Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ambition knows no bounds

Everytime Mia found herself fath to face with a sith they had a new way of surprising her. The clone of Moridin caught her off guard but only for a moment. She twisted the light saber away and took a momentary step back before raining blow after blow upon it, each one cast aside by the light saber. She lost all sense of the world around her and became absorbed by the fight.

Each strike became truer and more ferocious as she slowly drover the clone back. There was nothing else but the dance of death and she was not about to loose it. The force flowed through her though she was unaware of it, this was just another fight to her and she always lost herself in the fight. The other would have sensed it though. A quick parry sent the lightsiber from the clones hand and a powerful kick to his chest sent him back from her.

She did not pursue though. She fixed her eyes on the true Moridin, though the view of her helmet allowed her to see the clone too. Taking a defensive stance she smiled to herself. "Gar kyr'amur ibi'tuur, dar'jetii" she told Moridin in Mando'a, as she adjusted the grip on her beskad and beckoned for him to come.

[ooc: translation - you die today, sith.]
Moridin stood and watched for a few seconds as Mia fought the clone. The clone was of course entirely an illusion wrought of the darkside of the force. It didn't really exist, everyone just simply saw that it was there and their minds believed it was. In reality Moridin was simply moving the lightsaber about with telekinesis allowing the blade to move freely and dance around. The Dreadlord had done this quite often, most people got scared when a person randomly grew out of nothingness.

Mirsh'kyramudThe Dreadlord replied to her in flawless Mando'a. Moridin grinned and put his hand behind his back. His fingers tightened around the length of a hilt and from it Moridin drew a sword. As the sword came from his back one could clearly see that this was not the blade The Dreadlord had taken from Mia, it was entirely different. Instead of a single blade emanating from the hilt two reached up about an inch between the two of them, each blade had a slight curve to it. The hilt if one inspected it closely had a thin line down the middle, one could easily guess the blade could be turned into two at will.

From the corner of his eyes he watched the other man, for now he was stuck but he would keep an eye on him.

The Dreadlord's sith sword made a slight ringing noise as it exited its Sheath. He smirked, and then raised his left hand. He closed the hand in a sudden jerk, and suddenly the clone exploded outwards in a great cloud of smoke and dust, the lightsaber it had been holding fractured and broke into a million pieces.

Then through the smoke the Sith Lord jumped forward. With every muscle, tendon, and ligament in his body bursting with the force the Dreadlord moved with lightning like speed appearing behind Mia in what must have seemed like an instant. He slashed towards the girls legs aiming to sever her Achilles tendons.

(He basically called you boring in Mando'a :p)
Trust your instinct. Jaxx's voice forever came to her in times of peril. You are a Mando'ade. Fight like one!

The exploded saber and clone drew Mia's attention for too long. Moridin was behind her in the blink of an eye, she spun to meet him her beskad only just deflecting his sword enough so it merely scraped her armour. A bark of laughter escaped her as the adrenaline coursed through her veins, she would die with a smile on her face if she was to die today.

"Stop dancing round me, dar'jetii and fight me." She leapt forward, slicing for his head while her free hand drew a blaster and shot at his feet.
Moridin bounded back and blocked her blade, he let his feet side away from her blaster shots dodging them all the while. He hated blasters, they were so...crude. Moridin let his souba bound off of her beskaad. Her blade was much much heavier than his meaning she had to take longer swings. He on the other hand was quick and light on his feet, the advantages of not wearing any armor.

The Dreadlord moved with his feet, bounding about and dodging her blade instead of meeting it head on. A slight click could be heard as the hilt of his sword came apart into two blades. Moridin parted the swords and grabbed one in each hand.

With his left blade he slashed towards the Girls face knowing it would make her use her Beskaad. Then with the second he stabbed towards her stomach, where the hip and chest plates parted where he knew she would be vulnerable.
Through his own eyes he saw the Sith lord pull a sword from his back. the blades were seprated slightly as to be posabul to unclasp them and have two blades. he heard the voice again saying "face me Sith!" but it seamed that he wasnt paying attention to him. the voice took over completely and started to squirm and wressle his body trying to get out.

