Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Allegiances - Empire/Enclave Junction


Runi sat patiently and slowly sipped her tihaar as Braxton bounced out of his seat to gleefully greet an old friend -- Lord Regent Erskine Barran. Of course Braxton was quite the shrewd business man. It would help considering the nigh imperceptible tense air about the Grand Moff earlier. Little things a Shaman noticed.

Likewise, students of people should note that it was Braxton's suggestion that action might need taken against 'Wardog' that caused the Shaman's hazel eyes to lift from her drink. It was only for a moment, however, as the Warmaster verbally stepped in to deliver his own speech. For the moment, Runi was left to return to sitting silently and listening to what those present had to say. It was best that the two representing the faction finally have a little... discussion, after all.

It was by the Manda that Romul did not seem inclined to offer Shai Maji Shai Maji up on a platter, though Runi could have done without hearing doubt about her spiritual state of being. Having been the one to help coax the dreadfully strong woman back from the brink of oblivion, Runi was all too confident in Shai's present condition. Not that she'd done it alone. A certain long-lived man, Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji , had played a powerful role in it as well. His ability to endure physically and emotionally at the very least had been commendable.

Naturally the Warmaster and Lord-Regent did not see quite eye to eye on matters large and small. Fortunately, Runi did not need to bear the weight of the moment nor what might result from it. It was not her place to try and placate either party. Certainly not when the Leader of the Enclave now bore the explicit title of Warmaster let alone the responsibility for deciding when the Mandalorian people would set off to battle. Though that came with its own concerns, but those were not for this chamber filled with this audience to witness.

Her eyes lifted briefly and shifted from Erskin to Braxton before the Shaman reached out for her tihaar once more. A curious exchange under the circumstances. Not at all what one would expect in a gathering of warriors -- that should prove amusing for those that expected a certain cadence to these proceedings. It seemed the Lord Regent had recognized such a pace was not to be and had embraced an... unorthodox one himself. Curious how both were the result of the same, singular man.

Before Runi savored her drink, however, Erskine said something that drew her attention. Owed Shai an apology? Now that was unexpected. Especially given the grave expressions of those that surrounded the Lord Regent. Not an unwelcome twist to matters. In the wake of the Erskine's energetic statement, Runi resumed taking her drink as though he'd merely emphasized his thoughts at a normal volume level.

With the matter of one Shai Krayt -- Shai Maji -- out of the way, the Shaman felt quite comfortable in the proceedings now. Provided the Empire didn't attempt to betray the Enclave or begin another Crusade against the Mandalorians, the rest were matters of daily life which she entrusted the leaders present to handle to the degree and of matters to which they were accustomed. Though she did hope that the outcome would ensure the development of the Enclave's worlds and its people. A few more pharmaceutical factories, hospitals, dams, and other 'every day' projects would be rather beneficial to the Mandalorian people.

Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Volo Dragr Volo Dragr
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Kanollic II Vethres | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin

Kav Canthar




ALLIES: Katja Javik Katja Javik | Zorah Fel Zorah Fel | Jorus Fel | SCAR + EMPIRE
ENEMIES: Mandalorians
ENGAGING: Shai Maji Shai Maji + Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker
GEAR: Sons of Mandalore Beskar'gam | Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon | TL-50 Heavy Repeater
C-10 Heavy Blaster Pistol | Phase-Knife | Grenade loadout


A lot seemed to happen suddenly.

It was like the wardog just activated all weapons at once, combined with the other Mandalorian who was taking potshots from down the street.

The concussion missile from the jetpack was probably the biggest concern. Kav had to deal with that over the blaster-fire. While not a dedicated beskar'gam user, he had enough understanding on the systems to make do, and activated the jetpack on his own back. He skirted along the ground, as the missile exploded against some building front, and the blast wave hit the large Imperial with force, heat and debris.

The resounding thunks of duracrete against helmet were agitating.

Katja called out.

<<"Yeah, I'm workin' on it!">>

But then a whipcord lashed out, which wrapped up Kav's arm against one side of his body. It wasn't ideal. Luckily he had been in the midst of firing at the other Mando down the street - who, it turned out, had another surprise of his own--

* Boom! *

--the explosive round impacted against Kav, impacting the armor on his chest, which in turn knocked him stumbling. With the combination of one arm caught up in a whipcord, the constant blaster-fire from the mutt, and now the explosive round from the other Mando... well, Kav could only give a thousand yard stare within the helmet, as he was buffeted around like a bantha's chew toy.

<<"Palpatine's balls, I hate Mandalorians...">> Kav muttered, as the Shistavanen began to gloat. <<"Oh, quit your yappin'!">>

Kav knew the beskar'gam was tough, but not tough enough to be manhandled like he was being for an extended period.

It was time to throw some of their Mando tricks back at them.

A gauntlet-blade extended, which allowed the Ragithian the moment to slice out of the cord, he rolled across the ground as the wardog opened fire on him again with actual fire. And as he continued to tumble sideways to evade the approaching heat, he rolled onto his back and aimed his own gauntlet--

<<"Random Mando bullshit, go!">>

--and fired off a wrist rocket, as well as some laser beam, and there might even have been a dart mixed in there.

It didn't matter, the purpose was to try and force the wardog to back off for a second or two, so Kav could reorient himself and get back to his feet.

