"I will live, Apprentice. But thank you for your concern..." Vivian assured. She still didn't have the energy to transform, and wouldn't until she found a source of power sufficient enough to trigger an "overdose".
"Don't try to Force it, Draco...for now, we should continue ahead..."
Ten minutes later.
Vivian felt both awed and repulsed by the level of wealth she saw all around her as they walked.
"How did Khemost
get this much wealth?" David wondered.
"Centuries upon uncounted centuries of conquest. Khemost was one of the most well kept secrets of the Ancient Sith. It's last known ruler was A Sith called Darth Mammon..." Vivian explained.
"My daughter spent the entire Third Imperial Civil War looking for this place. She scoured the Galaxy for clues..." Vivian added, stopping at the rusted over door to a chamber of stone, slightly ajar. She got out Arianna's red double bladed Lightsaber, activating it as she entered.
The insides of the chamber had been burned by something and she wasn't exactly certain what until she saw the well of Spirit Ichor within the center. It's containment had broken down.
Vivian's flesh shuddered violently at the power present and she instinctively went forward to examine it.
"It's been here a long while, Vivian muttered. "I guess it was used for experimentation..."
She felt it some more through the Force. Breaking that Gravity Trap on
Draco Miles
had done a number and Vivian had been operating in a deficit. Vivian sighed. She needed the energy, but new she wouldn't be able to stop herself from taking in too much.
She got so little freedom, being stuck as Arianna. Someday, she feared she would one day become so absorbed playing Arianna, she would never be able to emerge again, and at that point, Arianna might as well have never been killed.
But that gravity trap had put her in deficit, and deficit was a dangerous thing to be in the Great Vault of Khemost.
"Draco, stand back..." Vivian instructed, suddenly hating that Arianna couldn't exist without her.
Before she could try to absorb the Ichor into herself, she stopped, sensing something...
Daggers of light, extra juice poured into them were flung from her hands, slamming into invisible creatures, cloaked
Rakghouls, which ignited as the daggers impacted, flaying about as they fell dead...
"Don't ever enter the vault without me or back up like David..." Vivian warned as she concentrated...
Her flesh shuddered incredibly violently as she absorbed the Spirit Ichor into her body. The overdose occured in seconds, happening almost faster than her metabolism could adapt. Steam started to shoot out of expanded pores on her skin and David backed right the hell off from the sheer squick of it.
Vivian felt the change occur rapidly, but she had never felt so blended into Arianna, so dominated by her Personality she could make barely a peep.
Vivian vanished, flesh and mind resetting into Arianna, who stared at Draco as she opened her eyes, flesh rippling on her face, veins glowing green for a second, flesh supercharged. The master Witch rapidly forced her flesh to be still and the color of her veins to return to normal, but right now, she felt like she had drank a gallon of coffee.
"LikeohmygodshowintheworlddidIgethere?" Arianna spoke like a chatterbox, unable to slow her speech down. "Dracoareyoualright??!"