will you sink down to me?
Form: Humanoid
Wearing: Wetsuit
Post: 1
Damsy wondered into the venue, taking small steps, equally unsure and unsteady, costumeless and fish in hand. Truly, she thought she had come prepared, that she was doing this right. After all, she had been told to come dressed as something terrifying and to bring treats along to share. Evidently, the hypercarnivorous Sithspawn had unconventional ideas regarding what both of those conditions meant.
Soon enough, though, she began to understand. As she looked around the party, pupils dilated and nostrils slightly flared in her own strange physical expression of curiosity, she suddenly felt very underdressed. Wrapping her arms across her torso, she continued on and spotted a tray of caramel apples. She squinted and leaned forward to get a better look, her eyesight washed out by the light. What kind of prey was that...?
Just then, a dancing patron bumped into her, causing her to lose grip of her own prey. It wasn't too jarring of a bump, but the force was enough to shift Damsy'd petite form off balance and it was too much for her weak legs to adjust to. The locking of her spine joints failed, sending her down to the floor alongside her fish.