Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Announcements and Celebration (Lords of the Fringe)

If there was one thing [member="Ashin Varanin"] sucked at, and things she sucked at were few and far between, it was ordering half decent goddamn beers for her little shindigs. She always went for commercial, "premium" beers like Sal-Varenn Corellian and Pewter Premium. Varanin, just because they come in a green bottle doesn't mean they're good. Cutting out 25mL of liquid and adding another credit in price sucked in the uninitiated, obviously. Regardless, Alen grabbed one and started sinking it.

Na'Varro made a beeline for [member="Mikhail Shorn"]. The guy was a sack, but somehow the bearded Sith Lord liked him regardless. Why? Shorn was a deadly fighter, which Alen respected. He could also throw banter with the best of them. Furthermore, he was a sensitive little boy at heart, which the bearded man found fething hilarious. Coming up beside him on his left, Na'Varro gave Shorn a once over. Pause. Grin.

"Someone told me you have a girlfriend now." Alen's eyes showed his amusement. "You fething pansy."

A hand lifted slowly from stitched pocket, the stretch of the jackets arm giving just the hint of silver cufflinks beneath. Black rounded square within chrome circles, fingers held inches apart to signify the ordering of a shot. He assumed the stakes were high for such celebration, the quality of alcohol should meet the standards. And it did, the fragrance of the whiskey sloshed about the tumbler in shallow convex, amber viscosity against stylish glassware. Pants of gray, jacket of gray, vest of gray, and a tie that shined a vibrant hue of red, to match his eye. Black hair tied back, clean shaven, he had dressed in his finest as he turned to survey the room and the occasion. Who knew that such a men, of archaic tradition, could clean up so well?

Promotions, early retirement, merger, and some of the best looking cake on this side of the universe - these were the accolades and accomplishments of the Fringe. The atmosphere was readily appreciated, but the feeling of swelling companionship and felicitations left a burning sensation as he scratched the swirling flesh upon sealed eye. The whiskey burned as it went down, but a better sort of burn, the type that leaves a lasting impression. Unlike what he would do here this evening, dining and dashing as it were. He had heard a certain [member="Matsu Xiangu"] was here, along with a [member="Jared Ovmar"]. Visual purview gave light to such rumors as the Sith Lord gave a tilt of the head and a smile, sliding the empty tumbler back against the black polish of the open bar. She was a vision of meringue and polished silver, the length of dress hovering delicately above the floor. They would have looked nice together, he thought, as he was taken in by the image of the woman that drew mind to obsession, even if her skin wasn't dabbed in the blotches of blood he was so accustomed. But, alas, this wasn't the place for him, despite the thriving desire to be a part of it. No, he would congratulate these individuals in his own way, through his own manner of celebration. But man, that cake sure did look tasty. Ah, thoughts for another time, shined shoes leading the man out of the galleria, left hand pocketed at the seam of a custom, and if I don't say so myself, finely tailored suit.

Heroism, heroism. Applause, applause.
"Sol..." Inari was no longer present. Who spoke now was the young woman behind the mask. The Kuatian Princess whose heart ached for home and family, who wanted nothing more than a simple life without the weight of an Empire sitting on her shoulders. The girl who'd only ever sought the approval and acceptance of the man standing before her as one of his own, his kin and blood.

Appearances be damned, without a second thought Amore wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him tightly.

"I'm happy for you," she said into his robes, feeling a knot form in her chest. Should she tell him about Cameron now that he had opened up to her? No, not now. This wasn't her moment, it was his.

"Who is the woman? Will I get to meet her?"

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Amorella Mae"]

He smiled, and gave her a hug in return.

It was a learned embrace really. Soliael had never been hugged much, but as of late that was changing. He embraced his sister and squeezed her, backing off slightly and smiling down at her, planting a kiss on the top of her head in a sign of affection.

“Her name is Kira. Kira Liadain.” That would mean absolutely nothing to Amore “She is a Jedi in the Republic”

That would probably come as quite a shock, Soliael wasn't exactly well known for liking Jedi. “And yes, you will meet her. You'll be the first.”