Darren since being in his body felt as if he was slowly gaining his strength back. he can slightly controle the body but only moivng facial features. his body got his sholders out of the rubble on top of him. he slowly started to worm his arm out slowly but surely. if it was taking this long to get out the sith lord may kill Mia and Daxton. he needed allies. even if they were Sith. not knowing what to do he talked to the voice.
[ooc you guys cant hear darren talk his in his head]

"Hey sir maybe you could let me out. i can fight him." the voice responded in toughts "No its my turn to have the Body and you had your chance at him."
"Voice give me one last chance to beat him if i dont then hes all yours." his body stoped sqirming and said out loud "just this once Darren Shaw."

Darren felt himself move into his body. lalmost like swimming he floated back. he then ganed controle of his body and said in himself "thank you" he then slowly began to move his arm he need his lighsabers back. to fight him. so he inched one arm out. most of his armor was broken and chiped in different places. his arm was sore rather than in sevear pain. using the force he pulled his lightsaber towards him. it inched its way to him. it was 7 feet from him. now 5, then 3 then a few inches from his grasp. using the blade he activated it. postion it right above his soulder and cutting down. it was eating through the rubble and he stoped about an inch from his soulder. not wanting to cut his arm off. Darren pushed with his solder to see if he could break it. with no luck it didnt. thinking again he didnt want to do this but it was his last resort.

when he was training as a Imperial soldier he was taught that if in a tight situation to breath slowly and make himself as small as posabul. he reached under his helmet and took it off. it rolled away from him but that didnt matter. he scoted his arm under his chest and puched his armto the other side of him. in doing so he painfuly rolled onto his back grasping his lightsaber he activated it again and cus down the center of the pile infront of his chest.

He was taking a big risk doing this. the ruble would eather break and fall apart around him and he could stand or it would crash inwards and crush his chest to the size of a plate. he prayed to anygod there was that he would survive. he cut utill the balde was near his hips and with an effort used the force push and broke the rubble off of him. slowley getting to his helmet he but it back on.

When he looked up he saw that Moridin had unclasped the baldes and was in for the kill. as fast as he could he threw his lightsaber at the sword near Mias chest. the least it could do was knock it out of his hands but he hope that it would cut the blade at the hilt and render it useless.
The Dreadlord didn't see the lightsaber coming, but instead sensed it. The Force told him of the spinning blade and immediately Moridin retracted his stabbing sword and letting the lightsaber pass in between both him and Mia. The other blade in his left hand however kept going, slicing towards Mia's face and aiming to wound the girl and perhaps scar her for life.

As he moved his blades expertly the Dreadlord felt the poison coursing through his veins. He needed to end this, very quickly.
These guys just didn't fight fair. Not that she fought fair either but they already had an advantage, it was her prerogative to not fight fair.
She raised the beskad to block the swipe to her face, but not fast enough. The lightsaber was another distraction, another hindrance as it spun between them. The blade smashed the screen on her HDU filling her vision with shards of glass, and the opened her face from her check across the bridge of her nose barely missing her eyes.

Blinded by blood and glass she let out a shriek of anger and pain and dropped to her knees.
seeing daxtons lightsaber on the ground he went over to pick it up he ingnited the blade to the color of orange and was advancing towrds the sith lord. he not wanting to waste another lightsaber found his fathers resting about 30 feet from him near the door. it would take to long to get it. and he need to save his energy. he moved with a limp towards the sith just trying to get his attention he used force lighting.

he neve like to use the Lighting because it cause so much pain for the person on the receving end. determent to stop Moridin. he used it anyways saying "I hope you like lightning cus you're about to get a shock." and flung his hands at the sith using what he could.
Moridin watched as his blade swiped into the Mandalorians helmet smashing and slicing it into bits. He grinned as the woman fell to her knees. The Dreadlord turned his left blade around in his hand so it was backwards then put the one in his right hand to her throat just beneath her helmet. As he was about to slice her throat in half Moridin noticed the other Jedi had regained his composure. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the man gathering lightsabers.

