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Junction Allegiances - Empire/Enclave Junction

Castor E-196

Imperial Naval Special Forces


Master Sergeant Castor E-196
Imperial Navy Special Forces Command; Attached to 43rd Imperial Fleet

Objective: wait
Allies: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale Leandra Brax Leandra Brax Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Vemric Keldra Jaida Tess


The Ready Room erupted into a frenzy of activity as the unknown Imperial force jumped out of hyperspace and immediately unloaded on the Enclave ships.

The ranking Marine Lieutenant on QRF duty in the Ready Room was shouting up to the bridge from his comms console:

"What are the Captain's orders!? Can you at least raise the Master-At-Arms?"

Castor did not wait. While the Marines readied up, regardless of orders, Castor simply sealed his helmet, ready for combat. Castor signalled to the Marine Lieutenant: Battlestations.

The Marine nodded and began issuing orders to the rest of the QRF.


Onboard the UES Requiem
Tag: Vemric Keldra Tiber Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Engaging(Soon): Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken

After hanging out with the Viper team for a few more minutes Minerva took her leave, heading for a different boarding pod. Just as she entered another passageway she thought to herself. It was good to be with them even for a short time. They remind me why I'm proud to wear this armor. Pausing, she brought up her helmet to view, staring at the T-visor.

Upon the reflection Minerva allowed herself a slight smile that hinted at nostalgia.

"I remember the night when my father gave me this helmet. It used to belong to his late wife, Tha, formerly of Clan Ordo. That was shortly after passing my verd'goten then we made the toast.”

The young warrior subsequently rubbed the side of the helm with her left thumb. Oh how she missed his guidance, company and even his humor even though it could be awfully corny at times. Briefly she wondered what he would think of everything right now. Then it was answered with a memory of what Jorel once said after she was about to take on their first mercenary job together.

'Ad'ika I don't always have the answers but remember no matter what be true to yourself.'

Suddenly violent force took Minerva off guard as she was thrown and hitting the panel with her right shoulder before sliding down as the lights flickered on and off. Grunting while holding the injured arm muttering several curses in Mand'oa. Immediately the alarms went off repeatedly and she heard the announcement on the intercom that they were attacked followed by instructions to battle stations.

"Oh we're being attacked huh? Never would've guessed!" She shouted in bitter sarcasm. This is what happens when outsiders are allowed to bring kriffing fleets over to our doorstep. Suppressing another groan Minerva picked up the helmet, putting it on and springing to her feet.

With that she ran the adjacent hall to the nearest room to get on a boarding pod. With each motion made Minerva's fury intensified. First at the Enclave leadership for allowing the Empire here and then at the Aruetii shooting at her kin despite the so-called summit. For now she will focus on the latter.

Blood will be paid for this outrage.
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Vemric Keldra




ALLIES: Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Balt Vizsla | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Venari Krayt Venari Krayt | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Tiber | Enclave

ENEMIES: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Leandra Brax Leandra Brax | Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Jaida Tess | Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza | Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | TE

ENGAGING: All Imperial Naval Elements.

Flagship: UES Requiem - (Shields 98%/Hull 100%)

1x Victator-class Battlecruiser
= UES Executioner - (Shields 97%/Hull 100%)

1x Thoros II-class Battlecruiser
= UES Eternity - (Shields 98%/Hull 100%)

3x Grievous-class Star Destroyer
= UES Grande Deceptor - (Shields 98%/Hull 100%)
= UES Anarchist - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Tartarus - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

4x Argente-class Assault Cruiser
= UES Liberty - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Revenant - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Genesis - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Diadem - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

5x Murkhana-class Escort Frigate
= UES Guardian - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Pilgrim - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Triumph - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Observer - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Herald - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

6x Terrus-class Flak Corvette
= UES Galaxy's Harbinger - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Euphoria - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Vision - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Marauder - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Hepsibah - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Conquest - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

6x Trench-class Fast Attack Corvette
= UES Prophet - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Judgement - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Huntress - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Avenger - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Prisoner - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)
= UES Torment - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

"We have acceptance, Sir."

Pol's questioning face looked over his shoulder at the Sephi. Vemric bowed his head in a single nod.
"Let's have it." he said, turning to the holo-table where a young woman in Imperial uniform appeared.
"This is Captain Leandra Brax, commanding officer of the NIV Harkenfang. What is the nature of this communication?"
"Captain Brax, I am Grand Admiral Vemric Keldra of the United Enclave Navy. I merely wish to enquire about the intention of the movement of the Frigate on your starboard as no hostility was intended from my lines. Care to elaborate?" he asked without hesitation. Decades of Naval engagements have caused his straight-forwardness when it came to contacting an opposing force. Those years chipped away from dancing on egg-shells when it came to delicate military operations.

Not that there was any time to wait for an answer.

Just as Miles reported the appearance of more Imperial vessels, the shields on the Requiem flashed as shots impacted against it and the rest of the fleet's shields while the transmission to the Harkenfang cut off.
"SIR?!" he interrupted himself.
Vemric turned back to the viewport with a cocked brow.
"If that is the Imperial answer, then so be it. Loose ours." he finally said, all aloofness and boredness removed from his voice. It was pure naval orders now.
"All of it, Sir?" Miles asked.
"Load boarding pods into the M5's. I want them fired at the majority of the Imperial fleet. All assault forces are to board the pods immediately prior to loading. Soften up those shields with full ions and turbolasers in the meantime. And activate all counter-measure systems. Keep communication lines receptive, however. And command all vessels in the Hefi fleet to loose ordnance. And launch a squadron of fighters from the Requiem as countermeasure." the Sephi ordered, calm yet stern.
"Yes, Sir." the Commander answered before turning to relay the orders.

