A collection of random presences, soldiers preparing to flood from local barracks to the capital, of all places, and a ship that very obviously, very nearly crashed into the Temple. Ordinarily, the Aesir elected to keep to himself, supervising his own affairs. However, it had grown readily apparent that whatever was occurring in the glistening capital of Exocron threatened to destabilize the careful peace of the faithful servants of the Crusade. That, of course was most displeasing to the God of Shadows.
Standing atop the marble steps that marked the first of a pilgrim's path to enlightenment and entry into the Temple, the Sith Lord's silver-green gaze swept the scene before him. Closest to him, he could see Priestess Carter approaching with an as-yet-unidentified individual. Further beyond that, he could see Priestess Carter's apprentice interacting with two unknown individuals. [member="Siara Vorru"], the mercenary-turned-faithful, was also in the vicinity of [member="Crystal"]'s Chiss apprentice and their guests.
Allowing his dark presence to spread over the area, Cameron folded his arms across his exposed chest as he locked eyes with Crystal from beneath the folds of the dark blue and gray hood of his similarly fashioned cloak. For the time being, he ignored [member="Kiln"]'s entire existence and spoke privately to his former mate. Why have you not brought this nonsense to a definitive end, Crystal? Cameron didn't even care what was going on, he was merely holding the senior individual present responsible for it not being over.