There was also some additional pressure, as nearby Stormtroopers began to open fire on the hostiles in the area.

Kav started to roll sideways again, like an armored rolling pin, as he made some space...



Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Allies | Gwyneira Krayt ; Juno Wren Juno Wren ; Grendel Krayt
Allies In Engagement | Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla ; Shai Maji Shai Maji ; Juno Wren Juno Wren
Enemies | Koda Fett ; Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken ; Lily Stevens ; Shai Maji Shai Maji
Engaging | Katja Javik Katja Javik ; Zorah Fel Zorah Fel Kav Canthar Jorus Fel (His minions, I mean stormtroopers)

Todd clicked the barrel a few more times the revolver's chambers spinning not firing anything. He was on his feet moving but his breathing became more labored by the minute as his chest continued to hurt from the previous injury. One side of his ribcage was extending and moving in opposite of the others. He didn't know how much longer he would last but he'd try his best.

Slowing as he reached cover, Todd realized that he didn't have the fancy gadgets the Mandalorians had with them, he had a gun and a dream. Taking six bullets from his bandolier they were all marked with red ends, signifying their explosivity. This time he'd not waste his time with the useless ammo, it would be a waste of resources.

Sliding them in one by one he took a look over cover seeing the large man roll onto his back. This seemed like a perfect time to light the man up with his newly loaded toy. Standing, he took aim and fired at the man with plans to finish off the cylinder. Though on his second shot, a blaster hit his cover startling him, sending the shot wild. The loose shot flew on a wall in the direction of Kav.

Turning Todd looked in the direction of the fire. He saw where the stormtrooper's vantage point was from the streamline of shots coming out of it. Though the Doctor was forced into cover under their suppressive fire. Muttering to himself he popped up and with the weapon on his side he fired the remaining shots at the vantage point, their red casing falling to the floor. This took a matter of seconds, and he was back in cover before he could see if anything happened. Though while luckily he was fast enough to not get shot, one of the suppressive bolts did stick a hole in his coat. His plan was to collapse wherever the stormtroopers firing at them were and hopefully kill all of the soldiers or at least stop their barrage.

Looking at his bandolier he had five explosive shots left, he loaded them quietly placing a taser in the first position, maybe he could capture the beast of a man. Though his thoughts did slow a bit when the sharp pain in his chest grew and he clenched his fists in agony. Though he was starting to lose vision, he still would hold firm for the rest of the fight.



Location:Aboard the Harkenfang
Storm Armor Mk. V
REC Scatter Gun
REC-DC/04 Particle Blaster Pistol
Sentinel Tech Gloves

Allies: Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale / Leandra Brax Leandra Brax / Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken / Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh / Jaida Tess
Foes: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla / Venari Krayt Venari Krayt

Mirinda was never one for true combat, or rather, she didn't enjoy the rush that came with combat at times. Having been on her datapad, she was startled to life by the klaxons that rang out, and a horrific shudder that rocked the deck. Screams and cries of alarms sounded, as an unnaturally calm woman's voice sounded through the bay. "Attention, Mandalorian Boarding Parties inbound, repeat, Mandalorian Boarding Parties inbound." The sudden pace of the hanger erupted into absolute madness, the Zeltron making a startled sound as she was nearly collided into by a pair of transport pilots all too eager to get the hell out of the hanger.

Making something of a huff, she stowed her work, grabbing for the REC that hang from her shoulder, and initally planned on making for the situation two floors up, before another shudder and the sound of blaster fire brought that idea to a halt. Catching a glimpse of heavy fire coming from across the hanger, she threw herself behind a crate of TIE wings, and tried to rationalize how she was going to precede from here.

With the sounds of combat sounding near by, she had a mere handful of options open to her, and all of them revlved around actions she found rather, well, unpleasant.

So, Katja wasn't a jet junkie after all. After all, in a fight it was always good to know what your opponent was (or wasn't) capable of doing. Not that it guaranteed Alora would win -- that would all come down to her winning personality -- but you never knew what nugget of insight would help. Besides, she liked the fact the woman had been brought down a leg. Even briefly. No one 'put down' her Shai.

The high-pitched discharge of a disruptor flared to life and sailed right by Katja Javik Katja Javik as the woman got back to her feet. Aw, wasn't going to wait to be executed? That was alright. Dreadfully short party if all the attendees dropped dead on the first verse of the song.

Matching her opponent, the right disruptor twirled until it slid back into its holster at Alora's hip. A baton snapped to full length in its place as Katja drew a vibroknife. "Come on then." Time for the chorus.

The two women's feet slid over the ground as blade and baton clashed. Alora's violet visor glowed and was fixed on the determined foe. Her thrust at the neck had Alora lean away and use the baton as a guard to keep Katja from simply slicing down to follow. After all, it wasn't really the knife Alora was worried about. Oh, she had to deal with it or it would be something to worry about, but...

"Your friends are kind of eriya." A burst from the jetpack sent the silvery Mandalorian into the air briefly as she whirled about to fire three disruptor shots in quick succession at the troops (Jorus Fel ) that rained fire down on her and Katja's position. Friends that fired on an enemy engaged with an ally in close distance weren't very friendly!