The bridge and the rest of the Requiem burst to life as Marines. Mando'ade and bridge-personnel scrambled to their duties while the silent shuddering of the ship could be felt as heavy ions and turbolasers loosed upon the Imperial fleet.
"Get me Oldo and Vizsla." Vemric said, standing in front of the viewport, hands folded behind his straighter-than-a-ruler back.
Pol's hands flew over the console. "Ready for you, Sir."
"Gentlemen! You are weapons free until otherwise ordered. Use specialised weapons at your own discretion and only when necessary." he told Verin Oldo Verin Oldo and Balt Vizsla. He knew how Oldo favoured those solars and that was destruction the near-two century old Sephi did not need on his hands right now.

He turned toward the two Force-sensitive beings on his bridge.
"I would ask you to accompany the assault forces across the void if you are so inclined, lady and gentleman." he told Zlova Rue Zlova Rue and Tiber. Those lightsabers could only come in handy alongside the armoured forces on an enemy ship.

The Imperials gave their answer.

They would now receive the collective one of the Enclave.

- Keep your pants up Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan - I'll address your attempt to contact the Requiem next post, homie. ;)


Gae'celic Alor, Master Beskarsmith

UES Requiem

Allies: Enclave, Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , Venari Krayt Venari Krayt , Zlova Rue Zlova Rue , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , Tiber
Enemies: TBD

Weapons and kit - Daily Armor/Weapons set in Bio

Mac had landed the Murderous Wench in the main hanger with no issue. Disembarking from the ramp, he made his way into the ship. As he was about to great the vod approaching holding her helmet the attack hit. Mac as well, thrown from his feet, simply dropped his shoulder into a roll. He didn't crash into the wall, however, Mac landed on his shebs, with his feet in the air against the wall. "Feir'fek..."

Standing, Mac slipped his buy'ce on just in time to see Minerva Fhirdiad bolt out of the hall towards a boarding craft. Following close on her heels, Mac didn't have his full battle kit, but what he had was enough to open imperial armor. He nodded to Minerva as he took up position to await launch. "Well, I wasn't expecting a fig't today... I'm Mac, former Rally Master, and Ori'ramikad." He didn't know how much she knew of the old Mandalorian Empire, but a vod was a vod...

Mac sat back in a seat, laying his big sword across his lap, and rolled his head, cracking his neck. 'It's a good day to die.' he thought.



Post Count: Five
Allies: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale Jaida Tess Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan @others
Enemies: Vemric Keldra Verin Oldo Verin Oldo @others
Engaging: Mandalorian Forces

NIV Harkenfang-Shields 95%/Hull 100%

The words were barely out of Leandra's mouth when alarms began blaring around the bridge of the Harkenfang, and the lights began to dim slightly as combat protocols kicked in automatically. Naval officers began to run across the bridge, checking in with the different divisions as a chorus of shouts and questions began to pass between the groups. Through it all, Leandra stood unmoving at the front of the bridge, her gloved hands gripping one another tightly in frustration. Detonations rocked the Harkenfang as the opening barrage of weapons fire from the Enclave fleet began to collide with the Imperial ships.

Dozens of questions ran through Leandra's mind, but she shelved them for the moment as she turned her head, hazel eyes locking on her command staff. "Return fire all batteries, concentrate fire on individual ships along the right flank of the Enclave fleet. Signal Red Devil Squadron to deploy in a loose picket formation. The Mandalorians are blunt when it comes to their tactics and boarding pods are likely already on the way. I want our fighters shooting as many of those pods down before they get to our ships."

She turned to look at the Commander, her face set in a grim determination. "Commander, The Red Devils are good, but there is gonna be a lot of flak heading our way and some of those pods are going to get through. I want you to take charge of the Harkenfang's security forces and repel those boarders wherever they get through. This ship is brand new Commander, do not give those Mandalorians a chance to make a lasting impression on my ship." She turned back to the viewport then, glancing at the sensor officer as he approached with his report.

"Captain, unknown vessels of apparent Imperial design and origin entered the planetary system and began opening fire on the Enclave ships. All attempts to contact them have thus far failed, and communication channels have been attempted between the Imperial command ship and Enclave command ship." Leandra nodded her head at the report, dismissing the ensign as she stared out the viewport, watching as green turbolaser shots arched out away from the Harkenfang, vanishing into the distant targets of the Enclave vessels while return fire dissipated against the shields of the heavy cruiser.

Unknown Imperial vessels entering a tense situation and immediately opening up with hostile actions. No communication, no warning, and no hesitation. It was a preplanned operation, clearly. Leandra's hands tensed further, the leather in her gloves creaking under the pressure as she steadied herself. She was starting to draw a few uncomfortable conclusions about this whole scenario, and few of them painted the current Imperial command in favorable light. Perhaps this could have been an Enclave operation, carried out to make it look like the Empire were the aggressors in this situation, damaging their political position to the rest of the galaxy, but there were too many loose variable there. It made far more sense that Imperial agents of one faction or another set this up to further increase tensions between the Empire and other powers. Such tension would open up plenty of avenues for personal advancement, if handled correctly. It was the simplest answer.

But such thoughts would have to be dealt with later. She had a battle to fight.

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Venari Krayt Venari Krayt //
VIPER TEAM // (9\9)
Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh
Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza


DC-15L Particle Rifle

"I don't mean to gloat? I just think imperials don't have the drive that we do. They got guts, sure, But we're survivors"

Time to prove it, Tayl ::Viper Team confirms launch::

She said with a cool tone, despite taking another deep breath as the pod was shot from a mass driver cannon... Truly a wonderful, but intimidating piece of technology.

Immediately, The Harkenfang came into view, the distance between her little Boarding pod and that great war-vessel already closing rapidly.

It was but one hundreds being flung into the imperial fleet ahead, as evident by the many IFF signatures floating around her HUD now. Green lights flashed and signatures flickered or outright disappeared as turbo laser fire knocked allied boarding pods out of the very stars. No doubt this Kestri would become littered with debris by nightfall.

