Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ambition knows no bounds

Just as Moridin was about to counter Daxton with a more than slightly under handed move the Dreadlord was struck by a wave of Force Lightning. The blue crackling energy hit him in the back biting at him and quickly running throughout his entire body. Within just a few seconds the entire energy ran through his entire body. The Darkside bit and ate at him and his skeleton showed. The Dreadlord yelled in pain, the force behind it.

As the Lightning ran through him Moridin closed his fist letting the darkside pool within him. He collected and grasped at the Lightning taking it in and channeling the power away from himself. And more towards Daxton and the other apprentice.

As he did this Moridin became acutely aware of the person shooting the force lightning. As he used Tutaminis to the re-channel the Force Lightning The Dreadlord turned to the newcommer. He looked at the man and from his stance, his strength, and the way he carried himself Moridin could tell a very unfortunate thing...he was a Master of the force, someone with intricate control of the darkside. The Dreadlord scowled, this wasn't good.

The poison had wracked his body already, the apprentices had been slightly more challenging than he thought, he had already lost his lightwhip.

Moridin knew he couldn't win a fight with a Master now, he was already far too weakened. He scowled at the other man as the darkside ran through him almost entirely.
Darren was running at the dark lord to try and get to his back and hit him, when he was struck by lightning. it was very pain full. he felt his heart was racing hes prosthetics were causing him even more pain being slightly metalic all of this was from a Sith master.

he was on a neaby rooftop with a double bladed lightsaber. he was dressed in Sith robes and carried himself like a man who should not be messed with. his helmet hud started to look up the mans face when it was overloaded with eletricty and it shut down on him. plunging him in to darkness.

As fast as he could he riped his helmet off of his head. he saw Moridin was tiering. from all of the assults that Daxton, Mia, and he did. just to have another Sith master come and join the battle. now it was so confusing a Sith lord, a Sith apprentice, and a Sith master were all fighting. and here he was just a Freelance Jedi. "You have got to be kidding me." he muttered to himself.
Somewhere between pulling his arm back to deal the fatal blow and connecting with his target, Daxton was blasted once more with force lightning. The dark side currents flowed through him, lighting him up like Naboo firelight bug. With his blood beginning to boil, his skin dried up and cracked open, leaving large wicked lesions all over his arms, torso and face. His teeth chattered so hard, that he had bitten off part of his tongue, spitting out the bloody smoking piece of meat even as he struggled to finish what he had started.

Beneath his power armor, the orbalisks went on a rampage, flooding his system even further with toxins and adrenaline, healing him as they fed on the Dark Side energy unleashed on their host. Daxton should be writhing on the ground, immobile and prostate. Instead he was staggering forward, swaying slightly from side to side, a hideous mass of smoking skin, blood red lesions and blood shot eyes struggling to hold on to consciousness by only the barest of margins.
Yelling at the new Sith "What do you want Sith? You have no right to be here." Darren didnt want all of these people comming in on Daxtons and His fight. first it was Mia. then its this Sith that he hasnt seen before.

Darren wanted to finish the fight. not to prolong it. If this new sith wanted to take the mantle of a pillar of the sith he was going to have to fight all three of them. He wanted only to be a sith so he could somehow rescue his mother. Darren needed to become a powerful sith and realese her from them he would turn away from the dark side once more. he had done it once. again he yelled "What is it that you want?"
"Who are you? The ruler of Byss? I sense your weakness, child. You are nothing more than a failed Jedi. Do you really think you could stand against me? And that these men would support you in their current state? You are truly naive." He taunted towards Darren before facing the two Sith.

"I am not here to kill anyone. I decided to view the Sith war machine after I spent some time in meditation and on my homeworld. Now all I view is chaos! Don't you understand that between the Republic and the Mandalorians we can't afford to fight each other?" This was hypocritical as he himself lusted for more power. But he was not going to admit this of course. It would be a foolish move to show one's own weakness.

"Now can you tell me what is going on before I lose my temper and end you all? I know Sith infighting is common but for it to happen at a time where we should be expanding is idiotic!" Darth Sidic spoke with a commanding tone. He was going to find out what was going on and decide how best to deal with it. Unfortunately with Moridin and the Zabrak suffering immense pain he was not expecting an answer soon. Maybe the rogue Jedi would speak to him...
Moridin moved slightly as the force lightning ceased, he recovered himself and let the darkside flow through him. Pain wracked his body as sparks of blue light ran over his skin and across his bones. He had once been very accustomed to Force Lightning striking him, in fact his right arm was still a mess of scar's and wounds from when he had used it to counter the technique. He remembered the pain well, and he fed from it in order to sustain himself. The Dreadlord took in a deep breath, and then let out it.

As he exhaled a massive stream of purple light ravage the crowd that had gathered to watch the exchange. He didn't know why they were there, but he thanked a random deity that they were. The purple light jumped from person to person, and then bounded towards Moridin. He took in the strength of the civilians, and recovered himself. It was a cautionary measure, if the other Master approached him...well he would have to play defensively.

