"Jedi can't even figure out their own morality or religion. One minute they're sinking cities, the next pondering the meaning of their little finger while worlds burn because violence is bad. Holier than thou, sanctimonious hypocrites with their heads in the clouds," Siobhan said sarcastically. She clearly did not like Jedi much, excluding Coryth and Phylis. Later on she would add Coci to the list of Jedi who were cool.
"In my opinion you're selling yourself short. She doesn't need a complex sermon about Light and Dark Side, just common sense. Don't take advantage of innocents just because you're a space wizard, don't think might makes right, keep your sense of proportion instead of mistaking power and self-righteousness for insight, don't tie yourself slavishly to a Code that puts blinkers on your eyes. In other words, don't be a dick. You're not big on philosophy, neither am I and you're probably a more decent person than I am. If you want help on morality stuff, go talk to Coryth. She's amazing and is a rare Jedi who can talk and think like a normal person. Phylis maybe. There's also Eileithya. I had her heal Galina's old wounds and extract a bullet from her some time ago."