Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ambition knows no bounds

Deep Core

Daxton, an imposing figure in purple and green Sith power armor, his black flow flowing behind him like a shadow, strode with confidence in the heart of the citadel of Lord Moridin. Dismissing the glances of the guards and servants, his armored boots scraped on the stone of the castle flagstones before finally came to a halt.

"Your Grace, I bring grim tidings. The war against the Republic has stalled, there is growing discontent among the Sith, whispers of lackluster leadership, corruption and weakness. This a desire for......" Palming his lightsabers into his hands, he ignites them as he swings both blades in a crosswise motion designed to decapacitate his foe as he finishes the sentence, ".... change."
Moridin had been sitting upon his throne half asleep. When the younger Sith had come walking back in he had immediately awakened, the young man walked confidently as if he was on a mission, that alone gave the Dreadlord the knowledge of why he was here. The Sith looked at the young man as he began to speak and closed his eyes with a yawn. Of course the Sith were in discontent, of course they wanted more power, of course they thought leadership was weak, they were Sith.

The Dreadlord opened his eyes and was about to answer the man when he heard the sound of two lightsabers igniting. Fantastic another young upstart come to kill him. Before the plague he had dealt with dozens of these, he was eager to see what this new generation was made of.

As the man bounded towards him The Dreadlords eyes snapped open into full attention. He stood up and caught both of the lightsabers within his palms preventing the blades from even budging towards him. The Dreadlord grinned as the head of the sabers went against his skin, with just the force preventing him from being cut. “Do you think youre the change they desire?”

As Moridin began his taunting he sent a powerful kick towards the Apprentices abdomen.
Darren felt an enoumous ammount of the Dark side near the deep core. knowint that it was going to be a powerful being he followed it.

he had coem to a thrown room and hid in the shadowns when a Zabrak that he had seen froma holocrom came walking up to the sith lord and stated his chalenge. the lord responded with a tone of power and athorty. he knew that he was taunting the Zabrak known as Daxton Bane. after he had read the holocron he put it in his facial reconition software and came up with the name. he was known to be feirce and powerful but he knew that the dark lord was powerful beyound him alone. he ingnited his two white blades and rushed in the room suing force push he hit both of them with it and created a stand off between the three of them.
Gritting his teeth as the blow struck home, Daxton was pushed backwards, his lightsabers crossed defensively, cutting a straight groove through the floor as he was pushed back. He did not expect it to be that easy. After all Moridin was one of the strongest Dark Lords of this age. But to catch a lightsaber with mere power of the Force, he was impressed. Among the apprentices, he had fought the most viciously to attain the honor of striking Moridin down. If he succeeded, his path to Dark Mastery was assured.

Twirling his orange blades around him in a defensive high/low stance, he was about to launch another attack when suddenly another figure appeared, this one brandishing silvery white blades, as he stepped between them.

Frowning at the intruder, he hissed, "This is my kill dog. Leave now or I shall add your entrails to the floor to mix with his." From his utility belt, a pair of concussion grenades unhooked themselves and primed. One heading for Moridin, the other to the intruder. Neither was expected to do damage, rather they were a distraction as he swung his left blade at Moridin's knee and the right blade prepared for defensive parry.
Moridin sighed, as the Apprentice already claimed Moridin's death. Did he really think that it would be that easy? Moridin was hailed as the greatest blade master within the entire galaxy, or at least he was in his time. Now a days it might have been different, although he doubted that as well. The Dreadlord was one of the greatest bladesmen that had ever come into being. He could use a sword, a lightsaber, even a lightwhip, anything with a blade that he could have ever used he had mastered. Moridin was a difficult opponent to face, even other Masters had fallen before him.

The apprentice would be hard pressed to even wound Moridin, and that was the same for this new comer. He was supremely confident in his own abilities, perhaps too confident...though he didn't think that of course. As the new person entered the chambers Moridin yawned again, a three way fight how entertaining.

