Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another pea in the pod

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
This woman was crazy. A light saber blade close to her neck and she decides to try and avoid it? This wasn't supposed to be a fight but some people are so uncivilized. Oka never has experienced someone so willing to fight for their belief. His eyes started glowing for some reason, a vision? No, this is.... the battle Oka dreamed of, saw visions of, the one that he for saw.

"Before you try and kill me, I just want to say you're very dedicated to your beliefs. Its not worth fighting for though. I could cooperate but you have my ship, my droid, and whatever else you have. So if its a duel your gods say to have, I'm taking you with me." he said balancing his light saber as he jumped back. He kept an eye on the soldiers he just injured. This wasn't supposed to happen, none of this, he thought.

(sorry missed that part of your post, adjusting appropriately in this I think)

Not deterred by the words of the Jedi Ashra’syle’nuruodo had her own lightsaber against his so he could not attack her red eyes narrowed on him coldly. “You are not in a position to negotiate Jedi filth nor are you are in any position to bargain. The only way you are going to walk away from this without me ending your existence is you surrendering right now, turning your weapons over to a servant of the Gods so you and your friend can be transported outside the borders of our space. If you fail to stand down I am prepared to die for my gods and if I do fall I know that my brothers and sisters will see my mission through.”

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka turned off his blade. "I'm not like the sith, I kill when its necessary so I surrender and refuse to battle over a pointless conflict. This is all a misunderstanding. But I need my ship and droid and I'll gladly leave. You can escort me, whatever but I refuse to be detained and shipped in space."


(Your fine.)
“Your ship will be transported by the vessel you are transported on and if you are particularly forthcoming with the people who will be asking you what will no doubt be a lot of questions you will even get it back in one piece.” Asylen snarled at him. “And you are quite correct, I will have to escort you putting a delay in my training you are lucky I don’t feel like practising on your worthless hide or that of your friend here.”

Looking at the guards she kept her own lightsaber active as she held out her free hand so the Jedi could place his weapons over to her. “Get the binders ready, as soon as he surrenders his weapons to me I want them both in shackles.”

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"I sense you think I'm a Jedi. I'm a rogue, not even close to a Jedi. Anyways, here and if you have to train go train. I'm sure guards can handle a harmless rogue. And why can't you just take me to a cell?" Oka asked handing his weapons over.

Keeping her weapon aimed towards [member="Mit Tuxaire"] in case he tried something while the Chiss and the Jedi fought it out she glanced at the nearest soldiers who approached their weapons trained on her captive freeing her up to do other things. The fight between the Chiss and the Jedi didn’t last long as the weapons of the Jedi were turned over to the Chiss. “Your weapons as well, lay them out in front of you, they will be returned to you once Ashra’syle’nuruodo has decided what she has to do with you.”

Looking up the steps of the temple at the gathering crowd Siara smirked waiting for any of them to make a move to deal with the situation the Chiss had apparently resolved. Guards approached to arrest both men relieving them of their weapons as they did.


Well-Known Member
he sighed, and started to drop his weapons one by one, blast, sword, wristblade, wrist blaster, blaster pistol, and finally, he pulled his glove off and dropped it, giving up his last tool, his light shield.
"So now the pretty princess of the sith is in charge huh [member="Siara Vorru"] ?" he sneered, but let the guards take his weapons away, and made no move when they put him in shackles.
Smirking to herself Asylen took the man's weapons clipping them to her belt to keep them secure. "I think what you sense is the fact that I really don't care what you are, all that matters is you disrespected the gods, in the presence of one of them and that if I had not stepped in any number of the soldiers here would have been ready to kill you. you are of no use in a cell." The Chiss stated as she instructed the guards to complete the arrest.

"I will need to discuss your fate with those Masters watching from the top of the temple steps, you will remain here until it has been decided." Deactivating her lightsaber Asylen gave a small but meaningful look at Siara who was already working to arrest the other man. She stepped away from the two men as guards poured in and put binders on both she mounted the stairs to the temple and climbed up to stand below the gathered masters. She took a knee at the feet of Aatrox holding up the weapons of the Jedi as an offering them to the deceiver. He wasn't the god she worshiped nor was he her master but he was the ranking individual on the steps. "I seek your guidance with what I should do with those two."

[member="Cameron Centurion"] [member="Crystal"] [member="Loxa Visl"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka was confused. "You won't be discussing my fate. We have a deal that I'll be transported out of the territory. Now isn't that true?"

Though Cameron heard and sensed the light exasperation in [member="Loxa Visl"]'s demeanor and sigh as well as [member="Crystal"]'s silent response, he responded to neither. Silver-green gaze remained permanently fixed on the interaction still unfolding before their very eyes. While his attention routinely encompassed everything happening in his immediate surroundings and often much more, the Sith Lord held a silent, reserved interest in the progress of the young Chiss. The question was...why? Did he fear for her safety? No, of course not, and he certainly was not concerned with the state-of-health maintained by their visitors.

Cameron did, however, care very much for the image of Moross, the safety of its larger population. The strength of belief was their principal weapon, and he could not very well have that damaged by failing to adhere to protocols established for interaction with the faithless, outsiders. Perhaps if this transgression had occurred on a border world, the outcome might yet be different. However, here on Exocron, the center of enlightenment, leniency was in short supply. Further more, neither Aatrox nor Cameron were known for their kind and understanding nature. It was [member="Oka Osaa"]'s misfortune that the Goddess Inari had returned to the Pantheon. That [member="Amorella Mae"] was not here to whisper into the back of Cameron's mind, encouraging a more benevolent solution. Rest assured...that in no way made the woman weak or without conviction.

Clearly...she's in my head even when she isn't here...

