Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Round [Dragon School]

Having their master make his way to the three of them, and then start in on individual lessons - were they lessons? They felt like personal lessons... - made Eenia look away from the boys she was being taught with and instead focus straight ahead, so that when master DragonsFlame got to her, she was already looking at him when he approached.

When he spoke up to her, she felt heat color her cheeks immediately and her brow creased until it nearly met in the middle. It was hard for her not to show concern towards others, she had always been that way. And yet she knew he was right. If she stopped to check on anyone in the heat of battle? She would end up hurt - or worse.

"Yes, master." she let out, both to his words and to his request. She did her best to take a steadying breath so that she could refind her focus and remember what she had been shown. Slowly she started back in on the swings, doing her best to recall what she had seen, and while her technique was no where near perfect, at least she remembered how it was done.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Seskel Sangrey"], [member="Skye Felindar"]
His gaze first went to [member="Seskel Sangrey"] and he seemed to almost be able to feel the change in Seskel's tune, he could sense the darkness fading from the air, in a way, and he would nod his head in approval before moving back to [member="Skye Felindar"]. After helping him with his form, and showing him the examples, Josh would let go of Skye's training saber and allow him to try to mimic the movements on his own. He watched carefully as he would find his rhythm, and nodded his head once again in a way that indicated he approved here too.

Then it was time to move to [member="Eenia Vahn"].

"Checking on someone is fine, but you need to mind if you're fighting. If you take your eye off your opponent, then you will only end up with two people injured, not just one. You will learn to be able to sense if your ally if alive as you develop in the Force, but you need to learn when to focus on your fight and when to check on an ally" Josh would elaborate, indicating she wasn't wholly doing wrong, but she was also doing so in a way that would only endanger herself and those around her. "Remember, you can't do chit for your friend if you're dead" He pointed out bluntly.

Her technique could use work, but she at least knew some basics. Though he figured he could help a little.

"You two" He spoke toward Seskel and Skye. "When you feel you've done enough, take a row toward the wall. Once all three of you are set, we will move on" He would order before taking hold of Eenia's training saber and beginning to do the same as he did with Skye.

"Like this" He spoke as he would move the saber with her still holding onto it. "Can you mimic these motions, Eenia?"
Skye focused on his technique as he listened to the instructions his master gave to the others. He wanted to learn from others as much as possible at an accelerated pace. After the instruction was given to line up he quickly took a step towards the wall. He stumbled almost immediately as his knee buckled. He didn't realize he was injured that bad. With a grimace on his face he limped to the wall trying to walk through the pain.

Once he reached the wall he started stretching again to keep the lactic acid from building in his knee. Whilst stretching he looked toward Seskel and noticed his breathing seemed to have evened out and he looked focused. Skye started to feel a bit embarrassed at his lack of seriousness when the others seemed to be giving their all.

His gaze shifted then to Eenia as she fumbled her way through the motions. A fleeting thought passed his mind as he watched. He thought of how cute she seemed to look while flailing around uncoordinated. He shook the thought away and instead closed his eyes, then took a deep breath. He wanted to focus more on the next task so as not to klutz this one up too.
With a short and fast exhale through the nose, Seskel closes the blade to his training saber and makes his way to the wall. He stands about a foot away from it and clasps his hands behind his back, his right hand in a fist around the chrome hilt of his saber. He makes a slow glance towards Skye's knee, then trails along his body to his eyes, looking forward at both his Master, and the blonde girl he hasn't quite gotten the name of. It's kind of hard to remember anyways.

A small gulp is audible from him. He honestly is trying his best not to lash out. Anger flows through him very quickly, and sometimes he has a bit of a hard time controlling his rather, darkened impulses.

'She's like an ewok with an X-wing.' He thinks to himself, straightening his posture.
Eenia felt her cheeks flush crimson when she was reprimanded for the way she had reacted to the situation. Though reprimanding wasn't really the right way to describe it. Their Master was right of course, and Nia knew this. In the heat of battle, stopping to make sure someone was alright could get them both killed, and that just wasn't acceptable by any means, in any scenario. She had already come to this conclusion of course, but now she felt somewhat foolish rather than just embarrassed.

When her training saber was taken hold of while she still had it in hand, she had to adjust a bit because the positioning was uncomfortable. But eventually she relaxed enough that when she was shown what to do and how, she was no longer doing as such stiffly.

Once asked if she could mimic the movements, she nodded her head, "Yes, Master." she answered him, concentration clear on her face now even with the flush of her cheeks still present.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Seskel Sangrey"], [member="Skye Felindar"]
He kept his focus as he would show her the movements she needed to use, and would watch patiently after he had asked Eenia to try to mimic them. He would wait for her to show that off. Though whether she did or not, he would stop afterword when he seemed to sense that [member="Skye Felindar"] had injured himself far worse than planned. Holding up a hand to indicate that the lesson was at a standstill for a moment, looking toward Eenia and quickly noting "Practice and I'll get back to you in a moment to ensure you're ready to move on", Josh would walk over to Skye and lean down to check on him.

