Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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America... we were warned and are not responding.

Delila Castillon said:
Pretty sure I've just been tagged by the NSA for watching that.


Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Lupe Baracka said:
I do think many people did vote for him because they were ready for "Change."
I wonder how well Ron Paul would've done in office...

Oh yeah. Republicans weren't fond of him either, so he, too, would've been gridlocked by the Senate.

I love how people just point fingers. "Yep. That's the guy. Whole reason everything's been so bad." When, if you are at all inept in American politics, you should know the Federal Government is ran off of three branches. The Executive Branch, consisting of the President and his cabinet/advisors, holding the least amount of power.

Hell, the Senate can overthrow a Presidential Veto.

With that in mind, you also have to realize that politicians are nothing more than puppets with Corporations at the string. Want to know why the Affordable Healthcare Act is so messed up? Because capitalist medicine still needs their cut of the profit.

Conflicts in the middle east? Raises the price on oil.

Don't get me wrong. I've got my issues with this administration, but they're not all bad. And, frankly, there is no bipartisan party anymore. There's just the green party. Washington has become akin to pro wrestling. Put on a show for the public, but being good friends behind the masquerade.

Feel me?
Avicus DuSang said:
I wonder how well Ron Paul would've done in office...

Oh yeah. Republicans weren't fond of him either, so he, too, would've been gridlocked by the Senate.

I love how people just point fingers. "Yep. That's the guy. Whole reason everything's been so bad." When, if you are at all inept in American politics, you should know the Federal Government is ran off of three branches. The Executive Branch, consisting of the President and his cabinet/advisors, holding the least amount of power.

Hell, the Senate can overthrow a Presidential Veto.

With that in mind, you also have to realize that politicians are nothing more than puppets with Corporations at the string. Want to know why the Affordable Healthcare Act is so messed up? Because capitalist medicine still needs their cut of the profit.

Conflicts in the middle east? Raises the price on oil.

Don't get me wrong. I've got my issues with this administration, but they're not all bad. And, frankly, there is no bipartisan party anymore. There's just the green party. Washington has become akin to pro wrestling. Put on a show for the public, but being good friends behind the masquerade.

Feel me?
Obama is the ultimate power here. Soooo many executive orders. I get your point, and I understand corporate, but we have an unconstitutional president. We are doomed as a nation.

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Lupe Baracka said:
Obama is the ultimate power here. Soooo many executive orders. I get your point, and I understand corporate, but we have an unconstitutional president. We are doomed as a nation.
What about him is unconstitutional?

Executive orders? George W. Bush trumped him in the amount of Executive Orders. And, no one batted an eye. Our foreign policy is ridiculously better off than what we had.

Again, I have my issues with this administration, but it's better than what we had.
Lupe Baracka said:
Obama is the ultimate power here. Soooo many executive orders. I get your point, and I understand corporate, but we have an unconstitutional president. We are doomed as a nation.

1. Executive Orders:
Ronald Reagan 381 George H. W. Bush 166 William J. Clinton 364 George W. Bush 291 Barack Obama 183

It's nothing new or sudden, all presidents use executive orders and us them frequently. Also not all Executive Orders are "unconstitutional" infact they are constitutional, that's why they can do it.

2. Issue here is less the president, than the incompetent administration he has hired.

3. While I don't completely agree with Ron Paul, he makes an absolute accurate criticism of US Foreign Policy.

4. US Infrastructure is the most important issue, literally falling apart.

5. US elective population needs to stop being easily persuaded by fear mongering and paranoia masturbating media and
dead beat political pundits who now make millions misreporting the news to galvanise the base that they are being paid to pander to.

6. And now my Political Sciences version of me shall return to the other forums it belongs and not on a SWRP site xD
The American Empire will reign for a few hundred years more.

Most politicians have been bought. And districts redrawn that they will get reelected or forced out cause they won't toe the line.

The military industrial complex. They have a stranglehold on war and foreign policy. And America was warned by General and President Eisenhower about them. Well, he was ignored and decades latter... look at all the wars.

The media. The most powerful tool in America. Chiefly pro Republican in nature or at best poorly serving Americans and the left. Doesn't show anything that would hurt their paymasters or his friends image. Sensationalizes every story for maximum ratings and shock. Brainwashes people basically.

Two party system. Lesser of two evils, that's your options. Vote for the guy you can stand a little more, or like many. Don't vote at all cause it doesn't matter.

The great American dream is dead. Well its been dead about 40 years now. You've little chance to bring yourself up from the gutters these days. You need the right blood or connections to do so. Or be born lucky/smart/invent something.

Your gutted and price bloated education system. Expect many dumb kids who will grow up to be unable to afford a higher education. Or be able to make it through. This is the current generation who's future is screwed.

Global Waffle Warming. Well, its not all your fault. Thats a fact, and recently there has been some moves about it. But we're screwed anyways, gona be hotter and hotter even if we slash greenhouse gasses now. Also the GOP denying or brushing the issue aside is not helping.

Water. America doesn't have a whole lot of it. Yet you use it as if the tap will never run out. As a Canadian, this issue does scare me since we have so much.

America is a rotting corpse on its feet. The time will come when the Empire collapses. Its just scary what you'll do before you hit the ground.

- Cannucks understanding of large issues of America.

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
[member="Darth Hauntruss"], I'm impressed Slick Willy had enough time for all of those Executive Orders with all of that cigar smoking, saxophone playing, and infidelity.

Ahhh. Now there's a man I will always stand behind.
[member="Avicus DuSang"] ............ I so want to enter this but, you and i both know i shouldn't because i would explode heads and destroy dreams... and just might scare a few of these Izzy inexperienced lol
Rayl Wilded said:
The American Empire will reign for a few hundred years more.
I think that's a bit generous, and in any case I certainly hope not. I want it to happen as soon as possible. My prediction is that the sharp demographic changes heading America's way will precipitate its demise. I would say "America" will last for 100 more years at the most. All the signs of a tottering edifice built upon a house of cards are already there. There's already a consensus attitude among Americans that "the best days are behind us", the country is in decline, etc.
[member="Preliat Mantis"]

Anti-Fa music, just as incoherent as their general ramblings and views.

Also, if there would be a reason to not vote for Paul, then use the one that you do not agree with his economic and / or social policies, not point your finger at him, scream racist at the top of your lungs, then pretend you won a debate. The same thing happened with UKIP / Nigel Farage in Britain, and Front Nationale / Marine Le Pen in France. Their opposition ignored their policies, either because they didn't knew how to argue against them or because they couldn't argue against them, as is in the case of not allowing the EU complete control over their nations policies, and resorted to screaming racist, nazi, bigot, and every other slur in the book hoping people would hate them.

And then they both went on to win the Euro elections because people actually bothered to listen to their view point instead of dismissing them for going even the slightest hint against the norm. Hell, Golden Dawn in Greece, as much as I despise them for their thug like behavior, is still pooling in strong even after having their leadership imprisoned because their policies are sensible enough to listen to and their opposition is making a fool of themselves by doing their best to curbstomp them and the citizens right to free speech and the right to choose who rules over them.

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