The Dreadlord waved his hand as the grenade flew at him and a massive push of the force repelled the small sphere back towards Daxton himself. Moridin bounded backwards, jumping out of the blast radius and letting the apprentice be caught in his own explosion. At the same time Moridin pulled a small hilt from the inside of his tribal coat.

As he lithely moved backwards to the outskirts of the throne room Moridin called out to the two young men. “Do you children know Why they call me the Betrayer of Hope?”
Darren was about to answer Daxton when he threw a grenade at him he simply used the force push and directed it back at him he did a back flip to get ouof the blast radious when the dark lords voice rang in the thrown room saying "Do you children know Why they call me the Betrayer of Hope?” as in instand he replied with "because you betray hope? do you think we are stupid enought not to know that? that doesnt matter what you name is when it will soon be lost to eather of our hands" he looked at daxton aand said "there is no possabul way that ether of us alone will kill him."
Instinctively sent the grenade heading his way skywards, where it exploded harmlessly. Daxton pursued his foe while careful not to expose himself to the newcomer. "There is no hope Master. There is only the Dark Side."

Enhancing his reflexes with the dark side, he began raining blows at Moridin, alternating high and low attacks which flowed smoothly from form to form. To anyone paying attention, one could see that the apprentice was attempting to overwhelm the Master with the sheer number of attacks he was making.

Daxton was hoping to cross blades with Moridin, so that when he was close enough to taunt the master, he would be in range for his little surprise. The wrist needlers was loaded with a particularly vile toxin made from chewed monkey's brain and extract from Jomoji plant. At that range it was impossible for the master to dodge, much less use the force in time to deflect the needles. Once the toxin was in his system, it was only a matter of time before the master's joint started to seize up. It would become harder and harder for him to speak, then breath. Loss of consciousness is less than five minutes among his toughest test subjects. But given the fortitude of the Master, it might take a while longer.
Moridin grinned as he dodged the apprentice again and again. He didn't ignite his blade or even move to stop the Apprentices sword again. He just kept on moving backwards, bouncing in circles and letting the lightsaber blades just barely miss him each time. Of course he couldn't do this forever, but his capabilities with making his muscles and entire body move faster with the force allowed him to keep up this practice for far longer than one might imagine. As he dodge another swipe of Daxton's blades Moridin spoke again with a smirk. “Ahhh but you see, I had to learn that lesson the hard way.”

He dodged another sweep of the blade and then took a giant leap backwards almost into the doors of the throne room. He landed and slid backwards even more ending up about a dozen meters away from where Daxton and the other man stood. “I'm going to tell you a story. The history of how I received my title.”

“You see, four hundred years ago when I was young, younger than you are right now I was a Jedi. A padawan under the order of the Jedi. I was young, naïve, and foolish. I was born and raised on Coruscant, brought up and trained in the ways of the Jedi order.” The Dreadlord spoke, weaving his words with intertwined darkness. He grinned as he spoke and flicked the switch on the lightsaber hilt. The blade ignited in a brilliant white light, but instead of stopping at two feet the blade kept on going. It wove its way down and became a massive curled up like snake, the weapon was a lightwhip. “Now during my time, the Sith of course existed and one could even say they were in their prime.”

“They ravaged the galaxy, world after world. Planet after planet was destroyed, ravaged, and completely wiped out. Now I as a young apprentice ascertained that the Sith were bad. That they had to be stopped at any cost. And I asked myself, why weren't the Jedi stopping them?” As he kept on speaking Moridin snapped the whip around himself. The brilliant white blade became a whirlwind around the Masters ready to lash out at anything that came near him.