Alora landed on the other side of Katja before she stepped forward to re-engage with the baton. "I don't much like you either, but I'm willing not to vaporize you if you apologize." Maybe. It was possible. They'd probably want prisoners or something, not like they'd talk, right? They shouldn't talk. Talking would be bad for their side. Not Alora's business though -- she was no interrogator.

Hopefully those stormtroopers wouldn't fire with Katja actually between Alora and them. If they did, then they really didn't like Katja. Or maybe they just really really didn't like Alora, but that would be just mean and nasty.


ALLIES: Kav Canthar | Zorah Fel Zorah Fel | Jorus Fel
ENGAGING: Shai Maji Shai Maji | Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Equipment: Sons of Mandalore Beskar'gam, other Mando stuff like whipcord and stuff



The Mandalorian was willing enough to entertain them both in a close-quarters duel but she was frustratingly competent at it. Unlike the other members of her squad, Katja hadn't specialised in a single area of combat and so was equally proficient in all areas, though not to the extent that she could outperform any member of SCAR within their own specialisation. With no preference of method, she was adaptable, however the margin for error was greater.

Her focus remained on her adversary as they clashed even at the sudden surge in blasterfire around them. She didn't need to look to see who it was. Though she didn't understand the comment from the Mandalorian, she assumed it was an insult. "Yeah? Yours are a pain in the ass." She replied, leaning into the following blow with more force as an emphasis before her opponent rocketed skywards. Using the vambrace of her left wrist, she deflected any stray bolts that were too close for comfort.

Katja turned to face the Mandalorian who was back on the ground as quickly as she left it. "It'll be a cold day in hell before you catch me apologising." She responded.

With one hand, she reached and grabbed onto the Mandalorian's fist that was enclosed around the baton so that she could try and fight for control while her other hand slashed towards her adversary's neck again. If she could gain control then she could force the Mandalorian back into the line of fire but it was a risk as her own armour was not invulnerable, especially at close range.

Onboard the Redeemer

Allied Tag: Mac O Shenanigans Mac O Shenanigans Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Enemy Tag: Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Castor E-196 Castor E-196

As soon as Minerva came out the pod she fired a three shot burst into the naval trooper's chest. Standing beside Mac she guarded his back shooting four bolts at a different stormtrooper. Most shots dented the trooper's armor before the final one cut his neck and the Imperial dropped to the floor sideways. Minerva switched to rapid fire mode just as the veteran turned to her with a newly rendered meat shield, while voicing his opinion amidst the ongoing firefight.

"I wouldn't have it in any other way." The younger warrior replied just as she helped him and their comrades mow down more hostiles but suffering one of their own killed and two others wounded. Reloading a fresh power cell she then heard Taras, their commander receive a message via private comms before he reported to everyone.

"We're not on the destroyer but a frigate! That blast during the ride over must've knocked us off course. Of course that doesn't change what we have to do, let's get to it."

Minerva couldn't agree more but then they all heard more rushing steps coming from the other side of the hall. Taking cover from the adjacent room's entrance on the left she narrowed her focus. At the sight of the charging ensign( Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale ) and her compatriots she found herself admiring such courage. Yet Minerva didn't hesitate to open fire with multiple blaster bolts toward their general direction.
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"OKAY EVERYONE!" Velran shouted seeing the first volley of fire being exchanged. "IT'S HAPPENING! GET TO YOUR STATIONS!" Alarms were blaring inside of the bridge with cadets below Velran while he observed the barrage of turbolasers heading his way.

"Starting aggressive, are we?" Velran smirked. "That's one thing I like about Mandalorians, they take the initiative. Too bad they don't possess my incredible brain! All Imperial Star Destroyers full power to shields! Absorb the damage while returning fire! Onager class! Make your mini jumps to your designated coordinates and prepare your cannons! Donnagers as soon as the Imperial Star Destroyers make contact with the turbolaser fire accelerate and unload your missiles! You will be accompanied by your respective frigates!"

Velran rubbed his hands with glee. "All TIE fighters," Velran said. "Wait behind the Star Destroyers and do not approach until my mark!"

"I wanna see what these bastards are gonna do," Velran thought. "It's only the feeling out process!"

Moving as one, Onager Class made the mini jump to lightspeed while the two Star Destroyers rushed in to absorb the turbolaser fire. The Donnagers then moved ahead of them unleashing a volley of missiles to the nearest Mandalorian ship.

"People!" Velran shouted. "Have the Eggman target the nearest Assault Carrier. Unleash five missiles pods now!"

Within a split second, the eggman fired missiles towards the Assault Carrier.

Verin Oldo Verin Oldo , Vemric Keldra, Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , Leandra Brax Leandra Brax

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ALLIES : Vren Rook Vren Rook | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon
HOSTILES : Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Kanollic II Vethres | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin
- - - - -

"What would you suggest, Master Volo, as the Guildmaster of the Kar… Karjer? Forgive me, my Mando'a leaves a lot to be desired."

Almost robotically, Volo's head turned to look at the Director. Holst, Braxton Holst. A man who had, very recently, earned the well-hidden attentions of the Karjr Guild for the not-so-well hidden dealings of his company. "It is best that you do not know our tongue intimately, Director. Though, your pronunciation is correct."