It would have made her nervous, if not for the bio-inhibitor chip repressing her more impractical emotions. Instead, it merely served as a message to hold on a little tighter and thank the manda they had shields that could shrug off any glancing hits sent their way.

The pod slipped through energy shields and right into the hull of the great Harkenfang, using it's plasma cutters to burrow deep into it's armor and into the metal beast's soft inside, Opening up like the maw of cunning little creature to dispense it's little parasites in the form of armored warriors.

When the doors split open, the pod had been at a slight angle and become embedded into a wall, forcing the Mandalorians to leap out and drop down into the dim corridors of the trespassing vessel.

It didn't matter who you were, if you were armed or not. Anyone who didn't immediately raise their hands and surrender were gunned down by particle fire as the Mandalorians slowly, and efficiently cleared the hall until they reached what looked like a hanger bay.

Wordlessly, Tayl raised one fist which brought Viper Team to a quick halt. With only a few gestures, A few were directed to cover the other end of the hallway, And their heavy weapon team came forward to set up thier M39 Heavy particle-repeater on the tripod, while one stood in front of them with his personal energy shield to block any incoming fire, As did Tayl with her own.

Once it was set up, The gunner placed his shield on the turret to cover himself, and began to open fire on anything that moved...

Tayl herself was quick to to begin firing Ionized particle beams at one of the fighters yet to launch, steadily backing away into the doorway as to provide suitable cover.

"1-8, Target the TIEs! Venari, RIP AND TEAR."



Objective: Treat with the Empire
Enclave: Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Braxton Holst Braxton Holst
Imperial: Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Kanollic II Vethres | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas

Romul's eyes were two hot coals as Imperials spoke, as Mandalorians answered, and as the body dithered. Politics bored him. It demeaned him. And as de facto head of state, he had much more urgent matters to attend to than slaking the greed and power-lust of second-tier Imperial officials. But politics and his position demanded that he be here, lest the Enclave be dragged into another war it could not afford to fight.

But it would be a test to see how far the Enclave's reluctance would hold. For Mandalorians were notoriously unafraid to fight.

At last, though, Romul spoke, not loudly but with the tone of a commander, demanding obeisance and more importantly silence from those in attendance. "Let it be reminded that the relationship between the Enclave and Empire has been one of tepid commerce. There has never existed a military pact that the Mandalorians would be obligated to honor," he began with a pointed remark towards Korvan. "As for Ilum, there was no sanctioned Enclave military action on the world. Any Mandalorian who fought with, or against, the Empire that day did so of their own accord."

It was almost a shrug-off of the matter, but that was all the matter was to Romul at least. "Shai Maji until recently was a captive of the Maw, enslaved by Sith sorcery. Under those spells, she still may be, but regardless of the matter honorable warfare on the battlefield is no offense. If the Empire wishes to take her, you may certainly try."

He leaned forward, his massive beskar'gam groaning as he shifted his weight in the small wooden seat. "Let us not bandy words. I am well aware of why you are here. Ilum was a stain on the pride of the Empire, and because of Mandalorian presence there, you seek redress. But I have no soft words to offer. Mandalorians are free to take up arms with whom they please, and many have fought for the Empire under the Aurodium Sword program. But if the Alliance is to make a better offer, then I will not stop them from joining their side. It's all a matter of coin."

Romul grabbed a flask of tihaar from a passing serving droid and took a long draught, before lowering the tankard and wiping his mouth with the backhand of his gauntlet. "Perhaps the Empire is lacking as of late?"

:: All Enclave personnel, this is Wardog. Imperials have infiltrated Tor Valum, dressed as Sons of Mandalore. Be on alert, their armour’s a dead giveaway. :: She called out over the comms

The transmission would come in over encrypted Mandalorian channels into Romul's earpiece, only for the Warmaster to hear. His eyes narrowed, but he did not change his stance, only looked over towards the Guildmaster whom he knew had also received the transmission. No words were exchanged, but Romul gave a small nod. Dragr would know what it meant.

Sounded like Shai had decided to turn things up to eleven. Well, it was her scrap, Alora just happen to be there. Admittedly because of Shai, but for different reasons. A fight was another good one; the sort that didn't beg a lot of awkward questions. Weren't really any questions, in truth. Shai settled on 'shoot the kniffers.' Simple.

'Bite me?' Alora wondered why Katja thought she'd be using her teeth. Shai did the biting. The non-T-visored Mandalorian liked doing the poof. Yeah, it made her kill count difficult to verify what with the lack of evidence and all, but she wasn't aiming for some kind of high score.

The two opponents on the field seemed like a rabbity lot. Especially the one taking a personal interest in Alora. The other one was mobile, but he seemed to like his heavy weaponry and wanted Todblaz to know it. Not friendly. Course trying to sneak into your 'allies' territory wasn't friendly either. She knew all about that having done it many times herself.

No long speeches, huh? That was okay too.

The jetpack built into Alora's suit activated to throw her forward and to the side of Katja Javik Katja Javik 's bolts. Alora returned the favor by discharging one pistol then the other. Always best to keep up a steady rhythm of death-kisses. They'd come to dance, after all.

With the opening out of the way, Alora noticed Katja wasn't spending her time in the air like Shai. Made a girl wonder why. Made a girl curious too. So, with a shot ringing off the beskar of her armor, it was time to experiment. The woman hadn't turned to ash yet, so it was only fair. With that in mind, Alora seemed to topple to the ground onto her back; only the jetpack flared to life to send her horizontally along the ground toward Katja with the intent to sweep the woman's legs out from under her. What Alora lost in low-profile target she liked to think she more than made up for by moving in a way few trained for.