Introducing Quietus or Silencia to Kira wasn't exactly on the top of his priority list, mostly because he had absolutely no way of predicting how that would go. Amorella was a simple way to ease Kira into the family, perhaps Dissero would be next. Shaking his head slightly he wiped away all thoughts of future family gatherings and continued speaking.

“I know she'll be happy to meet you.” Kira knew about his family, mostly due to the meld. Though she had never once broached the subject with him out of respect.

This would make her happy.
Oh Gods, Amore thought to herself, finally. Finally.

She gave Sol a withering smile, something saturated with a well of emotion. Though she knew, in the past, he'd expressed his acceptance of her verbally Amore had never once felt it. It was the elusive unicorn - fabled only in story, and finally she was seeing it, feeling it. Feelings of elation and sudden, deep sadness warred within her.

Why hadn't I just listened to him before? Why couldn't I just have believed him?

"A Jedi?" she replied, expression crinkled with restrained emotion behind her silver mask, her voice strained, "How did you meet her?"

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Amorella Mae"]

“It's...a very long story.” It really was.

He had met Kira back before Moross even existed. He had fought and flirted, left her his comm number, and thought about her as an enigma for the longest time. Then he had stumbled upon her, rescued her, and spent the strangest week of his life with her.

“It was before the Empire fell. Before Moross was founded.” Soliael said it with a shake of his head. “She was...she wasn't much to me at the time, just an enigma. She could have killed me, she had chance an opportunity, but she decided not to take it. The fact that she spared me became an enigma, a mystery to me. After that encounter we didn't see each other for a long time. Sometime thereafter though she was taken by Nemene.”

Amore would be well aware of who Nemene was, his sister, now dead. He sounded incredibly bitter as he went on. “Tortured, played with like a toy, then tossed aside.”

“I found her, weeks after, but she was still broken, still not quite whole.” Soliael smiled slightly. “I remembered her and took her to Exocron where she could receive proper care.”

He paused for a few moments, thinking for a second and looking down at his sister. “The rest...Well, when you meet her I'll let her tell you the rest.”

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
After vanishing from the podium, Ashin vanished from the party. She needed a moment to watch security cameras, and to meditate.

Among the abilities she retained from her days as the Dark Lord of the Sith, the capstone was battle coordination. Some used the term for battle meditation, but she went by Lumiya's terminology. Sith battle coordination had nothing to do with mentalism. It had everything to do with seeing how all the puzzle pieces fit together.

So after she lit a fire under Cordel, Sivas and Exedo, she sat and meditated and watched to see what would happen next. Sure enough, right away she caught a glimpse of furtive balcony-related activity. She hadn't positioned cams or microphones, hadn't gone to any special trouble -- this wasn't about eavesdropping. This was about giving them the opportunity to stand or fall on their own terms. There was no lethal intent going on here, though she could understand how they might see this that way.

There had been a time when she and Cordel had been close. That was a while ago, before divergent responsibilities drew them apart. She had little hope for Sivas' rationality, but Cordel had always struck her as sensible. Now came the part where she took the lumps for her decision, and clarified what needed clarification.

His comm buzzed with a message.


We should talk as soon as possible, before this gets out of hand. Name a place. I'll be alone and unarmed.


[member="Lucien Cordel"]
A smile grew wider as Spencer had her dress complimented. Looking down at it, she felt the soft fabric and nodded. "It's one of my favorites. We look to be about the same size, you can borrow it one day if you want uh Matsu right?" Spencer enjoyed talking with people, it was good to leave her study now and again. She needed friends.

Jared pulled her attention from Matsu, he mentioned Lipsec which seemed to harbor a lot of the higher ups in the fringe's attention. It had her attention too. He wanted to go there and fix whatever had happened. It made sense, seeing Fringe higher ups there and then something happening to the king would undeniably provoke something from that government.

"I've read the reports. Though I find it hard to believe that she could do that and to that extent. She's a jedi...but a Jedi in Sith company. The dark side, it's temptation is very appealing. We've both felt it's call." Spencer showed her doubts to the extent of the damage from the report, she would have spoken to the woman herself, but something troubled her with the accusations and the fact that she was a Jedi. Taking another bite of cake, Spencer bought herself some time to think of logic.