The matter of Shai Maji was a difficult one. It raised many questions amongst his senior staff, and came at a most unfortunate time when the Karjr were largely preoccupied with far more pressing matters than to fill the roles of judge, jury and executioner. The difficulty wasn't in making the decision, but justifying it. The trick, however, was wording it so that it did not seem so reckless as it truly was.

Shai Maji, the Wardog, was never taken into my Guild's custody. Due to the precarious matter of morality surrounding the case, she was remanded into the custody of her clan for their judgement. Should she prove herself a threat once more, she will be dealt with from that moment."

In this regard, I stand with the Warmaster. The Enclave will not punish the true Sons and Daughters of Mandalore for living freely in accordance with our collective principles, as the Old Way instructs."
For the countless times the Guildmaster disagreed with the Warmaster, none would ever be more infuriating than having to agree with the man.

"Moreover, I will not suffer an affront to my duty as a protector of Mandalore, and it's legacy, should you conspire to take Shai Maji by force."
Casting a cautionary glance across the table, across both Enclave and Imperial Delegations alike, Volo was not delusional enough to believe all in attendance would understand the significance of his words.

Those that could take the hint, however, would link his declaration with the sovereign red accents on his visor. The red visor being a marking of the ancient order of the Mandalorian Protectors, those sworn to safeguarding the history and culture of Mandalore. An order that the Dragr had recently assumed control over.

"Perhaps the Empire is lacking as of late?"

His past was, however, irrelevant to the present. Turning his gaze onto the Warmaster, he seemed to channel the full of Kestri's icy winter into a harrowing glare masked by the Guildmaster's everpresent helmet. To take a firm stand and rally one's conviction in self-defense was something that, despite his deep loathing of the man, Volo could understand and respect.

To insult the opposing delegation's finances immediately after, however, despite the attempts the Dragr had earlier made to ease tensions, was plainly moronic. Dragging his attention back to the table, spreading his gaze across its perimeter, the Guildmaster hardly had time to dwell on the matter.

It took his best efforts, amidst the sudden downpour of aggravation, to restrain a sigh as the transmission came through. Trust the Wardog to bring them trouble after they'd stuck their necks out for her. Still, there was little Volo could do from his seat at the table, and he lacked faith enough to leave the Warmaster attended by the complacent Jorhaa'ir of the Mando'karla.

Even so, he could scarcely leave without making a scene. The faithful Rook, on the other hand...

Romul nodded to Volo, and Volo in turn nodded to Vren to get his attention. Concealing his movements as best he could, the Dragr skipped his fingers over a few buttons on his vambrace, relaying a recording of the transmission to Vren through an encrypted Karjr line. In doing so, he exhausted the most possible of his actions without altering his circumstances. With luck, the Rook would understand his meaning and find time to slip out and handle the matter.

All that was left to Volo was sitting, waiting, and thinking on just how poorly the Saxon Warrior would fit the Quartermaster's Throne; both literally, and metaphorically.

He may not covet the seat itself, but he would not spend a lifetime handling the fumbles of a General learning to be a Politician when he could better protect the legacy of Mandalore from the throne itself.



Objective: I - Honor Bound
Location: Diplomatic Landing Pad - Tor Valum

THE EMPIRE: Kanollic II Vethres | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Open (Any Imperial dignitaries may accompany Korvan on his shuttle)
THE ENCLAVE: Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Volo Dragr Volo Dragr | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Open


To say that Korvan was taken aback by what was said thus far would have been a noted understatement, on all accounts. He did not expect the entrance of yet another Mandalorian. Korvan did not recognize this one, but he carried himself with a certain... mystique and air of authority that bespoke a certain level of importance. His words on the other hand... were what was most surprising.

"Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan, I presume, and Lord Regent Barran, I would begin by offering you my most sincere apologies, and extending the same on behalf of the Enclave."

The Grand Moff had heard rumors that manners of apology were not present in the Mandalorian language. Clearly, his tactic had worked. To a point.

Commissioner Vethras’ words were calming, and rather diplomatic - a tactic that seemed to complement the Grand Moff’s direct demeanor during this meeting.

"What I would like to propose to the members of this meeting is a Special Council being appointed with both Enclave and Empire representatives to investigate the matter fully. We need to be absolutely certain before we do anything rash."

"...I have to agree with Grand Moff Korvan that the attempt on his life is of grave importance.”

”As I am a rather new addition to the Enclave’s council, I shall leave the details of this matter to the relevant parties. However, I think it should be noted that, in the pursuit of peace, actions should perhaps be taken against the so-called “Wardog”. What would you suggest, Master Volo, as the Guildmaster of the Kar… Karjer? Forgive me, my Mando’a leaves a lot to be desired.”

This meeting was going far better than anticipated, at least until the Warmaster himself deigned to open his mouth again.

"As for Ilum, there was no sanctioned Enclave military action on the world. Any Mandalorian who fought with, or against, the Empire that day did so of their own accord."

"Let us not bandy words. I am well aware of why you are here. Ilum was a stain on the pride of the Empire, and because of Mandalorian presence there, you seek redress. But I have no soft words to offer. Mandalorians are free to take up arms with whom they please, and many have fought for the Empire under the Aurodium Sword program. But if the Alliance is to make a better offer, then I will not stop them from joining their side. It's all a matter of coin."

"Perhaps the Empire is lacking as of late?"

