Aran Finn
If there was one thing [member="Ashin Varanin"] sucked at, and things she sucked at were few and far between, it was ordering half decent goddamn beers for her little shindigs. She always went for commercial, "premium" beers like Sal-Varenn Corellian and Pewter Premium. Varanin, just because they come in a green bottle doesn't mean they're good. Cutting out 25mL of liquid and adding another credit in price sucked in the uninitiated, obviously. Regardless, Alen grabbed one and started sinking it.
Na'Varro made a beeline for [member="Mikhail Shorn"]. The guy was a sack, but somehow the bearded Sith Lord liked him regardless. Why? Shorn was a deadly fighter, which Alen respected. He could also throw banter with the best of them. Furthermore, he was a sensitive little boy at heart, which the bearded man found fething hilarious. Coming up beside him on his left, Na'Varro gave Shorn a once over. Pause. Grin.
"Someone told me you have a girlfriend now." Alen's eyes showed his amusement. "You fething pansy."
Na'Varro made a beeline for [member="Mikhail Shorn"]. The guy was a sack, but somehow the bearded Sith Lord liked him regardless. Why? Shorn was a deadly fighter, which Alen respected. He could also throw banter with the best of them. Furthermore, he was a sensitive little boy at heart, which the bearded man found fething hilarious. Coming up beside him on his left, Na'Varro gave Shorn a once over. Pause. Grin.
"Someone told me you have a girlfriend now." Alen's eyes showed his amusement. "You fething pansy."