He watched the man for the briefest few seconds then returned his attention back towards Mia, keeping watch on the man out of the corner of his eyes. “See? Boring.”

Then the man spoke, foolishly warning Moridin of what was to come. In an instant he raised his left blade and with the force caught the massive barrage of lighting. The blue crackling energy bounced and rebounded off the Sith sword for a few seconds, then it was absorbed into the blade itself. The Sith Sword crackled with energy, and Moridin grinned.

Moridin's swords were all Sith Swords. This meant that they had been forged and imbued with Sith Alchemy. This process took days sometimes even weeks but the results were always worth it. The blades ended up capable of dozens of new things, they could reflect blaster bolts, catch lightsabers, and even absorb Sith Lightning. The very special thing about the last ability was this, when the blade absorbed the lightning it would later release it, causing a massive explosion when the blade struck something.

The Dreadlord rounded turning towards Darren, lifting his leg and sending a massively hard and force reinforced kick towards Mia's already shattered helmet hopefully knocking her out.
Darren was astonished that the lightning was asorbed in to the blade. he has never seen that before but he has heard of people doing such things. as the Sith kicked Mia in the head he new that he neded everything he could get inposesion of. his fathes blade seemd to be miles away but he relunclty called it to him it ignited in his hand and he felt as if his father was scouling at him for fighting a sith. his other blade was on the floor near the lords feet. he didnt want to alert him of its pressence. he did the only thing he could do. he charged.

without saying a word he ran. it seamed as if time slowed it self down and eveything echoed in the room that was battle ravaged. he fented at the Sith with Daxtons blade and lept over him using the force he pushed down at the sith. when he landed he grabed posesion of the third blade. all three of the blades white red and oranage made shadows on te floor from the light that emited from them. using the floating blade he striked at the sith lord. wanting to end it all.
Moridin went to one knee as the force push struck him. The power of the blow bent and cracked the floor beneath him, thought the Dreadlord almost immediately stood up. He had to give this apprentice credit, he wanted to win. Unfortunately for him Moridin was not one to throw a fight. He knew the capabilities of an apprentice well, their strengths, their weakness. Of course each one was different, but they all had one underlying weakness.

No Apprentice, no matter how well trained could maintain use of the force for too long. The Dreadlord would finish this, and he would finish it within the next few minutes. The Apprentice threw another saber at him, perhaps to distract him.

He tired of these games, he moved beneath the sabers arching slice and then used the Sith Sword in his right hand to slice the blade in two, cutting it in half and rendering it completely useless. Then the Dreadlord Charged forward. Again the force imbued every living thing in his body and he moved like lightning. He appeared before the apprentice crouched bringing the Sith sword in his right hand upwards across the Apprentice's chest, at the same time he brought the other blade that was still infused with Sith Lightning towards Darren's knees.

If the second blade struck there would be a massive discharge of energy as the Lightning released itself from the blade.
Darren was sure of one thing if the blade asorbed the lighting then it still had the charge in it. and a small plan was going to be put into place. he saw the blade comming at him. and new that he couldnt block it. if he tried to it would eather blow up on him or send him flying. he used the blade coming up at his chest and blocked it with his own blade he droped his other lightsaber on pourpos to have a free hand. he did a semi-flip twist where he was 180* above the lord. he attempted to stab the siths soldier.
Was he dead? No. The fact he could pull air into his tortured lungs informed him of that fact. He could hear the drone of lightsabers in the distance, like carrion flies coming to feast on the dead. Slowly he forced himself to his knees, coughing out blood and a few teeth as he wheezed air painfully. So the master was still up, although he wasn't too surprised, they said the old goat was strong in the force. But no strength could stop the tide that his poison wrought. Gathering his blades, Daxton cloaked himself in the force, turning himself invisible and blending into the shadows.

Let the poison do it is work, weakening the dark lord as he fought with the other apprentice. Let them spend their energies against one another and when the moment is right, he would strike. Taking out a half dozen Merr-Sonn G-20 Glop Grenades, he subtly moved them among the battlefield. Often used for riot control, a Glop Grenade releases an adhesive foam that could slow or completely imprison those in its blast radius. Although by itself, it does not produce injures, the victims will be immobilized and helpless until the glop dries or is removed.