“If you want to view the Sith War Machine. You're far from where you should be.” The Dreadlord looked at the other Sith with an expression of pure apathy. Byss was technically not a Sith World. It was Moridin's own seat of power, but it was not within the Sith Empire nor did many other Sith come to it, in fact getting here was rather difficult in the first place which is why it was Moridins favored world.

Slowly Moridin began to dust himself off. His tribal cloak was now ratty and torn and as he dusted himself the Dreadlord unclasped it and let the garb fall to the floor. He yawned slightly in another sign of apathy. Of course it was a lie, he was tired. He had used the force far too liberally against the apprentices, he had not been expecting another Master to show so now he was weakened.

The Dreadlord knew this, though he didn't want to show it.
Darren knew that he was at a loss. there was no way that he would be able to take on this new sith. and then try and contiue the battle that was already taking place. Darren then took notice to Moridin who was acting as if everything was a picnic. he then took notice that he was covered in dirt and filth, his armor was cracked in many places and his helmet was useless.

It was true that Darren was Not a true Jedi or a a true sith. and he knew that he couldnt stand toe-to-toe agents a sith master. Knowing what Daxton was like in the battle that took place he knew that Daxton would probably not back him up, and it was out of the question for Moridin. Seeing that Darren was probably the lowest here on the food chain he responded.

"My name is Darren. You are correct that I am a Fallen Jedi." Looking at Daxton and Moridin in turn then back at the Sith. "No I do not believe that they will help in my cause reguardless of thier state. I know nothing about the sith expanding, just that they have stopped in thier advance."

Darren just hoped that he didnt have to fight 3 sith at once. and it seemed like a good time to pray to any god that was out there.
Daxton was still standing, although just barely, his eyes, ablaze with pain and hatred were the only signs that he still lived. His body was ravaged by the combined effects of the force lightning, combat and the orbalisks, which even now were pumping more toxins into his system as they healed him of his wounds.

"Ask the Pillar of Strength then, why are some of the most gifted Sith Apprentices of this age are trapped in limbo, unable to progress further because their Master suddenly disappears. The Sith rule by strength. How many Masters have shown us strength? Save for Lord Moridin, all run and hide in their temples. Yet, Lord Moridin betrayed us as well. There are no conquests, no new worlds to capture, we stand idle while the enemy gather strength. I hate him for showing us all the potential we can achieve and leaving us to dry."

"I do not fear death, for death is part of life. But I will now stand down and watch us devolve into nothing. Take me as your apprentice. Use me as a weapon against our foes. I will break the chains of this Galaxy and all will bow before the Sith."

As painful as it was, Daxton bent down on one knee before Moridin and sheathed his sabers. A dark apprentice before a powerful Master.
The first thin Mia felt, was burning agony that tore across her face. She bit back a groan, not wanting to draw attention to herself, wherever she might be. She tried to open her eyes but the pain was too much. Forcing herself to sit up she pulled off a gauntlet, and then her helmet and gingerly felt her face.

It was sticky with blood and she recalled the blade flashing towards her face. She forced her eyes open and slowly clambered to her feet using the wall for support. She was in the entrance of the temple, looking over her shoulder she could see the ceiling had been pulled down. Someone must have pulled her out.
One foot in front of the other she forced herself forward and out of the temple. The streets were in chaos, yet the fight had stopped, interrupted she imagined by another Sith who she could put no name to. She heard the mention of a war machine and watched as the one she knew as Elias knelt before Moridin.

Anger flashed inside and she reached for her blaster, only it wasn’t there.
Moridin stared at Daxton for a while. He wasn't angry at the apprentice, The Dreadlord was almost never angry. He had found that it didn't pay to be constantly enraged, there was no point to it it would just cloud everything. Besides the Sith were constantly infighting, it was part of their entire existence. They fought, killed and back stabbed each other like it was their job because...well partially it was their job. Moridin shifted his gaze to the other man, he didn't seem to be making another move.

Finally the Dreadlord moved entirely, he shifted and stepped up in front of Daxton. He looked down at the Apprentice with a smirk on his face. The Dreadlord hadn't done what he was about to do in four centuries, in fact he was sure no one in this age had done it. There was no hostility in his movements as he stepped closer to Daxton. Then finally he spoke to the man.

“No.” Besides what he was about to do Moridin didn't need another apprentice. He already had two and both of them were entirely head strong. “You will be an apprentice no longer.”

“You are a Knight of the Sith Empire, from this day forth until we see fit to declare you a Master.” Moridins voice was hard, he hoped he didn't have to start fighting wayward apprentices each and every day because of this, but Daxton had earned it he fought on a level above apprentices and thus deserved to be titled above them.