Alora'd spring back up to her feet -- hopefully in close distance -- to resume their dance. If Katja wasn't prone on her back ready for a killing blow, maybe they'd talk. They'd at least continue their dance. Would be nice to find out what these people wanted though.


Onboard the Requiem

Allied Tag: Vemric Keldra Mac O Shenanigans Mac O Shenanigans Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Nearby Enemy Tag: Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale Castor E-196 Castor E-196
Engaging(soon): Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken

Positioning herself Minerva drew her assault rifle while the boarding pod closed behind them. Checking the gun itself and ammo she almost failed to notice the Mandalorian opposite of her. So narrow was her attention to the coming bloodshed that Minerva wasn't aware of Mac, until he nodded and introduced himself. Pausing, she looked at the veteran warrior up and down. Definitely someone she hadn't met before until now but a welcomed vod nonetheless.

Returning the nod, the younger Mandalorian replied.

"Welcome vod, it’s an honor to meet you. I'm Minerva Fhirdiad, verd of the Enclave and daughter of Jorel Merrik."

All around the other Mandalorians prepared themselves with last minute inspections of their weapons, quietly chatting with their comrades or simply relaxing like Mac. Each squad's Alor'ad checked that their members were present and fit for combat. Soon the Al'verde, Taras of Clan Jeban stood in front of the whole unit, declaring with a raised fist.

"The Empire has given our people their challenge. Let's go answer them!"

Many among the sixteen or so warriors, including Minrva, chanted in response.

"Tal par tal! Tal par tal! Tal par tal!"

As the chants subsided Taras sat down in his own seat. As for the former founding for a moment closed her eyes underneath the helmet. Once more she was going into battle and with the same enemy as before. This time it was only for her people. Just as Minerva opened her eyes she remarked to Mac with a savage grin.

"Good luck to you Mac. Looking forward to seeing who slays the most foes between us today."

Without further warning the pod shot out like a bullet, shaking its occupants all over. The pod and many more from the enclave forces sped toward their Imperial targets. The opposing fleets furiously exchanged blows with one another. Through the void the surviving boarding pods continue onwards. Tension built within Minerva, waiting impatiently for this shaking to finally but only for a sudden massive blast caused their pod to be violently thrown off course.

Instead of the star destroyer as originally that pod was accidentally pointed to the adjacent frigate, Redeemer. Soon other pods flew in that same direction but on purpose. Only a few of those escaped the Imperial defensive measures rammed into separate sections of the frigate.

Imperial Frigate Redeemer

In a most violent jolt the pod that carried Mac and Minerva pierced into the vessel's central topside. Subsequently the warriors sprang up from their seats while the pod opened. With a battle collective cry the Mandalorians surged forth.

Jaida Tess



181st TIE FIGHTER WING | Red Devil Squadron
Aboard the NIV Harkenfang - Launching
Red Devil Leader/One | TIE/D Defender Elite
Allies: Empire Fleet Leandra Brax Leandra Brax | Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale
ST - Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza | Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh
Enemies: Enclave Fleet Vemric Keldra | Inbound boarding pods
Rogue Imperial Fleet TBD


Jaida's Theme #1
While waiting for further orders, Jaida watched with some irritation from the cockpit of her racked TIE fighter as a male was running perimeter laps below... I mean seriously?! Hello people, standby status protocols, anyone?

And then a woman stepped out onto the hanger deck blindly it seemed... The Flight Captain leaned as far forward as the crashwebbing would allow though couldn't see if the two had collided or not from her position high above. But, if his current pace had continued the same it would be a close call.

Breathe in, breathe out... Nerves of steel, peace of mind.

Suddenly the cruiser vibrated and klaxons began to howl. Chatter on the ship's comms went wild, then the squadron was given the green light to immediately launch.

<< "Harkenfang Control, this is Red Devil Leader. Copy that. Commencing launch sequence now." >>

Gloved hands reached forward and grasped the dual-stick controls of the TIE/D with nervous anticipation of what was to come next. This was truly the hardest part - the process to get released from the rack and flung out of the hangar bay into the void of space. 'Jailer' took a couple of deep breaths and let them out slowly as she awaited her fighter to be released from the rack.

A few moments later, Captain Tess was pressed back hard into her pilot seat when the tractor beam took hold of the Dosuun-born's ship and the fighter catapulted forward, to be a half-second later propelled even faster by an additional kick of the Defender's afterburner by her guidance. The hangar bay wall rushed past the blonde's front, circular viewport with rapidly increasing speed, then there was that familiar crackle of the containment field and the noise of displaced air ceased as the blackness of space embraced her craft.

Immediately, she and her squadron of six were thrown into the middle of the shooting match between the Enclave fleet, theirs, and... another Imperial one????? That was not her problem to figure out. The Red Devils' task was to provide a screen in a loose picket formation and target the inbound boarding pods that had launched from the UES Requiem.

<< "This is One. Two Flight covers, One Flight with me. Going for the lead pod." >> Tess keyed over the squadron's comm channel, then accelerated to attack speed to intercept from above.

As the pod came into view on her targeting HUD, she waited until she got a lock tone then triggered the L-s9.3 laser cannons, all 8 of them: 6 wingtip heavy cannons and the 2 chin-mounted.


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2nd post





Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Kanollic II Vethres Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Adera Vellas Adera Vellas Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin
Romul Saxon Romul Saxon Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Braxton Holst Braxton Holst Vren Rook Vren Rook




'Barry! My, my, you look absolutely dreadful.'