With his traps in place, it was only a matter of patiently waiting for the right moment to strike.
Moridin rolled his shoulder away from the attack allowing himself to back up only slightly. Still he was no fast enough and as the apprentice came falling down his lightsaber grazed his shoulder burning a deep scar into the mans arm. He grimaced in pain as the lightsaber went past him, and almost immediately he bounded backwards jumping several dozen yards with one great backwards stride. His cloak was torn, and his skin was burned and cut raw on his shoulder blade.

The Dreadlord frowned as he looked at the apprentice in anger. At the same time he noticed an absence, instead of two bodies only one lay on the floor. Daxton had escaped, or was hiding himself. His frown turned into an outright scowl, these apprentice had fared far better than he had originally expected. Moridin collected himself, and flipped his blades several time then slammed the hilts together back into a single sword.

He gripped the hilt with his right hand, and then touched the blade with his left. The absorbed lightning flew into his body and immediately Moridin re-channeled it towards the ceiling The massive burst of lightning struck the ceiling in an explosion tearing apart the stone and woodwork. Almost immediately the roof began to collapse, spots of sunlight flowing through.

The Dreadlord scanned the room, keeping his eyes open for any movement and when he saw the small spheres on the ground rolling across the floor. He recognized them as grenades, although the type he had no idea. In shock Moridin wrapped himself in the force, he had to get out of here. If these were thermal detonators he would be dead.

He looked up at the already collapsing ceiling, and then took the next step. He sheathed his blade upon his back and called upon the force. With a massive wave of the force Moridin shattered the ceiling to his once great tomb, destroying it and causing untold tons of rock, steel, and wood to fall into the room.

Moridin launched himself upwards, dancing among the rubble and moving upwards until he stood within the streets of Byss. The people around him screamed as the floor began to collapse beneath them, dozens fell into the now massive pit and hundreds more ran away.

When he landed the Dreadlord fell to one knee, the poison spreading farther within him. He quickly stood, and waited for his opponents to show.
Using the cover of the falling debris to prevent his detection, Daxton pursued after the poisoned and weakened master. Leaping from chunk of rock to chunk of rock, occasionally using one of the falling victims as a stepping stone, Daxton and his missiles chased after his weakened prey. Triggering the grenades to activate as they burst into the sunlight, Daxton arced his descent to strike with all three ignited sabers with a powerful overhead striking motion, he utilized the classical waterfall strike to attack his opponents head and shoulder blades simultaneously.

Ignoring the cries of the crowd, Daxton could only hear the blood pumping through his system as he sought to smote his foe down.
Moridin saw the glow of the lightsabers burst forth from the pit. He had no idea how these apprentices had so many lightsabers, so far he had already destroyed three. It didn't matter however as this time the Dreadlord was prepared, instead of drawing his sword again or fishing out another lightsaber he simply looked at the Raging apprentice and then raised his palm. One was towards Daxton, the other towards the nearby crowd.

A raging torrent of the darskide unleashed itself around the Sith Lord, massive purple streams of light were torn from the crowd and several dozen of unwilling citizens fell to their knees and then to their chests as the life was seeped from them. As they fell Moridin seemed to stand straighter and more invigorated. Their life became his own, the poison was eradicated from his blood as he took in the strengths of dozens of people, some of it remained, fostering itself inside of his body where it would remain until he could properly heal it.

At the same time he let out a massive burst of the force, ahead of him throwing rubble, dust, people, and hopefully Daxton away from him. As he drained the citizens of Byss of life and the force and pushed Daxton away Moridin was made acutely aware of some kind of green substance flooding the pit beneath him and coming towards him, with forced concentration the Dreadlord pushed out even more with the force, a massive torrent surrounding him and pushing everything loose away from him.

