Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amari Deechi


Amari Deechi
FACTION: Silver Jedi Order
RANK: Captain​
SPECIES: Umbaran​
AGE: 28​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 1.82m​
WEIGHT: 90kg​
EYES: Blue​
HAIR: White​
SKIN: Pale​
Ultraviolet Vision: A natural effect of the typical Umbaran’s eyes, Amari is able to see in ultraviolet as well as normal color spectrum, allowing multiple advantages including advanced natural dark vision.​
Low-Level Mind Influence Abilities: While not anywhere near as powerful as a Force-user’s mind control powers, as a native Umbaran, Amari has a very low-fi ability to manipulate others’ minds, swaying social interactions in his favor as well as serving to inspire friends and allies in battle.​
Military Training: Being born into a high-ranking family has its perks, and Amari was accepted into officer training quickly on his home planet. Unlike most who are accepted on name rather than talent, however, he quickly proved a capable commander and soldier, taking well to military life and showing quality with a variety of weapons and especially native Umbaran vehicles.​
High Caste Birth: Amari’s birth into the Deechi clan, a family ranked as nobility though still not as high as possible in the caste order, he was raised to be ambitious and seek prestige and honor where possible. While this manifests in a natural ability to command troops and find the best possible outcome on the battlefield, it also drives him to possibly overreach when seeking prestige, resulting in awkward situations or at worst damaged relations with allies.​
Umbaran Societal Training: Trained in espionage, assassination, and sensing lies through natural abilities such as their sensitive eyes and advanced heat sense, Amari was raised to be capable in the political and societal theater as well as warfare. This is a benefit when needed, but can be a burden, as he often finds himself reading his allies and companions for hidden motivations, oftentimes when such behavior isn’t beneficial or necessary, which can lead to issues.​
Bright Light Flashes: A natural ailment shared by all Umbarans, the darkness-attuned eyes of his are vulnerable to bright flashes, even those he is pre-warned of. This can be a detriment in combat.​
Eye for an Eye: Given his experience in military matters, something ingrained into Amari’s belief system is that while cruelty should never be the goal on a campaign, enemies who are unnecessarily cruel or brutal should be dealt with in kind. This can very easily put him at odds with allies who are very much against overt brutality, even when facing enemies.​
Spiteful: Amari is not one to forgive and forget. While he can put aside grievances with allies for small things at least temporarily, he will always have a lessened opinion of them for crossing him. Enemies, however, he will seek ways to undo and harm them, even long after the fact.​
Born into Umbaran high society, Amari Deechi isn’t quite royalty, but he’s enjoyed the privileges of being born into a high-ranked caste for his entire life. Balls and galas were common, as were political events, and he quickly learned the Umbaran traditions of misdirection, social presentation, and the less often used blackmail and assassination. The last came when he was only 16, put into a position where his family’s rank was as stake due to a particularly persistent politician’s efforts to see them disgraced. By way of a sabotaged speeder, and the fortunate location of a duracrete building in its path, the young Amari secured his family’s honor, for the moment at least.​
It wasn’t much longer before he was accepted into the local Umbaran military, his family name securing a straight trip to officer training school. He showed aptitude for command quickly, rising to the rank of Captain of an armored infantry company. With the ever-active Sith Empire making deeper and deeper incursions into the Core, ending not only the Free Worlds Coalition but also the Galactic Alliance, he swore to make his men prepared for an eventual assault.​
The allegiance of his planet moved to the Silver Jedi Order before long, though kept mostly out of the larger group’s affairs. The memories of the Umbarans were long, and stories of the Jedi’s attacks on their planet during the Clone Wars nearly a millennia past were still often told, keeping him wary of their new allies. When Kashyyyk was attacked by Mandalorians posing as refugees, and were repulsed despite a heavy showing, he began to soften his opinions towards them, considering it a good sign that they could defend themselves even against such a powerful foe.​
Following a brutal attack on the Commenori, neighbors to his system, the Umbaran’s attitude towards the Silver Jedi fully changed, and he determined that the best course of action would be to join with them and actively prevent the same horrific fate from befalling other systems. Using political connections and a family name to his advantage, Amari convinced several officials to supply troops, himself included, to be used at the Order’s discretion. He would dedicate himself to protecting the Galaxy one system at a time.​

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