Wheezing with head shaking in reply, Erskine no doubt found the outburst to be funny enough, but naturally thought there would be a more proper greeting before it landed unexpectedly well; showing that the Lord-Regent was in need of a good laugh, despite still being in relatively good spirits that day, the rigors of the warrior's lifestyle still had their perpetual challenges in the back of his mind. Then after offering head-bowed nod of appreciation, the Lord-Regent drew index and middle fingertips to his eyelids, using the same hand to point to his ear as their attentions returned to the matter at hand. Both sides were already having a back and forth over the issues at hand, dealing out much in the way of conjecture on the matter of who-did-what-and-why, and though there was much the Lord-Regent could offer on the matter of Shai Maji's assassination attempt in particular, Barran would keep his mouth shut in observance as they continued.

Though there was one in attendance he was watching in particular.

Romul Saxon carried something of a similar reputation to that which Erskine Barran had retained for decades by then, and in the former's position as reluctant ruler, the latter could see something of his own reluctance in the way Saxon carried himself. And when the Enclave's leader eventually began his input with a simply-stated,'Let it be reminded that the relationship between the Enclave and Empire has been one of tepid commerce. There has never existed a military pact that the Mandalorians would be obligated to honor,', the Empire's own watched on keenly as Romul's eyes darted pointedly to Lord Ignacious, growing increasingly intrigued by the situation as it developed around him, watching on whilst his Mandalorian counterpart was seen showing more irritation with every passing moment.

'As for Ilum, there was no sanctioned Enclave military action on the world. Any Mandalorian who fought with, or against, the Empire that day did so of their own accord.'

Whilst Saxon might have viewed his opening statements as attempts to shrug off the situation at hand, Barran did not, as the Empire's leader saw other behaviours and compulsions beneath the surface, and in the likes of which the Lord-Regent suddenly found himself feel a level of irritation quite similar to that of the Warmaster. In Lord Erskine's mind, Romul was either quite naïve, or quite complicit, and the old Woad was almost completely unsure as to which assumption rang truer than the other.

Other people in his situation would not have minded such confusions, but the old man wasn't like other people, and when the Warmaster continued,'Shai Maji until recently was a captive of the Maw, enslaved by Sith sorcery. Under those spells, she still may be, but regardless of the matter honorable warfare on the battlefield is no offense. If the Empire wishes to take her, you may certainly try.', this only served to further-muddy the water with even more questions raised on the matter. In Erskine's mind, Romul had more of a right to know than anyone else in the Mandalorian Enclave, and had more means of getting to the bottom of the matter than any Imperial could at that point, made all the more difficult for the Imperials by the recent breakout of total war between the Empire and the Galactic Alliance in recent months, though all knew there were no such difficulties for the Enclave in this regard.

Though fortunately for Saxon, Barran knew his counterpart was almost completely ruled out as a suspect, ruling out all as suspects but the Galactic Alliance, people of whom the Lord-Regent hoped would be uncovered by operatives within the Hex Inc. conglomerate, people of whom Lord Erskine believed would be quite easy for the likes of Braxton Holst to uncover. But just like the Warmaster's attitudes were rubbing the Lord-Regent the wrong way before, his comments on Shai Maji were certainly not scoring any points with the old Woad either.

'Let us not bandy words. I am well aware of why you are here. Ilum was a stain on the pride of the Empire, and because of Mandalorian presence there, you seek redress. But I have no soft words to offer. Mandalorians are free to take up arms with whom they please, and many have fought for the Empire under the Aurodium Sword program. But if the Alliance is to make a better offer, then I will not stop them from joining their side. It's all a matter of coin.'

A quiet, though still audible snort of derision escaped Lord Erskine's nostrils, and in the humourless expression that remained, the old Woad reached into his pocket for his datapad - ready to meet any financial demand at a moment's notice.

'Perhaps the Empire is lacking as of late?'

This time, the Lord-Regent's laughter finally sounded something akin to hilarity, and though his face beamed in the spirit of good humour, the pupils of Barran's eyes had drawn so small that the cold, murderous blue of his irises were on full display for all to see. And when the laughter finally died out wheezing in his throat, Lord Erskine lifted his gaze lifted to meet that of Romul's once more and replied,'Oh, I'll get to that last matter. Rest assured, Warmaster.... But first, I'd like to take everything you stated from the very top and work my way to the last matter from there.', calmly resting the datapad on the conference table with the wire-transfer application primed and ready.

'You talk of there being no pact between the Empire and the Enclave, but neglect to mention the fact we're all bound by obligation to fight the Maw together, and neglect to talk of the decades worth of personal ties between our peoples.... In this, I can only assume you've been twiddling thumbs under a rock in all that time. As there is much and more in the way of complication that has arisen as a result of forgetting these vital facts.'

Getting into the swing of his gift for oratory, the old Woad held his head high and proud as his gaze met those of Imperial and Mandalorian alike in defiance, reminding all that despite his affiliations, there were ample reasons to be disappointed in both sides of the increasingly bloody dispute between powers. Though in the most important points of his statements, Barran's gaze would return to that of Saxon's as he continued,'And on the matter of Ilum, you're right, but you fail to mention the GA senators who were most likely to have sanctioned and funded their contracts.... Shame, as these same people made yours look like proper idiots in this matter. Though fortunately for you, Senator Holst here can run some damage control on that matter.', briefly turning his gaze to wide-grinning opportunist sitting to his right.

'At least this one knows when it is most-fortuitous to be greedy, a matter of which you an' I will discuss in depth later.... Matters to attend to here after all. So get yer head in the game, Brax! Heh! We're almost there, mate.'

However, instead of scanning the room to gauge everyone's reactions once more, the Lord-Regent's eyes darted straight back to the Warmaster, silently holding his gaze for a moment or two as he weighed his words with great care, making sure he wasn't in any way misunderstood in his amble. Inhaling one last lungful before continuing, Lord Erskine savoured the tension just a little more before exclaiming,'As for the matter of Shai Maji, both you an' I owe that woman an apology, an' then some.... What she's gone through is by no fault but ours, yet her clan, both the Quartermaster and the Warmaster and myself have done nought but drive her into the arms of the Maw - doesn't take much to radicalise that after what we've allowed to transpire.... I deserved that shot to the gut, but thats not for anyone to pass comment on here today. None but Shai Maji herself, UNDERSTAND?!?!', with eyes staring more wildly than before.