(This is a legit promotion, I cleared it with Apparatus and you may ask for the title Sith Knight with a link to this thread)
"I live to serve the will of the Pillar of Strength." Daxton said as he waited to be dismissed. He had hoped to take out the Pillar and seize the power for himself, but with the appearance of the second Sith Lord, it was best to cut his losses while he still could. Even then, he still was pleased having gotten more than what he could have expected.

Although he tried to not show it, his heart was racing and he could barely contain his excitement. Not only was he no longer an apprentice, he was now a Sith Knight. One more step in his path to power. In time, he too would walk among the Masters as their equal. All that was required was patience, well if it took long he could always arrange a little accident to happen in the future.
Moridin looked down at the newly minted Sith knight. He had high hopes for this one, he had done well in this fight, surprisingly well. He didn't hold his use of poison against him, in fact he congratulated the young alien, subterfuge was the perfect way to win a fight. Nothing was “fair” in a fight, such a thing didn't exist. The Dreadlord himself had never used poison, except for once on his a small knife against a Jedi Master. Moridin above all was a Blademaster, a god with knives, swords, lightsabers, and anything else with an edge.

He had not displayed this skill here much, he had kept his distance and used the force mostly. Perhaps it had been out of curiosity, or perhaps he had wanted this fight to be more exciting. He did not regret the decision however, although next time Daxton came at him he would be sure to end it much faster than he had this time.

The Dreadlord shrugged to himself, and then turned away from Daxton and towards the other Sith Master. Before he got too far however he spoke again. “Before I forget. The next time you come before me barring your sabers...I will kill you and leave your corpse for my hounds.”

With that Moridin stepped away from Daxton and walked towards Sidic intending to engage the man in friendly conversation.
It was time to leave. She activated a beacon in built in her suit for Bandit to locate her, he would fly the ship as close as he could with the boarding ramp down, but she needed to be more in the open. There was nothing for it, she was going to draw attention to herself one way or another. Letting go of the wall for support she activated her jet back and moved to what was remaining of the roof of the temple, landing heavily on her hands and knees as she dropped.

Her ship, the Wayward Angel was heading her way, she could see it in the distance but it was being harassed by two fighters. They were firing shots across her bow, a warning for Bandit to land, though the R9 droid had other idea's.

[ooc: feel free to destroy the ship :p ]
Darren had seen the the zabrak kneel before moridin and pledge his algence to him. but instead gave him the rank of a Sith Knight all fron the battle that had just take place. he was suprised at the fact that Moridin just did this and knew that it was rare for this to happen. and out of th corner of his eyes he saw Mia fly to the top of a roof with a jetpack and call her ship. the ship was comming towards them and he knew that the sith would try to knock it down. but at the momnet he didnt really care. Darren was mor intrested in what Moridin had to say to the new Sith master.
Rising to his feet, he turned toward Mia, locking gazes with the young Mandalorian before raising his hand towards her incoming ship. With a clenching motion of his fist, he reached out to the force to the being piloting her craft and with one swift motion crumpled its head like a paper cup. The destruction of the droid triggered the ships capture avoidance protocol resulting in activating its self destruct sequence.

The Wayward Angel shuddered in mid air before exploding in a fiery flower of flaming wreckage. Daxton said to Mia, his voice as if he were standing right next to her. "It is over, Mia, there is no more running for you. Surrender and I will make sure your life is spared."

(Destruction of her ship cleared with Mia prior to post.)
Mia could only watch in horror as her beloved yacht crumpled and the exploded. she rested her head on the stone of the roof and let out a scream of fury as tears welled in her eyes. That had been his last and greatest gift and she had cast aside for what? for the chance to kill a sith lord that she knew from the start she had no hope achieving. and old conversation came to mind, one she had had with Jaxx when she was young.

"What happens if you get caught?"
"You destroy your livestock with the press of a button and you die before you speak."
"Why, why not just tell them?"
"think how many people will die because you couldn't keep your mouth shut."

She heard Elias call up to her and she raised her head, a murderous look in her eyes. "You can assure me nothing dar'jetii!" she spat the last word out. She had liked Elias, she might not have trusted him completely but she had liked him. But Elias wasn't his name, he was sith and she wanted nothing more than to kill every single one of them. She forced herself to stand, if they were going to take her she was not going to be carried.
He could feel her hate, her fury at this latest betrayal and it pleased him. In time he will break her spirit, mold her into a weapon he could use against his foes. For now she was his prisoner, a new toy to play with. Idly he wondered just how far he could push her before her spirit broke completely and then she was his.

"Take her to my transport." He instructed the troopers, joining them as they marched off their prisoner, leaving behind in his wake a scene of utter chaos and destruction.
Darren saw the ship crushed by the force, and was suprised that daxton could do that. He saw that it was power that fueled the Sith, and he wanted it. Darren knew that he would have to find somthing to increase his power. Korraban is where he needed to go. Darren turend towards the hole in the ground, and though to himself "How am I going to get to my ship?"

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