A few minutes before...
Amygda frantically tried to rebond with the mass of tissue but now it was rebelling on instinct. None of the personalities were truly alive without the central host, but the mass of tissue containing all that data instinctively sensed it's new host didn't quite have the stomach to commit to the bit, so to speak, and the mass of force powered tissue actively resisted bonding, exhausting her. The writhing mass of pale tissue strewn with golden blonde hair strands, misshapen tissue occasionally formed a face of one of the stored personas within it, including Countess Belasko herself on occasion.
Only her power kept it from leaving her fully, but she was having severe trouble reconnecting. But she simply hadn't counted on Belasko having
that strong a personality...and she marveled that it's previous host had not been utterly consumed by being this vile woman for so long.
It was wriggling on the floor when it's cells instinctively sensed it's old host. She was very near, and seeking her personas out, making It's struggle with her become Titanic, the sounds within the dressing room scaring the daylights out of everyone. No one intervened, afraid of becoming mixed up in an impromptu horror story silently whispered among those discontent with the horrible cult that ruled Khemost.
Amygda now had a decision to make.
If the storage could not be made to serve the light's interest...it would need to be destroyed, which, though an
incalculable loss to House Io, would be an incalculable loss to an abomination like her or Vivian. You just
didn't destroy personality storages. It just wasn't
done without the most severe, extenuating circumstances to justify the loss of knowledge, of technique on this scale.
But the fact remained...for all her power, she was not strong enough to assimilate the writhing data before her without risking rebirthing a totally evil and sadistic Arianna Belasko because she became too consumed by the roleplay. Absolutely no one, NO ONE, on Khemost wanted to risk that. A fully reborn, truer to the text Arianna Belasko would turn Khemost into an even more open air slaughterhouse than any Cultist ceremony ever could have. NO ONE would really be safe from a
realistic Arianna Belasko. The Arianna Belasko that Nathan Bloodscrawl had rejected a marriage proposal from after one solid look into her blue eyes... BEFORE she got Force Powers. He hadn't even been
OR...she could copy her personality into the tissue. Sure it would just become another form to Vivian, but perhaps, it might be one with greater influence.
Amygda's face parted from her skull, revealing wriggling bits of glowing green muscle covering a black skull that sprouted tendrils and crawled down an arm, leaping into the pile of writhing tissue and dissolving into it almost on contact. Her face regrew quickly on her skull as she released her hold on the tissue with a sigh and departed the dresser to make haste. She would need all her skill now to depart this place with her life...
The tissue skittered along the floor, and concealed itself with Draco once Vivian sensed it to her surprise and held off remerging with it while Draco started to look for her.
"Draco. Let her go. Let her slip through. We'll get her later. She's not going to be able to leave for several hours due to the orbital screening process for foreign goods being scheduled today. She will
hide. Right now, we need to fix our
immediate problem..." Vivian insisted quietly gently pulling her back from going any further.
"Let's find somewhere private..."
FIfteen minutes later...
Vivian had slyly stealthed her and
Draco Miles
through the mall.
"I'm so sorry about all this, Draco, I really
DID mean to just give you a day of fun, but as they say in my line of work...Force Spawn's gonna Force Spawn." Vivian said glumly as she led Draco up top to where it snowed.
Vivian then summoned the Tissue away from Draco, the non sentient yet rich with data mass of flesh skittering towards her outstretched hand.
Yet it went still, writhing disgustingly in the snow.
Vivian crouched down...
"It's over stressed. I can't remerge with it like this. I try to reconnect, and I'll induce cellular breakdown, destroying the data, and Arianna Belasko along with it. But if I don't remerge with it eventually it will die anyway...and the information won't recover in its current state in time before it does..."