'Which brings me to that last matter of yours.... Name your price - the exact number that keeps you out of my war on the Galactic Alliance. Ya know, saying as I'm on Kestri an' all, you should know of my propensity to spend ridiculous sums of money in Midtown by now. Surely!'

Sliding the datapad across the table towards Saxon, Barran then leaned back and awaited his counterpart's next move, very much reading the tension of the situation as it developed.

Balt Vizsla



GEAR : ENCL-12 Repentance | Mandalorian Cuirass
ALLIES : Vemric Keldra | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Venari Krayt Venari Krayt | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | The Enclave
HOSTILES : Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Leandra Brax Leandra Brax | Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale | Jaida Tess | Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza | Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | The Empire
ENGAGING : Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Leandra Brax Leandra Brax

UES Adate'aden -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Beskaryc'bavar -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Ca'galaar -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Tuur'galaar -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Ne'ta'kal -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Prudii'kal -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Tra'orar -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Parjai'tracyn -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

UES Tal'aka -
  • Shields : 100%
  • Hull : 100%

- - - - -

<Gentlemen! You are weapons free until otherwise ordered. Use specialised weapons at your own discretion and only when necessary.>

A deep and heavy sigh rattled out from the Kel Dor's mask. Somedays, he wished it would be so easy as to just take it off and bark out his orders all the same. Of course, taking off his mask would be tantamount to suicide, an act he heard was detrimental to ones health.

Rising from his captain's seat, he took a brisk pace up the length of his bridge, past the crewpits, and looked out the viewport. Years of experience hunting pirates had taught him how little he understood the second-by-second sensory readouts more formal navies seemed to revel in. As far as he was concerned, he pointed the ship and made the strategies, there was a reason he had a crew.

Though they had been given the green light, it was not another half-minute before the flotilla even began to move. Even then, it was the Star Destroyers he'd been assigned which moved first; his own men, and women, knew better than to act out of anticipation, or on another's orders.

Pirate hunting had that effect, it seemed.

The UES Requiem was first to move, launching boarding pods at the NIV Harkenfang and NIV Redeemer, primarily. They wouldn't do for targets. Battlegroup Vengeance was in-range, but the risk of crossfire was too great, and it'd take too long to align the flotilla. The 300th Egghead Fleet, however, was not so unreachable.

It wasn't the most conveniently placed, but it was the best option by far.

Motioning to the fleet, the Tyatr'alor barked out a command in Mando'a, which was relayed across his flotilla. Each ship calculated the best angle and position, and soon set about moving into it.

Finally, a full minute following the order to open fire, Balt made his peace and, after a long, mechanical inhale, issued his command.


The command rattled out and, in unison, the flotilla unleashed its full, devastating might on the 300th Fleet's Flagship, the Eggman. Four-hundred and ninety-six turbolasers batteries, and seventy-four ion batteries pounding out shot after shot, round after round. The Flotilla's aim was accurate, in that every possible gun was trained on the ship and, should the rounds make it past the shields, raze the hull of the Star Destroyer.

Accompanying the barrage of turbolaser and ion cannon fire were one-hundred and twenty-six missiles silos, pelting whatever layer they could with a storm of torpedoes; M19 Torpedoes, to be exact. Though undoubtedly devastating, the Eggman would be spared the continuous attention of the missile silos and ion cannons, which would soon begin to divide themselves fairly equally amongst the rest of the 300th Fleet.

The missile silos which changed target would switch their ammunition to mag-pulse warheads, while those that remained trained on the Eggman would switch to M20 torpedoes; should the Eggman's shields succumb to the barrage of fire, they would instead switch to M31 torpedoes.

Suffice to say, whichever Mandalorian had found the 300th Egghead Fleet in their sights had a overly-sufficient amount of anger to work through... or needed, rather desperately, to be told the meaning of the word 'excessive'.​


Tag(s): Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
Equipment: In Bio
Allies: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla & Viper team
Foes: Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza (Any other imperial forces)


Venari locks herself tightly within the pod, keeping her heavy repeater on safety as she holds it close to her heart. Doors shut, and the pod is slingshotted with a ferocious velocity at its target. The inside of the pod is shaken about as it slips right through the shields and digs deeply into the targeted ship, many sets of eyes wait inside the pod, eagerly staring down the doors that would soon open to bless them with battle... And when they did? The heavy gunner would be one of the first to charge onward to fight for her new family and home. Twenty-two long years had let up to this moment, it had been a truth that both she and Mother tried to ignore for so very long. Venari had been crafted for this, born for this. A fire like none she ever had before burned brightly within her chest that kept her in a blessed battle trance, it took this long, but finally, the work of that unknown company was finished, and their idea of a being/machine making a perfect war machine had blossomed.

Being one of the handful that charged out as soon as they could, Venari and members of Viper team were the first to get into direct combat with a response team that had been sent to clean out those that flooded through the pods. Two blaster bolts are sent down range, scoring hits on Venari. One simply is shrugged off by her Beskar helm, and the other leaves a singe into her duraplast plate, giving her a sting for sure. With all targeting systems online, the heavy repeater along with the rest of the team quickly carves a bloody path through the troopers that responded to the call. Venari tries to keep a level head, yet the threat to her newfound family and home presses her onward like an enraged bear, the repeater roaring just as loud as the foundling.

Why do we still live?

To fight another day.

As they make it to the hanger, crewmen scuttle around and fighters are still attempting to take off. Venari raises her gun as both she and Mother instantly calculate the perfect shot, and then suddenly... Thwoomp! A grenade is launched perfectly, exploding a fighter and the pilot inside in a blaze of anger.