"If the King is dead or driven mad - the relations with the planet aren't good. I'll be accompanying you to fix the relationship, and to see if we can find out what really happened. My focus is on the people of the planet, we have a promise to keep."

[member="Jared Ovmar"] (matsu i mobile and I can't speel ur name :( )
A small insect crawled across one of the walls. On the foggy, swamp filled world of Annaj, it would hardly attract attention. Such a small device, against the background of comm units, datapad, microphones and other devices would be nigh on impossible to detect, unless someone was deliberately sweeping with a very sensitive scanner. It didn't emit RF, it barely used any electromagnetic power to propel itself across the walls.

This was hardly a private event, word of mouth would spill much. Sometimes it was best to watch a recording first-hand.

OOC/ Varanin will backslap me on Skype if I've overstepped a mark! :)

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

"Wow, so charming." She grinned. "I accept Lord Michigan." She slipped her hand into his and joined him on the dance floor. But her nerves bubbled to the surface. She leaned in closer and whispered.

"I'm not the best dancer..."

Myrtle-ellipses flickered around the room, feeling more than her own nerves. There was a flurry of emotions swirling around the room. And some of those emotions were tied to a sparking fuse about to set something bigger off.

"One dance, okay? Then we should probably go."
Taking it all in, this tale of his, expression of calm consideration grew. Amore smiled, feeling a new sense of reality begin to settle in to everything she knew, and everything she thought she knew about Soliael. It was as if some fairy tale version of the man, the one that she had consistently envisioned him as, had melted away to reveal to her this very normal person standing before her. Someone with fears, hopes, dreams, wants, pain, anger, happiness, sadness.

Is this the humanity their family never talked about?

We're not Gods, we're not immortal. Our humanity is born with us and dies before our bodies give in.

Shouldn't talk about it.

She nodded, "I would like that very much, Sol. I can't wait to meet her."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Amorella Mae"]

Soliael smiled.

Kira would like Amore, he already knew that. The two women were not dissimilar in certain fashions. Both craved to do good, both only used the force for what they saw as a cause. His smile deepened. If Kira would get along with anyone in his family, it would be Amore.

Soliael wrapped his arms around her one last time and squeezed her.

“Well, I suppose thats enough for daily revelations.” His arms fell to his side and he cast a glance over towards Dissero. “Don't tell him yet, or Oma...or mother.”

He shook slightly as he thought of Quietus meeting Kira. “I think its best to ease her into the family.”

Soliael grinned at his sister.

Lord Ghoul

Mikhail caught [member="Serian Loria"] staring at him just as @Kaine Zambrano strolled up. Great, creeps on all sides.

"Oh hey, Kaine. Funny you mention looks, because I could've sworn you were fifty years younger last time I saw you. Dark Side got you down?"

He smiled facetiously at Kaine, closed lips pulled tight and thin. Azure eyes flicked down toward Kaine's nethers, lacking any sense of surreptitiousness.

And at that moment [member="Alen Na'Varro"] waltzed up.

"What is this 'Greet a Shorn' day? But if we're really going to talk about girlfriends I'll direct the audience's attention to gallery item number 1."

Then he pointed straight at [member="Kitt Solo"] and [member="Flint Michigan"]. Dancing.

"Aw, aren't they just the cutest?"

Nisha Decrilla

This was a fascinating collection of people. Anaya's force presence was more or less invisible, unless someone was looking for her specifically, she wouldn't be found. There might have been a bounty on her head, but she Jared Ovmar on her side and lets face it, no one wanted to make a mess of this evening. Except perhaps Mikhail, but then he always was the disruptive sort.

Even now, his snarky tone was causing some minor ripples. Tearing her eyes from him she scanned the rest of the room. She had a lot of enemies here, Kaine, Anders, Shorn, Spencer. An old flame too. Sol really did look like his father. Perhaps it was better she stayed in the shadows? A smirk pulled at her lips. Where was the fun in that? Her kitten heels clicked across the floor as she set her sights on Jared and his little circle of joy.

