was their rallying cry. The squad of legionnaires spread like smoke over the barricades, their lightness of foot betraying the hardened souls carrying the gray armor. A hail of plasma belched from blasters as they staggered the attack, some covering for their comrades as they prepped the grenades. Soon as those were launched rifles changed hands, the next soldier hunkering down to prime their little ball of chaos. It was a swift onslaught, demoralizing for opposition, and far from a favorite of Sergeant Ruek. Yet she didn’t deny its effectiveness, and as she reared back she let the grenade fly with a pitcher’s throw right into a nest of slaver trash.
“Vertical push, left squad--GO!” Five squadmates leapt over the barricades as center and right squad covered their movement. Left squad fanned out to form a vertical line of fire, catching a few of the “salesmen” unaware.
“Right squad, let's go! Vertical push!” Left squad was mirrored as right swept past the barriers and debris, finding securing new ground to unleash hot judgement from. The crosshairs of Ruek’s rifle found the head of a turret rat, sending a green bolt to lance through the eyeport and illuminate the turret’s dome for a split second. Once they’d cemented the hold on their position Ruek’s voice rang over comms, “Center squad! Full advance!”
With a roar the legionnaires of center squad stormed from their cover, their advance tunneled by crossfire of friendlies.