Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Credit Spent on Poison

Luxor Malen

"Thank you," [member="Riv'Stak"] "but I like to hold my own at the bar. Someone buys a drink and suddenly everyone is down for everything."
Luxor took a swig of her drink, not thinking of hoe much she had left she ordered another. Tonight seemed like a goodnight to get fuzzy.
She over heard the talk of this Titan and she spoke up, "Why do you want to find this person so badly?" She spoke to [member="Falks"] then turned her attention to [member="Slate Estrada"] "And why do you want to keep whatever it is from harms way?"

[member="Anka Revik"]


The Mercenary
Falks holds his pistols in a firm grip aiming at Slate, he is ready to fire, he looks slate staight in the eyes waiting for a flich or some sort of reaction. "Its my Job simple as that, i'm a gun for hire, who ever pays the most is the one ill fight for, and right now my job is to catch Titan."

[member="Luxor Malen"]
[member="Slate Estrada"]
Now the bounty hunter, or as he said it "gun for hire" was now pointing his weapon directly at Slate. The situation had rapidly deterioted. "He's just a thug who kills for money. No honor. No pride." The unflinching soldier told the purple haired woman. Slate didn't doubted that he would pull the trigger, but hopefully before he did Riv'Stak would come to his aide.

"Keep pointing that weapon and me and I'll give you a fight you won't believe." He warned before gulping the last of his whiskey.

[member="Luxor Malen"]


The Mercenary
"A thug who killed for money ay? yea maybe but the military is just a bunch of glorified thrill seeking bimboes, who look for every excuse to invade a planet becase, ohh the sith are attacking." Falks waved him off and turned to leave the bar. "I didn't come here to fight anyways, i came to have a good time and make friends. I wouldn't want to tramatize there poor nice people with a fight thats not theirs." Falks walks towards the door, still holding a gun pointed at Slate.


[member="Slate Estrada"] [member="Luxor Malen"]
"You mercenaries don't know what real war is like. You don't knows what it's like to lose a friend, a squad, a whole platoon in battle." Slate tuned on his stool, now facing the mercenary who still had his weapon pointed towards him. "If what happened to me, happened to you, I think you'd run the your parents crying." The soldier announced with a spiteful voice, showing off his hate of bounty hunters and criminal who justified their actions with the credits they made.

"But let me give you a word of advice; if you go after Titan, there won't enough left of you to claim the credits." He continued staring into the whites of the man's eyes as he backed towards the exit of the cantina.

[member="Luxor Malen"]
[member="Anka Revik"]

Luxor Malen

"Would all of you stop!" Luxor yelled, she was gripping the edge of the bar so hard she left hand marks. "I know you guys disagree but would you stop and let it go. Get over yourselves!" She didn't care if she made a scene or not at this point. She needed peace.

[member="Slate Estrada"]

@Anita Revik
I simply rolled my eyes, and ignored the whole thing. My drink was here, getting warm, and I just needed to drink it. I gulped it down. Then I looked at Slate.

"I would laugh, but I don't like watching fights I'm not involved in. I am a hired gun, but I know what you're talking about. And I understand."

I grunted, and went back to my next drink.

"But you need to shut up. Being a merc is a way of life in the Core. Grew up shooting before I even started going to school. Don't assume we're all hotshots with something to prove."

[member="Luxor Malen"] [member="Slate Estrada"] [member="Falks"]

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