"What's the issue? Where's it hurt?"

[member="Eenia Vahn"] - [member="Seskel Sangrey"]
Pulling up the leg of his pants Skye revealed a large black and purple bruise that covered his knee completely. He looked at his master with an apologetic expression.

"Well, that's one way to push your limits." He said as a smiled started to appear on his face. "Not to worry, it should be quick to mend.", He added.

He stole a quick glance at Seskel to see if he had also found a little humor in this situation. Something had to lighten this guys mood even a little. His eyes darted back to Eenia to read her persona. She seems to be really straitlaced as well.

With a sigh he looked back to his master and saw only focus in his eyes. The feeling of lonliness started to creep up on him. He needed to get to know his comrades better. He wanted the feeling of friendship and comradery.
Josh let out a a sigh as Skye showed the bruise. "I got it" He spoke. He knew that the bruise would hamper Skype's speed, and so Josh needed to take care of that since Skye didn't have the experience to do so on his own. He would hold out a hand, and close his eyes as he would begin to use the Force to close the skin around it, a simple feat of Force Healing. The pain would mend, just as the skin would recover, and soon enough the pain would stop. It wasn't a huge wound, so it didn't take long and Josh was able to do so without too much trouble, and even do so with a complete recovery.

"Alright, on your feet. Line up, all of you! We're moving on!"
Eenia had continued to practice the move set like she had been shown, and did as such until it felt natural rather than forced. This change was visible, as her body had relaxed and she moved with more fluidity rather than the stiff uncertainty she had before hand. She wasn't very good with this particular aspect of things, but she was at least determined to try - and it seemed to pay off at least.

She did catch whatever was going on with Skye from the corner of her eye, and once they were told to line up? The training saber was deactivated and she did as she was told. However, curiosity had now gotten the better of her.

"Master?" she looked to Josh after having glanced at Skye, "What is it that you just did?" she questioned, and again her gaze went to Skye curiously.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Skye Felindar"], [member="Seskel Sangrey"]
While he waited for Skye and Seskel to line up, Eenia had inquired about the power he had used to heal Skye. He turned toward her then, and after pondering a moment, the Jedi Master would begin to explain.

"The power is called Force Healing" Josh would start. "It channels the energy of the Force to accelerate the body's natural healing processes, allowing for wounds to be healed and closed over, and even in some cases for broken bones to be mended if you put in a lot of time and a lot of energy. It's not as good as a bacta tank, but it's good to have on the field" The Jedi would explain. "It does take quite a bit of energy to use though, always monitor your stamina intake."

He then looked toward the other two. "Oi! Look alive, get moving! I said line up!"

[member="Eenia Vahn"] - [member="Skye Felindar"] - [member="Seskel Sangrey"]
Skye leapt up to his feet once the pain alleviated. "Ooh!oh yeah! Now that is what I call..... 'Hands on' training!", he blurted out through a fit of laughter. Once he calmed down he looked to his master with a grin, "I'm sorry master. A good pun is too hard to pass up".

He looked to the others hoping that they had found a little humor in his antics. The mood felt a bit awkward and heavy for the last few minutes. He didnt want to trudge the rest of the way through that drowning feeling for throughout training.
Skye's reaction had made Eenia giggle softly, and then bite her lip so that she could keep herself in control. This was a lesson after all, and the fact that their Master then turned to answer her question was further proof of that.

The explanation caused the blonde to look at her hands, palms up, and then open and close her hands a few times. The Force could be used to heal? That honestly seemed like something that would be right up her alley - if she could manage to both learn and control it, that is.

But having him bark out at the boys reeled her back from whatever thoughts she had drifted to, and her focus shift back to their Master as she put her hands back to her sides and awaited further instruction.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member='Skye Felindar"], [member="Seskel Sangrey"]
The sound of Josh's voice piercing through the rather silent room broke him out of concentration and brought a spike of anger through him. Part of him wants to lash back out, but that might not be the best of ideas, since this is the man that can turn his day from decent to entirely screwed up at the drop of a hat. He darts his eyes to Josh and powers off his training saber, before walking to the line that their master is wanting to form.

Once in place, he widens his stance just a bit and cuffs one hand to his opposite wrist, keeping them folded behind his back.

"Yes. Master."

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Eenia Vahn"], [member="Skye Felindar"]
Seskel did not hide his anger well, and it wasn't hard for Josh to take notice. "Seskel, breathe" Josh would order. This young man had been troubled by the dark side a few times, and while he had come back, he did need to be watched. But more importantly, he needed to be guided. He needed to be shown the way to where he would be able to overcome his darkness. Having anger was not a bad thing... It was what you did with it that dictated your path. Would you go the path of the dark side and use your anger for strength? Or would you learn from the cause of it, and become more knowledgeable? Knowledge was more powerful than actual power in many cases.