“Finally when the Sith came for Coruscant. When they had burned the greatest world that the galaxy had ever seen, when their fleet stood above the skies, and when I saw my Jedi brothers, my sisters, my masters cowering within their temple hiding from the Sith behind closed gates, I understood. I finally understood. The Sith were not evil. They were not bad or horrid. They were simply the next step.” Suddenly as he began to finish his story Moridin lashed out with the whip. The smooth silver blade went sailing in an instant in a massive swipe towards Daxton aiming to grab the mans arm and sever it, at the same time he readied himself to counter the other man. As the blade lunged out The Dreadlord laughed out in glee finishing his tale.

“So I opened the gates.” His laugh filled the throne room, he hadn't told this story in four centuries. “I betrayed the last hope the Jedi had. I opened the gates, and let the Sith into the last sanctuary on Coruscant.”
Darren listened to the story that the dark lord said and he understood the feeling of the jedi hiding. he himself did thier bidding and didnt like it and thats why he became a freelance. he saw the lightwip. i was an amazing weapon to look at and to use but not to be on the other side of. he knew that ether he or Daxton was going to be hit. he kept his white blades ready and was thinking about using his third one but remebered who else was in the room with him. as the wip went flying toward daxton he threw his lightsaber at the Sith Moridin and grabed his fathers blade with the force in to his empty hand. he tne charged at the Daxton and blocked the wip with a cross block used the forcepush to propell himself up grabed his lightsaber that was blocked by the sith lord with the foce to retun o him and used push again on the cealing to propel himself at the sith lord for his chance to break his lines of defence. all the while he used his prosthetics hands to turn at high speeds.
[OOC: highlited word is bio to see that he can turn his hands.]
"Those Jedi were weak. They choose to cower in fear, just like you caused us to cower in fear now." That was when Daxton made a mistake, reflexive using his hand to attack the lightwhip. Smoke curled as his armored fingers fell to the floor along with his right lightsaber. "Damn you Moridin. You are the Pillar of the Sith. What kind of pillar does not strike fear in to the hearts of their foes? Why do you sit in this tomb you call a palace while we wait like fools for the rallying cry to war? Why have you abandoned us?!" The last was a cry of rage and anger, as the fallen lightsaber rose to his hand as if grasped by phantom digits. At the same time, his third light saber activated, glowing menacingly as it hovered over his head.

"Lead us to glorious battle, or stand aside and be replaced. Either way master, you need to make a choice."
The Dreadlord pulled back on the whip tearing it back towards him and at the other man. The silvery white blade curled up around him and then lashed out towards the other Apprentice. At the same time Moridin backed up one again allowing his whip to do most of the work. The other apprentice would feel the lightwhip wrap around his foot, and at that point his leg would become useless. The battle would be over before it truly started.

“Youre a fool, a child that understands nothing.” Moridin spoke as the silvery white blade attempted to wrap itself around Darren's leg. At the same time the Dreadlord reached for something else within his cloak, although he removed nothing. “Do you really think ive just been sitting here doing nothing? Do you really think I would let my Empire crumble before it even began?”

As he spoke Moridin reached out with his right hand, the force wove its way around one of the statues within the grand tomb. A massive crumbling cracking sound could be heard as the statue broke into two pieces. Both of the massive chunks then went flying towards Daxton. What Daxton was saying was of course partially true. The Empire had been grown into stagnation. There had been no massive military campaigns or invasions for weeks.

That however was exactly what Moridin wanted. He had a plan of course, he didn't expect the Sith to just sit around. No his schemes were far more intense than that. He intended to soften up the galaxy before conquering it.
Darren was flying at the sith lord when the wip went at him he sumersauletd in the air to avoid the wip. lossing his leg was not part of his plan. as he was about to land he used his momentum to increase the power of his lighsabers hitting down upon the sith lord. landing at his feet. he used his fathers red blade to strike at his chest and his own blade at his knees. he saw out of the corrner of his eye two statue psrts being thrown at Daxton. not caring if he was hit he contued his assult agenst Moridin
"Actions speak louder than....argh!" The last words were cut off by the first slamming into him from the side. Daxton had to leap to avoid the second chuck which exploded harmlessly beneath him. Breathing through his mouth, Daxton would feel at least a couple of ribs were cracked despite his protective armor. He would have to get some sort of advantage and soon or the master would overwhelm him.