She hesitated a few steps away, just out of his line of sight. She didn't want to ruin his happiness for him, but nor was she content to sit on the sidelines anymore. She moved close to him, her hand coming to rest on his shoulder. As he looked at her, she frowned slightly, her finger moving down to wipe a piece of icing from the corner of his mouth. Licking it off her finger, she smirked.

"Best keep a short leash, love. There are a lot of people here that make me want to misbehave." she lifted her gaze to settle on [member="Spencer Jacobs"].

"What's new pussycat?"

[member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
"Charming as always, Shorn."

Kaine comically rolled his eyes at Shorn's little jab, but he did not take it to heart. Mikhail always had a way of being a snarky little ass, and Kaine was all too familiar with his asshattery. He somewhat missed the days before Shorn acquired his brand of snark, a time where Mandalorians died in droves, and all was good. Sadly, those yonder days of yore would most likely never again grace Kaine's life, so he was stuck with his memories of nostalgia.

Speaking of memories, it was getting a little to nostalgic in here. Too much riff raff and old faces.


[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Spencer bit a piece of her and held the fork in her mouth for a second. Of course [member="Anaya Fen"] enjoyed popping up in places she wasn't - well look at this. Spencer rewound the moments of Anaya's arrival in her mind as she remembered the cake nibble and her eyebrow started to twitch violently. This was the reaction that the twi'lek was looking for, but remembering that now Ashin was "safe" from the succubus - Spencer found some peace of mind. Pulling the fork from her lips she cut the cake again and took another bite. Her face turned a bright red as she remembered the last time cake was involved with Anaya Fen. She leaned back in her chair and chewed quickly the bite and then addressed the woman.

"Nothing really, I see you've found a new master to hold your leash. At least your house trained."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya's grin widened. She knew Spencer far to well, she saw the twitch watched her go bright red. It was all far too easy.

"You are," she said moving to settle into the seat next to her and ignoring the stab Spencer had made. "so adorable when you blush." Anaya made a point of watching her intently, as she ate the cake maybe even allowing a little bit of hunger to glitter in her eyes. Then she did something incredibly childish, quick as a flash she swiped her finger through the icing remaining on her cake and popped it into her mouth.

"Hmm," she mused looking at her now icing free finger intently for a moment "Tastes much better off you, pussycat."

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]
[member="Kitt Solo"]

Flint smiled and took Kitt's hand, pulling her to the dance floor. "That's alright. Just follow my lead." Flint said and began stepping to the music. With the Fringe being more wild than uptight it was more of a west coast wing/nightclub type vibe than waltz or latin type music, so Flint's first two steps would have been backwards, followed by a raise of his left, her right and a triple step to his right. Clearing a path for her to travel.

"Things not going well Kitt? That guy here? Do I need give him a rough and tumble?" Flint asked as he danced with the mechanic/bounty hunter/former high councilor about events long past. Blissfully unaware he was being watched. Aside from his dance partner and the free snacks not much in the party warranted his attention, even less so with him being on a dance floor.
Spencer was now redder than Anaya's skin. The usually calm and collected master sat in her chair stiff as a board her hands holding tightly the soft ends of her dress. The blush cascaded from Spencer's cheeks, to her arms and finally her legs. Every inch of the poor girl was red. Forgetting to breath she let her nostrils flare in frustration and embarrassment. The woman was now next to her, taking the icing, and teasing her with something from the past. Quickly, Spencer regained some of her composure and whipped her head towards Anaya. Unable to control a stutter, she spoke quickly fumbling over her words. "T-Th-Th-that was a time one thing! I mean one time thing!"

As usual, in moments of stress - Spencer ate. With a mighty heave of the fork the rest of the cake peice went fully into the woman's face. Crumbs and frosting scattered along her lips as she seemed to have swallowed the entire piece whole.

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya laughed as Spencer went from slightly pink to crimson. She laughed so hard her sides ached.

Sighing, she brushed a tear from the corner of her eye. "Ah Spencer, you sweet thing, we both know it was not a one time thing."

She leaned forward, so her lips brushed Spencer's ear. "The second time, your wife joined us." She tilted her head slightly, licking the corner of her mouth and sitting back in her seat again, a dark chuckle escaping her lips.

Simply too easy.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

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