After a quick reload of the grenade behind cover, Venari is eager to continue, sending a hell-swarm of blaster bolts down range to either instantly cut anyone in her path, or to provide pinning fire as her brothers and sisters closed the gap, ending troopers by blade or bolt.

Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Coruscanta a'den mhi, Vode an.
Bal kote, darasuum kote,
Jorso'ran kando a tome.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, Vode an.

Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Coruscanta a'den mhi, Vode an.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc talyc runi'la solus cet o'r.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc talyc runi'la trattok'o.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, Vode an!

She sang fervently over the coms as her heavy repeater continued to sweep and clean the place along with Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla & Viper team. The song was even sung openly, letting all around hear to inspire pride and or fear.

Last edited:
ALLIES: Enclave | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker | Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla
ENEMIES: The Empire
ENGAGING: Katja Javik Katja Javik | Zorah Fel Zorah Fel | Jorus Fel | Kav Canthar
GEAR: In bio


The woman’s remark as she drew her weapons and evaded the shockwave earned a scoff from the Wardog. ”Really?! Sis, I’m the last person in this galaxy you wanna say that to!” She taunted from the sky as she hovered around, her pistols raining death down upon the imposters below.

Alora was luckily quick to engage the woman, leaving Shai to play with the big boy wielding one hell of a gun.

The man moved back, weathering the heavy bolts against his armour for a moment as he turned his attention to Tod. With a snarl, Shai locked onto him and let loose with a concussion missile from her jetpack, hoping to interrupt his attempt at dispatching the gambling cheat of a medic.

Not waiting to see the results, Shai closed the distance and shot her whipcord at him in hopes of ensnaring him, even if only for a second or two. All the while, her twin blasters continued to pour deadly bolts down at the giant of a man. ”Y’all think you know how to wage war, huh?!” Power cells dropped from the grips of her pistols before she slid them down against her thighs, catching fresh cells and snapping them back in with a firm smack against her armoured plates.

”I’ve been sacking cities since you were sleeping in class, schutta…”

Her right vambrace came to life with glowing plasma spewing down towards the giant of a man from the plasmacaster.




ALLIES : Vemric Keldra | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | Open | The Enclave
HOSTILES: Leandra Brax Leandra Brax | Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | The Empire
THEME : The Cad
- - - - -

"You say the sweetest things."

Drawing himself in, his posture seemed to impossibly tighten as Zlova approached- doubly so as she brushed her hand against him. Though the duraplast armour offered little insight into what it protected... it was safe to say that the Dark Jedi was tense as stone. Perhaps, not so calm and relaxed as he outwardly appeared.

To his credit, Tiber still managed to smoothly bring his hand up from behind his back, and run his thumb along her cheek, trailing off just before he reached her ear; his skin characteristically rough, and the prospect of his hand fully cupping the Dark Lord's head nothing short of teasing. "I'd be a fool if I called a rose for a stone, or made that honey was bitter." he cooed, before letting his hand back to its rightful position, wherever that may be at present.

Whatever moment they had would prove to be short-lived, however intimate. The Jedi had just opened his mouth to respond to the talk of titles when the impact of enemy fire on the Requiem's shields caught his eye, causing the jedi to whip his head around. After a moment of watching the crew scramble, he turned his gaze back to Zlova, barely making out two words before the Grand Admiral began his usual, grand, turn to face them. "Another time-"

"I would ask you to accompany the assault forces across the void if you are so inclined, lady and gentleman."

Offering a situationally inappropriate grin, Tiber's posture seemed to relax, as if playing a game of chicken with a Sith was more stressful than boarding an enemy ship. "I'd remind you, Grand Admiral, that I have not been gentleman for nigh on my lifetime-" he mocked, a mischievous glint in his eye, even as he playfully pushed his Sith Compatriot away, palm landing both too low of her neck, and too high of her cleavage to be immediately erotic.

Striding past her, he gave a coy wink. "Try not to get shot, Mistress Zlova, You may be Sith, but a rose looks best with its petals intact-" Tiber teased, just before disappearing around a corner, quickening his pace for fear of her retribution.

- - - - -
LOCATION : NIV Harkenfang
THEME : Sound the Alarm

The Dark Jedi had, by all means, no issues with being in confined spaces. He'd had an overly-eager knight for a master with an overly metaphorical view of the Force, after all, who believed that the Jedi were instruments of the Force, and it was best to teach the Padawans young by giving them the most undesirable tasks.

To put it bluntly, Tiber had spent enough time crawling through vents, tunnels, and all manner of crevices to handle a boarding pod.

His comfort did not extend to the constant shaking of the pod, nor the unpleasant and distinct thunk that came from punching a hole into the ship's hull. The grinding was fine though.

As the pod finally opened, the Dark Jedi Master slid out and sprung to the nearest wall- blaster drawn in one hand, and lightsaber hilt in the other... Only to find himself rather alone in the hallway, save for the sounds of turbolaser batteries firing and buckethead boots clanking down some hallway.

Holstering his pistol, the Dark Jedi pulled his hood up and tightened the cloak around his armour, before starting off down a hallway... in search of, quite literally, anything to make the unpleasant experience of being shot through the void worthwhile.
Gae'celic Alor, Master Beskarsmith

Mac nodded and let out a little friendly chuckle, "We were 'aving a good moment, let's not ruin it by you coming in second..."

As the boarding pod impacted the Redeemer, Mac drew his Ripper, clamped the claymore to his back, and drew the warhammer in his off hand. As the pod opened into the Imperial ship, Mac sprinted forth, "KYR'AM!!!!!!!!!" Opening fire with his Ripper, Mac watched as several troopers and fleet personnel fell to the fire of the Mando's. A bulkhead door opened on his left, and the kilted Mando didn't hesitate. A swift swing buried the spike into the first stormtrooper through the door, piercing him straight through the heart. Mac turned to Minerva, using the trooper as a make shift shield. "W'at say we take t'is s'ip for our own. Teac' t'ese c'akaaryc a lesson t'ey won't soon forget."