Sending his lightsabers to dart in and out through the air, using the force like a skilled puppetmaster, Daxton was able to remain at relative safe distance. He was hoping to bait the master into attacking his lightsabers like he did the Jedi Master. When the Master's lightwhip hit those sabers, the cotoris weave in the hilt would short out his whip, leaving him open for this blades to attack. Between his three blades and the newcomer, there was no way he could block all of their attacks.
Moridin still kept his distance from both of the apprentices. He moved like a snake, bounding backwards off the gate and jumping over Darren dodging both of the mans attacks. As he did so the light whip twirled around his own arm, like the eye of a tornado however the blade never touched him. The Dreadlord landed with a light thud on the other side of the Neutral Jedi wearing a slight Smirk.

That smirk disappeared however as Daxton's lightsaber blade's came flowing at him. Moridin scowled and immediately jumped again. He moved between the blades using the force to steady himself within the air. As soon as he landed he lashed out his arm sending the Lightwhips own blade forward to slice Daxton's lightsabers in two. Unfortunately for Moridin he was not all knowing and as his lightwhips blade met the sabers the blade shorted out. He scowled, cortisis.

“A clever trick.” Moridin said out loud to the Apprentice as he stood again and dropped the lightwhip onto the ground. He had no use of it now since it would be broken for the next several hours. As he stood the blades came around again, aiming to strike him down. The Dreadlord moved quickly, imbuing himself with the force.

He weaved and dodged his way through the three blades moving fluidly. As he did so however one of them sliced his upper arm shaving off a patch of his skin. He scowled again and grunted in pain. “ENOUGH!”

The Dreadlord's voice rang throughout the entire chamber behind it followed a massive wave of the force, it threw dust, dirt, and rubble into the air, it pressed the three lightsabers away from himself and towards the far wall. As the wave moved through the air Moridin raised both of his arms sending two massive bursts of force lightning out towards the two apprentices.
Darren was thrown to the wall on the other side of the chamber. he lost the lighsabers he was using and the clacked onto the floor. he saw lighting coming at him and felt as if he was fighting a god. he quickly grabed his fathers lightsaber with the force and it seemed to appear in his hand he ingnited the blade and pushed his hand foward toward the lightning. using force push he kept the attack on him at bay. the constant use of the force was draining him.

he saw one of his blades about 6 feet from him on the ground using all of his concentration he lifted the saber with the force and flung it at the dark lord making him stop the use of force lightning on him and Daxton. calling whatever blades he could find he was in postion for a three blade assualt on the sith lord.
Mia watched it all from the safety of the rafters picking her moment to strike. So long as Darth Moridin was distracted she had a good chance, yet the sniper in her hand felt wrong. To kill a Sith through stealth felt like a cowardly thing to do yet as she watched the two apprentices thrown aside like nothing she knew this was not going to be easy to do face to face.

But then nothing was ever easy.

She dropped the sniper, leaving it in the rafters and dropped a concussion grenade at Moridin's feet before dropping down behind him, beskad in hand. she did not speak, nor introduce herself, this was not a time to waste energy on words.

She swiped at Moridins back.
The world was suddenly illuminated by white light and the smell of slowly cooking flesh. Even in his power armor, Daxton could feel the effects of the force lighting surge through him. His heart was racing so fast he thought it would explode, beads of sweat formed and quickly vaporized on his head, he felt as if his eyeballs would pop out and all this time all he could feel was unmitigating pain.