Coming to the street above had been a double meaning. Here he was more free to fight, and more importantly had the ability to heal himself. Using poison had been a clever move, but Moridin had more than one way to sustain himself.
Impressive, Daxton thought as he spun through the air and landed on the roof of a nearby building. The Master had taken nearly everything in his arsenal and still pulled off this amazing display of Dark Side power. It would be awe inspiring if it didn't leave him so open and vulnerable. Timing his strike, Daxton began to charge at his enemy, the twin orange blades circling around him like vicious sentry fish, looking for an opening to strike or parry at an attack.

Putting his entire weight behind the blow, Daxton pulled back his blue lightsaber to deal a powerful blow that would sever Moridin at the waist should the strike hit.
Darren only had his one lightsaber that belonged to his father. after he hit moridin and the sith lord blew up the cealing. he knew that he had to get out of there. daxton ran after him. he hated to do this but he went over to Mia and lifted her body, and ran for the door.

Darren was spent. he used alot of his energy to defeat the sith lord only for him to try and escape. but to carry Mia while he hurt was a task of itself. he finaly stoped after getting inside the door he checked for damages done to the Mandalorian. her face looked like it was bleading from glass and there going to be bruses. Darren saw that she was stilll breathing. he left here there and went to contiu with the dark lord.

He came up as Daxton landed on a nearby roof. Daxton started to charge the sith lord with Two blades. so Darren charged also. just fast enough that he would catch up with them but see what Daxton was going to do first.
Without looking in the direction of his companion, Daxton began his attack run putting all his strength behind his upcoming blow. By focusing the Dark Side into his upper muscles, he could attain an inhuman level of strength, allowing him to easily cleave a stone pillar three times his width in half as if it were paper.

Time seemed to slow down, his breathing fluid, his form perfect, Daxton could not help but roar his triumphant battle cry as he swung his blue lightsaber at the torso of the master. Win, lose, it no longer mattered. Here in the arena of life and death, Daxton was truly one with the Force.
Darth Sidic had been in deep meditation for over a month. The Sith Master had spent time on Morellia, ensuring there were no threats to his power base in the Morellian Commonwealth which had been rebuilding. He had assisted his home planet, his power base in the Sith was not strong and he had sought out allies from wherever he could find them. However, he sensed that the Sith had slowed down in their conquest and he had departed immediately to investigate. As he approached Byss, the planet which was the fortress of one of the Sith Triumvarite, Darth Moridic. But as he neared the surface he sensed a conflict as well as more than one Force-user. Darth Sidic would see for himself what was occurring. Had the Republic launched a strike team against Byss? Was it another Sith power grab?

Darth Sidic's cloaked ship dropped the Sith onto Byss' surface. He had come to see the Sith war machine himself and discuss the next move, now though it had become a mission of investigation into a battle. He had equipped himself with his dual-bladed lightsaber as well as his black Master's robes. This was becoming very interesting for him, and he piloted his ship as close as he could the increasing sounds of lightsabers.

It was a loud duel, Sidic didn't need to even have the Force to trace it. When he felt he was close enough he jumped out of his ship and onto a roof below. He then used Force Speed to advance on the seemingly three-way battle. He could smell the death that the conflict had left in it's wake from a Force power that Sidic vaguely recognised...

Sidic could tell that it was a Sith power play from the Dark Side aura he sensed. Byss had been a Dark Side nexus for a long time but it appeared to have been amplified from the battle. Interestingly the person charging behind the Zabrak had a Lighter signature than the other two combatants although this was currently a minor detail. The person the Zabrak was charging at was Moridin, a face that Sidic had recognised from the Sith archives. He smiled, knowing what he was dealing although he was not about to pick a side yet.

Just as he came into range of the battle he saw the Zabrak unleash a fearsome slash at Moridin. However, Darth Sidic did not want to see anyone die without himself having a role in it. So acting on instinct, he shot Force Lightning at the Zabrak, the person behind the Zabrak and Moridin. It was intended to stop the attack whilst preventing Moridin from countering, all the while ensuring his presence in the battle was known. However, He was not ready to support Moridin or the pretenders yet. He intended to see which could offer him more before he made that decision.

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