Though Skye's pun got a small smile out of him, and he had to look away from the group a moment to stifle a laugh. Josh could appreciate a good pun. Or a bad pun in this case.

"Tell me, Skye..." He would begin as he would start to pace between the lot of them. "What... Is brown and sticky?"

He would stop before Skye.

"A stick."

With that in mind, he would return to the lesson.

"Alright, grab your training lightsabers of choice from the rack. We're going to be covering lightsaber forms."

[member="Eenia Vahn"] - [member="Skye Felindar"] - [member="Seskel Sangrey"]
"May we grab two?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at Josh in question. He likes the flow of things a lot better with two. He also feels a bit more safe. More defense, more attack. Though he hates to show it, the joke his master cracks, makes a small grin come to Seskel's lips, along with a quiet snort. He quickly straightens his face and sighs softly, looking at the saber hilt he has firmly grasped in his hand.

"It's not of an old training type of thing. Just more comfortable."

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Eeina Vahn"], [member="Skye Felindar"]
Eenia's brow had creased when the puns were made, and she stared for a moment before cracking a smile herself. She lift a hand and pressed her fingers against her lips and even giggled softly.

However, once their Master started talking about training again, Nia had bobbed her head in a nod and went to the rack. She walked it slowly with one of her hands out, her fingers extended thought she wasn't quite touching any of them. There was no real concentration on her face, just curiosity, and then she stopped and withdrew one of the training sabers from the rest and made her way back to the line. Once back in place, she stood and waited for further instruction, though she did glance at the boys occasionally to see what they would choose.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Seskel Sangrey"], [member="Skye Felindar"]
And there it was! Finally! The little piece of oasis in the drought of seriousness. A little bit of paradise can go a long way in a desert of hardship. Skye steeled his resolve and picked up a training blade.

"Master, do any of these make a difference?", he querried as he picked up another. "I'm used to weapons with weight. Is there one that may make me feel a bit more comfortable?" He questioned turning both on.

His imagination started to paint a picture of the things he could try out for training. Flourentine is his forté, but nothing was set in stone as to how things were turning out for stances and styles. Skye turned off the second blade and put it back. He wandered over between Seskel and Eenia and took the stance they made earlier. He wasnt sure if he looked silly, but its the only stance he now knew.
"Go for it" He told Seskel when he asked. "If you find a blade that is more fitting to your style, use it. It will likely be the style of lightsaber that you build later in your training."

Skye would ask if there were any weapons with weight, and he would nod his head. "We don't have many, lightsabers are meant to be as lightweight as possible, after all. But... Let's see..."

He would go through the cabinets nearby, until he found something that may be more his speed. They were rarely made into training sabers, but they were around. "Catch" He spoke as he would toss a training Greatsaber toward him. "These sabers are much bigger, and have a bigger blade. They're the most I have for a single blade that would have weight" Josh would explain. "They're not ordinarily for smaller races like Humans, but... Well, if you want something with weight, go for it. If it doesn't work, could try a double blade like Seskel."

With that, he would turn to the three of them.

"You will spar each other, one on one on one. As you go, I will be instructing you on the different forms of lightsaber combat."

[member="Skye Felindar"] - [member="Eenia Vahn"] - [member="Seskel Sangrey"]
Wait, they were going to what? "Wha..." Eenia felt the word start to leave her mouth before she could stop it, and immediately she felt ice pool in her veins. They were going to what?!

Her gaze shifted side to side, taking both boys into account. It didn't bother her that they were bigger than her, that wasn't a factor. Now, the fact that the weapons were bigger, and more or them, or whatever the case may be. Now that was a problem in Eenia's eyes. It was bad enough to be pitted against the boys when she had serious lacking in her saber usage, but to be pitted against them in a three-way spar was insane, especially when she was outclassed from weapons to usage.

Yes, she knew those thoughts were horribly negative, that it wasn't going to do her any good to think about these things, but she couldn't help it. She was not good with a lightsaber - training or otherwise. She was still learning, still getting basic moves down! So this? This was absolutely terrifying to her.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Seskel Sangrey"], [member="Skye Felindar"]
Seskel looks along the wall of training sabers, his eyebrows furrowing a bit. He finally sets his eyes on a set of lightsabers that he grabs without a moment's hesitation. The hilts are curved, much like Count Dooku's, but with more of a, "Light Side," touch. He smiles and walks over to the other two, taking his stance slowly, a small smirk plastered on his lips.

He is very excited about this spar...

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Eenia Vahn"], [member="Skye Felindar"]

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