Never before in Korvan’s years of statecraft had he heard a more incoherent, and woefully uneducated example of political posturing. Ever. The Grand Moff’s lips pursed noticeably as it seemed he was gathering his thoughts; focusing his mind on how to even begin to show how the Warmaster’s words were truly... inexplicably tone deaf of politics in general.

Thankfully, whether it was due to divine providence or careful calculation, the Lord Regent had spoken first.

'You talk of there being no pact between the Empire and the Enclave, but neglect to mention the fact we're all bound by obligation to fight the Maw together, and neglect to talk of the decades worth of personal ties between our peoples.... In this, I can only assume you've been twiddling thumbs under a rock in all that time. As there is much and more in the way of complication that has arisen as a result of forgetting these vital facts.'

'And on the matter of Ilum, you're right, but you fail to mention the GA senators who were most likely to have sanctioned and funded their contracts.... Shame, as these same people made yours look like proper idiots in this matter. Though fortunately for you, Senator Holst here can run some damage control on that matter.'

'Which brings me to that last matter of yours.... Name your price - the exact number that keeps you out of my war on the Galactic Alliance. Ya know, saying as I'm on Kestri an' all, you should know of my propensity to spend ridiculous sums of money in Midtown by now. Surely!'

Despite the killer instinct present in Erskine’s eyes, his words carried a perfect balance of strength yet, a disarming nature about them. He had touched on much of what the Grand Moff would have said himself, yet even still; Korvan decided to speak up anyway.

“I would be remiss, if I did not comment on the obvious points that the Lord Regent is clearly too magnanimous to comment on himself.” His voice was measured, clearly choosing his words carefully. “It would seem that the Enclave wishes to... how does the expression go? ‘Eat their cake and have it too?’”

Korvan’s voice took on a dangerously pleasant tone - a phenomenon very few people now living ever saw outside of the confines of alcoholic drinks over a victory or fond memory of the past. “You speak of possessing a pact with the Galactic Alliance, but then categorically deny any official military deployments of Enclave assets. You state that all Enclave members are free to sell their services to the highest bidder, and despite a few such brave individuals making the right choice and fighting for us anyway, imply the Empire lacks the resources to pay for said services? Despite the fact the Empire, in your own admission, has arranged trade deals favorable to the Enclave?”

As if to cap off the oddity of his tone, Korvan broke his normally frozen demeanor; and laughed. Loudly.

“Which is it... Warmaster? Is the Enclave a regional power capable of holding its own ‘members’ accountable for their actions? Shall we agree that the commander of the Enclave naval forces on Ilum is an illegal privateer and shall be apprehended as such, along with the attempted murderer known as Shai Maji? Or are you all little more than mercenaries who can’t even provide a unified front at the negotiating table? Which story is it, Warmaster? Or shall we carry on with this double talk?”

Before he could continue, his commlink would buzz silently. He would pull it out and glance at the screen, reading a report that caused his face to resume its prior stone-carved nature. He would not be the only one to receive the update, with his personal bodyguard and the Imperial delegates assembled all receiving the peculiar, but no less dangerous update.

Fighting had broken out in space.

It would seem that it was time to leave.

But... he would not reveal his hand prematurely. Undoubtedly Erskine would receive the same update, and Korvan’s glance would be enough to communicate his silent question about how the Lord Regent wished to handle it.


Vren really wasn't cut out for politics.

The amount of posturing, veiled threats and double standards being thrown around between the delegates were mind-boggling. What happened to solving something in the streets with blasters like gentlemen? It was simple ant to the point and concluded an issue very quickly.

It was damn hard for him to keep a straight face with all of this.

His helmet sat next to his hands on the table, the least bit of respect he could show to the Imperial delegation while Saxon and Dragr remained hidden behind theirs - their defiance speaking volumes.

This was a mess.

There was more back and forth and big words and an insulting accusation from Romul that caused Vren to groan inwardly. That was going to cause ruffled feathers for sure. The tension was growing ever thicker in the room. He was just about to open his mouth to try and diffuse everyone, when everything got thrown out the window by the crackle of his wrist comm, loud and clear for the entire room to hear.

:: All Enclave personnel, this is Wardog. Imperials have infiltrated Tor Valum, dressed as Sons of Mandalore. Be on alert, their armour's a dead giveaway. ::

The Karjr gave a groaning sigh as his eyes momentarily closed. He knew Saxon and Dragr still tried to keep it under wraps in conveying subtle signals. It was all rendered useless now.
"Shiiiiiit." he said while removing his helmet and placing it over his head once more.

He rose to his feet, drawing two of his pistols as he did so, one pointing at Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan 's head and the other at Braxton Holst Braxton Holst 's while he opened a direct line to Nag so she could hear.
"I am sorry, lady, gentlemen, but I'm afraid that neither Maji nor that naval commander are going anywhere after that broadcast we just heard." he told them, his usual friendly tone stern. "I suggest you start giving explanations why we have Imperial infiltrators in the heart of our city or there's going to be a lot of folks dead in this room before it's done."

Things were about to go South.