And for a brief moment, she was going to do just that. Let it die. Let Arianna Belasko, the evil hypocrite who had enjoyed the benefits of being Countess of Khemost for over a decade now, protecting the Doves
Percival Io
secretly fought for, while innocent people everywhere else on countless fringe colonies
died to sate The Parliament's bloodlust,
She genuinely considered just wiping out Arianna for good. She had
never liked being the vain, self absorbed woman, to comfy to give more than token cover to the Doves by hiding their activities across the planet. Too happy to let The Cult corrupt her beloved House as long as she protected all those she genuinely loved. She was a vain, selfish monster, Cult or no Cult, no matter how watered down Vivian made her. Just ditch Arianna's mask and thoughts once and for all, take Draco, teach her like a proper light adept and RUN.
But would Draco want to leave? And
could Vivian give up being Arianna?
Because, the truth, Vivian finally admitted to herself, staring at the bubbling mass of teeth and blond hair, copies of Arianna's eyes occasionally appearing on its surface, blinking, before rolling upwards and vanishing back into the mass, was that she had
enjoyed it. She hated being Arianna. Yet she also enjoyed it. She enjoyed the vain thoughts, the struggle of restraining the personas murderous impulses. The thrill of indulging them even slightly.
In that instant, the Master Force Spawn learned the final and foremost lesson of her kind:
It was always said that the host could not act out of character, or they wouldn't be able to maintain channeling of the persona. When in truth the Persona was whatever you perceived it to be. It never did anything unless the host truly wanted to do it. It was HER that was guilty, in the end, not the pleasant face Draco saw most of the time. Phyre had understood this truth as she had understood many things better than her so called enemies in spite of her bloodlust. In the end, no matter WHO the original Amalgam had once truly been, it was
Phyre who had ended up making that face what it was to others more than it's original owner ever had. Yet in a double irony, Phyre's face was all but unknown to Khemost's populace. A master roleplayer to the very end. To this day it was not
the face of Phyre that was remembered by Laertia, but that of
The Amalgam
who she had absorbed into herself.
Vivian stared at the mass as Arianna's face formed on its bubbling surface briefly.
She was very deep in thought now. If she destroyed Arianna, all her authority in House Io would likely go with it. Then she would no longer be able to safeguard Percival and the Doves. But the Arianna Belasko that had protected him would
never resort to rebellion to save those who could be saved from the Cult.
Arianna would have to be fundamentally altered, and Vivian along with her...but to do that the remerger at the psychological level would need to be permanent and irrevocable. It would be the only thing that could save the data. But to sacrifice Arianna was to sacrifice the Doves Protection from a Cult VERY actively seeking them.
Vivian held out her hand, condensed the tissue into a solid, stiff mask of shiny pale flesh in the shape of Arianna's face. Now was her chance to be free. She would never get a better one. She might not be free ever again if she went through what she was considering.
"Draco..." Vivian trailed, leaning against the railing. "We should talk."
She held up the face mask of Arianna, still slightly shuddering and bubbling on the surface.
"There is only one way to save Arianna at this point...and...I'm...conflicted..." Vivian admitted.
"I can remerge with Arianna...but I have to do it in such a way that I would never be able to undo. And what would result would no longer be quite the Arianna you knew...and I might very well never have the strength to re emerge..." Vivian said.
"For over a decade now, it is this face you have seen. Her voice. Her thoughts. Given sustenance by me. I regret not emerging more, but it's very difficult to stop being her. I will do it. But...I need the truth from you before I decide..."
Vivian walked up to her. She was so different from Arianna. It really was like talking to a completely different person. None of the usual aristocrat charm and confidence.
"For a long time now, I have considered you a true and dear friend..." Vivian said. "But I never truly knew your thoughts on the matter. Do
you consider me a friend? Or...or am I only your friend when I am Arianna?" Vivian asked sincerely of Draco.
"I can do that. I can be her permanently. I..." Vivian fell silent, grappling with the decision.
"I just want to know if I myself matter to anyone on my own. If I ever mattered to
anyone beyond who I could
pretend to be in even the
tiniest bit..."