Daxton lost all control over his lightsabers, the trio falling to the ground, as he writhed beneath the onslaught washing over his body. With the last ounce of willpower he steadied his hands towards Moridin, and triggered a barrage of toxic needles at his foe. The last thought going through his head before blanking out was to laugh riotously even through the pain. What doesn't kill him would only make him stronger.
the concusion grenade went off and Darren is very senstive to loud sounds and bright lights. he roars in pain from the explosion on his knees head between his legs covering his ears which didnt really help. trying to gather himself he lookes over to daxton and sees him fire something that looks like needles at the sith lord thats stuck in the bright light. feeling along the ground he uses the force to grab his lightsabers and yells at the lord "Why....Will....You....Not....Die?!" he tries to run at him but stumbles in the prosess and falls to the ground.
Over the next minute quite a few things Happened. Moridin watched Daxton lapse into unconsciousness, then he heard the sound of a lightsaber flying across the room. At that moment the force broke out of him. The dark energy manifested within him and then bounded out. The lightsaber that had been flying towards him seemed to cease moving for a few seconds, a black skeletal hand formed around the weapons hilt grabbing it tightly.

Quickly the hand grew muscle and then skin, and from it burst an entire appendage, then a person. Within just a few seconds another Moridin stood holding what had been the flying lightsaber. Just as the illusion appeared there was a slight tinking noise on the ground as the concussion grenade struck the floor. With only a split second the original Moridin kicked the grenade sending it a few feet away from him before it erupted. The explosion went off and blinded the Sith however causing him to yell in annoyance.

As Mia appeared behind him the Second Moridin jumped in to intercept meeting the girls Beskaad with his one lightsaber. As Moridins copy stopped the girl something happened that even the Dreadlord could not foresee. A dozen needles swept towards him through the air, aiming to pierce and poison him. Almost instantly as they entered his force sight Moridin attempted to react. He twisted and turned and unleashed a wave of the force, unfortunately he could not stop all of the tiny syringes and just as he begun to regain his sight one of the small needles punctured his skin.

Almost immediately he could feel the poison rushing through his veins and almost immediately he reacted to it. Most Sith could hold off poison for several hours, Moridin having been poisoned before with Synox was more accustomed to fighting death could last for several days although holding off death took more energy than he would liked to admit.

As his sight returned, so did his hearing. The Dreadlord pulled the needle from his side and looked on as his force held off Mia for a few more seconds. Darren called out to him and Moridin looked onto the young man. “Because i have already conquered death."

With that the Dreadlord called upon the force again, and with a massive pull destroyed the rafters and the ceiling above Darren bringing down a mass of rubble and stone to trap the man in place. Then he returned his attentions to Mia, this one he would have to finish quickly, he could feel the poison spreading.
Darren was traped under the scafolding that fell upon him. it was crushing him with so much force he felt he was going to black out. using his back he pushed just enough to give his sholdiers some leway. Darren was not going to give in. he screamed with all of the air in his lungs a single word that he had always thought of to push himself to the limits that even some knights couldnt rival. "MAYLEE!" His mothers name.

He hated the sith lords for taking his mother when he left. With all of his strength, will, anger, and pain into one burst he shoved himself up with the force. using any he could Dark or Light he used all he could. the feeling of other people around him came to him. ingnoring it he pushed. a force wave flew from him. or so he tried. his arms, legs and back screamed in agony. and he did all this for naught. for he was still under the rafters.

He had failed. he couldnt believe his eyes. Mia was going to take on the Sith alone. thiere was no way that she could do it if both him and daxton could only scratch him. he was giving up. thiere was no way for him to contiue. if he did he would explode from using to much force powers. then a voice came to him in his head a deep soothing voice telling him "let go son. i will take over for you." and with that he let himself relax and fall to the flag stones.

He was floating in his body and felt like a ghost. he could still feel the pain searing through him. but the voice took over and controled his body. he tried to move his hands but couldnt. instead he lifted his head. the voice then said out loud athoritive booming voice, "You, Sith lord shall answer my call." Not knowing what to do Darren let himself be controled. and he saw the eyes of the Sith Lord Moridin staring at him lying there pinned on the ground.

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