RC 212
Location: Space Station
Objective: Stikeforce to secure the lab.
RC and the Stormcommandos moved silently off the Lambda shuttle as its back ramp opened. He had been all over the galaxy and run multiple jobs and organizations. The ex pirate had a reputation that was matched by a rather large rapsheet. Here none of that had mattered. After faking his death he had come to Crina to raise the Imperial stormcommandos, and now here they were. Deadly warrior led by decades of experience.
"Hold up, Talson scan this entrance."
Their tech guy plugged in a datapad, linking to the stations computer.
"Locked out like they said. Someone inside got this place locked up tight!"
RC took a knee and unslung his rucksack, producing two torches and ahydraulic ram.
"Alright time for some B&E. Alpha one and two cover us, three four your with me lets get this door open."
RC fired up the torch as the Stormcommandos moved silently into position E-17 snipers locked and loaded....
Objective: Stikeforce to secure the lab.
RC and the Stormcommandos moved silently off the Lambda shuttle as its back ramp opened. He had been all over the galaxy and run multiple jobs and organizations. The ex pirate had a reputation that was matched by a rather large rapsheet. Here none of that had mattered. After faking his death he had come to Crina to raise the Imperial stormcommandos, and now here they were. Deadly warrior led by decades of experience.
"Hold up, Talson scan this entrance."
Their tech guy plugged in a datapad, linking to the stations computer.
"Locked out like they said. Someone inside got this place locked up tight!"
RC took a knee and unslung his rucksack, producing two torches and ahydraulic ram.
"Alright time for some B&E. Alpha one and two cover us, three four your with me lets get this door open."
RC fired up the torch as the Stormcommandos moved silently into position E-17 snipers locked and loaded....