Mac turned back on the squad of troopers, opening fire, and advancing. 'Bare Minimum', he thought, 'we'll scuttle as many ships as possible and the Imperials can limp out with a lot less troops and ships...'

As the troopers who tried the failed flank fell, Mac pulled his warhammer out of the dead man's chest, and gathered his bearings. They weren't far from the engineering bays. 'Good.' Mac smiled under his buy'ce, he sure did miss a good fight. "I'm going to see if I can de-teet' t'is frigate..." It may be a risky move, and would leave the ship defenseless should he succeed in taking the weapons off line, but that'd be one less ship firing on his brethren...

Kelinna Tryn




ALLIES: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Kav Canthar | Koda Fett | Aoki Mira | TE
ENEMIES: Gwyneira Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Juno Wren Juno Wren | Grendel Krayt | Enclave
ENGAGING: Juno Wren Juno Wren



The game was up.

As the Reaper passed the Mandalorian, her peripheral caught a movement from the other. Veteran's instinct had Lily bending backwards as a fist passed past her visor, the wind created by the velocity buffeting against it.

"'Used to be your pa's', eh? The jig's up, whoever you are."

A sigh escaped the sharpshooter's nose as she clamped down on the extend arm in front of her with one hand while applying pressure sudden, crushgaunted pressure on the elbow with the other while twisting with momentum into the Mandalorian, bringing the arm with her.
"Guess it is." came the dead-cold reply from the Reaper's helmet.

At the same time, she aimed her heel with a powerful, yet speed-filled movement at the side of the Mandalorian's knee to try and dislocate it before moving past, pulling her pistol as she did so.

Firing an immediate golden heavy blaster bolt straight at the head of the Mandalorian, she also deployed the energy shield in her vambrace.
"Bringing a knife to a gunfight, huh?" Lily mocked. "I expected more from a Mandalorian."

Guess it helped to have years of hard warfare under the belt.



"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Ship: The Redeemer (frigate)
Allies: Leandra Brax Leandra Brax Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Castor E-196 Castor E-196
Vemric Keldra Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Mac O Shenanigans Mac O Shenanigans @others

The situation went from tense to dull to absolutely chaotic. The Redeemer was an anti-fighter frigate, ill-suited to stand up to larger or even similar-sized ships. Alarms rang and orders were shouted. The frigate shook, before it roared its response, firing all weapons.

A large portion of the Mandalorian threat came from their pods stacked with battle-hardened warriors. The 'land fight' was their forte, and they were able to turn even space combat into just the kind of battlefield that best suited them.

The Redeemer played to its strengths. It was used to firing on the fast-moving smaller targets of starfighters, and now it did its job at picking off what it could of the Enclave's boarding pods.

There were just too many to get them all... The ship shook once more, followed by an entirely different alarm. They were being boarded. At least one of the pods had been it through, maybe more. While the bridge and weapons maintained its firing solutions, doing their best at keeping the Redeemer doing what the Redeemer did best, what few forces the frigate had available were deployed to answer the boarders. This included Aisling.

Aisling and a handful of others moved out into the hallways of the ship. Another tremor threw her off her feet, nearly hitting her head against the wall. Shouts and the sounds of blasters were heard further down the hall. Kark.

Pulling herself back to her feet, blaster in hand, she charged head first into what was quickly becoming a desperate fight. Little did she know, as fires spread in different sections, that the frigate would soon enough be lost.


ALLIES: Kav Canthar | Zorah Fel Zorah Fel | Jorus Fel
ENGAGING: Shai Maji Shai Maji | Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Equipment: Sons of Mandalore Beskar'gam, other Mando stuff like whipcord and stuff



There was no way she could dodge every single bolt heading towards her but in beskar she didn't need to. For the blasterfire she couldn't avoid, she positioned herself so that the bolts would ping off of the fortified armour. As beneficial as it was for her own protection, it was in equal parts an annoyance as her enemies were afforded the same level of defence.

<"Put that mutt down, Rancor."> She told her companion. It wasn't that he needed to be told but it was more of an encouragement than anything.

Aiming for the gaps in the armour was near impossible but she maintained concentrated fire on Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla until the Mandalorian advanced in a manner that she was unprepared for. She moved quickly to step aside, a much more instinctive move than using a jetpack, but caught a leg on the woman, sweeping her onto one knee with a hand on the floor to steady herself.

She holstered one blaster in favour of a vibroknife since they were at such close range and pushed herself back onto her feet a little tenderly after having a leg swept from underneath her. In a swift movement, she slashed the blade towards the Mandalorian to try and keep her at bay before aiming the following attack at her neck.

Jorus Fel


"Those two Mandos in matching armors are SCAR troopers," she told Jorus. "Everyone else is, unfortunately, an enemy. So...are you going to start shooting, or do you have more questions to ask?"

"Ah, shit... here we go again." Smoke murmured.

Not a moment later and the nasty revelation struck them like lightning. They were in the middle of a frozen hellscape against a horde of Mandalorians. But if the frying pan wasn't enough, the fire came right up next as reports trickled down from Command of fire exchanged in space between Imperials and Mandalorians.

The five stormtroopers crouched in position and opened a ceaseless burst of fire at the Mandalorians ( Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla ; Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker ; Shai Maji Shai Maji ) engaging with the unmarked SCAR troopers, showering the warriors with blaster fire from their vantage point.

"Zorah! The Lord-Regent's inside!-- we needa get 'em outta there fast!" the senior private barked through the hail of blaster bolts. The landing pad and its shuttle were suddenly elevated to a status of strategic importance. ​

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