Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Credit Spent on Poison


The Mercenary
Looks worried at the young padawan thats entering in a hurry. " you alright? are anyone after you?" Takes his drink and turns in his chair.

[member="Anka Revik"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
Sam Jone speaking to a young girl interrupted Slate's daydreaming trance. He must of lost himself in the mirror that faced him. This was irregular, Slate was tired and slightly intoxicated. Turning to see who he was talking to, Slate was taken back by the how young the girl appeared to be and wondered why she'd be in a bar like this. A confused expression was apparent on her face, it didn't appear that she even knew where she was.

"Yeah, you in trouble miss?" He spoke to the girl. Hopefully she was okay, Slate wasn't in any state to help her.

[member="Anka Revik"] [member="Falks"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
Taking a long sip from her water, Anka realized that someone was speaking to her. Looking up from her water, the girl scanned the room; there seemed to be a couple of men looking her way from the bar.

"Oh... No, everything is alright." She turned her attention beck to her drink, face flushed from the apparent scrutiny.

[member="Slate Estrada"] [member="Falks"] [member="Riv'Stak"]


The Mercenary
"alright then." Falks turned back facing the bar and finished his drink, ordering another. "i'm glad you aren't in harms way." gulbs down another drink.

[member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]


The Mercenary
"when you're asking so nicely, sure i'll let you buy me a drink." he answers jokingly and looks to [member="Riv'Stak"] with a smirk on his face.

[member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]
I rolled my eyes at the merc, and tapped the bar for a few more drinks. I ordered something a bit less... sharp for the lady, and the bartender simply put it in front of her.

"You know I wasn't talking to you, but that's okay. Everybody gets more!"

[member="Falks"] [member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]


The Mercenary
"awhhh [member="Riv'Stak"] don't be so rude. I know you care about all of us, and our well being." Falks smirks and pats him on the shoulder. " don't worry ill pay for the next round."

[member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]
Anka had to bring a hand up to her lips to combat a fit of giggles. The other patrons were being silly, and despite her melancholy, it made her laugh.

An unfamiliar drink was suddenly placed before. There was some kind of fruit mounted on the rim of the glass, and a purple straw had been tossed in as well. The girl was ignorant when It came to drinks, but she got the impression that that wasn't normal in a place like this.

"Thank you..." She looked around, trying to discern who had purchased it for her.

[member="Falks"] [member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Slate Estrada"]


The Mercenary
"you know [member="Riv'Stak"] you should take me hunting one of these days, i'd love to learn a trick or two about hunting animals, i recently got my arsenal expanded quite a bit. " You can tell Falks had a drink or two as he begins speaking more openly and seems more talkative. "and you" gestures to [member="Anka Revik"] "what do you do for a living?"
I grinned at girl and gave her a thumbs up. Hopefully I didn't startle her too much.

"No problem. At least we made you laugh."

I turned back to Falks, and nodded.

"A hunting we shall go. I love hiking after my prey."

[member="Falks"] [member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]

Luxor Malen

It was normal for Luxor to be hanging out around strange Cantinas. She always met some interesting people there. When she was dropped off at Coruscant she made her way straight to the closest place. When she opened the door she went straight to the bar, and sat down. She ordered herself a glass of straight vodka, not caring who thought it was to strong.

[member="Slate Estrada"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
[member="Falks"] [member="Anka Revik"]
I looked over at the girl who'd just sat down next to me. Zeltron, from her skin color. I grinned and shook my head mock-seriously.

"That vodka looks a bit weak for you... Maybe you wouldn't mind indulging in some of the rounds I'm apparently paying for? Seriously, go ahead."

[member="Luxor Malen"] [member="Falks"] [member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]


The Mercenary
Falks greeted the new arrival with a nod and a smile, he didn't seem to notice her ordering straight vodka or anything, as he was caught up in a conversation with [member="Riv'Stak"]. He took a sip to recover from the akward silence, as he continued his conversation with new found courage. "Soo have you ever been interested in bounty hunting?."

[member="Luxor Malen"] [member="Anka Revik"]
Shrugging, I reached for my drink, and downed it as I had before.

"I always figured myself for the smuggling type. Though I've been smuggled more than I have smuggled."



The Mercenary
"Have you come across a person or a thing Named Titan? Im looking for him/it at the moment, and i have no clues of where he might be." Falks downs his whiskey and shrugs. "ready for another round?"

Titan? The name seemed familiar, but I couldn't think of why.

"I'm not sure. I feel like I heard about him on Alderaan, but I forget the context. What exactly did he do that you're hunting him?"

I swirled my drink, and kept gulping it down.

[member="Falks"] [member="Luxor Malen"] [member="Anka Revik"] [member="Slate Estrada"]


The Mercenary
"Just some bigshot that wanted to pay a handsome amount of credits for him captured thats all.." Falks wrote down the possible location of the Titan and smiled. "Thats great help, i've got a place to start looking." Falks orders and pays for another round.

The word "Titan" muttered by the armoured man brought Slate back from his dazed state. The bounty hunter was looking for Titan. A fellow Republic Soldier and friend of comrad of Slate. In an instant, Slates dizziness and disorientation disappeared and his primal fight reflexes had kicked in. If Slate killed this man now, Titan would have less to deal with.

"You won't be leaving this bar if your intention is to harm Titan." Slate announced in his gruff voice. He readied himself to launch an attack, he may not of been armed with more than a his E-11 Blaster, but Slate was a highly trained soldier, one of the best.

[member="Luxor Malen"]
[member="Anka Revik"]


The Mercenary
"I dont plan to harm him if i can avoid it, but what do you know about the Titan?" Falks was also quite the skilled gunman, even though he had a bit to drink. Falks readied his two STHC Hand-cannons, preparing to return fire if he was shot upon. "Where do you know this Titan from? tell me what you know! or pay better than my employer."

[member="Slate Estrada"] [member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Luxor Malen"] [member="Anka Revik"]

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