Location: NIV Harkenfang
Equipment: In Bio
Allies: Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza / Leandra Brax Leandra Brax / Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken / Jaida Tess / Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale
Enemies: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla / Venari Krayt Venari Krayt


"Incoming! Find cover, now!" Ruaridh barked upon seeing beskar-armoured figures tramp out of a corridor from the opposite side of the hangar. His enhanced reflexes and reaction-time saw him loose a few shots even as he ducked into cover to avoid the heavy weapons fire spraying all across the hangar. A serious team of Mandalorians, experienced enough in battle to take cover in the lee of the corridor entryway while they set up shop with a heavy particle repeater. Ruaridh ordered his team, using STRIDER's non-verbal battle cant, to employ cover-fire-move manoeuvres across the hangar, supporting each other's sprints from cargo crate, TIE wing or fire-blasted machinery.

A thunderous boom erupted, too quick for Ruaridh to react to, mid-sprinting to cover as he was. One of the damn Mandalorians had launched a grenade at a TIE fighter, resulting in a cacophony of sound thankfully blocked out by the Prowler suit's sonic nullifiers and a backwash of heat and shrapnel. Bloody madman! Were they trying to blow a hole in the hangar and have them all ejected into the cold vacuum of space? Metal shards pinged off Ruaridh's armour as he pulsed a battery of shots from his Viperwasp at the heavy gunner's deflector shield, the plasmatic bolts sparking off unsuccessfully but that would serve to distract the enemy briefly as his squadmates ran to cover.

"Horun, put that shield out of commission! Lane, suppress and deny!" Ruaridh barked as the Private ducked into cover metres away from him. She switched the firing mode on her Stopilka to EMP even before she had backed up against her barricade. His ears, used to the discordant thunder of battle, pricked up at the sound of a foreign voice singing in a language alien to Ruaridh's understanding, but which he knew to be Mando'a. The battle song - for were there any other such choruses sung by Mandalorians - was full of bravado, pride and meant no doubt to intimidate the Imperials. What they didn't seem to grasp was that they were the ones surrounded, alone in a hostile environment. Ruaridh was intimately familiar with such a place and would be sure to provide a warm welcome.

Corporal Lane, the fourth member of Ruaridh's team, took up position behind a tall cargo crate, folding out his blaster cannon's bipod mount and lining up his sights on the Mandalorians. Horun, on her turn to provide covering fire, fired several ion bursts at the heavy weapon gunner's energy shield, which at first spanged, sizzled, then, with a pop!, failed. Lane's finger had already begun depressing the trigger on his rotary cannon, firing a fusillade of blaster bolts at the heavy weapon gunner, pounding into the warrior's armour and hammering at the entire mouth of the corridor.

"Sergeant Cullen, we've engaged hostiles in Hangar Bay D03, bring your squad up the stern-side hallway and take these pricks up the arse!" Ruaridh ordered over his comlink as he fired his own weapon at the entryway. Let them try to break out of this fast-closing trap.



Tag(s): Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh
Equipment: In bio
Allies: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla & Viper team
Foes: Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza (Target)​


Heart pumping, eyes forward, loyal soldier keep marching on.

A real hero never fears the pain or death, and every good soldier fights till their last breath. One such soldier continued to crave their way through the hanger, shouting in one clear voice. Her ferocity in battle honoring those who were gone, and she would fight until the end if need be.

Her singing stops after a time, hopeful that it amped the rest of her team.

"Multiple new signatures detected, higher value target spotted. New directive, provide covering fire to Viper team, then slip away to capture target."

Mother spoke to Venari in their shared minds, her visor let out a pulse, seeing new combatants moving around cover. Her heavy repeater shifts its roar over to the new targets, spraying a volley at the closest target as the hot energy that slammed into their cover would start to melt it some. Mother gives Venari a ping in her head again, making the heavy gunner slip away behind broken fighters as Viper team started to fire back at the targets.

The imperial combat engineer would hear the heavy boots of the foundling as the gunner continued to move right at them, their gun remained raised as they started to slowly maneuver around the engineer's cover. Venari kept a distance between them, ready to blast them if they emerged from their cover to fire at the heavy gunner.

Now it would be up to Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza to pick what they wanted to do, they only had mere moments to decide.

"Don't try anything funny, put down your arms, this is your only chance."

Venari's vocal changer made her sound much deeper, one could easily confuse the gunner for a man.




Location:Aboard the Harkenfang
Storm Armor Mk. V
REC Scatter Gun
REC-DC/04 Particle Blaster Pistol
Sentinel Tech Gloves

Allies: Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale / Leandra Brax Leandra Brax / Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken / Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh / Jaida Tess
Foes: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla / Venari Krayt Venari Krayt

The sound of battle was in full swing now, and Mirinda wanted no part of it. At all. As Imperial troops moved to engage foes, the Zeltron remained in cover, hoping to just remain out of this whole deal entirety. She looked to her REC, and sighed, wondering when the hell this thing ever did more than cause her problems. Which was when she realized that she had been spotted by the loud man sounding off to her flank, and the heavy footfalls that approached her. Feth feth feth feth. She swore quietly, fiddling with her weapon. "Okay, okay, I'm putting the gun down! Please don't hurt me!" She echoed, her helmet modulating her voice as she placed the gun onto automatic, and remote trigger, placing it off to her side, laying on the floor, taking her miniaturized remote into her hand.