Eventually, Cameron's gaze drifted from their guests to [member="Ashra'syle'nuruodo"]. His instructions, his will were made clear without even a brief consultation with the Stewardess and Priestess to either side of his body. "Have security catalog their information. Arrange to have them and their belongings transported to the first neutral world beyond our borders. Then return their belongings." Briefly, the Sith Lord's silver-green gaze flicked to the visitor's before settling back on the Chiss. "Wipe the navicomputer of the vessel utilized to arrive here as well."

Another pause.

"Priestess Carter. Their memories. Adjust them prior to their departure." His meaning was clear - they were to have no...recollection of their journey here but explicit memory of what happened as a result of crossing the Crusade. He knew she was perfectly capable of doing this...though it might not be entirely pleasant. "That will be all, Acolyte." Turning, Cameron retreated back towards the Temple's interior...but not before calling out to Loxa. "Stewardess. I wish to have a few words."
Smirking as Mit tried to provoke her the Deimos wasn’t so easily pushed to do something. She holstered her weapon inspecting the weapons the other mercenary laid out in front of them. She wondered how he managed to carry so much without sacrificing speed or agility. “I take my orders from no one but those that pay me friend, but I am also not so easily provoked, you’d have to try a lot harder than that.”

Signalling the soldiers to get the two to their feet in binders so they could be loaded onto a vessel for transport Siara strutted up the steps towards the temple stopping the Chiss on her way down the steps. “Presume to order me around acolyte and you will quickly find your tongue removed.”

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"hm, theres not much more for me to do to provoke you princess." he muttered. and before the guards could get him moving his jumped up and kicked them in the side of the head

"I'm not going anywhere." he said viciously, as he reached down, pulling a knife from his boot.

"Hope you don't mind Siara, but your little friends here are not taking me anywhere." he called, and kicked another guard in the stomach.
[member="Siara Vorru"]
Nodding slightly as Aatrox gave his orders the Acolyte rose from her kneeling position carrying the lightsabers back towards the two being stopped by the mercenary Deimos she simply smiled, the other woman had no concept of who or what she was dealing with and if it ever came down to it Ashra’syle’nuruodo would be happy to demonstrate. She stopped in front of [member="Oka Osaa"] as the guards brought both men to their feet as a transport was prepared. “The deal is you will be taken to neutral space and released, after your memory of this incident is modified appropriately so you don’t recall the events that transpired today. Pray that I do not modify the terms of that agreement further."

Waiting on Crystal to approach the Chiss guarded both men carefully the transport was brought down onto the landing pad beside the Deimos ship. Just as the guards tried to bring [member="Mit Tuxaire"] to his feet watched him kicked one guard in the side and another in the stomach.

"This foolishness ends now." Stepping foward the Chiss grabbed the man by the foot he had just finished planting int the stomach of a guard and pushed backwards to unbalance him as she dropped and swept her other leg towards the leg he was planted on. She activated her lightsaber waiting for whatever response he would come up but how he responded didn't matter much if he didn't desist she had no qualms with killing him.


Well-Known Member
He could care less if the sith killed him. He was enraged. he slowly got to his feet again, hiding his knife behind himself. and, looking her up and down, he muttered nearly silently, "Whos the fool?" and kicked her in the knee, with as much force as he could, and lunged at her knife in hand.
Catching [member="Mit Tuxaire"]s blow into her knee the Chiss grunted letting the motion buckle her knee. She responded as the mercenary started at her with a weapon of some sort. She grabbed his hands in her own and pushed the knife off to the side slamming it and the man’s fists into the ground to try and break his grip on the weapon. As he closed on her she wrapped her legs around his midsection and slammed an elbow into his temple looking to disorient him as guards tried to control the bound man. Ashra’syle’nuruodo glared at them all she pushed on their minds with the skills she had recently learned from her master forcing them back out of fear of what retribution she would bring on them should they interfere with her dispatching this mercenary.


Well-Known Member
He never lost his grip on a weapon, never. He kept the knife in his hand no matter how hard the sith smashed it. When she hit him in the head he was a bit disoriented but it never mattered, in a fight the objective was easy, kill your enemy.

He head-butted the girl, and swung her around, slamming her face first into a pillar, he hit her in the back of the head with his knee as she was still falling, and started to bring the knife down at her head.
Taking the head-butt straight into her nose the Sith woman cracked grabbed at it as he lifted her and tried to slam her into a nearby pillar. Using the force she launched herself around the pillar and the falling knee not even giving the mercenary the opportunity to bring his knife near her head at all. Ashra’syle’nuruodo rolled backwards behind [member="Mit Tuxaire"] and kicked him hard in the rear end to send him forward as she pushed off the ground with the assistance of the force and carefully aiming her knee drove it towards the neck of her assaulter while at the same time grabbing at the man’s hands again to force the knife around towards him.


Well-Known Member
He gave a furious howl, dropped his knife and twisted her wrist as far as it would go, turning he caught her leg and used the current force to slam her into her own wrist, jumping up and running at the guards he tackled one, and grabbed his blaster, and pointed it at [member="Ashra'syle'nuruodo"]s head. "Now whos in charge huh little miss princess of the sith?" he taunted, completely aware that she could kill him anytime she wished, he was infact qurius why she hadn't already.
The weapon pointed at Ashra’syle’nuruodo as she cradled her wrist she used the force to draw the weapon away from the hands of the mercenary into her own hands pointing it at him. She smirked at the man as he pulled the trigger unleashing a flurry of blaster fire on the mecenary as other guards reacted to his assault on their friend firing their own weapons. “Certainly not you."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
He ducked, this was getting hectic... now the guards were shooting to? he rolled between two of the guards and grabbed one of them, using him as a shield he started to back away from the sith. "You could just let me go... then this whole thing could just end..." he sneered. and took the guards pistol, aiming it at her.


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