She had a plan, well sorta, and it'd probably get her killed. As Venari moved around her cover, Mirinda was already rising, hands up, squeezing her hands tightly. "Just don't shoot." Squeezing once more, a burst would fire from the scatter gun, aimed right into the Mandalorian's legs, and giving Mirinda the prompt to run the hell out of the hanger, as her automatic weapon fired off slugs until it went dry.

To hell with this, she was gonna live through this.

Kanollic II Vethres



Kanollic II held his opinion for moving forward as his suggestion about forming a 'Special Council' was ignored by the delegates attending. Warmaster Romul Saxon Romul Saxon and Lord Regent DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran engaged in a tit for tat battle of words which only caused the air to grow tense around the table. It was clear that the Mandalorians weren't in a diplomatic mode today and would rather ignore this matter entirely like it never happened. On the other hand Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan hammered down his own opinion on the matter.

This was turning into a diplomatic nightmare as far as COMPNOR was concerned. However it took a turn for the worse when Vren Rook Vren Rook promptly withdrew his blasters towards both the Grand Admiral and Braxton Holst Braxton Holst . Demanding answers about imperials operating within the heart of the city. It was going to be a tough fight to withdraw the Imperial Delegation from this room let alone having them escape off world. If the mandalorians wanted to kill them right now than he would not go down without a fight.

"Pointing guns at a diplomatic mission is hardly an honorable way to get answers to your questions. If you want to kill us than I say go ahead if you are prepared for full blown war with the Empire. Our deaths will be quite meaningless because we are easily replaced by the dozens of others awaiting their chance for power."

Kanollic II said with full confidence before getting up from his seat and walking around directly towards Vren Rook Vren Rook before stopping a little bit away from him. If they wanted to kill someone than he would gladly take the bullet for the Grand Admiral and the Lord-Regent.

"Well? What are you waiting for. Kill me and end this farce"

He said awaiting death's embrace to take him should the mandalorian choose to accept.

Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion
Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin
Adera Vellas Adera Vellas
Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
Volo Dragr Volo Dragr




Kestri: Tor Valum
Sector 2: The Ravine | Warden Quarter
Allies: Katja Javik Katja Javik | Jorus Fel | Kav Canthar
Enemies: Shai Maji Shai Maji | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker | Thonn Rokkal | Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla

"Zorah! The Lord-Regent's inside!-- we needa get 'em outta there fast!" the senior private barked through the hail of blaster bolts.

Zorah paused her advance, even as explosion erupted ahead of her, reducing a building to rubble. Jorus was right. The Lord-Regent took much greater precedence over a few SCAR troopers. They'd have to make due on their own. And despite all the chaos and destruction, from a cursory inspection, it looked like they could handle themselves.

The moment the thought crossed her mind her instincts screamed of incoming danger. She let those same instincts guide her response-- her hand snapped up, and a chunk of stone from the collapsing building veered into the path of the incoming projectiles. The resulting explosion turned the solid mass into motes of dust. The target hadn't been the SCAR troopers though-- it had been Jorus' squad of rejects.

Amidst the wafting motes of stone, Zorah spoke into her coms. <"I trust you heard all that, Sergeant?>"

<"Loud an clear, ma'am. Too loud. Beta team is moving in now.">

The meeting hall wasn't far from the landing pad, but it was heavily defended. Getting in now would be tricky-- getting out would be even trickier-- and failure was not an option.

Zorah about-faced right in the street, even as blaster bolts scorched the air around her, and marched toward the meeting hall. "My men will arrive soon to help secure the landing pad," she told her brother.

The only thing left was to get inside. She took her saber in hand and started cutting. "Cover me," she said.



Tag(s): Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza
Equipment: In bio
Allies: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla & Viper team
Foes: Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza


She was thankful the enemy agreed to put down their arms, sounds of battle still echoed throughout the hangar as the two came face to face. Mirinda would be facing right down the barrel of the model 39 heavy repeater, wielded by the Mandalorian clad in heavy armor.

"Good, no need to get blasted into a pile of ash eh? You will be coming with me, I need a-"

It would be then that the gun went off, the volley of projectiles smash into Venari's duraplast plate, thankfully for her both the duraplast plate and the kinetic gel under it saved Venari from being crippled... Though now both the plate and gel halfway down her legs were now basically useless. Not all the slugs landed thanks to her handy jetpack allowing her to get up and away from the gun. Venari could feel what most likely would be future bruises all down her legs, but for now the adrenaline kept her going.

With a loud thud she lands in the direction behind Mirinda, only a few feet behind the engineer as they chased after the Zeltron. Venari grits her teeth in anger as the heavy repeater raised, ready to get the engineer back for almost blowing off her damn legs.

"Target is to be captured."

Mother reminds her daughter, once again speaking within their connected minds.

Venari huffs in anger, raising her wrist and sending a whipcord right after the fleeing engineer as Venari managed to close the distance more, the cord flying at high speeds.

If the cord did manage to land, it would wrap around Mirinda quickly, leaving the Zeltron completely bound and unable to run or move their arms, tripped onto the metal floors of the hallway that was now away from the main battle.



Location:Aboard the Harkenfang
Storm Armor Mk. V
REC Scatter Gun
REC-DC/04 Particle Blaster Pistol
Sentinel Tech Gloves

Allies: Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh
Foes: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla / Venari Krayt Venari Krayt

Mirinda was rather pleased with herself, until she was nearly out of the hanger and felt her body’s close line itself, sending her string against the floor and skidding, as arms and legs were bound, and despite her wildest kicks, she remained bound firmly by the cord. “Nononononononono!” She frantically swore, kicking her legs and flopping against the deck in vain. “I have a bomb I’ll blow up if you touch me!” She lied, managing to flip onto her back to view the approaching Mandalorian, hoping that maybe seeing how little of a threat she poses she might get passed over. Mandalorians worked that way, right?

Regardless, her storm trooper armor gave her a small boost in strength, it the required focus and actual training to use properly, Mirinda had about half of that, which was why she was kicking and scrapping herself across the floor trying to keep the Mandalorian away. Least she wasn’t screaming too loudly, unlike when that Jedi nearly bisected her.


Tiber amused Zlova. Not as much as Talohn's first impression had amused her, but then few could manage something so audacious. Nevertheless, much like the Cathar, this 'Dark Master' flirted with death and danger. Did he recognize it? Revel in it, perhaps? She could do with a little more flirting with calamity bathed in honeyed words whatever the case may be. It was a favored passtime for the Twi'lek.

The warmth in her smile did diminish when a certain man-wearing Eyebrow turned its attention toward the pair once more. Zlova sighed inwardly. Yes, yes, something had gone wrong and now everyone was all abuzz with firing their giant blaster cannons. Tiber seemed to find it equally passe, though the man found it in himself to bat aside the pleasant formalities leveled at them. Zlova could not be bothered. Still... Lady hardly seemed appropriate unless the Grand Admiral thought to add 'of the Sith' afterward -- which he did not. Perhaps it was her fault, however, for not being a murderous monster as people expected her to be. She did seem too civil, didn't she?

Playful as it might be, Zlova's countenance did darken a fair bit when she was 'pushed' slightly aside for Tiber to escape. Rapidly, as well he should. They might not be in the Empire -- which was no more -- but that didn't mean a Darth -- any Darth -- tolerated being pushed any where. Unless it was her favorite Cathar pushing his red vixen somewhere private, of course.

"Well, Grand Admiral," Zlova glanced back at the man, "you found a way to be rid of me. You know how to contact me." A sliver of the smile returned to her lips before she turned to make for the bays where the assault forces were being staged. If the man did require her services as more than an instrument of mass slaughter, he had only need to contact her over the link. Zlova wouldn't mind unless the order sounded absolutely ridiculous. A man as uptight as Vemric Keldra , however, was unlikely to issue something so monumentally stupid.

The Lethan stepped aboard the pod as everyone rushed to claim their spot. Everyone was so excited. Made a Twi'lek proud to be there on the front lines about to kill every non-Mandalorian she laid her eyes upon. Such a nice day, and it would begin with a a jaunt across space in a boarding pod! Not quite as exhilarating as dropping out of orbit on a basilisk, but a woman get her thrills where she could.


Zlova canted her head to one side as the pod opened and all the happy Mandos poured out into a fire fight. She liked a good scrap as much as the next person, but these gun-happy people needed to learn how to use their resources better. They had a Sith on hand. She could run interference. It was their pride, wasn't it? When wasn't it? Let the beskar soak up the damage, and don't rely on the red witch with them.

And what in Darth Traya's name was that man, Mac O Shenanigans Mac O Shenanigans , saying? Was that even Basic?

No matter. Whatever he was saying, his feet were pointed in the right direction.

The Mandalorians pushed into the first chamber and started to brace for what sounded like reinforcements. Zlova waited a moment before she strode forward. One hand grasped the edge of the pod's hatch as her red head and lekku made themselves known. Golden eyes swept over the mess before they turned in the direction of the commotion.

Oh, good. Company. in Zlova's left hand a violet saber ignited with the flash and hiss of a weapon made to kill. A more civilized weapon for execution. "We don't stop until this ship's crippled or destroyed. Mow through." The Twi'lek hopped out onto the floor and brought her saber to bear. Time to help her companions avoid being pinned down.



Tag(s): Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza
Equipment: In Bio
Allies: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla & Viper team
Foes: Mattali Omenza Mattali Omenza


As they fall to the ground, Venari tugs them violently closer to her. The heavy repeater staring down the engineer, no doubt their life flashed before their eyes as Venari pulled the trigger...Nothing happened.



Click! Click!

Luck had been with the imperial engineer this day, the heavy gunner had exhausted all five hundred rounds already. Anger had overtaken the young girl, Mother once again informs her daughter about the mission.

"Control yourself girl! We need this one, make them take us to a pc room."

It really was handy sometimes being able to talk to one another using the connected minds, pretty much a secure private com network just between the two.

"Count yourself lucky, dralshy'a aruetyc. I just so happen to need someone like you, show me where the pc room is... NOW."

Venari reloads her repeater, tossing the spent energy pack aside.. Soon she yanks along with cord like it was a leash, dragging the Zeltron behind her along the rough floor.

"You have a limited amount of time, guide my direction correctly and I won't kill you. I have had enough of you home invaders already.."

The Mandalorian continues to drag the engineer along, sounds of bloody battle can still be heard elsewhere... This hallway was dead, the only activity being the foundling and her catch.


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